Changes in Virtuemart 1.0.2¶
---- VirtueMart 1.0.2 released ----
19-01-2006 soeren
Deleting a product didn't delete the product <-> product type relationship,
so you couldn't delete the product type
16-01-2006 soeren
Task #443 - Registration not possible with .info domain
Task #418 - Can't assign multiple product types to a product
Task #417 - Changing status to 'C' for auth net settle del. trans ID!
product list not showing all search options
Using recent Itemid instead of 1, when the Shop has no own Itemid
Task 412 - no tax on attributes
Task 413 - wrong price on details page when using quantity-based prices
+ added Australia Post shipping module by Ben Wilson (
mosproductsnapshot Mambot wouldn't correctly display linked images
+ Download ID "hack" by Eugene, wooly, scott, joomlasolutions!
Customers can get their download IDs for downloading files
directly from the order details page (products are linked)
+ showing filesize for files which are listed on the product details page (by djlongy)
11-01-2006 soeren
Task #433 Blocked message (popup) on registration
27-12-2005 soeren
mod_productscroller not using category ID for filtering products
20-12-2005 soeren
^ silently registered users don't have to remember their old usernames now (Task #385 returning hidden/silent users can't use the same email address)
order list: searching by user names won't work
15-12-2005 soeren
product prices can be zero or empty now. When the product price is left empty in the product form, an existing price will be deleted and no price will be added.
^ PayPal payment extra info now subtracts order and coupon discounts from the order subtotal
^ Now it's possible to checkout with $0 in the cart. Allows free purchases using gift coupons.
Tax total is zero although user's country/state combinination has a matching tax rate record (when CHECKOUT_STYLE = 3 or 4)
Task #364 "thank you for your patience...": wrong Waiting list link
Task #386 "New user couldn't be added"
10-12-2005 soeren
currency_convert including wrong DOMIT files.
user list has no valid user id in the delete link (deleting didn't work)
07-12-2005 soeren
Task #63: Prices are stored in the session and do not change on update
wrong xhtml syntax in mod_virtuemart_search
Task #374: Incorrect "Title" wording on [Featured & Discounted Products] Screen
Task #372: Product Search doesn't work when Joomla Caching is ON
(product search pages were cached, so the search function could only be used once)
04-12-2005 soeren
"product_list" search not working, when a category is selected
^ Extra Fields are now visually integrated in the registration form, not appended at the end
^ more debug output in standard_shipping module (only when DEBUG is turned on)
01-12-2005 soeren
^ attributes are formatted now in the order print screen - just as in the frontend
+ attributes of child products (which were selected by the customer) are stored now which each order
fixed a bug in the frontend order listing (account maintenance section), which showed no search box and page navigation
fixed a bug in global.php, where an administrator, which has no record in the table
jos_vm_auth_user_vendor wouldn't get the vendor information (and see prices in the backend with no decimals)
30-11-2005 soeren
added a routine to unpublish mambo-phpShop mambots on upgrade
added checks for the existance of files which are to be loaded
added a check if $ps_shopper_group is an instantiated ps_shopper_group object to admin.user_form.php
renamed all occurences of $PHP_SELF to $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
fixed a bug in the page navigation on the browse page (document.adminForm is null or not an object)
Updated by Roland Dalmulder about 15 years ago ยท 1 revisions