



Changes in Virtuemart 1.0.11

--- VirtueMart 1.0.11 released ---

03.05.2007 gregdev
  1. Task #966 - Cleared credit card info when using non-credit card payment method.
  2. Fixed a text size bug in the product scroller.
03.05.2007 soeren
  1. Test Mode didn't work. The host is not used anymore. VM will use a POST var instead to indicate a test request.
  2. Response Codes were not correctly recognized due to a wrong setting of the encapsulation character for the response string.
27.04.2007 soeren
  1. Task #1273 - Error in creation of HTML confimation Email if more than a specific amount of products was ordered
  2. Task #1272 - Error in product attributes with attribute depending price modifier

30.03.2007 gregdev
^ Changed shop_browse_queries.php to use a LEFT JOIN for #__{vm}_shopper_vendor_xref (fixes empty categories when table entry is missing).

21.03.2007 soeren
  1. Task #1226 - VM Search in admin backend has problems with text strings using # symbol
  2. the variable PHP_SELF was not properly cleaned (virtuemart_parser.php)
15.03.2007 soeren
  1. JoomFish language setting is overwritten in virtuemart.cfg.php ( Task #1282 - Virtuemart does not apply proper language switching)
  2. CSV Upload not recognising correct Mime Type due to case-sensitive equality check

13.03.2007 soeren

  1. Task #1187 - Virtuemart does not redirect correctly if only 1 payment option is available. (ps_checkout.php)
  2. Task #1200 - checkout.thankyou shows empty page when order_total is 0 (checkout.thankyou.php)

Virtuemart 1.0.x

Updated by Roland Dalmulder about 15 years ago ยท 2 revisions