



Changes in Virtuemart 1.0.15

--- VirtueMart 1.0.15 released (11.03.2008) ---

06.03.2008 thepisu
Task #1466 - Canada Post shipping module missing language strings

04.03.2008 soeren
too long words in reviews break the site layout (ps_reviews.php)
Random Products Module: removed one useless "tr" tag being printed out (mod_virtuemart_randomprod.php)
Fixed "Security Token not found" Message on Joomla! 1.0.15 when magic_quotes_gpc = Off (ps_main.php)

23.02.2008 gregdev
german.php should just point to germanf.php.

20.02.2008 soeren
Task #1473 - ps_product_category.php timeout

05.02.2008 soeren
Task #1769 - Users, Shopper Groups not functioning as expected in front-end and admin (also: Task #1752 - Bug in adding a user to a shopper group)

31.01.2008 soeren
VirtueMart Module not calculating correct "validate" value for Joomla! 1.0.14 login

Virtuemart 1.0.x

Updated by Roland Dalmulder about 15 years ago ยท 4 revisions