



Installation of VirtueMart 2

Getting the files:

Step 1:
Download the latest stable version of VirtueMart from this location:
[] (Watch latest release date)
At the top of the download page you will also notice test versions. These may include new features and bug fixes as well as
some new bugs. Using these versions on a life internet site is not recommended. Please use test versions for testing only!

Step 2:
Unzip (!) the downloaded file
This will extract two more zip-files:
• - which holds the main VirtueMart component.
• - which holds all modules and plugins essential for VirtueMart.


Step 3:
First (!), install the component via the Joomla Extension manager.
This will install the Virtuemart 2 core component files.

Step 4:
Second (!), install the component (aio = all-in-one) via the Joomla Extension manager.
This will install the free modules and plugins supplied by the Virtuemart Team all at once. (Doesn’t include any modules
and plugins from 3rd party delvelopers)

If you need some help on how to use the Joomla installer, you will find it at these links:

Joomla 1.5.x: []
Joomla 2.5. or newer: []

Updating VirtueMart 2 with provided zip-packages:

The procedure to update VirtueMart 2 to a newer version is the same as for the installation described above.
The update/install procedure will update all the files, and the database tables if required.

You should always update BOTH, the main component with installing and the modules and
plugins with

You can also use the built in Akeeba Release System to update Virtumart 2 to the latest stable version.
It is available in both parts, the main component installer and the modules and plugins installer.
In this case, you must also update BOTH components.

Images used above:

Updated by Jörg Kiekebusch almost 12 years ago · 21 revisions