Changes in Virtuemart 110 RC2 » History » Version 1
Roland Dalmulder, 02/14/2010 05:59 AM
Add changelog
1 | 1 | Roland Dalmulder | h1. Changes in Virtuemart 1.1.0 RC2 |
2 | |||
3 | --- VirtueMart 1.1.0 RC2 released --- |
4 | |||
5 | 11.03.2008 soeren |
6 | # Task #1897 - Page navigation is wrong after default Display Items change (J1.5+VM1.1) |
7 | 11.03.2008 thepisu |
9 | # Task #1877 - Language not being picked up consistently |
10 | # Task #1883 - 'Specify the minimum Age' hard coded |
11 | # Task #1886 - confirmation_email.tpl translation |
12 | |||
13 | 08.03.2008 gregdev |
14 | # Task #1882 - Default 'Image unavailable' |
15 | # Task #1879 - PDF generator in Product List & Product Details generates gif error |
16 | |||
17 | 07.03.2008 gregdev |
18 | # Task #1878 - Template breaks when in Account Maintenance |
19 | # Task #1677 - When no child is presend and List box for child is selected error is shown |
20 | # Task #1880 - PDF creation fails on shop.browse page |
21 | |||
22 | 06.03.2008 gregdev |
23 | # Task #1497 - Badly formatted Recommend the Product email |
24 | - Removed enquiry_english.html |
25 | + Added enquiry_email.tpl.php |
26 | # Task #1412 - Don't show feed icons when feeds are disabled in the general config settings |
27 | |||
28 | 05.03.2008 soeren |
29 | # Task #1874 - Confirmation email Ship To, State wrong |
30 | # Task #1875 - "No image" points to the wrong directory(didn't cotain the image file) in shop.browse.php |
31 | |||
32 | 05.03.2008 gregdev |
33 | # Task #1875 - "No image" points to the wrong directory (didn't cotain the image file) in shop.browse.php |
34 | # Task #1841 - Attribute Price calculation with group price not correct |
35 | # Task #1691 - Discount price shows wrong on flypage, baket is correct |
36 | # Task #1876 - Ask a question about... is not working (restored enquiry_english.html) |
37 | # Fixed vendor confirmation email missing order items |
38 | # Fixed missing product attributes in confirmation emails |
39 | |||
40 | 04.03.2008 soeren |
41 | # Task #1873 - Adress is missing in Checkout adress |
42 | + new Flypage Template Parameter "product_availability_data" (Array), so product availibility can be customized |
43 | # Task #1870 - product packaging |
44 | # Task #1869 - Custom attribute - remove "add to cart " in browse page? |
45 | # Task #1868 - double quote to remove in addtocart_drop.tpl.php |
46 | # Task #1865 - Please make sure the form is complete and valid. |
47 | # Task #1864 - Confirmation email- wrong shipping country |
48 | # Fixed "Security Token not found" Message on Joomla! 1.0.15 when magic_quotes_gpc = Off (ps_main.php) |
49 | |||
50 | 04.03.2008 thepisu |
51 | # Task #1845 - PHPSHOP_USER_FORM_TITLE should not be used in ps_product_attribute |
52 | # Task #1852 - Missing language in Canada post. |
53 | # added various translation strings (module "common") |
54 | # Task #1524 - During checkout state is cut offed and county uses ISO code. |
55 | # added translations strings for update check feature (modules "common" / "admin") |
56 | # "Back to Joomla! Administration" was not translated on Joomla 1.5 |
57 | (can't initialize correctly mosConfig_lang, passed to JS throug "lang" parameter) |
58 | ! added ability to pass GET parameter to JS files, if not using fetchscript (was ignored) |
59 | # vmAbstractObject validate function was considering "0" as empty |
60 | (i.e. was unable to insert new "0" level user group) |
61 | # producted user groups not correctly checked (was able to delete core groups) |
62 | |||
63 | 03.03.2008 soeren |
64 | # too long words in reviews break the site layout |
65 | # Task #1862 - Random Product Module: table layout don't output correct xhtml |
66 | # Task #1860 - cannot send order, error and wrong page after step 4 |
67 | |||
68 | 02.03.2008 soeren |
69 | # Task #1810 - When Product Price field is empty on the category view error is given. |
70 | # Task #1858 - Language Strings in rel 1284 |
71 | ^ Order Details pages show all custom user fields now |
72 | - removed email_*.html (localized email templates) |
73 | ^ changed Order Confirmation Email to use a php-based template (/order_emails/confirmation_email.tpl.php) |
74 | + custom registration/user fields are sent with confirmation email now |
75 | |||
76 | 29.02.2008 gregdev |
77 | # Task #1415 - no account creation bug |
78 | # Fixed missing global variable when adding custom attributes. |
79 | # Task #1832 - Flypage not change on product browsing... |
80 | 29.02.2008 soeren |
81 | # Task #1815 - Cancelling user field it creates a blank / empty user field |
82 | # Task #1816 - User fields, value section sometime is shows sometime it doesn't |
83 | # Task #1833 - quantity ,drop down list, add to cart |
84 | # Task #1834 - list of prices, thanks Valerie! |
85 | # Task #1848 - In IE7 it is possible to move a product into the same category, doing so results in product being placed in no category |
86 | # Task #1839 - Empty name, empty price in product list (extended layout) |
87 | # Task #1851 - Quantity Start and Quantity End language strings missing from List Prices |
88 | # Task #1800 - mod_virtuemart_manufacturers said "No manufacturers defined!" |
89 | # undefined var "product_parent_id" in product.product_display.php |
90 | ^ Saving some queries on product price retrieval + product field retrieval |
91 | # Task #1853 - Additional image upload not working |
92 | |||
93 | 27.02.2008 gregdev |
94 | # Task #1849 - Missing field values in Joomla 1.5 |
95 | |||
96 | 26.02.2008 soeren |
97 | + added basic VirtueMart Version Updater Functionality. It requires two new functions: |
98 | ### |
99 | INSERT INTO `jos_vm_function` ( `function_id` ,`module_id` ,`function_name` ,`function_class` ,`function_method` ,`function_description` ,`function_perms`) |
100 | VALUES ( NULL , '1', 'getupdatepackage', 'update.class', 'getPatchPackage', 'Retrieves the Patch Package from the Servers.', 'admin'), |
101 | (NULL , '1', 'applypatchpackage', 'update.class', 'applyPatch', 'Applies the Patch using the instructions from the update.xml file in the downloaded patch.', 'admin'); |
102 | ### |
103 | # Task #1844 - Moving product to another category gives error |
104 | |||
105 | 26.02.2008 gregdev |
106 | # Task #1842 - Can't put no order-by on admin (and so in the user interface) |
107 | ^ Added $Itemid to template variables for browse_orderbyform.tpl |
108 | ^ Changed all theme class names to vmTheme for easier theme creation (Task #1822) |
109 | 26.02.2008 thepisu |
110 | # Task #1835 - Add Product Type menu label |
111 | # added many translations (modules common/admin) |
112 | # minor fixes |
113 | |||
114 | 20.02.2008 gregdev |
115 | # Task #1811 - first query doesn't execute in ps_product_product_type::delete_record() |
116 | 20.02.2008 soeren |
117 | # Task #1473 - ps_product_category.php timeout |
118 | |||
119 | 18.02.2008 gregdev |
120 | # Fixed - clicking save button on account.billing incorrectly returns to store.index with J! 1.5.1 SEF enabled |
121 | # Fixed - Call to a member function on a non-object ($vm_mainframe) in checkout_register_form |
122 | |||
123 | 15.02.2008 gregdev |
124 | # Task #1556 - Added native Joomla! 1.5 .xml file for vmproductsnapshots plugin |
125 | # Added missing global $database in virtuemart_parser.php |
126 | |||
127 | 15.02.2008 soeren |
128 | # Task #1793 - moving products to another category give fatal error |
129 | # Task #1556 - mosProduct Snapshot not working in Joomla 1.5 |
130 | |||
131 | 15.02.2008 gregdev |
132 | # Task #964 - Silent registration through mod_virtuemart shows user name/password |
133 | + Added vmGenRandomPassword() ( to replace mosMakePassword() ) |
134 | # Added missing $mosConfig_absolute_path (for com_securityimages support) |
135 | |||
136 | 14.02.2008 thepisu |
137 | # updated languages: finnish, hungarian, russian, italian |
138 | ^ updated Argentine currency |
139 | # fixed typo |
140 | |||
141 | 14.02.2008 gregdev |
142 | # Unchecking "Show Prices including tax?" results in PHP Notice. |
143 | # Fixed unreachable code in ps_shopper_group->add(). |
144 | ^ Removed 'yes/no' text from "Show Prices including tax?" checkbox |
145 | # Task #1790 - User-defined "User Registration Field" of type 'Checkbox Single' doesn't work (thanks to pyh) |
146 | # Task #1779 - Notice: Undefined variable: option |
147 | |||
148 | 13.02.2008 soeren |
149 | # Task #1785 - Semicolon missing in theme.css file |
150 | # Bug in ps_product when using product types with apostrophes |
151 | |||
152 | 12.02.2008 gregdev |
153 | # Task #1670 - Discount price field does not save value. |
154 | |||
155 | 12.02.2008 soeren |
156 | # Manufacturer ID left empty in product form when only one manufacturer present |
157 | # Task # 1706 - Deselection of Sort Order in Configuration not working |
158 | |||
159 | 12.02.2008 gregdev |
160 | # Task #1779 - Installation archive files don't get deleted in Joomla 1.0.x |
161 | |||
162 | 11.02.2008 soeren |
163 | # Task #1683 - When a word in category contain ' apostrophe in mod_virtuemart the categories are not displayed |
164 | # Task #1729 - JS cook menu type give error in Internet Explorer |
165 | # Task #1755 - Blank Notice on Add Tax Information |
166 | # Task #1778 - Converting cent to dollar amount |
167 | |||
168 | 09.02.2008 gregdev |
169 | ^ Set default for 'Show on shipping form' to 'No' |
170 | # Ensure that system user fields (sys=1) do not have their names changed. |
171 | # Row not added to #__vm_order_user_info when order is confirmed. |
172 | |||
173 | 09.02.2008 soeren |
174 | # Operation Aborted Error in IE when browsing products + Lightbox'ed Links enabled |
175 | # Task #1745 - mod_virtuemart_allinone error |
176 | # Task #1702 - When save Store image missing |
177 | # Task #1766 - Account Order Details: Fatal Error in account.order_details.tpl.php on line 322 |
178 | |||
179 | 08.02.2008 gregdev |
180 | # Task #1425 - Changing User fields have no effect in frontend Shipping Addresses section |
182 | ### |
183 | ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_userfield` ADD `shipping` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `registration`; |
184 | INSERT INTO `jos_vm_userfield` VALUES (NULL, 'address_type_name', '_PHPSHOP_USER_FORM_ADDRESS_LABEL', '', 'text', 32, 30, 1, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, NULL); |
185 | UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='company'; |
186 | UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='first_name'; |
187 | UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='last_name'; |
188 | UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='middle_name'; |
189 | UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='address_1'; |
190 | UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='address_2'; |
191 | UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='city'; |
192 | UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='zip'; |
193 | UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='country'; |
194 | UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='state'; |
195 | UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='phone_1'; |
196 | UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='phone_2'; |
197 | UPDATE `jos_vm_userfield` SET `shipping`=1 WHERE `name`='fax'; |
198 | ### |
199 | |||
200 | 08.02.2008 soeren |
201 | ^ Added getUserStateFromRequest Handler to vmMainframe |
202 | # preventing empty Orders (throws a critical error) |
203 | # Task #370 - Sorting Products by Price on shop.browse is wrong |
204 | ^ Task #1039 - Bug in adding new Product gui - discounts |
205 | ^ Task #1377 - mark downloadable Order Items |
206 | |||
207 | 07.02.2008 gregdev |
208 | # Task #1710 - Basic and Advanced component parameters (added config.xml to virtuemart.j15.xml) |
209 | |||
210 | 07.02.2008 thepisu |
211 | # Updated Finnish lang files (translation by Mauri) |
212 | # Task #1735 Translation bug in admin product menu |
213 | # Task #1738 Translation bug in admin special products |
214 | # Task #1736 Translation bug in product atribute |
215 | |||
216 | 06.02.2008 gregdev |
217 | + Added the ability to set product, category, flypage, or page in a Joomla menu item |
218 | # Fixed missing slash in install (for loading sql sample data) |
219 | ^ Suppressed error messages when extracting tar.gz files during installation |
220 | ^ Cleaned up the component .xml files |
221 | |||
222 | 06.02.2008 soeren |
223 | ^ tax rate list contains 0% tax rate now by default |
224 | ^ when deleting files from a product, the actual file is not removed from the server when it's used by a different product |
225 | # Task #1769 - Users, Shopper Groups not functioning as expected in front-end and admin (also: # Task #1752 - Bug in adding a user to a shopper group) |
226 | # Task #1746 - downloadable products are not published |
227 | # changed default admin "layout" from extended to standard |
228 | # fixed javascript errors in the file form (standard layout) |
229 | |||
230 | 05.02.2008 soeren |
231 | # Task #1750 - Two slashes on paths in install.php |
232 | # Task #1747 - Problems with apostrophe in product edit window |
233 | # Registration with automatic login wasn't working on Joomla! 1.0.14 |
234 | ^ not all "required" registration fields must be filled in by a storeadmin when adding a new user (just system fields like name/password/email are really required) |
235 | # Logged Errors were not displayed in Simple Layout |
236 | |||
237 | 04.02.2008 soeren |
238 | + added new registration field types for "Captcha" and Age Verification (using simple date drop-down lists) |
239 | Captcha uses Walter Cedric's com_securityimages ( and is only available if that component is installed! |
240 | |||
241 | 04.02.2008 gregdev |
242 | # Task #1745 - mod_virtuemart_allinone error |
243 | + Restored the special.png image for the all-in-one module |
244 | # Task #1741 - Error in mod_productscroller.php |
245 | ^ Adjusted dates/versions inside module .xml files |
246 | |||
247 | 01.02.2008 gregdev |
248 | ^ Ability to choose featured (special) products only for product scroller (thanks Michel Beek!) |
249 | ^ Added separate module builds for Joomla! 1.5 in the ant build script. |
250 | # Added Joomla! 1.5 .xml install files for the VirtueMart modules. |
251 | ^ Made module names consistent and cleaned up the module descriptions. |
252 | # Task #763 - ScrollWidth does not effect Width of Productscroller /w Fix |
253 | # Task #1692 - Payment Method List in Admin panel not work |
254 | |||
255 | 30.01.2008 soeren |
256 | # Task #1731 Category Thumb not displayed when dynamic thumbnail resizing is enabled |
257 | 30.01.2008 gregdev |
258 | # Task #1733 - Missing argument 2 for vmredirect() |
259 | |||
260 | 29.01.2008 soeren |
261 | # Task #1727 - Layout error after installation |
262 | # Task #1725 - Frontend admin link error |
263 | |||
264 | 28.01.2008 soeren |
265 | # Task #1725 - Frontend admin link error |
266 | # Admin Product List in Frontend didn't allow Price Management due to wrong URLs |
267 | |||
268 | 27.01.2008 thepisu |
269 | # Changed peruvian currency (Peruvian Nuevo Sol) |
270 | # updated SQL files |
271 | # small fixes in languages |
272 | |||
273 | 26.01.2008 gregdev |
274 | # Restore $VMVERSION fix (for install) |
275 | # Fixed Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 2 to be resource (compat.joomla1.5) |
276 | # Variable can't be assigned by reference (account.order_details) |
277 | |||
278 | 25.01.2008 soeren |
279 | # Task #1717 - Security Token message when saving shipping address in backend administration |
280 | # Task #1715 - Publish/unpublish check mark buttons not working in IE, when clicked it give 404 error |
281 | # Task #1479 - Backend - Cancel shipping address takes user back to user list |
282 | |||
283 | 25.01.2008 gregdev |
284 | # Fixed another undefined variable $VMVERSION warning (during install) |
285 | # Removed reference to non-variable for PHP4 (virtuemart_parser) |
286 | |||
287 | 24.01.2008 gregdev |
288 | ^ Allow access to download area from mod_virtuemart_login |
289 | # Task #1711 - User registration work is not complete |
290 | # Obtain language variable correctly |
291 | # Task #1676 - Class 'mosCommonHTML' error when trying to add parameters to product type |
292 | # Task #1652 - use of deprecated method mosCommonHTML::loadCalendar() |
293 | # Task #1701 - Ask a question about this product give error with legacy plugin off |
294 | ^ Cleaned up the install (especially for Joomla! 1.5) |
295 | # Added missing logging constants to the default config file |
296 | # Fixed undefined variable $VMVERSION warning |
297 | # Use vmMail (instead of mosMail) when creating a user in VM backend |
298 | |||
299 | 21.01.2008 mwmills |
300 | ! @MWM1 used in source code comments. |
301 | + Logging & Debugging enhancements: See new modules: classes/Log/LogInit.php & classes/DebugUtil.php for more information. |
302 | ^ $vmLogger is now a composite logger. Use $vmDisplayLogger for display-only msgs, use $vmFileLogger for file-only msgs, and $vmLogger to send msgs to both display and file. |
303 | # Fixed a bug in classes/Log/display.php - referred to class 'Log' instead of 'vmLog'. |
304 | ^ Added some formatting options to classes/Log/file.php |
305 | ^ Changed "if (DEBUG == 1)" logic to use new vmShouldDebug() function (inside DebugUtil.php), which also checks if IP address-specific debugging output is enabled (so you can debug without affecting other customers.) |
306 | ^ Changed admin.show_cfg.php to add new logging & debug-related configuration parameters. |
307 | ^ Modified all language files in language/admin with ENGLISH versions of new logging & debug-related text strings. Translators need to convert strings to other languages. |
308 | |||
309 | 21.01.2008 soeren |
310 | # double/triple VirtueMart Frames after being logged out and logging back into Joomla! and going back to VirtueMart (related to Tasks #1695 and #1696, but that was a Joomla! 1.0.13 issue) |
311 | # Pressing "Cancel" after Saving returns to standard Joomla! Admin Interface (Extended Layout only) |
312 | # Task #1690 - Bad filenames for Products and Categories with non-ASCII chars |
313 | # Task #1689 - Invalid Token during login in joomla! 1.5 |
314 | 21.01.2008 thepisu |
315 | # Task #1637 Missing VM_RECOVER_CART language string |
316 | # Task #1673 NotifyMe language bug |
317 | # added translations for various strings (in module 'common') |
318 | |||
319 | 16.01.2008 soeren |
320 | # Task #1681 - Problem with Page Navigation - (1st page in product list) |
321 | 15.01.2008 soeren |
322 | # Task #1675 - Currency module give fatal error |
323 | # Task #1674 - When no sort order is selected in Available "Sort-by" fields configuration, error is given |
324 | # additional File Upload not working correctly on Windows Systems |
325 | # Task #1659 - ß as attribute value |
326 | # Task #1669 - Browsing categorys end in redirect error |
327 | 15.01.2007 thepisu |
328 | # Task #1667 Categorylist, OderList icon names |
330 | |||
331 | 14.01.2008 soeren |
332 | ^ updated modules for J! 1.5 (still don't install with disabled Legacy Mode) |
333 | ^ Updated Currencies Module to work on J! 1.5 (shows a select list with all available currencies now) |
334 | 14.01.2008 thepisu |
335 | # Task #1660 Replace PHPSHOP_ERROR message with real message |
336 | # Task #1663 CVS upload link in VM backend is redirected to a not found page |
337 | ! modified Javascript handling menu items, if target is '_blank' or '_top' JS is ignored |
338 | |||
339 | 13.01.2008 soeren |
340 | # Task #1665 - Class 'mosphpmailer' not found when trying to register user in Joomla 1.5 |
341 | # Task #1664 - Empty page after last step in checkout |
342 | # Task #1661 - Missing argument 6 for vmMail() when trying to registration user in Joomla 1.0.13 |
343 | |||
344 | 11.01.2008 soeren |
345 | # Task #1655 - Call to undefined function mosmail() - user registration |
346 | # Task #1656 - Mambots not working in product description |
347 | # Task #1654 - PHP Task #27626 html_entity_decode bug |
348 | # Task #1658 - Module permission form error |
349 | |||
350 | 10.01.2008 gregdev |
351 | # Task #508 System allow a end-date before the start-date for discount |
352 | 10.01.2008 soeren |
353 | # Task #1653 - Call to a member function setQuery() error message |
354 | |||
355 | 09.01.2008 thepisu |
356 | - removed no more used CSV-related language strings |
357 | 09.01.2008 soeren |
358 | # fixed InputFilter Class forTask #1574 and Task #1581: errors in HTML in product descriptipion |
359 | ^ optimized query in dynamic_state_list function (not running a query for each country, but just one now) |
360 | - removed CSV Upload from VirtueMart Core (CSVImproved handles CSV Import/Export much better: |
361 | ^ last called page is correctly remembered now (important for Administration) and loaded when returning to VM ADMIN |
362 | |||
363 | 08.01.2008 gregdev |
364 | ^ Set usertype in Joomla! 1.5 shopper registration (ps_shopper) |
365 | ^ Native Joomla! 1.5 compatibility changes for mod_virtuemart |
366 | ^ Change how we get $my in virtuemart_parser for Joomla! 1.5 (native and legacy support) |
367 | |||
368 | 08.01.2008 thepisu |
369 | # Added translations for various strings (modules product/shop/store/zone) |
370 | |||
371 | 08.01.2008 soeren |
372 | # Task #1591 - Add product in Modify Order incorrectly opens Order Status Change tab |
373 | # Task #1649 - htmlTools.class listFactory->newRow() not holding class, id or attributes |
374 | # Task #1648 - Incorrect Product Type parameter separator in product_type table |
375 | # Task #1647 - Double menu buttons are shown |
376 | # Task #1645 - Call to a member function loadBotGroup error when trying to browse product |
377 | |||
378 | 07.01.2008 thepisu |
379 | # Added translations for various strings (modules admin/affiliate/checkout/help/order) |
380 | |||
381 | 07.01.2008 soeren |
382 | # Toolbar not visible in Product Form Popup under Joomla! 1.5 |
383 | # Task #1634 - Attribute name with äöüß not work |
384 | # Task #1638 - Layout Tabs not working in Internet Explorer |
385 | # Task #1640 - require_once virtuemart_parser.php in virtuemart.php |
386 | # Task #1643 - Error message in "Parameters of Product Type" |
387 | # Category won't save when no WYSIWYG Editor is enabled [] |
388 | - removed some Javascripts for a smaller component archive |
389 | removed: Scriptaculous, Behaviour, Lightbox(2 + "gone wild"), LiteBox, WindowJS |
390 | |||
391 | 05.01.2008 soeren |
392 | # Task #1636 - Manage User Fields - mosHTML Class |
393 | |||
394 | 03.01.2008 thepisu |
395 | + Re-added some language strings previusly deleted. |
396 | # Removed extra comma in english common language. |
397 | # Various fixes in language files. |
398 | |||
399 | 02.01.2008 soeren |
400 | # Task #1611 - Search with Keywords that contain quotes/apostrophes doesn't work |
401 | # fixed Email Receipt not being sent by Email Server because of violation of sender policy framework (thanks to Jens Kirk Foged from Sunburst WebConsult for reporting) |
402 | + added protection against CSRF (using the parameter "vmtoken" to verify the |
403 | validity of a request that will execute a function through the parameter "func" in admin mode). |
404 | |||
405 | 02.01.2008 thepisu |
406 | ^ Task #1268 Language strings modularization; a lot of strings moved + cleaning |
407 | # Task #1624 Admin area problem, caused by error in extlayout.js.php |
408 | (JTable class was missing, added in compat.joomla1.5) |
409 | # Task #1620 Danish language file - corrupt charset (+ fixed all langs) |
410 | |||
411 | 29.12.2007 gregdev |
412 | # Fixed "unable to add new discounts" (ps_product_discount) |
413 | |||
414 | 22.12.2007 gregdev |
415 | + Added vmArrayToInts() to replace mosArrayToInts() (ps_main) |
416 | # Use vmArrayToInts() instead of mosArrayToInts() (virtuemart_parser) |
417 | # Removed call to mosCommonHTML::loadOverlib(), cleanup, added javascript to open contact form (admin.user_form) |
418 | ^ Register mosUser for autoloading until a better solution is found (compat.joomla1.5) |
419 | ^ Fixed spelling error (english.php) |
420 | # Removed mosGetParam() for native Joomla! 1.5 compatibility (get_final_confirmation.tpl) |
421 | # Use VirtueMart's DATE_FORMAT_LC (ps_checkout, reviews.tpl) |
422 | # Removed CAN_SELECT_STATES (admin.user_address_form, account.shipto.tpl) |
423 | |||
424 | 21.12.2007 gregdev |
425 | ^ More changes for Joomla! 1.5 native compatibility. |
426 | ^ Register mosMenuBar for autoloading. |
427 | |||
428 | 21.12.2007 soeren |
429 | # Task #1619 - Unable to install VM 1099 in Joomla 1.5 RC4+ |
430 | ^ when modifying a product via Frontend Admin => Click "Edit" Icon, the user is returned to the site correctly now (index.php, not index2.php) |
431 | ^ more changes for Joomla! 1.5 native compatibility. VirtueMart should now run without Legacy Mode. |
432 | |||
433 | 19.12.2007 soeren |
434 | ^ added "_JEXEC" to all file headers + more changes to achieve Joomla! 1.5 native integration |
435 | 18.12.2007 soeren |
436 | + added extended Search Mambot by Alejandro Kurczyn (one version for Joomla! 1.0 + Mambo, one native for Joomla! 1.5) |
437 | |||
438 | 18.12.2007 thepisu |
439 | ^ Task #1268 Language System Modularization (1st step - made structure and moved all strings to "common") |
440 | ! build scripts changed to reflect new folder structure (languages/MODULE/LANGUAGE.php) |
441 | ! actually no change needed for $VM_LANG->_() calls |
442 | |||
443 | 17.12.2007 soeren |
444 | # fixed wrong queries in Sample Data SQL file |
445 | |||
446 | 16.12.2007 soeren |
447 | # images of products with accented chars in their name weren't showing up on frontpage and product form |
448 | |||
449 | 14.12.2007 gregdev |
450 | # Fixed typos in ps_export |
451 | # Fixed table creation for new product type |
452 | # Closing </table> tag in payment methods list |
453 | # Obtain _BACK string from VM_LANG (flypage-ask.tlp.php) |
454 | ^ Moved advanced attributes select list to the template |
455 | |||
456 | 12.12.2007 thepisu |
457 | # states list ordered by state name |
458 | # Task #1588 Can't edit group properties in Shopper Group List |
459 | # Task #1569 Multiple Prices and shopper group with % discount |
460 | (shopper group percent discount was not working, also with single prices) |
461 | |||
462 | 12.12.2007 soeren |
463 | ^ Task #1582 - ps_session.php - checkSessionSavePath fails on custom session handlers |
464 | # Task #1594 - Apostrophe search word returns 0 results. |
465 | (search for products with a single or double quote is possible now) |
466 | ^ the advanced search now can handle multiple keywords (separated by a space) |
467 | ^ when the Product Search returns 1 product, the customer is redirected to the details page of that product instead |
468 | of the search result overview |
469 | |||
470 | 07.12.2007 |
471 | # Task #1589 - User registration error when Affiliate is enabled / can not browse shop |
472 | # Task #1320 Adding a "Print" button in order.order_printdetails (hiding print button from print output) |
473 | |||
474 | --- VirtueMart 1.1.0 beta2 released (05.12.2007, Rev. 1076) --- |
475 | |||
476 | 05.12.2007 thepisu |
477 | # Task #1320 Adding a "Print" button in order.order_printdetails (small fixes, now working) |
478 | |||
479 | 03.12.2007 soeren |
480 | # Task #1579 - Shipping Module Form "Cancel" shows second side menu |
481 | # Task #1578 - Read Only setting in manage user fields not working. |
482 | # Task #1577 - Child/sub category; when updated it becomes top-level category |
483 | # Task #1576 - Search Function doesn't work anymore |
484 | |||
485 | 03.12.2007 thepisu |
486 | # tax % not displayed correctly |
487 | # vmTooltip image alignment (absmiddle) |
488 | # hardcoded strings in store edit form |
489 | + added link to PHP strftime manual near to store date format |
490 | |||
491 | 02.12.2007 thepisu |
492 | # Task #1571 - Some hard coded language strings in admin panel (payment classes) |
493 | # HTML entites should not be used in SELECT states list |
494 | |||
495 | 02.12.2007 soeren |
496 | # Task #1574 - errors in product description |
497 | # Task #1573 - Bank account language tags missing |
498 | |||
499 | 30.11.2007 soeren |
500 | # Task #1553 - Product with multi attribute only the first attribute is shown on frontpage |
501 | # moved manufacturer- and vendor-specific out of the product class |
502 | + Print Icon on PopUp pages |
503 | # fixed PayPal SQL install error |
504 | 28.11.2007 soeren |
505 | # Task #1565 - Manage User Fields unclick able. |
506 | 27.11.2007 soeren |
507 | - Task #1559 - Customers can select a state/region? Not needed anymore |
508 | # user form submission not using Ajax |
509 | # fixed empty virtuemart Cookie under Joomla! 1.5 |
510 | |||
511 | 27.11.2007 thepisu |
512 | # Task #1547 - User activation link with Joomla! 1.5 |
513 | # euro symbol not converted to html entity |
514 | # typo corrections |
515 | # Task #1360 - Hardcoded language in account.order_details.tpl.php |
516 | |||
517 | 26.11.2007 thepisu |
518 | ^ language variables are now globally called by using "_" function, like: $VM_LANG->_('MYSTRING') |
519 | ! language variables must be called without starting "_" underscore; for example, $VM_LANG->_('MYSTRING') will call $_MYSTRING variable |
520 | ! html entities are automatically converted in strings; to prevent it (example in javascript alert), use $VM_LANG->_('MYSTRING',false) |
521 | + language function $VM_LANG->exists('MYSTRING'), return true if string exists in language file |
522 | + charset definition in language file, used for htmlentities PHP function; now language file charset can be different from Joomla! charset |
523 | # some minor corrections |
524 | + added function $ps_DB->getTableFields(array), for Joomla 1.5 compatibility (function not present in legacy plugin) |
525 | |||
526 | 24.11.2007 soeren |
527 | ! Known Issue: Redirection from https => http (if "generally prevent https" enabled) not working on Joomla! 1.5 currently, |
528 | because Joomla! 1.5 doesn't know a $mainframe->getCfg('live_site') value other than the currently requested URL |
529 | // TODO: make "URL" constant editable in the Shop Configuration (just like the SECUREURL value) |
530 | # fixed add-to-cart message (ajax response) on Joomla! 1.5 |
531 | # Task #1560 - Error message in product scroller module |
532 | |||
533 | 23.11.2007 soeren |
534 | # fixed Currency Selector Module configuration |
535 | # Task #1554 - Products in unpublished category are shown in search result |
536 | # Task #1552 - Call for pricing gives 404 not found error message |
537 | # Task #1550 - In backend Product list Manufacture column does not show other manufacturer's name |
538 | # Task #1549 - Deleting a state give 'Country ID could not be found' error |
539 | # Task #1547 - User activation link with Joomla! 1.5 (secondy try) |
540 | |||
541 | 22.11.2007 thepisu |
542 | + Task #1533 Add Spanish and Italian states in installation SQL |
543 | + added states for Armenia, Iran, India |
544 | + added currency (Armenian Dram) |
545 | ^ state codes correction (2char codes were not unique) for Brazil, China, Romania (source: Wikipedia/ISO_3166-2) |
546 | ^ Task #1537 state_3_code UNIQUE KEY ? - Changed unique keys for vm_states table |
547 | for update please drop and re-add table; take SQL from "sql.update.VM-1.0.x_to_VM-1.1.0.sql", line 163-628 |
548 | (the ALTER command will not work because of duplicated 2char codes) |
549 | ^ product.product_discount_form: popup calendar, updated for using vmCommonHTML::scriptTag and J1.5 compatibility |
550 | ^ product.product_form: translated string "Search for Products or Categories here:" |
551 | |||
552 | 21.11.2007 soeren |
553 | # Task #1548 - Class 'mm_InputFilter' not found |
554 | # Task #1547 - User activation link with Joomla! 1.5 |
555 | # Task #1536 - Back to the country from state list not functioning properly |
556 | |||
557 | 18.11.2007 soeren |
558 | # Task #1541 - Error during installation of com_virtuemart rev. 1039 |
559 | # Task #1540 - virtuemart.cfg.php - offline message, try escaping single quotes with //' |
560 | # Task #1539 - empty thankyou page, direction to paypal nomore working after rev 1039 |
561 | |||
562 | 13.11.2007 soeren |
563 | |||
564 | + added support for "REPLACE" queries to buildQuery function |
565 | # States weren't deleted on Country Deletion |
566 | ^ changes most deprecated mos* function calls to separate vm* functions (VirtueMart's own functions) |
567 | Examples: mosGetParam => vmGet, mosReadDirectory => vmReadDirectory, mosRedirect => vmRedirect |
568 | ^ converted more UPDATE and INSERT queries to use the "new" buildQuery function |
569 | |||
570 | 09.11.2007 soeren |
571 | # Task #1438 - Adding product not working in IE (it was due to the Tabs being rendered before the DOM was ready) |
572 | # Task #1530 - Add Attribute - empty save message popup window. |
573 | |||
574 | 08.11.2007 thepisu |
575 | # in left menu, corrected forum link to new server '' |
576 | # changed info text in the JS box when customer click on 'Notify Me' button (waiting list feature) |
577 | # calendar for availability date was not working in J1.5 (changed lang file to calendar-en-GB.js) |
578 | # added translation to 'Select Image' for availability images box, and to 'Control Panel' tab |
579 | # in availability images tip, corrected folder reference; now is taken from theme setting |
580 | # 'global $ps_product_type_parameter' not defined in product type form |
581 | |||
582 | 07.11.2007 thepisu |
583 | # Fixed task #1372 - Hard coded language strings in zw_waiting_list.php (used sprintf for mail translation) |
584 | # added translations to strings in Product Form / Waiting List tab |
585 | # in Product Form / Waiting List tab, added user email and notify status; if user was not logged when requested notif, |
586 | before only "()" was displayed, now it's possibile to see his email address |
587 | |||
588 | 05.11.2007 thepisu |
589 | # Fixed task #1510 - Order steps are not correct (using PHP 5.2.4, foreach and key() not compatibile) |
590 | |||
591 | 05.11.2007 thepisu |
592 | # added translations to strings in VM toolbar / menu / lists (Publish, Unpublish, Please make a selection, ...) |
593 | # fixed typo |
594 | |||
595 | 02.11.2007 soeren |
596 | # changing the ENCODE_KEY could lead to configuration file errors + wrong re-encryption of encrypted data |
597 | # implemented changes to prevent saving a configuration file with wrong PHP syntax (escaping single quotes and stuff) |
598 | # Task #1522 - Lost every html-tag in store description! |
599 | ^ implemented a workaround for problems with the "fetchscript.php" script, which loads javascripts and stylesheets. If it |
600 | doesn't load the Ext Library in the backend, the user is redirected to the standard layout with direct javascript and |
601 | stylesheet references |
602 | |||
603 | 31.10.2007 soeren |
604 | # fixed a logout problem under J! 1.5 after checkout and on viewing order details |
605 | |||
606 | 31.10.2007 gregdev |
607 | # Fixed task #1443 - When in product list a product is selected and New product button in clicked error is given (on simple layout) |
608 | # Added country to the list of available variables in the address on the final checkout confirmation page |
609 | |||
610 | 30.10.2007 gregdev |
611 | # Fixed task #1365 - Order Status not updated after successfull paying with PayPal |
612 | + Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: Added Joomla! 1.5-specific user creation in the VM backend. |
613 | # Fixed task #1519 - Error in Login Module. PHP 4 compatibility. |
614 | # Fixed payment method extra info being cut off |
615 | |||
616 | 29.10.2007 gregdev |
617 | # Fixed task #1439 Creating new users on Joomla! 1.5 fails. Can now create/edit users in VM backend. |
618 | ^ Added $startForm parameter to ps_userfield::listUserFields() to allow not printing the <form> tag |
619 | ^ Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: PayPal notify.php changes for loading Joomla! configuration and session |
620 | |||
621 | 27.10.2007 gregdev |
622 | # Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: fixed saving new user in frontend. |
623 | ^ Adjusted registration complete message to reflect being automatically logged in. |
624 | |||
625 | 26.10.2007 soeren |
626 | + added new request class (from Joomla! 1.5 with small modifications) to have a CMS-independent request filter and |
627 | handler class |
628 | |||
629 | 25.10.2007 gregdev |
630 | # Fixed task #1479 - Backend - Cancel shipping address takes user back to user list |
631 | + Added "Remember me" to mod_virtuemart and mod_virtuemart_login. Uses VM_SHOW_REMEMBER_ME_BOX configuration setting. |
632 | |||
633 | 24.10.2007 gregdev |
634 | # Task #1415 - no account creation bug (prompt to enter user name with No Account registration option) |
635 | # Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: Fixed task #1508 - Two different Registration Complete messages in Joomla 1.5 (ps_shopper.php) |
636 | |||
637 | 24.10.2007 soeren |
638 | ^ stoeradmins/admins can access the shop even if it is in offline mode |
639 | + added support for the dompdf PDF generation library (PHP5-only and not as good as the HTML2PDF class, but better GIF- and CSS-Support) |
640 | |||
641 | 17.10.2007 soeren |
642 | # fixed next/previous product links in Print View |
643 | + implemented "Notify Me!" modification by Corey, which shows a "Notify Me" button instead of "Add to Cart" |
644 | + added new QUERY_STRING filter to better prevent XSS attacks using the query string |
645 | |||
646 | 16.10.2007 soeren |
647 | # applied some fixes to the DHL shipping module/label printing function |
648 | |||
649 | 13.10.2007 soeren |
650 | # Task #1468 - Can not send 'Recommend this product to a friend' email |
651 | |||
652 | 11.10.2007 soeren |
653 | # Task #1431 - Advanced Search Result page direction |
654 | # Task #1465 - Quantity text still shown when box set to hide |
655 | # another fix to Task #1471 - Recommend this product to a friend formating lost if form not complete |
656 | ^ moved module-accompanying javascripts from /modules to components/com_virtuemart/js |
657 | # suppressed html_entity_decode error notices, because of unsupported charsets |
658 | |||
659 | 11.10.2007 gregdev |
660 | # Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: more elegant fix for autoloading problem |
661 | |||
662 | 10.10.2007 gregdev |
663 | # Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: legacy classes are now registered for autoloading |
664 | |||
665 | 09.10.2007 soeren |
666 | ^ removed "eval"s from the image processing function, fixed using the disableToggle function in the product form |
667 | # fixed Mambo 4.6.2 login issue (+CSV Upload Error) - thanks to Andr� ¹‰s |
668 | |||
669 | 06.10.2007 gregdev |
670 | # Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: Set $my->gid |
671 | |||
672 | 03.10.2007 gregdev |
673 | # Fixed missing $timestamp in order add immediately after checkout |
674 | |||
675 | 02.10.2007 soeren |
676 | # fixed Internet Explorer "Operation aborted" error by outsourcing Layout Loading code into /js/extlayout.js.php |
677 | ^ Updated ExtJS from v1.1 to v1.1.1 + fix for Tabs without Text in IE on Joomla! 1.5 in Standard Layout |
678 | |||
679 | 01.10.2007 soeren |
680 | # fixed "Recommend to a friend" form |
681 | # fixed Coupon Discount Value not adjusted when adding products or updating product quantity |
682 | |||
683 | 01.10.2007 gregdev |
684 | # Task #1469 - Changed toggler and stretcher code for update mootools (fixes checkout login/registration page accordian) |
685 | |||
686 | 28.09.2007 soeren |
687 | ^ Updated MooTools from v1.00 to v1.11 (+ adjustments) |
688 | |||
689 | 27.09.2007 gregdev |
690 | # Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: Fixed $mosConfig_absolute_path problem in show_image_in_imgtag.php |
691 | |||
692 | 26.09.2007 soeren |
693 | # Task #1444 - Wrong URL when using page navigation in Order information |
694 | # Task #1455 - confirmation mail --> Orderlink |
695 | # Task #1462 - Language strings missing in Recommend this product to a friend popup. |
696 | # Task #1463 - Wrong title in Shipping Module Form |
697 | |||
698 | 20.09.2007 gregdev |
699 | # Renamed a string in the account.billing template |
700 | ^ Added account maintenance link and login/logout redirection to the VirtueMart login module; added <br /> after pre-text. |
701 | # Task #1440 - Deleting a user a Joomla user that is not yet a VM user from the VM backend deletes the user |
702 | |||
703 | 18.09.2007 soeren |
704 | # Error when adding a product with attributes using non-ASCII characters |
705 | # Task #1442 - When in product list a product is selected and New product button in clicked error is given |
706 | # Theme Stylesheet and JS not correctly loaded when using https |
707 | ^ now a HTTPS redirect is done in the admin section if the module is forced to use https (Joomla! 1.5 only) |
708 | + added a new configuration key that allows to change the encryption function for encrypting sensible data in the database |
709 | You now can switch to the much safer "AES_ENCRYPT" if your MySQL Server Version is >= 4.0.2 |
710 | ! This means an important change for all payment modules, which rely on transaction keys from the |
711 | payment_method table (payment_passkey). Instead of using "ENCODE" or "DECODE" in the queries, |
712 | from now on you must use the constants "VM_ENCRYPT_FUNCTION" and "VM_DECRYPT_FUNCTION". |
713 | Example: $database->query( "SELECT ".VM_DECRYPT_FUNCTION."(payment_passkey,'".ENCODE_KEY."') as passkey FROM #__{vm}_payment_method ..." ); |
714 | ^ changed the vmIsJoomla Function to accept comparison operators |
715 | # fixed Transaction Key Change functionality for Joomla! 1.0.13 |
716 | |||
717 | 14.09.2007 gregdev |
718 | ^ Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: fixed Joomla! pathways |
719 | ^ Adjusted internal VirtueMart pathways (account maintenance, shop.browse, shop.product_details) |
720 | ^ Added pathway handling functions in vmMainFrame class |
721 | ^ Added ps_product_category->getPathway function (supports creating the category URLs) |
722 | |||
723 | 14.09.2007 soeren |
724 | # Task #1441 - In extended layout view when saving shipping module, save message is populated by shipping module |
725 | # Task #1438 - Adding product not working in IE ("Operation aborted" Error in IE when loading the product form) |
726 | |||
727 | 12.09.2007 gregdev |
728 | + Added a separate VirtueMart login module. |
729 | ^ Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: fixed password check on payment methods |
730 | # Fixed missing global $mosConfig_allowUserRegistration in VirtueMart login module |
731 | ^ Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: Added 'Forgot your password' option to the VirtueMart module |
732 | ^ Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: login/registration forms |
733 | ^ Removed the login form from the the shop.registration |
734 | ^ Moved logic from the template (login_form.tpl.php) to checkout.login_form.php |
735 | |||
736 | 10.09.2007 gregdev |
737 | ^ Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: load compat file in virtuemart_parser (for use in modules, etc); added global user registration settings |
738 | # Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: Task #1423 - Fixed login/logout from mod_virtuemart. |
739 | ^ Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: tigratree change |
740 | # Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: Task #1427 - Selecting All in shop.browse results in no records |
741 | |||
742 | 06.09.2007 macallf |
743 | + Added autofill of user name and email address for logged in user when using email to a friend. |
744 | ^ Added index2.php to the available pages for adding a stylesheet in function addStyleSheet - mainframe.class.php |
745 | |||
746 | 06.09.2007 gregdev |
747 | # Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: Task #1419 - adjusted mosConfig_cachepath |
748 | |||
749 | 06.09.2007 macallf |
750 | # Task #1386 implemented page navigation at product level. Corrected get_neighbour_product in ps_product.php |
751 | |||
752 | 06.09.2007 macallf |
753 | # Task #1389 Saved cart reappears after checkout. ps_checkout.php edited to delete saved cart. |
754 | # Delete saved cart pointed to wrong function. sql.virtuemart.php Corrected with the correct functio name. |
755 | |||
756 | 05.09.2007 gregdev |
757 | # Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: Task #1410 - initialize editor correctly for front-end admin |
758 | # Task #1411 - changed to use string from Virtuemart language file |
759 | |||
760 | 05.09.2007 macallf |
761 | # Task #1400 ps_cart.php fixed to display tip when adding 0 products to the cart using childlist |
762 | |||
763 | 04.09.2007 gregdev |
764 | ^ Added DHL shipping method strings to the language files (thanks to aravot!) |
765 | # Fixed blank page after payment confirmation (corrected the LEFT JOIN) |
766 | # Fixed terms of service checkbox layout |
767 | |||
768 | 03.09.2007 gregdev |
769 | # Task #1387 - admin.theme_config_list.php missing |
770 | # Fixed hardcoded strings in admin.show_cfg.php and admin.theme_config_form.php. |
771 | ^ Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: Added $ps_product to list of globals in virtuemart_parser.php |
772 | ^ Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: change in the compatibility file |
773 | ^ Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: tigratree template change to support new JApplication structure |
774 | |||
775 | 29.08.2007 gregdev |
776 | # Added Shipping module language variables |
777 | |||
778 | 25.08.2007 soeren |
779 | # Task #1357 - Performance problems creating new products |
780 | # Task #1394 - Change of heading level required in get_shipping_method.tpl.php |
781 | |||
782 | 23.08.2007 gregdev |
783 | ^ Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: change in the compatability file |
784 | ^ Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: PayPal IPN script updated (notify.php) |
785 | |||
786 | 17.08.2007 gregdev |
787 | ^ Use month names and _DO_LOGIN from VirtueMart language file. |
788 | |||
789 | 01.08.2007 gregdev |
790 | + Added a cleared <br /> element so that the floated divs fill the container |
791 | |||
792 | 30.07.2007 gregdev |
793 | ^ Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: TigraTree product category module |
794 | ^ Adjustments to Joomla! 1.5 compatibility file |
795 | ^ Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: Set local version of $CURRENCY_DISPLAY in global.php |
796 | + Get $keyword from the $_REQUEST before cleaning it (virtuemart_parser.php) |
797 | + Joomla! 1.5 compatibility: Added $_VERSION to globals in shop.debug.php |
798 | |||
799 | 27.07.2007 gregdev |
800 | ^ Adjustments to Joomla! 1.5 compatibility file. |
801 | ^ Changes in modules for Joomla! 1.5 compatibility; added string to language file. |
802 | # Removed debug code in shop.basket_short.php. |
803 | |||
804 | 25.07.2007 soeren |
805 | |||
806 | ^ Task #1311 - Dates in order_print / order_printdetails not localized |
808 | ### |
809 | # 25.07.2007: Allow to set address and date format |
810 | ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_vendor` |
811 | ADD `vendor_address_format` TEXT NOT NULL , |
812 | ADD `vendor_date_format` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL; |
813 | UPDATE `jos_vm_vendor` SET |
814 | `vendor_address_format` = '{storename}\n{address_1}\n{address_2}\n{city}, {zip}', |
815 | `vendor_date_format` = '%A, %d %B %Y %H:%M' |
816 | WHERE vendor_id=1; |
817 | ### |
818 | + Global Address Format can be set in the Store Form now - as well as the global date format |
819 | # Task #1356 - problems with "implemented page navigation at product level" |
820 | |||
821 | 24.07.2007 soeren |
822 | |||
823 | # Task #1344 - related product list too long, memory exausted |
824 | ^ improved the related products selection screen - it features an auto-completing search field now |
825 | + added new JSON class to send JSON encoded responses |
826 | # fixes for Joomla! 1.0.13 compatibility |
827 | ^ changed Product Review List to show reviews from all products - ordered by posting time, |
828 | not only filtered by one product; TODO: Notification of |
829 | |||
830 | 16.07.2007 gregdev |
831 | # Task #1328 - long php opening tags missing in vendor.vendor_form.php |
832 | |||
833 | 06.07.2007 gregdev |
834 | # Check for set $_REQUEST entries before resetting values |
835 | |||
836 | 05.07.2007 gregdev |
837 | # Corrected filename error in usps.ini |
838 | |||
839 | # Corrected PHP short tags in USPS shipping module |
840 | |||
841 | 25.06.2007 soeren |
842 | |||
843 | ^ Updated the USPS Shipping module to version 3.0 (thank you Corey!!) |
844 | |||
845 | 20.06.2007 soeren |
846 | # integrated patches to ExtJS for Konqueror Compatibility |
847 | # Task #1306 - Page Navigation doesn't work after switching off the display at the top of the prod.listing frontend |
848 | # fixed non-array error in mod_virtuemart_currencies.php |
849 | |||
850 | 19.06.2007 soeren |
851 | # Task #1297 - Coupon discount total does not adjust after removing item from cart (basket.php, ps_cart.php) |
852 | # Task #1299 - Credit card number accepts a string as valid (ps_payment_method.php) |
853 | # Task #1319 - Lockup issue with permissions on browse_* files. (ps_main.php) |
854 | |||
855 | 13.06.2007 soeren |
856 | |||
857 | # Task #1316 - When deleting orders, records in 'order_history' and 'order_user_info' are not deleted (ps_order.php) |
858 | |||
859 | 05.05.2007 gregdev |
860 | # Fixed DEFAULT value for product_id (#__{vm}_product_reviews) in sql installation files. |
861 | ^ Use _PN_DISPLAY_NR from VirtueMart language strings. |
862 | |||
863 | 03.05.2007 gregdev |
864 | # Task #966 - Cleared credit card info when using non-credit card payment method. |
865 | # Fixed a text size bug in the product scroller. |
866 | |||
867 | 03.05.2007 soeren |
868 | + new configuration parameter: VM_STORE_CREDITCARD_DATA (default=1), the store owner can choose wether credit card information shall be stored encrypted in the database or not |
869 | # Test Mode didn't work. The host is not used anymore. VM will use a POST var instead to indicate a test request. |
870 | # Response Codes were not correctly recognized due to a wrong setting of the encapsulation character for the response string. |
871 | |||
872 | 02.05.2007 soeren |
873 | |||
874 | # Task #1280 - Checkout Bar Wrong URL |
875 | |||
876 | 27.04.2007 soeren |
877 | # Task #1273 - Error in creation of HTML confimation Email if more than a specific amount of products was ordered |
878 | # Task #1272 - Error in product attributes with attribute depending price modifier |
879 | + all downloads from the shop can be paused and resumed now (this is extremely useful when downloading bigger files) |
880 | |||
881 | 24.04.2007 gregdev |
882 | # Fixed task #1264 - changed error reporting to use vmLogger; changed notification to use vmMail. |
883 | # Fixed incompatibility for PHP 4.x with complex quoted string. |
884 | |||
885 | 23.04.2007 macallf |
886 | # Added multiple prices to price table |
887 | + Recently viewed products |
888 | + Featured products on shop.index |
889 | ^ shop.index.php changed to template system |
890 | + added new functions |
891 | !!! Database Table - New Entries |
892 | Database table jos_vm_functions |
893 | (187, 7, 'replaceSavedCart', 'ps_cart', 'replaceCart', 'Replace cart with saved cart', 'none'), |
894 | (188, 7, 'mergeSavedCart', 'ps_cart', 'mergeSaved', 'Merge saved cart with cart', 'none'), |
895 | (189, 7, 'deleteSavedCart', 'ps_cart', 'deleteSaved', 'Delete saved cart', 'none'), |
896 | (190, 7, 'savedCartDelete', 'ps_cart', 'deleteSaved', 'Delete items from saved cart', 'none'), |
897 | (191, 7, 'savedCartUpdate', 'ps_cart', 'updateSaved', 'Update saved cart items', 'none');" ); |
898 | ^ saved cart, now more comprehensive |
899 | |||
900 | 16.04.2007 macallf |
901 | # Fixed task 1265: uninstall doesn't drop all tables. |
902 | |||
903 | 14.04.2007 macallf |
904 | # Fixed task 1261: navigation pathway only showing last category. |
905 | |||
906 | 12.04.2007 soeren |
907 | |||
908 | + added a new table "jos_vm_cart" to store the contents of the cart of logged-in users |
910 | ### Permanently store the cart contents for registered users |
911 | CREATE TABLE `jos_vm_cart` ( |
912 | `user_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL , |
913 | `cart_content` TEXT NOT NULL , |
915 | PRIMARY KEY ( `user_id` ) |
916 | ) TYPE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'Stores the cart contents of a user'; |
917 | ### |
918 | |||
919 | |||
920 | 11.04.2007 soeren |
921 | ^ updated ExtJS from 1.0 alpha3 to 1.0 beta2 |
922 | |||
923 | 10.04.2007 soeren |
924 | |||
925 | + added a filtering option to the related product select list, so searching for products is easier now |
926 | |||
927 | 05.04.2007 soeren |
928 | |||
929 | ^ changed "related products" form in product form to use Option Tansfer from one select list to another |
930 | for better overview what was selected as related (using OptionTransfer.js by Matt Kruse - ) |
931 | You can even use double click to move products from one list to the other |
932 | |||
933 | 03.04.2007 soeren |
934 | |||
935 | + added page navigation on product level, so customers can go directly from one product to the next in that category/manufacturer/search result |
936 | ^ product details page automatically grabs the Flypage of the category of the product if the flypage parameter was omitted from the URL |
937 | |||
938 | |||
939 | 30.03.2007 gregdev |
940 | ^ Changed shop_browse_queries.php to use a LEFT JOIN for #__{vm}_shopper_vendor_xref (fixes empty categories when table entry is missing). |
941 | |||
942 | 28.03.2007 gregdev |
943 | # Fixed task #1212: ship_to_info_id and shipping_rate_id were not being passed to the template. |
944 | |||
945 | 16.03.2007 gregdev |
946 | ^ Improved the FedEx shipping module. |
947 | |||
948 | 15.03.2007 soeren |
949 | |||
950 | # JoomFish language setting is overwritten in virtuemart.cfg.php |
951 | # CSV Upload not recognising correct Mime Type due to case-sensitive equality check |
952 | + added a Feed Icon to the category name in the browse page (can be toggled on/off in theme configuration) |
953 | + added Product Syndication system that allows to provide "Product Feeds" to customers |
954 | The URL for the feed is "index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.feed". A category_id |
955 | can be specified in the URL to filter the syndicated products by a certain category |
956 | |||
957 | 13.03.2007 soeren |
958 | |||
959 | # Task #1187 - Virtuemart does not redirect correctly if only 1 payment option is available. (ps_checkout.php) |
960 | # Task #1200 - checkout.thankyou shows empty page when order_total is 0 (checkout.thankyou.php) |
961 | |||
962 | 11.03.2007 soeren |
963 | ^ changed the product list price form to use nice MessageBoxes from ExtJS |
964 | ^ changed from YUI-EXT 0.33 to new ExtJS (1.0 alpha3 Rev 1, by same author) |
965 | |||
966 | 08.03.2007 soeren |
967 | |||
968 | # Prevention for negative cart values upon using a constant value coupon (ps_coupon.php, |
969 | |||
970 | 03.03.2007 gregdev |
971 | + Added Tigra Tree category menu |
972 | |||
973 | 01.03.2007 gregdev |
974 | ^ optimized category tree creation |
975 | |||
976 | 26.02.2007 gregdev |
977 | |||
978 | ^ moved account.billing, account.orders, and account.shipping into templates |
979 | # changed ps_shopper->update to return to $page on error, rather than just checkout.index |
980 | |||
981 | 23.02.2007 soeren |
982 | |||
983 | ^ updated YUI to version 2.2.0 |
984 | ^ updated Scriptaculous to version 1.7.0 |
985 | ^ updated Prototype to version 1.5.0 |
986 | # changing the ENCODE_KEY would re-encode the encrpyted data even if writing the configuration file fails and the old ENCODE_KEY is NOT changed due to missing file permissions |
987 | ^ moved Login/Registration Form during Checkout into a template |
988 | # submit_form() is not defined on last step in checkout |
989 | ^ moved Shipping Address form into template |
990 | |||
991 | [[Virtuemart 1.1.x]] |