Changes in Virtuemart 1.1.2¶
VirtueMart 1.1.2 is a recommended maintenance update, which fixes a lot of minor bugs.
An Update is recommended for all users of VirtueMart.
--- (Rev. 1493 2008-07-31) ---
30.07.2008 gregdev Subcategories are not show if category has only one product - Subcategories are not show if category has only one product Attributes of Childproduct are not shown - Attributes of Childproduct are not shown
- Removed 1.1.1->1.1.2 sql update script. Incorrect total price rounding in mini cart and mod_virtuemart cart - Incorrect total price rounding in mini cart and mod_virtuemart cart
25.07.2008 aravot
Minor CSS fix lightblue to #ADD8E6 (thank you Phil)
24.07.2008 soeren
ccNewsletter integration - added ccNewsletter Integration for VM aravot
Fix productsnapshots output order when displaying a row of products thanks donmarvin)
2176 Error in Infotip for Cofig/Layout/Category template.
23.07.2008 gregdev
Fix disabled shipping methods when last option is chosen thanks Joseph)
21.07.2008 soeren add product page tabs empty - add product page tabs empty
18.07.2008 gregdev DHL shipping error when address 2 is present - DHL shipping error when address 2 is present
17.07.2008 gregdev When Joomla Allow User Registration is set to No, VM template breaks. - When Joomla Allow User Registration is set to No, VM template breaks.
^ Changed vmRedirect to use $mainframe->redirect($url, $msg) on Joomla! >= 1.5 Bottom page navigation is placed in wrong location for two product list styles. - Bottom page navigation is placed in wrong location for two product list styles.
16.07.2008 gregdev User data is visible for anonymous - Don't allow a user id of zero
Fix fatal error for date-type userfield
16.07.2008 soeren Download count and expiration still modified if file missing or unreadable when download requested. - Download count and expiration still modified if file missing or unreadable when download requested.
^ language class: added the ability to retrieve a key from an arbitrary module, whose language file was loaded from within a page
Example: $VM_LANG->load('mymodule') now gives you access to that language keys even if the current "page" belongs to a different module (e.g. "store")
15.07.2008 gregdev User prompted for username & password when Virtuemart in "No Account Creation" - User prompted for username & password when Virtuemart in "No Account Creation" Shipping Address Selection - switching back to default address - Shipping Address Selection - switching back to default address
14.07.2008 soeren
^ mf description also in shop.browse.php and browse_header_manufacturer.tpl.php - mf description also in shop.browse.php and browse_header_manufacturer.tpl.php When Joomla cache is enabled Product list with table doesn't work - When Joomla cache is enabled Product list with table doesn't work Wrong currency code value - Wrong currency code value for Polish Zloty
^ Full state name or code only (state_name vs. state) - added "statename" to the list of placeholders which can be used in the vendor address format. It holds the actual state name.
14.07.2008 gregdev
Fixed product_url for featured products
Fixed </li> typo in pageNavigation.class.php
Xhtml compliance issues in
Don't show the browse page footer when there are no products
11.07.2008 gregdev Instead of 'Notify Me' button 'add to cart' button is shown when list box for child products is selected. - Instead of 'Notify Me' button 'add to cart' button is shown when list box for child products is selected.
09.07.2008 gregdev Don't show up ajax pop-up when click "Notify me" - Don't show up ajax pop-up when click "Notify me"
^ Dates supplied to the browse templates are formatted now, rather plain UNIX timestamps Cannot remove product name in mod_productscroller - Fixed logic error for showing product name in product snapshot template
Fixed missing $product_parent_id in header.php Order list page , column namde Sub total displays Total - Renamed Subtotal column to Total (English only) on order list
08.07.2008 gregdev Bankaccount informations of customers are not shown in Backend - Fixed bank account information not saved in backend user form product_availability_date typo in shop.browse.php - product_availability_date typo in shop.browse.php product_url missing in shop.browse.php - product_url missing in shop.browse.php Show Pagination only when needed - Show Pagination only when needed Add to Cart for each child is not saving. - Add to Cart for each child is not saving
^ Added optional $force parameter to ps_product::get_field() to force reload from the database Cannot remove product name in mod_productscroller - Cannot remove product name in mod_productscroller
Fixed missing class mosParameters (used vmParameters) when validating EUVatID during registration
08.07.2008 soeren
Product Form: fixed Attribute Form becoming inaccessible when many attributes are added (overflow not visible)
fixed hidden (inaccessible) Tabs when too many tabs are in the tab panel (scrolls like in FF now) Advanced Search according to Parameters bug and fix - Advanced Search according to Parameters bug and fix XTHTML Error in LoginScript - XTHTML Error in LoginScript Problems with ps_session.php after rev 1451 - Problems with ps_session.php after rev 1451
04.07.2008 soeren Picture checkout2_1.png not in use - Picture checkout2_1.png not in use
shipping bypass didn't work
re-enabling a product download made it impossible to resend the Download ID (user_id was set to 0)
^ adapted SEF pageNavigation.class.php by shumisha of sh404SEF
02.07.2008 gregdev Plugins not working in child product. - Plugins not working in child product.
^ Don't use <label> for child product titles when there is no child link
01.07.2008 gregdev VM productsnapshots not working in J1.5 when legacy plugin enabled. - VM productsnapshots not working in J1.5 when legacy plugin enabled. mosproductsnap mambot executed even if unpublished - mosproductsnap mambot executed even if unpublished
Fixed vmproductsnapshot to use parameters in Joomla! 1.5.x
01.07.2008 soeren 0 rating doesn't work for review system. - 0 rating doesn't work for review system.
+ added Roland's massively improved SOAP-based EU VAT ID validitation code (thank you!) Protected property accessed directly in class.inputfilter.php - Protected property accessed directly in class.inputfilter.php
30.06.2008 soeren
+ implemented "Shipping Bypass" for downloadable products
^ re-enabled Payment Bypass for checking out with zero-priced products
26.06.2008 soeren Tigra Tree not SEF compatible with fix - Tigra Tree not SEF compatible with fix Advanced Search according to Parameters bug and fix - Advanced Search according to Parameters bug and fix
26.06.2008 gregdev Missing 'Yes' in show in shipping form in user filed. - Missing 'Yes' in show in shipping form in user filed. curl_exec() has been disabled fix - curl_exec() has been disabled fix Missing url in connectionTools.class.php - Missing url in connectionTools.class.php Membergroup to show prices to not working without legacy plugin - Membergroup to show prices to not working without legacy plugin
^ Remove "Select" from Joomla! user groups list on user form
24.06-2008 soeren Minimum Purchase Order Value not updated according to new currency set in Currency Selector - Minimum Purchase Order Value not updated according to new currency set in Currency Selector Missing back button on adding additional image - Missing back button on adding additional image bug in virtuemart_parser.php - changed varname in virtuemart_parser.php Billing address is not shown on checkout page - Billing address is not shown on checkout page Please add - Select State - to begining of State drop down list. - Please add] - Select State] - to beginning of State drop down list.
24.06.2008 gregdev
Fixed vmSimpleXML to not inherit from JObject (for Joomla! 1.0.x and PHP4)
--- VirtueMart 1.1.1 released (Rev. 1436 2008-06-24) ---
19.09.2008 soeren
new Joomla! users find Billto information of other customers (dummy user_info entries could mix up with Joomla! user records)
fixed "operation aborted" error on some pages (due to wz_tooltip.js)
fixed Updater to handle float numbers
18.06.2008 soeren
updater class not able to create new subdirectories
18.06.2008 gregdev
- Removed PayPal Website Payments Pro (will restore in later release)
Hide the Joomla admin menu in Joomla! 1.5 for the order print details
17.06.2008 gregdev
^ Added ability to print order from order details page in backend
^ Added ability to publish/unpublish products from the inventory page; also changed product link to match product list
16.06.2008 soeren
no space between additional Images in Internet Explorer 7
fix for EU VAT ID check
14.06.2008 gregdev Bankaccount informations of customers are not shown in Backend - Bankaccount informations of customers are not shown in Backend No link in email when order status changes. - No link in email when order status changes Wrong redirection with virtuemart login module - Wrong redirection with virtuemart login module Wrong URL after logging out - Wrong URL after logging out Publish button not working in filemanager - Publish button not working in filemanager Shipping value doesn't change in new order change file - Shipping value doesn't change in new order change file USPS and UPS conflict - USPS and UPS conflict
Need to instantiate ps_country.
^ Reformat FedEx shipping options to match UPS and USPS.
^ Clean up the order details (VM admin) page.
12.06.2008 soeren Add to Cart 'Up' and 'Down' buttons don't display correctly in IE6 - Add to Cart 'Up' and 'Down' buttons don't display correctly in IE6
+ added Filename-Display to all important template files (shows file names in DEBUG mode then!)
Item Dropdown List didn't reflect actual discounted prices, but normal prices e-mail address of customer as from in vendor_mail - e-mail address of customer as from in vendor_mail
12.06.2008 gregdev PayPal Pro not working and missing PayPal Express Checkout - Fixes for PayPal Website Payments Pro
12.06.2008 kaltokri
Fix the divide by zero bug in "Order Edit"
11.06.2008 soeren
^ changed product form to display a "category search form" instead of a select-list with all categories when more than 200 categories are present in the store Wrong URL in Order Status Change email when using PayPal - Wrong URL in Order Status Change email when using PayPal Add to cart broken in SVN 1408 - Add to cart broken in SVN 1408
09.06.2008 soeren Ajax call does not work with full SEF URL - Ajax call does not work with full SEF URL - Product descriptions are truncated at the first instance of " "
-Cookie check not showing warning when cookies are disabled - Cookie check not showing warning when cookies are disabled
-Product descriptions and short descriptions are truncated at the first instance of this string {{{<p> </p>}}}Search in Country, State list not working - Search in Country, State list not working Captcha is shown on invoice - Captcha is shown on invoice (attempt #2) Spaces removed form alt and title of images inserted in product descriptions - Spaces removed form alt and title of images inserted in product descriptions Feature Product on shop page shows 'Notify Me' button even when product is in stock - Feature Product on shop page shows 'Notify Me' button even when product is in stock
26.05.2008 soeren Call-time pass-by-reference error in ps_order_change.php - Call-time pass-by-reference error in ps_order_change.php
25.05.2008 thepisu
+ added language strings for updated "Order Edit" feature
24.05.2008 soeren
^ updated "Order Edit" feature, thanks to kaltokri! Captcha is shown on invoice - Captcha is shown on invoice Payflow Pro - Call to undefined function mosgetparam error - Payflow Pro - Call to undefined function mosgetparam error
^ updated wz_tooltip to version 5.0
24.05.2008 thepisu
addslashed javascript-driven text in order.order_list
+ added "default" ordering option for frontend (using the already working product_list field) Missing conversion from utf-8 to cp1251 - Missing conversion from utf-8 to cp1251 Strings hard coded - Strings hard coded removed language strings related to old PBS (danish) payment module-
Updated Dutch translation (by Tonslag)
Romanian state Vreancea corrected to Vrancea
23.05.2008 joomlacorner
Updated Thai translation
20.05.2008 thepisu OFFLINE MODE hard coded. - OFFLINE MODE hard coded (new string added to "common" module) list of hard coded strings - list of hard coded strings (new strings added to "product" module)
19.05.2008 soeren
the order number in ps_checkout:add ($order_number) is 34 characters long- instead of the allowed 32 chars.
10.05.2008 gregdev (for k0nan) Extra Bullets / dots in navigation menu when in attribute or product type section - Extra Bullets / dots in navigation menu when in attribute or product type section Extended Layout view, menu icons are shown twice - Extended Layout view, menu icons are shown twice W3C css 3 errors: lightgray - W3C css 3 errors: lightgray
09.05.2008 gregdev "Membergroup to show prices to" non-funtionsla with Joomla 1.5.3 - "Membergroup to show prices to" non-funtionsla with Joomla 1.5.3 HTML error in availability.tpl.php for the Availability line - HTML error in availability.tpl.php for the Availability line When VM extended search plug-in is enabled in backend Joomla search gives error. - When VM extended search plug-in is enabled in backend Joomla search gives error. ps_DB : Function getErrorNum from not inherited from JDatabase object - ps_DB : Function getErrorNum from not inherited from JDatabase object
09.05.2008 soeren HTML error in availability.tpl.php for the Availability line - HTML error in availability.tpl.php for the Availability line
04.05.2008 soeren Last Page remembered in Frontend - Last Page remembered in Frontend
02.05.2008 soeren Orders date not locale language - Orders date not locale language When registration method is 'No Account Creation' PayPal is not working. - When registration method is 'No Account Creation' PayPal is not working. When registration method is 'No Account Creation' no need of link in order email - When registration method is 'No Account Creation' no need of link in order email USPS and UPS conflict - USPS and UPS conflict
Order form layout too broad Vendor Address 2 and URL missing from confiramtion email and order page. - Vendor Address 2 and URL missing from confiramtion email and order page.
29.04.2008 soeren mod_product_categories images link to old location - mod_product_categories images link to old location
28.04.2008 soeren Ajax call does not work with full SEF URL - Ajax call does not work with full SEF URL group Discounts are not calculated after rev. 1368 - group Discounts are not calculated after rev. 1368
extra bracket in admin.styles.css mod_product_categories images link to old location - mod_product_categories images link to old location
when caching is enabled, products don't show up in listing (but drop down lists instead)
Updated by Rick Glunt about 15 years ago ยท 3 revisions