Changes in Virtuemart 1.0.3¶
---- VirtueMart 1.0.3 released ----
11-03-2006 soeren
syntax error in shipping.rate_form.php
10-03-2006 soeren
Task #325 Log out does not work
missing $mosConfig_absolute_path in currency_convert.php
07-03-2006 soeren
many short tag fixes (< ? => < ?php )
Task #566 - DescOrderBy doesn't work with SEF
more ps_session class fixes to work on Joomla 1.0.8 & Mambo 4.6
seems to me as if some Joomla 1.0.8 users are suffering serious Session problems now
^ setting memory_limit to 16M when it is lower
+ multiple tax rate details in order email
04-03-2006 soeren
short php tags in shop.manufacturer_page.php
Task #551 - Cart showing extra products after adding first item
Task #562 - Discount deletion problem
02-03-2006 soeren
Task #432 - missing ST address in order_user_info when using default address
Task #482 - error with multiple mod_virtuemart
Task #541 - IE gets error in admin orders
View by Manufacturer: Products without prices not shown
+ new global variable $VM_BROWSE_ORDERBY_FIELDS, contains all sort-by fields for the browse page
^ moved $orderby code to shop.browse.php and shop_browse_queries.php
+ new configuration constant: VM_BROWSE_ORDERBY_FIELD can be [product_name|product_price|product_cdate|product_sku]
+ added "ob_start" to the session class to prevent HTML output BEFORE the template is loaded ( Task #553 - Product Display)
^ tax rates in drop-down list in product form are ordered by rate, descending now
28-02-2006 soeren
tax total calculated based on product tax rate when TAX_MODE = 1 (store-address based tax mode)
Task #536 - vendor info page error
page navigation on browse pages contained the live site URL.
22-02-2006 soeren
standard shipping module doing wrong number_format when amount is greater than 999.99
fixed: multiple tax rates / subtotal re-calculation when discounts are applied
ps_product_category::get_cid => category ID query not executed
attribute prices being displayed without tax, although "show prices including tax" is active
totals getting stored without decimals: changed "setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, 'en' )" to "setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, 'en_US' )"
+ page title on order details page in account maintenance
checkout login form using sefRelToAbs for $return
^ using the same "Add-to-cart" image as in product_details in browse page now
tax rates were stored with 0.0000 value
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_product_mf_xref` CHANGE `product_id` `product_id` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL
Store multiple-tax-rates details for each order when applicable
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_orders` ADD `order_tax_details` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `order_tax` ;
21-02-2006 soeren
Task #525 - USPS shipping module: User details SQL query
order email: text part had ugly HTML entities in it (e.g. € )
^ file downloads (paid downloads): reading and sending the file is now handled by a new function
(previously: readfile, now: vmReadFileChunked )
fixes for compatibility with Joomla 1.1.x, still maintaining backwards compatibility with Mambo
- added $vmInputFilter to global declaration list in virtuemart.php
- virtuemart module dealing with wrong module paths
- ps_perm needed its own ACL manipulation methods
- ps_session doesn't need to append "&Itemid=" in the backend
17-02-2006 soeren
When price field left empty and product had no price, a price record (0) was added.
Task #456 - Foreign adress give error on checkout
If you leave the ZIP start or end fields empty, automatically "00000" or "99999"
is inserted. This was a trap for many users.
Task #515 - Problem with after upgrade
Task #519 - Fatal error when adding a manufacturer
linkpoint class using wrong user information query (ps_linkpoint.php)
order list query error
+ order and user list can be filtered by full name now
(before it was possible to search for the first name OR the last name, not both at the same time)
14-02-2006 soeren
Task #514 - add to cart URL does not always work
Task #509 - Deleting manufacturer bug
Task #495 - Related products list doesn't update with new products:
now displaying 2000 related products instead of 1000.
Task #483 - fatal error in admin.user_form.php in line 101
Task #480 - Various Errors (one fatal) in vm_dtree.php
Task #474 - Changing default flypage is broken
Task #473 - Free Shipping broken: SQL statement in global.php
Task #471 - The script sleight.js isn't loaded when SEF URLs is on
Task #468 - wrong variable in standard_shipping.php
Task #455 - Silent registration not working
"empty cart bug" using Mambo 4.5.3h
Task #502 - Deleting User From VirtueMart
Task #486 - HTTPS Error In Virtuemart.cfg.php (not every server uses port 443 for secure connections)
Updated by Roland Dalmulder about 15 years ago ยท 1 revisions