Changes in Virtuemart 110 » History » Revision 1
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Roland Dalmulder, 02/14/2010 05:54 AM
Changes in Virtuemart 1.1.0¶
--- VirtueMart 1.1.0 released ---
23.04.2008 soeren- quantity in stock is checked against quantity in cart only on cartAdd and cartUpdate events, not on checkout
- Task #2036 - add/edit user information page
- Task #1687 - Don't do extra lookup for tax when in EU mode and with EU shopper; always refresh tax calculation
- Task #2037 - Fatal error using coupon submit without coupon code or with non-existent coupon code
^ Added 'none' to the list of states (for countries that have states) in tax.tax_form.
- Task #1687 - Refactored for simplicity. It is equivalent to the previous version.
- Task #2009 - Session not handed over when switching to shared SSL
- Task #2033 - Number of products will be shown even though the function is disabled.
^ updated ExtJS to version 2.1
- Task #2032 - In Internet Explorer 7 width of layout in administration is to wide.
- Task #1999 - $zone_qty variable is not set
- Task #1687 - Discount price calculated wrongly (fixed for VM 1.1.x - not VM 1.0.x)
- Fixed typo in checkout.epay_result
^ Add start date to discounts created through override method - Choosing '0
none' as the product discount should clear the product discount price - Fixed typo in English
^ Right align prices in the basket
- Task #2024 - user id not set when writting review
- Task #2028 - button_ok.png in ps_image is missing
- Task #1922 - No related products list
- Task #2025 Hard coded label
^ updated portuguese translation (uploaded by Puppycare)
^ updated german translation (uploaded by iamalive)
^ updated hungarian translation (uploaded by pedrohsi)
- Task #1976 hardcoded language string in ps_checkout.php
- Task #2010 backslash in token text hides all text
- Task #2018 Hard coded strings shipping files and emails (partially: only enquiry_email.tpl.php)
- Task #2017 - ps_coupon.php 'gif' instead of 'gift'
- Corrected syntax errors (%s) in common/french.php.
^ switched from ExtJS 1.1.1 to ExtJS 2.0.2
- product list doesn't filter by parent ID when a category was selected
- dropdown list of child products had no pre-selection after selecting a child product
- Task #1687 - Discount price calculated wrongly (fixed for VM 1.1.x - not VM 1.0.x)
- Task #2007 - Account Maintenance alway visible after first login
- checkbox for "Disable Shipping ..." in the configuration form, tab "shipping". - Task #1933 - Security Token Error when submitting form after a while
- Task #2002 - Related products shows only 10 products
- Task #1981 - please make sure the form is complete and valid - error (removed the configuration parameter MUST_AGREE_TO_TOS, handled by the userfield manager!)
^ it's possible to place an order without having a Joomla! user account now (registration type: NO_REGISTRATION and OPTIONAL_REGISTRATION)
the user will be logged out after having placed the order - Task #1998 - Unable to save Joomla registration update in extended layout.
^ removed the requirement of being logged in to make downloads (the function downloadRequest has permissions set to "none" by default now)
- Task # 1687 - Discount price calculated wrongly (fixed for VM 1.1.x - not VM 1.0.x)
^ In Simple Layout, the product form opens into the full browser window, not a new window
^ Go back to only storing 2 decimal places in the order_total.
- Task #1978 - If Show Manufacturer Link? is selected increasing product quantity, shifts product detail to left
- Task # 1687 - Discount price calculated wrongly (fixed for VM 1.1.x - not VM 1.0.x)
- Task #1969 - Can't remove customer group and something is wrong, and Vendor problem.
- initially hide vendor module from administration menu
- Task #1982 - Lost password link is still wrong in joomla 1.0.15
- Task #1986 - Recently Viewed Products are not aligned left
- Fixed blank cells and subtotal rounding on order.order_print
- Task #1249 - Improper price rounding
- Task #1969 - Can't remove customer group and something is wrong, and Vendor problem.
- Task #1975 - Wrong # "forgot the password" - link
^ moved Javascript Libraries, which are only used by modules to the modules directory. They are part of the mod_virtuemart installation now
(reduces size of com_virtuemart install package - we need to keep it under 2MB!)
^ reduced size of all PNG images
- translation fixes for new ePay module (some string added in "common" and "checkout" modules)
03.04.2008 soeren
^ updated to new ePay Payment Module version sent in by Thomas Knudsen of ePay
- Task #1951 - Wrong display of child products when coming from account maintenance
- smaller fixes with display of child items + attributes; added label element for accessible radio/checkbox display types
- Task #1934 - forgot the password - link
- fixed Product Feed displaying ampersands for htmlentities; links were relative
- Task #1958 - Fatal error after rev 1338 when trying to look at product details
- Task #1927 - fixed PayPal IPN script on J! 1.5
- Task #1945 - 2 warnings, update one doesn't update
- Task #1957 - hardcoded image
^ update PayPal payment code - Bugs in Product Type Parameter processing [Forum Topic 37239]
^ renamed all Log_* classes to vmLog_* to prevent namespace problems - wrong accentuated character in Search for Products [Forum Topic 38093]
^ various changes to make upgrade from VirtueMart 1.0.x easier - Task #1953 Manufacturer Form strips HTML and Images
- Task #1952 - User > Order List > Remove function bugs
30.03.2008 thepisu
^ updated translations: finnish
- Task #1941 hard coded string
- added various translation strings (module "common")
28.03.2008 gregdev
+ Added separate .sql files for manual installation of modules and mambots (plugins).
28.03.2008 soeren
+ added possibility to use external/remote files as product download files
+ possibility to cancel the VirtueMart Update by Patch Package (deletes the Patch File)
!! New Function Table Entry ###
INSERT INTO `jos_vm_function` (`function_id`, `module_id`, `function_name`, `function_class`, `function_method`, `function_description`, `function_perms`) VALUES
(NULL, 1, 'removePatchPackage', 'update.class', 'removePackageFile', 'Removes a Patch Package File and its extracted contents.', 'admin'); ###
+ possibility to upload a Patch Package to the server instead of relying on the server-server transfer from
^ updated Prototype Version to (minified by JSMinifier []) - fixed Function Form Ajax Calls
- Task #1648 - Incorrect Product Type parameter separator in product_type table
- Task #1939 - shop.savedcart.tpl.php unclosed div and few typos
26.03.2008 soeren - Task #1929 - Image handling bugs
- Task #1935 - Currency & List of accepted currencies
- Task #1938 - "Availability" always visible?
- Task #1920 - Age Verification User Field being reset after viewing from Admin
- Task #1916 - twice description meta tag
- Task #1927 - paypal notify script
- Task #1928 - Display# is not changing
^ removed eval function from list_payment_methods template, moved tooltip for "Credit Card Validation Value" to the associated label
- Task #1924 - After account creation a warning message is shown.
- small fix in italian states data
- Task #1917 - Shipvalue is still using old mosToolTip function
- Task #1915 - file rigths during installation
- Task #1914 - close fieldset tag in ps_userfield.php
- fatal error in toolbar on Mambo
- Mambo didn't show correct CSS and loading JS didn't work
- Task #1910 - A closing div braking templates in checkout_register_form.php
^ non-existing or unpublished products are removed from cart on Cart Update - Quantity Steps are checked for when updating the cart (say you have a product which can only be ordered at quantity steps of 5 - like 10 or 25)
+ added the variable "product_price_raw" to product details page, so the "raw" product price array can be used inside the flypage templates - Task #1907 - Cart Module not updating after first product added (IE only)
- Task #1902 - Filters reset after add new product, etc.
- Task #1898 Sort Alphabetically is hard coded
- Task #1905 List of hard coded strings
- added various translation strings (module "common")
^ updated dutch translation
- Task #1891 - Add/Update product form, minor bug in prewiev link.
- Task #1896 - nowrap to remove in shopper.shopper_group_form.php
- Fully load Joomla! 1.5 framework for extlayout.js.php
- List Limitstart wasn't set per page.
- Task #1401 - Print View does order total does not include coupon discount.
[[Virtuemart 1.1.x]
Updated by Roland Dalmulder about 15 years ago · 1 revisions