



Changes in Virtuemart 1.1.0 RC2

--- VirtueMart 1.1.0 RC2 released ---

11.03.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1897 - Page navigation is wrong after default Display Items change (J1.5+VM1.1)
    11.03.2008 thepisu
  3. Task #1877 - Language not being picked up consistently
  4. Task #1883 - 'Specify the minimum Age' hard coded
  5. Task #1886 - confirmation_email.tpl translation
08.03.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #1882 - Default 'Image unavailable'
  2. Task #1879 - PDF generator in Product List & Product Details generates gif error
07.03.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #1878 - Template breaks when in Account Maintenance
  2. Task #1677 - When no child is presend and List box for child is selected error is shown
  3. Task #1880 - PDF creation fails on shop.browse page
06.03.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #1497 - Badly formatted Recommend the Product email
    - Removed enquiry_english.html
    + Added enquiry_email.tpl.php
  2. Task #1412 - Don't show feed icons when feeds are disabled in the general config settings
05.03.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1874 - Confirmation email Ship To, State wrong
  2. Task #1875 - "No image" points to the wrong directory(didn't cotain the image file) in shop.browse.php
05.03.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #1875 - "No image" points to the wrong directory (didn't cotain the image file) in shop.browse.php
  2. Task #1841 - Attribute Price calculation with group price not correct
  3. Task #1691 - Discount price shows wrong on flypage, baket is correct
  4. Task #1876 - Ask a question about... is not working (restored enquiry_english.html)
  5. Fixed vendor confirmation email missing order items
  6. Fixed missing product attributes in confirmation emails
04.03.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1873 - Adress is missing in Checkout adress
    + new Flypage Template Parameter "product_availability_data" (Array), so product availibility can be customized
  2. Task #1870 - product packaging
  3. Task #1869 - Custom attribute - remove "add to cart " in browse page?
  4. Task #1868 - double quote to remove in addtocart_drop.tpl.php
  5. Task #1865 - Please make sure the form is complete and valid.
  6. Task #1864 - Confirmation email- wrong shipping country
  7. Fixed "Security Token not found" Message on Joomla! 1.0.15 when magic_quotes_gpc = Off (ps_main.php)
04.03.2008 thepisu
  1. Task #1845 - PHPSHOP_USER_FORM_TITLE should not be used in ps_product_attribute
  2. Task #1852 - Missing language in Canada post.
  3. added various translation strings (module "common")
  4. Task #1524 - During checkout state is cut offed and county uses ISO code.
  5. added translations strings for update check feature (modules "common" / "admin")
  6. "Back to Joomla! Administration" was not translated on Joomla 1.5
    (can't initialize correctly mosConfig_lang, passed to JS throug "lang" parameter)
    ! added ability to pass GET parameter to JS files, if not using fetchscript (was ignored)
  7. vmAbstractObject validate function was considering "0" as empty
    (i.e. was unable to insert new "0" level user group)
  8. producted user groups not correctly checked (was able to delete core groups)
03.03.2008 soeren
  1. too long words in reviews break the site layout
  2. Task #1862 - Random Product Module: table layout don't output correct xhtml
  3. Task #1860 - cannot send order, error and wrong page after step 4
02.03.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1810 - When Product Price field is empty on the category view error is given.
  2. Task #1858 - Language Strings in rel 1284
    ^ Order Details pages show all custom user fields now
    - removed email_*.html (localized email templates)
    ^ changed Order Confirmation Email to use a php-based template (/order_emails/confirmation_email.tpl.php)
    + custom registration/user fields are sent with confirmation email now
29.02.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #1415 - no account creation bug
  2. Fixed missing global variable when adding custom attributes.
  3. Task #1832 - Flypage not change on product browsing...
    29.02.2008 soeren
  4. Task #1815 - Cancelling user field it creates a blank / empty user field
  5. Task #1816 - User fields, value section sometime is shows sometime it doesn't
  6. Task #1833 - quantity ,drop down list, add to cart
  7. Task #1834 - list of prices, thanks Valerie!
  8. Task #1848 - In IE7 it is possible to move a product into the same category, doing so results in product being placed in no category
  9. Task #1839 - Empty name, empty price in product list (extended layout)
  10. Task #1851 - Quantity Start and Quantity End language strings missing from List Prices
  11. Task #1800 - mod_virtuemart_manufacturers said "No manufacturers defined!"
  12. undefined var "product_parent_id" in product.product_display.php
    ^ Saving some queries on product price retrieval + product field retrieval
  13. Task #1853 - Additional image upload not working
27.02.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #1849 - Missing field values in Joomla 1.5
26.02.2008 soeren
+ added basic VirtueMart Version Updater Functionality. It requires two new functions: ###
INSERT INTO `jos_vm_function` ( `function_id` ,`module_id` ,`function_name` ,`function_class` ,`function_method` ,`function_description` ,`function_perms`)
VALUES ( NULL , '1', 'getupdatepackage', 'update.class', 'getPatchPackage', 'Retrieves the Patch Package from the Servers.', 'admin'),
(NULL , '1', 'applypatchpackage', 'update.class', 'applyPatch', 'Applies the Patch using the instructions from the update.xml file in the downloaded patch.', 'admin'); ###
  1. Task #1844 - Moving product to another category gives error
26.02.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #1842 - Can't put no order-by on admin (and so in the user interface)
    ^ Added $Itemid to template variables for browse_orderbyform.tpl
    ^ Changed all theme class names to vmTheme for easier theme creation (Task #1822)
    26.02.2008 thepisu
  2. Task #1835 - Add Product Type menu label
  3. added many translations (modules common/admin)
  4. minor fixes
20.02.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #1811 - first query doesn't execute in ps_product_product_type::delete_record()
    20.02.2008 soeren # Task #1473 - ps_product_category.php timeout
18.02.2008 gregdev
  1. Fixed - clicking save button on account.billing incorrectly returns to store.index with J! 1.5.1 SEF enabled
  2. Fixed - Call to a member function on a non-object ($vm_mainframe) in checkout_register_form
15.02.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #1556 - Added native Joomla! 1.5 .xml file for vmproductsnapshots plugin
  2. Added missing global $database in virtuemart_parser.php
15.02.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1793 - moving products to another category give fatal error
  2. Task #1556 - mosProduct Snapshot not working in Joomla 1.5
15.02.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #964 - Silent registration through mod_virtuemart shows user name/password
    + Added vmGenRandomPassword() ( to replace mosMakePassword() )
  2. Added missing $mosConfig_absolute_path (for com_securityimages support)
14.02.2008 thepisu
  1. updated languages: finnish, hungarian, russian, italian
    ^ updated Argentine currency
  2. fixed typo
14.02.2008 gregdev
  1. Unchecking "Show Prices including tax?" results in PHP Notice.
  2. Fixed unreachable code in ps_shopper_group->add().
    ^ Removed 'yes/no' text from "Show Prices including tax?" checkbox
  3. Task #1790 - User-defined "User Registration Field" of type 'Checkbox Single' doesn't work (thanks to pyh)
  4. Task #1779 - Notice: Undefined variable: option
13.02.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1785 - Semicolon missing in theme.css file
  2. Bug in ps_product when using product types with apostrophes
12.02.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #1670 - Discount price field does not save value.
12.02.2008 soeren
  1. Manufacturer ID left empty in product form when only one manufacturer present
  2. Task # 1706 - Deselection of Sort Order in Configuration not working
12.02.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #1779 - Installation archive files don't get deleted in Joomla 1.0.x
11.02.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1683 - When a word in category contain ' apostrophe in mod_virtuemart the categories are not displayed
  2. Task #1729 - JS cook menu type give error in Internet Explorer
  3. Task #1755 - Blank Notice on Add Tax Information
  4. Task #1778 - Converting cent to dollar amount
09.02.2008 gregdev
^ Set default for 'Show on shipping form' to 'No'
  1. Ensure that system user fields (sys=1) do not have their names changed.
  2. Row not added to #__vm_order_user_info when order is confirmed.
09.02.2008 soeren
  1. Operation Aborted Error in IE when browsing products + Lightbox'ed Links enabled
  2. Task #1745 - mod_virtuemart_allinone error
  3. Task #1702 - When save Store image missing
  4. Task #1766 - Account Order Details: Fatal Error in account.order_details.tpl.php on line 322
08.02.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #1425 - Changing User fields have no effect in frontend Shipping Addresses section
    ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_userfield` ADD `shipping` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `registration`;
    INSERT INTO `jos_vm_userfield` VALUES (NULL, 'address_type_name', '_PHPSHOP_USER_FORM_ADDRESS_LABEL', '', 'text', 32, 30, 1, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, NULL);
    UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='company';
    UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='first_name';
    UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='last_name';
    UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='middle_name';
    UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='address_1';
    UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='address_2';
    UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='city';
    UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='zip';
    UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='country';
    UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='state';
    UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='phone_1';
    UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='phone_2';
    UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='fax'; ###
08.02.2008 soeren
^ Added getUserStateFromRequest Handler to vmMainframe
  1. preventing empty Orders (throws a critical error)
  2. Task #370 - Sorting Products by Price on shop.browse is wrong
    ^ Task #1039 - Bug in adding new Product gui - discounts
    ^ Task #1377 - mark downloadable Order Items
07.02.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #1710 - Basic and Advanced component parameters (added config.xml to virtuemart.j15.xml)
07.02.2008 thepisu
  1. Updated Finnish lang files (translation by Mauri)
  2. Task #1735 Translation bug in admin product menu
  3. Task #1738 Translation bug in admin special products
  4. Task #1736 Translation bug in product atribute
06.02.2008 gregdev
+ Added the ability to set product, category, flypage, or page in a Joomla menu item
  1. Fixed missing slash in install (for loading sql sample data)
    ^ Suppressed error messages when extracting tar.gz files during installation
    ^ Cleaned up the component .xml files
06.02.2008 soeren
^ tax rate list contains 0% tax rate now by default
^ when deleting files from a product, the actual file is not removed from the server when it's used by a different product
  1. Task #1769 - Users, Shopper Groups not functioning as expected in front-end and admin (also: # Task #1752 - Bug in adding a user to a shopper group)
  2. Task #1746 - downloadable products are not published
  3. changed default admin "layout" from extended to standard
  4. fixed javascript errors in the file form (standard layout)
05.02.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1750 - Two slashes on paths in install.php
  2. Task #1747 - Problems with apostrophe in product edit window
  3. Registration with automatic login wasn't working on Joomla! 1.0.14
    ^ not all "required" registration fields must be filled in by a storeadmin when adding a new user (just system fields like name/password/email are really required)
  4. Logged Errors were not displayed in Simple Layout

04.02.2008 soeren
+ added new registration field types for "Captcha" and Age Verification (using simple date drop-down lists)
Captcha uses Walter Cedric's com_securityimages ( and is only available if that component is installed!

04.02.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #1745 - mod_virtuemart_allinone error
    + Restored the special.png image for the all-in-one module
  2. Task #1741 - Error in mod_productscroller.php
    ^ Adjusted dates/versions inside module .xml files
01.02.2008 gregdev
^ Ability to choose featured (special) products only for product scroller (thanks Michel Beek!)
^ Added separate module builds for Joomla! 1.5 in the ant build script.
  1. Added Joomla! 1.5 .xml install files for the VirtueMart modules.
    ^ Made module names consistent and cleaned up the module descriptions.
  2. Task #763 - ScrollWidth does not effect Width of Productscroller /w Fix
  3. Task #1692 - Payment Method List in Admin panel not work
30.01.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1731 Category Thumb not displayed when dynamic thumbnail resizing is enabled
    30.01.2008 gregdev
  2. Task #1733 - Missing argument 2 for vmredirect()
29.01.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1727 - Layout error after installation
  2. Task #1725 - Frontend admin link error
28.01.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1725 - Frontend admin link error
  2. Admin Product List in Frontend didn't allow Price Management due to wrong URLs
27.01.2008 thepisu
  1. Changed peruvian currency (Peruvian Nuevo Sol)
  2. updated SQL files
  3. small fixes in languages
26.01.2008 gregdev
  1. Restore $VMVERSION fix (for install)
  2. Fixed Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 2 to be resource (compat.joomla1.5)
  3. Variable can't be assigned by reference (account.order_details)
25.01.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1717 - Security Token message when saving shipping address in backend administration
  2. Task #1715 - Publish/unpublish check mark buttons not working in IE, when clicked it give 404 error
  3. Task #1479 - Backend - Cancel shipping address takes user back to user list
25.01.2008 gregdev
  1. Fixed another undefined variable $VMVERSION warning (during install)
  2. Removed reference to non-variable for PHP4 (virtuemart_parser)
24.01.2008 gregdev
^ Allow access to download area from mod_virtuemart_login
  1. Task #1711 - User registration work is not complete
  2. Obtain language variable correctly
  3. Task #1676 - Class 'mosCommonHTML' error when trying to add parameters to product type
  4. Task #1652 - use of deprecated method mosCommonHTML::loadCalendar()
  5. Task #1701 - Ask a question about this product give error with legacy plugin off
    ^ Cleaned up the install (especially for Joomla! 1.5)
  6. Added missing logging constants to the default config file
  7. Fixed undefined variable $VMVERSION warning
  8. Use vmMail (instead of mosMail) when creating a user in VM backend
21.01.2008 mwmills
! @MWM1 used in source code comments.
+ Logging & Debugging enhancements: See new modules: classes/Log/LogInit.php & classes/DebugUtil.php for more information.
^ $vmLogger is now a composite logger. Use $vmDisplayLogger for display-only msgs, use $vmFileLogger for file-only msgs, and $vmLogger to send msgs to both display and file.
  1. Fixed a bug in classes/Log/display.php - referred to class 'Log' instead of 'vmLog'.
    ^ Added some formatting options to classes/Log/file.php
    ^ Changed "if (DEBUG == 1)" logic to use new vmShouldDebug() function (inside DebugUtil.php), which also checks if IP address-specific debugging output is enabled (so you can debug without affecting other customers.)
    ^ Changed admin.show_cfg.php to add new logging & debug-related configuration parameters.
    ^ Modified all language files in language/admin with ENGLISH versions of new logging & debug-related text strings. Translators need to convert strings to other languages.
21.01.2008 soeren
  1. double/triple VirtueMart Frames after being logged out and logging back into Joomla! and going back to VirtueMart (related to Tasks #1695 and #1696, but that was a Joomla! 1.0.13 issue)
  2. Pressing "Cancel" after Saving returns to standard Joomla! Admin Interface (Extended Layout only)
  3. Task #1690 - Bad filenames for Products and Categories with non-ASCII chars
  4. Task #1689 - Invalid Token during login in joomla! 1.5
    21.01.2008 thepisu
  5. Task #1637 Missing VM_RECOVER_CART language string
  6. Task #1673 NotifyMe language bug
  7. added translations for various strings (in module 'common')
16.01.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1681 - Problem with Page Navigation - (1st page in product list)
    15.01.2008 soeren
  2. Task #1675 - Currency module give fatal error
  3. Task #1674 - When no sort order is selected in Available "Sort-by" fields configuration, error is given
  4. additional File Upload not working correctly on Windows Systems
  5. Task #1659 - ß as attribute value
  6. Task #1669 - Browsing categorys end in redirect error
    15.01.2007 thepisu
  7. Task #1667 Categorylist, OderList icon names
14.01.2008 soeren
^ updated modules for J! 1.5 (still don't install with disabled Legacy Mode)
^ Updated Currencies Module to work on J! 1.5 (shows a select list with all available currencies now)
14.01.2008 thepisu
  1. Task #1660 Replace PHPSHOP_ERROR message with real message
  2. Task #1663 CVS upload link in VM backend is redirected to a not found page
    ! modified Javascript handling menu items, if target is '_blank' or '_top' JS is ignored
13.01.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1665 - Class 'mosphpmailer' not found when trying to register user in Joomla 1.5
  2. Task #1664 - Empty page after last step in checkout
  3. Task #1661 - Missing argument 6 for vmMail() when trying to registration user in Joomla 1.0.13
11.01.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1655 - Call to undefined function mosmail() - user registration
  2. Task #1656 - Mambots not working in product description
  3. Task #1654 - PHP Task #27626 html_entity_decode bug
  4. Task #1658 - Module permission form error
10.01.2008 gregdev
  1. Task #508 System allow a end-date before the start-date for discount
    10.01.2008 soeren
  2. Task #1653 - Call to a member function setQuery() error message
09.01.2008 thepisu
- removed no more used CSV-related language strings
09.01.2008 soeren
  1. fixed InputFilter Class forTask #1574 and Task #1581: errors in HTML in product descriptipion
    ^ optimized query in dynamic_state_list function (not running a query for each country, but just one now)
    - removed CSV Upload from VirtueMart Core (CSVImproved handles CSV Import/Export much better:
    ^ last called page is correctly remembered now (important for Administration) and loaded when returning to VM ADMIN

08.01.2008 gregdev
^ Set usertype in Joomla! 1.5 shopper registration (ps_shopper)
^ Native Joomla! 1.5 compatibility changes for mod_virtuemart
^ Change how we get $my in virtuemart_parser for Joomla! 1.5 (native and legacy support)

08.01.2008 thepisu
  1. Added translations for various strings (modules product/shop/store/zone)
08.01.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1591 - Add product in Modify Order incorrectly opens Order Status Change tab
  2. Task #1649 - htmlTools.class listFactory->newRow() not holding class, id or attributes
  3. Task #1648 - Incorrect Product Type parameter separator in product_type table
  4. Task #1647 - Double menu buttons are shown
  5. Task #1645 - Call to a member function loadBotGroup error when trying to browse product
07.01.2008 thepisu
  1. Added translations for various strings (modules admin/affiliate/checkout/help/order)
07.01.2008 soeren
  1. Toolbar not visible in Product Form Popup under Joomla! 1.5
  2. Task #1634 - Attribute name with äöüß not work
  3. Task #1638 - Layout Tabs not working in Internet Explorer
  4. Task #1640 - require_once virtuemart_parser.php in virtuemart.php
  5. Task #1643 - Error message in "Parameters of Product Type"
  6. Category won't save when no WYSIWYG Editor is enabled []
    - removed some Javascripts for a smaller component archive
    removed: Scriptaculous, Behaviour, Lightbox(2 + "gone wild"), LiteBox, WindowJS
05.01.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1636 - Manage User Fields - mosHTML Class
03.01.2008 thepisu
+ Re-added some language strings previusly deleted.
  1. Removed extra comma in english common language.
  2. Various fixes in language files.
02.01.2008 soeren
  1. Task #1611 - Search with Keywords that contain quotes/apostrophes doesn't work
  2. fixed Email Receipt not being sent by Email Server because of violation of sender policy framework (thanks to Jens Kirk Foged from Sunburst WebConsult for reporting)
    + added protection against CSRF (using the parameter "vmtoken" to verify the
    validity of a request that will execute a function through the parameter "func" in admin mode).
02.01.2008 thepisu
^ Task #1268 Language strings modularization; a lot of strings moved + cleaning
  1. Task #1624 Admin area problem, caused by error in extlayout.js.php
    (JTable class was missing, added in compat.joomla1.5)
  2. Task #1620 Danish language file - corrupt charset (+ fixed all langs)
29.12.2007 gregdev
  1. Fixed "unable to add new discounts" (ps_product_discount)
22.12.2007 gregdev
+ Added vmArrayToInts() to replace mosArrayToInts() (ps_main)
  1. Use vmArrayToInts() instead of mosArrayToInts() (virtuemart_parser)
  2. Removed call to mosCommonHTML::loadOverlib(), cleanup, added javascript to open contact form (admin.user_form)
    ^ Register mosUser for autoloading until a better solution is found (compat.joomla1.5)
    ^ Fixed spelling error (english.php)
  3. Removed mosGetParam() for native Joomla! 1.5 compatibility (get_final_confirmation.tpl)
  4. Use VirtueMart's DATE_FORMAT_LC (ps_checkout, reviews.tpl)
  5. Removed CAN_SELECT_STATES (admin.user_address_form, account.shipto.tpl)

21.12.2007 gregdev
^ More changes for Joomla! 1.5 native compatibility.
^ Register mosMenuBar for autoloading.

21.12.2007 soeren
  1. Task #1619 - Unable to install VM 1099 in Joomla 1.5 RC4+
    ^ when modifying a product via Frontend Admin => Click "Edit" Icon, the user is returned to the site correctly now (index.php, not index2.php)
    ^ more changes for Joomla! 1.5 native compatibility. VirtueMart should now run without Legacy Mode.

19.12.2007 soeren
^ added "_JEXEC" to all file headers + more changes to achieve Joomla! 1.5 native integration
18.12.2007 soeren
+ added extended Search Mambot by Alejandro Kurczyn (one version for Joomla! 1.0 + Mambo, one native for Joomla! 1.5)

18.12.2007 thepisu
^ Task #1268 Language System Modularization (1st step - made structure and moved all strings to "common")
! build scripts changed to reflect new folder structure (languages/MODULE/LANGUAGE.php)
! actually no change needed for $VM_LANG->_() calls

17.12.2007 soeren
  1. fixed wrong queries in Sample Data SQL file
16.12.2007 soeren
  1. images of products with accented chars in their name weren't showing up on frontpage and product form
14.12.2007 gregdev
  1. Fixed typos in ps_export
  2. Fixed table creation for new product type
  3. Closing </table> tag in payment methods list
  4. Obtain _BACK string from VM_LANG (flypage-ask.tlp.php)
    ^ Moved advanced attributes select list to the template
12.12.2007 thepisu
  1. states list ordered by state name
  2. Task #1588 Can't edit group properties in Shopper Group List
  3. Task #1569 Multiple Prices and shopper group with % discount
    (shopper group percent discount was not working, also with single prices)
12.12.2007 soeren
^ Task #1582 - ps_session.php - checkSessionSavePath fails on custom session handlers
  1. Task #1594 - Apostrophe search word returns 0 results.
    (search for products with a single or double quote is possible now)
    ^ the advanced search now can handle multiple keywords (separated by a space)
    ^ when the Product Search returns 1 product, the customer is redirected to the details page of that product instead
    of the search result overview
  1. Task #1589 - User registration error when Affiliate is enabled / can not browse shop
  2. Task #1320 Adding a "Print" button in order.order_printdetails (hiding print button from print output)

Virtuemart 1.1.x

Updated by Roland Dalmulder about 15 years ago · 2 revisions