Changes in Virtuemart 1.0.5¶
---- VirtueMart 1.0.5 released ----
07-05-2006 soeren
- Itemid issue: the shop was also fetching restricted menu items and used their Itemid, which resulted in "You're not allowed to view this resource..." (ps_session.php)
- added missing Itemid parameter in the product file list (ps_product_files.php) and the PDF-button link (virtuemart.php)
- Task #724 - Coupon discount becomes 0.00 when adding a new item (basket.php)
^ Updated the UPS and USPS shipping modules with the versions contributed by koltz & deneb
- Task #738 - shop.pdf_output.php creates a loop when /usr/bin/htmldoc is available (shop.pdf_output.php)
^ The length of some DECIMAL fields is not enough
# Allow Shopper group discounts up to 100.00%
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_shopper_group` CHANGE `shopper_group_discount` `shopper_group_discount` DECIMAL NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00';
# Allow bigger discounts than 999.99
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_product_discount` CHANGE `amount` `amount` DECIMAL NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00';
# Allow prices up to 9 999 999 999.99
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_product_price` CHANGE `product_price` `product_price` DECIMAL NULL DEFAULT NULL ;
# Adjust order item price
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_order_item` CHANGE `product_item_price` `product_item_price` DECIMAL NULL DEFAULT NULL ;
# Adjust order item final price
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_order_item` CHANGE `product_final_price` `product_final_price` DECIMAL NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00';
# Adjust order total, allowing totals up to 9 999 999 999 999.99
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_orders` CHANGE `order_total` `order_total` DECIMAL NULL DEFAULT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_orders` CHANGE `order_subtotal` `order_subtotal` DECIMAL NULL DEFAULT NULL ;
- Allow larger coupon amounts
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_orders` CHANGE `coupon_discount` `coupon_discount` DECIMAL NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00';
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_coupons` CHANGE `coupon_value` `coupon_value` DECIMAL NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00';
- Allow larger payment discounts
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_orders` CHANGE `order_discount` `order_discount` DECIMAL NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00';
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_payment_method` CHANGE `payment_method_discount` `payment_method_discount` DECIMAL NULL DEFAULT NULL ;
02-05-2006 soeren
- could not update or delete in/from cart for products with single quotes in their attribute name/value (ps_cart.php)
- Task #729 - additional address links in admin (admin.user_form.php)
- Task #733 - Discount causes error message in Order Details page (account.order_details.php
- Task #73 - Order Confirm E-Mail - Plain text & html text of Message differ (ps_checkout.php)
- fixed mis-aligned icons on administraton start page (ps_html.php)
- product type list & form missing an object (product.product_type_list/_form.php)
23-04-2006 soeren
+ Now it is possible to easily inform your customers about their order cancellation rightand your returns policy (as required by law in most european countries!)
=> added 3 new configuration parameters (affected files: ps_config.php, admin.show_cfg.php, checkout.index.php, language files)
! Update your configuration when updating from an earlier version
- hiding attribute price modifiers when the user has no permission to view prices (ps_product_attribute.php)
- Task #722 - Undefined index: coupon_discount in ps_checkout.php
- Task #721 - Trying to get property of non-object in shop.debug.php
- Task #720 - Undefined $VM_LANG in ps_config.php
- Task #719 - User list and user registration not compatible with UserExtended Component (ps_perm.php, admin.user_list.php)
- Task #715 - List Prices not showing since upgrade to 1.0.4 (ps_product.php, function show_prices)
- Task #560 - Clone Product with Child Products (added "SHOW" as result-returning-case ps_database.php)
- Task #675 - No permissions to view products after search (virtuemart.searchbot.php)
- Task #698 - Lost password link uses relative link instead of absolute (mod_virtuemart.php)
- Task #707 - Payment method at the end of the checkout is not shown (ps_checkout.php)
- Task #703 - Continue Shopping appears after modifying order details in shopping cart
^ registered users (logged in) who are NOT registered as a customer (no billing address and
no shopper group) now get the "default" shopper group id when browsing the shop. (ps_perm.php)
- Task #705 - Product Type Pagelinks are not working due to wrong $num_rows
- Task #706 - Session Problems in Mambo 4.5.3h (closing opened sessions when session.auto_start=1, ps_session.php)
- search for the correct flypage lead to endless loop (ps_product.php)
- Task #686 - VirtueMart and Mambo 4.6.0 (admin.user_form.php. virtuemart_parser.php)
- Task #646 - Search according to Parameters incorrect query
- Task #642 - Set Locale Error (virtuemart_parser.php)
02-04-2006 soeren
- Task #632 - get_flypage doesn't take into consideration parent products (ps_product.php)
- Task #631 - Customer Unable to Remove Data from Bill To / Ship To Fields (ps_shopper.php)
- Task #629 - PayFlow Pro does not handle 4 digit expiration dates gracefully
- Task #511 - Discount % percentage is ignored by cart (ps_product.php)
- Page redirection on error from Ship-To address from fixed, thanks TJ! (account.shipto.php)
30-03-2006 soeren
^ integrated the changes to the class by Daniel Wagner ( wrong object names in PayPal notify.php script lead to a fatal error
- Task #656 - "Remember Me" must be enabled to checkout, checkout_registration_form.php
- tooltip function: added charset parameter to encode UTF-8 strings too, htmlTools.class.php
+ introduced a new function called "vmGetCharset" to return the current charset from the _ISO setting (UTF-8 by default), ps_main.php
- query error in ps_affiliate.php
- fixed reviews listing ("More..." - link when more than 5 reviews exist for a product) in the frontend (ps_reviews.php)
- fixed page navigation on product review list in adminsitration (product.review_list.php)
+ customer name on order list (thanks to deneb!), (order.order_list.php) - Fixed PayPal notify.php script:
- wrong field name (` order_currency` instead of `order_currency`)
- checking received currency and amount against database - parameter search query missing a `
27-03-2006 soeren
- version.php causing fatal error regarding "class vmVersion previously declared..."
- Prices visible to all users, although restricted
- Admin Menu not visible with chinese language file (htmlentities missing third (=Charset) parameter)
- CSV Export doesn't export parent product SKU (parent-child relationship gets lost)
- fixed a small typo in the product scroller module
Updated by Roland Dalmulder about 15 years ago ยท 4 revisions