Changes in Virtuemart 1.1.0 RC2¶
--- VirtueMart 1.1.0 RC2 released ---
11.03.2008 soeren- Task #1897 - Page navigation is wrong after default Display Items change (J1.5+VM1.1)
- Task #1877 - Language not being picked up consistently
- Task #1883 - 'Specify the minimum Age' hard coded
- Task #1886 - confirmation_email.tpl translation
- Task #1882 - Default 'Image unavailable'
- Task #1879 - PDF generator in Product List & Product Details generates gif error
- Task #1878 - Template breaks when in Account Maintenance
- Task #1677 - When no child is presend and List box for child is selected error is shown
- Task #1880 - PDF creation fails on shop.browse page
- Task #1497 - Badly formatted Recommend the Product email
- Removed enquiry_english.html
+ Added enquiry_email.tpl.php - Task #1412 - Don't show feed icons when feeds are disabled in the general config settings
- Task #1874 - Confirmation email Ship To, State wrong
- Task #1875 - "No image" points to the wrong directory(didn't cotain the image file) in shop.browse.php
- Task #1875 - "No image" points to the wrong directory (didn't cotain the image file) in shop.browse.php
- Task #1841 - Attribute Price calculation with group price not correct
- Task #1691 - Discount price shows wrong on flypage, baket is correct
- Task #1876 - Ask a question about... is not working (restored enquiry_english.html)
- Fixed vendor confirmation email missing order items
- Fixed missing product attributes in confirmation emails
- Task #1873 - Adress is missing in Checkout adress
+ new Flypage Template Parameter "product_availability_data" (Array), so product availibility can be customized - Task #1870 - product packaging
- Task #1869 - Custom attribute - remove "add to cart " in browse page?
- Task #1868 - double quote to remove in addtocart_drop.tpl.php
- Task #1865 - Please make sure the form is complete and valid.
- Task #1864 - Confirmation email- wrong shipping country
- Fixed "Security Token not found" Message on Joomla! 1.0.15 when magic_quotes_gpc = Off (ps_main.php)
- Task #1845 - PHPSHOP_USER_FORM_TITLE should not be used in ps_product_attribute
- Task #1852 - Missing language in Canada post.
- added various translation strings (module "common")
- Task #1524 - During checkout state is cut offed and county uses ISO code.
- added translations strings for update check feature (modules "common" / "admin")
- "Back to Joomla! Administration" was not translated on Joomla 1.5
(can't initialize correctly mosConfig_lang, passed to JS throug "lang" parameter)
! added ability to pass GET parameter to JS files, if not using fetchscript (was ignored) - vmAbstractObject validate function was considering "0" as empty
(i.e. was unable to insert new "0" level user group) - producted user groups not correctly checked (was able to delete core groups)
- too long words in reviews break the site layout
- Task #1862 - Random Product Module: table layout don't output correct xhtml
- Task #1860 - cannot send order, error and wrong page after step 4
- Task #1810 - When Product Price field is empty on the category view error is given.
- Task #1858 - Language Strings in rel 1284
^ Order Details pages show all custom user fields now
- removed email_*.html (localized email templates)
^ changed Order Confirmation Email to use a php-based template (/order_emails/confirmation_email.tpl.php)
+ custom registration/user fields are sent with confirmation email now
- Task #1415 - no account creation bug
- Fixed missing global variable when adding custom attributes.
- Task #1832 - Flypage not change on product browsing...
29.02.2008 soeren - Task #1815 - Cancelling user field it creates a blank / empty user field
- Task #1816 - User fields, value section sometime is shows sometime it doesn't
- Task #1833 - quantity ,drop down list, add to cart
- Task #1834 - list of prices, thanks Valerie!
- Task #1848 - In IE7 it is possible to move a product into the same category, doing so results in product being placed in no category
- Task #1839 - Empty name, empty price in product list (extended layout)
- Task #1851 - Quantity Start and Quantity End language strings missing from List Prices
- Task #1800 - mod_virtuemart_manufacturers said "No manufacturers defined!"
- undefined var "product_parent_id" in product.product_display.php
^ Saving some queries on product price retrieval + product field retrieval - Task #1853 - Additional image upload not working
- Task #1849 - Missing field values in Joomla 1.5
+ added basic VirtueMart Version Updater Functionality. It requires two new functions: ###
INSERT INTO `jos_vm_function` ( `function_id` ,`module_id` ,`function_name` ,`function_class` ,`function_method` ,`function_description` ,`function_perms`)
VALUES ( NULL , '1', 'getupdatepackage', 'update.class', 'getPatchPackage', 'Retrieves the Patch Package from the Servers.', 'admin'),
(NULL , '1', 'applypatchpackage', 'update.class', 'applyPatch', 'Applies the Patch using the instructions from the update.xml file in the downloaded patch.', 'admin'); ###
- Task #1844 - Moving product to another category gives error
- Task #1842 - Can't put no order-by on admin (and so in the user interface)
^ Added $Itemid to template variables for browse_orderbyform.tpl
^ Changed all theme class names to vmTheme for easier theme creation (Task #1822)
26.02.2008 thepisu - Task #1835 - Add Product Type menu label
- added many translations (modules common/admin)
- minor fixes
- Task #1811 - first query doesn't execute in ps_product_product_type::delete_record()
20.02.2008 soeren # Task #1473 - ps_product_category.php timeout
- Fixed - clicking save button on account.billing incorrectly returns to store.index with J! 1.5.1 SEF enabled
- Fixed - Call to a member function on a non-object ($vm_mainframe) in checkout_register_form
- Task #1556 - Added native Joomla! 1.5 .xml file for vmproductsnapshots plugin
- Added missing global $database in virtuemart_parser.php
- Task #1793 - moving products to another category give fatal error
- Task #1556 - mosProduct Snapshot not working in Joomla 1.5
- Task #964 - Silent registration through mod_virtuemart shows user name/password
+ Added vmGenRandomPassword() ( to replace mosMakePassword() ) - Added missing $mosConfig_absolute_path (for com_securityimages support)
- updated languages: finnish, hungarian, russian, italian
^ updated Argentine currency - fixed typo
- Unchecking "Show Prices including tax?" results in PHP Notice.
- Fixed unreachable code in ps_shopper_group->add().
^ Removed 'yes/no' text from "Show Prices including tax?" checkbox - Task #1790 - User-defined "User Registration Field" of type 'Checkbox Single' doesn't work (thanks to pyh)
- Task #1779 - Notice: Undefined variable: option
- Task #1785 - Semicolon missing in theme.css file
- Bug in ps_product when using product types with apostrophes
- Task #1670 - Discount price field does not save value.
- Manufacturer ID left empty in product form when only one manufacturer present
- Task # 1706 - Deselection of Sort Order in Configuration not working
- Task #1779 - Installation archive files don't get deleted in Joomla 1.0.x
- Task #1683 - When a word in category contain ' apostrophe in mod_virtuemart the categories are not displayed
- Task #1729 - JS cook menu type give error in Internet Explorer
- Task #1755 - Blank Notice on Add Tax Information
- Task #1778 - Converting cent to dollar amount
^ Set default for 'Show on shipping form' to 'No'
- Ensure that system user fields (sys=1) do not have their names changed.
- Row not added to #__vm_order_user_info when order is confirmed.
- Operation Aborted Error in IE when browsing products + Lightbox'ed Links enabled
- Task #1745 - mod_virtuemart_allinone error
- Task #1702 - When save Store image missing
- Task #1766 - Account Order Details: Fatal Error in account.order_details.tpl.php on line 322
- Task #1425 - Changing User fields have no effect in frontend Shipping Addresses section
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_userfield` ADD `shipping` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `registration`;
INSERT INTO `jos_vm_userfield` VALUES (NULL, 'address_type_name', '_PHPSHOP_USER_FORM_ADDRESS_LABEL', '', 'text', 32, 30, 1, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, NULL);
UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='company';
UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='first_name';
UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='last_name';
UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='middle_name';
UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='address_1';
UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='address_2';
UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='city';
UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='zip';
UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='country';
UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='state';
UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='phone_1';
UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='phone_2';
UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='fax'; ###
^ Added getUserStateFromRequest Handler to vmMainframe
- preventing empty Orders (throws a critical error)
- Task #370 - Sorting Products by Price on shop.browse is wrong
^ Task #1039 - Bug in adding new Product gui - discounts
^ Task #1377 - mark downloadable Order Items
- Task #1710 - Basic and Advanced component parameters (added config.xml to virtuemart.j15.xml)
- Updated Finnish lang files (translation by Mauri)
- Task #1735 Translation bug in admin product menu
- Task #1738 Translation bug in admin special products
- Task #1736 Translation bug in product atribute
+ Added the ability to set product, category, flypage, or page in a Joomla menu item
- Fixed missing slash in install (for loading sql sample data)
^ Suppressed error messages when extracting tar.gz files during installation
^ Cleaned up the component .xml files
^ tax rate list contains 0% tax rate now by default
^ when deleting files from a product, the actual file is not removed from the server when it's used by a different product
- Task #1769 - Users, Shopper Groups not functioning as expected in front-end and admin (also: # Task #1752 - Bug in adding a user to a shopper group)
- Task #1746 - downloadable products are not published
- changed default admin "layout" from extended to standard
- fixed javascript errors in the file form (standard layout)
- Task #1750 - Two slashes on paths in install.php
- Task #1747 - Problems with apostrophe in product edit window
- Registration with automatic login wasn't working on Joomla! 1.0.14
^ not all "required" registration fields must be filled in by a storeadmin when adding a new user (just system fields like name/password/email are really required) - Logged Errors were not displayed in Simple Layout
04.02.2008 soeren
+ added new registration field types for "Captcha" and Age Verification (using simple date drop-down lists)
Captcha uses Walter Cedric's com_securityimages ( and is only available if that component is installed!
- Task #1745 - mod_virtuemart_allinone error
+ Restored the special.png image for the all-in-one module - Task #1741 - Error in mod_productscroller.php
^ Adjusted dates/versions inside module .xml files
^ Ability to choose featured (special) products only for product scroller (thanks Michel Beek!)
^ Added separate module builds for Joomla! 1.5 in the ant build script.
- Added Joomla! 1.5 .xml install files for the VirtueMart modules.
^ Made module names consistent and cleaned up the module descriptions. - Task #763 - ScrollWidth does not effect Width of Productscroller /w Fix
- Task #1692 - Payment Method List in Admin panel not work
- Task #1731 Category Thumb not displayed when dynamic thumbnail resizing is enabled
30.01.2008 gregdev - Task #1733 - Missing argument 2 for vmredirect()
- Task #1727 - Layout error after installation
- Task #1725 - Frontend admin link error
- Task #1725 - Frontend admin link error
- Admin Product List in Frontend didn't allow Price Management due to wrong URLs
- Changed peruvian currency (Peruvian Nuevo Sol)
- updated SQL files
- small fixes in languages
- Restore $VMVERSION fix (for install)
- Fixed Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 2 to be resource (compat.joomla1.5)
- Variable can't be assigned by reference (account.order_details)
- Task #1717 - Security Token message when saving shipping address in backend administration
- Task #1715 - Publish/unpublish check mark buttons not working in IE, when clicked it give 404 error
- Task #1479 - Backend - Cancel shipping address takes user back to user list
- Fixed another undefined variable $VMVERSION warning (during install)
- Removed reference to non-variable for PHP4 (virtuemart_parser)
^ Allow access to download area from mod_virtuemart_login
- Task #1711 - User registration work is not complete
- Obtain language variable correctly
- Task #1676 - Class 'mosCommonHTML' error when trying to add parameters to product type
- Task #1652 - use of deprecated method mosCommonHTML::loadCalendar()
- Task #1701 - Ask a question about this product give error with legacy plugin off
^ Cleaned up the install (especially for Joomla! 1.5) - Added missing logging constants to the default config file
- Fixed undefined variable $VMVERSION warning
- Use vmMail (instead of mosMail) when creating a user in VM backend
! @MWM1 used in source code comments.
+ Logging & Debugging enhancements: See new modules: classes/Log/LogInit.php & classes/DebugUtil.php for more information.
^ $vmLogger is now a composite logger. Use $vmDisplayLogger for display-only msgs, use $vmFileLogger for file-only msgs, and $vmLogger to send msgs to both display and file.
- Fixed a bug in classes/Log/display.php - referred to class 'Log' instead of 'vmLog'.
^ Added some formatting options to classes/Log/file.php
^ Changed "if (DEBUG == 1)" logic to use new vmShouldDebug() function (inside DebugUtil.php), which also checks if IP address-specific debugging output is enabled (so you can debug without affecting other customers.)
^ Changed admin.show_cfg.php to add new logging & debug-related configuration parameters.
^ Modified all language files in language/admin with ENGLISH versions of new logging & debug-related text strings. Translators need to convert strings to other languages.
- double/triple VirtueMart Frames after being logged out and logging back into Joomla! and going back to VirtueMart (related to Tasks #1695 and #1696, but that was a Joomla! 1.0.13 issue)
- Pressing "Cancel" after Saving returns to standard Joomla! Admin Interface (Extended Layout only)
- Task #1690 - Bad filenames for Products and Categories with non-ASCII chars
- Task #1689 - Invalid Token during login in joomla! 1.5
21.01.2008 thepisu - Task #1637 Missing VM_RECOVER_CART language string
- Task #1673 NotifyMe language bug
- added translations for various strings (in module 'common')
- Task #1681 - Problem with Page Navigation - (1st page in product list)
15.01.2008 soeren - Task #1675 - Currency module give fatal error
- Task #1674 - When no sort order is selected in Available "Sort-by" fields configuration, error is given
- additional File Upload not working correctly on Windows Systems
- Task #1659 - ß as attribute value
- Task #1669 - Browsing categorys end in redirect error
15.01.2007 thepisu - Task #1667 Categorylist, OderList icon names
^ updated modules for J! 1.5 (still don't install with disabled Legacy Mode)
^ Updated Currencies Module to work on J! 1.5 (shows a select list with all available currencies now)
14.01.2008 thepisu
- Task #1660 Replace PHPSHOP_ERROR message with real message
- Task #1663 CVS upload link in VM backend is redirected to a not found page
! modified Javascript handling menu items, if target is '_blank' or '_top' JS is ignored
- Task #1665 - Class 'mosphpmailer' not found when trying to register user in Joomla 1.5
- Task #1664 - Empty page after last step in checkout
- Task #1661 - Missing argument 6 for vmMail() when trying to registration user in Joomla 1.0.13
- Task #1655 - Call to undefined function mosmail() - user registration
- Task #1656 - Mambots not working in product description
- Task #1654 - PHP Task #27626 html_entity_decode bug
- Task #1658 - Module permission form error
- Task #508 System allow a end-date before the start-date for discount
10.01.2008 soeren - Task #1653 - Call to a member function setQuery() error message
- removed no more used CSV-related language strings
09.01.2008 soeren
- fixed InputFilter Class forTask #1574 and Task #1581: errors in HTML in product descriptipion
^ optimized query in dynamic_state_list function (not running a query for each country, but just one now)
- removed CSV Upload from VirtueMart Core (CSVImproved handles CSV Import/Export much better:
^ last called page is correctly remembered now (important for Administration) and loaded when returning to VM ADMIN
08.01.2008 gregdev
^ Set usertype in Joomla! 1.5 shopper registration (ps_shopper)
^ Native Joomla! 1.5 compatibility changes for mod_virtuemart
^ Change how we get $my in virtuemart_parser for Joomla! 1.5 (native and legacy support)
- Added translations for various strings (modules product/shop/store/zone)
- Task #1591 - Add product in Modify Order incorrectly opens Order Status Change tab
- Task #1649 - htmlTools.class listFactory->newRow() not holding class, id or attributes
- Task #1648 - Incorrect Product Type parameter separator in product_type table
- Task #1647 - Double menu buttons are shown
- Task #1645 - Call to a member function loadBotGroup error when trying to browse product
- Added translations for various strings (modules admin/affiliate/checkout/help/order)
- Toolbar not visible in Product Form Popup under Joomla! 1.5
- Task #1634 - Attribute name with äöüß not work
- Task #1638 - Layout Tabs not working in Internet Explorer
- Task #1640 - require_once virtuemart_parser.php in virtuemart.php
- Task #1643 - Error message in "Parameters of Product Type"
- Category won't save when no WYSIWYG Editor is enabled []
- removed some Javascripts for a smaller component archive
removed: Scriptaculous, Behaviour, Lightbox(2 + "gone wild"), LiteBox, WindowJS
- Task #1636 - Manage User Fields - mosHTML Class
+ Re-added some language strings previusly deleted.
- Removed extra comma in english common language.
- Various fixes in language files.
- Task #1611 - Search with Keywords that contain quotes/apostrophes doesn't work
- fixed Email Receipt not being sent by Email Server because of violation of sender policy framework (thanks to Jens Kirk Foged from Sunburst WebConsult for reporting)
+ added protection against CSRF (using the parameter "vmtoken" to verify the
validity of a request that will execute a function through the parameter "func" in admin mode).
^ Task #1268 Language strings modularization; a lot of strings moved + cleaning
- Task #1624 Admin area problem, caused by error in extlayout.js.php
(JTable class was missing, added in compat.joomla1.5) - Task #1620 Danish language file - corrupt charset (+ fixed all langs)
- Fixed "unable to add new discounts" (ps_product_discount)
+ Added vmArrayToInts() to replace mosArrayToInts() (ps_main)
- Use vmArrayToInts() instead of mosArrayToInts() (virtuemart_parser)
- Removed call to mosCommonHTML::loadOverlib(), cleanup, added javascript to open contact form (admin.user_form)
^ Register mosUser for autoloading until a better solution is found (compat.joomla1.5)
^ Fixed spelling error (english.php) - Removed mosGetParam() for native Joomla! 1.5 compatibility (get_final_confirmation.tpl)
- Use VirtueMart's DATE_FORMAT_LC (ps_checkout, reviews.tpl)
- Removed CAN_SELECT_STATES (admin.user_address_form, account.shipto.tpl)
21.12.2007 gregdev
^ More changes for Joomla! 1.5 native compatibility.
^ Register mosMenuBar for autoloading.
- Task #1619 - Unable to install VM 1099 in Joomla 1.5 RC4+
^ when modifying a product via Frontend Admin => Click "Edit" Icon, the user is returned to the site correctly now (index.php, not index2.php)
^ more changes for Joomla! 1.5 native compatibility. VirtueMart should now run without Legacy Mode.
19.12.2007 soeren
^ added "_JEXEC" to all file headers + more changes to achieve Joomla! 1.5 native integration
18.12.2007 soeren
+ added extended Search Mambot by Alejandro Kurczyn (one version for Joomla! 1.0 + Mambo, one native for Joomla! 1.5)
18.12.2007 thepisu
^ Task #1268 Language System Modularization (1st step - made structure and moved all strings to "common")
! build scripts changed to reflect new folder structure (languages/MODULE/LANGUAGE.php)
! actually no change needed for $VM_LANG->_() calls
- fixed wrong queries in Sample Data SQL file
- images of products with accented chars in their name weren't showing up on frontpage and product form
- Fixed typos in ps_export
- Fixed table creation for new product type
- Closing </table> tag in payment methods list
- Obtain _BACK string from VM_LANG (flypage-ask.tlp.php)
^ Moved advanced attributes select list to the template
- states list ordered by state name
- Task #1588 Can't edit group properties in Shopper Group List
- Task #1569 Multiple Prices and shopper group with % discount
(shopper group percent discount was not working, also with single prices)
^ Task #1582 - ps_session.php - checkSessionSavePath fails on custom session handlers
- Task #1594 - Apostrophe search word returns 0 results.
(search for products with a single or double quote is possible now)
^ the advanced search now can handle multiple keywords (separated by a space)
^ when the Product Search returns 1 product, the customer is redirected to the details page of that product instead
of the search result overview
- Task #1589 - User registration error when Affiliate is enabled / can not browse shop
- Task #1320 Adding a "Print" button in order.order_printdetails (hiding print button from print output)
Updated by Roland Dalmulder about 15 years ago · 2 revisions