




Changes in Virtuemart 1.1.3

--- VirtueMart 1.1.3 released (Rev. 1611 2009-01-22) ---

19.01.2009 soeren
  • [ISSUE:2471] - Wrong bill_to address in email confirmation Text mail.

17.01.2009 thepisu
+ added Serbian Latin translation (serbian_lat, UTF-8); by Vlada_bgd; not yet fully translated

15.01.2009 aravot
^ updated Turkish Lira from "New Turkish Lira" to "Turkish Lira" in installation sql

14.01.2009 thepisu
^ converted Italian language to UTF-8
^ fixed French language encoding - converted to UTF-8

12.01.2009 soeren
  • [ISSUE:2470] - Quantity Box JavaScript validation code fails XHTML validation
    fixed paymenow module (login information was missing on payment processing)

10.01.2009 aravot
Fixed PHP5 Call-time pass-by-reference message

10.01.2009 thepisu
^ updated Finnish language (by Mauri)
^ updated Italian language

08.01.2009 soeren
  • [ISSUE:2458] - order search function in account maintenance now searches for order item names/sku and order number
  • [ISSUE:2469] - tax_rate problem in checkout
  • [ISSUE:2434] - Modules need a statment if to check if the product has items so not to show add to cart.
  • [ISSUE:2457] - Error: CheckOut needs a valid Step! (currency switcher module)
06.01.2009 soeren 05.01.2009 soeren
  • [ISSUE:2463] - pageNavigation problem
  • [ISSUE:2317] - Submit button on shop ask page is not working

24.12.08 thepisu
address formatting: {statename} not converted; config tip wrong
sql update script from 1.0.x: some chars wrongly encoded; updated version info to 1.1.2 stable; missing function records
sql sample data: removed HTML entities from shipping rates
checkout confirmation tpl: not "make safe" old shipping sample data (cointaining ">"); that was "maked safe" twice

20.12.08 thepisu
fix in Language Manager
^ updated Swedish language (by sgagner)
^ fix in Italian language

19.12.2008 soeren
  • [ISSUE:2453] - Problem with Tax State
17.12.2008 soeren
  • [ISSUE:2451] - Additional downloadable files missing in account maintenance
15.12.2008 soeren
  • [ISSUE:2448] - stock levels not reduced when order confirmed
  • [ISSUE:2446] - adding custom user fields causes inability to see orders in order list
  • [ISSUE:2450] - Weekly Sales report only lists products sold on first day of week

10.12.2008 aravot
Cant disable Keep Product Stock Level on Purchase ( - thank you patjun)

08.12.2008 soeren
  • [ISSUE:2440] - Zone Shipping on checkout page shows zone value rather than zone name.
  • [ISSUE:2443] - Save button for additional file/images not working in IE (missing ajax_request var)
  • [ISSUE:2197] - Parent price shown for Child items when user is member of a shopper group other than default
  • [ISSUE:2445] - hidden user_id present 2 times in a form
    removed additional user_id parameter from admin.user_address_form
    ^updated Turkish Lira to "New Turkish Lira" in installation sql
    undefined variables in ro_basket.php

08.12.2088 aravot
Compliance issue in classes/htmlTools.class.php (Thank you Phil)

05.12.2008 aravot
Fixed shipvalue ( Thank you chaliet)

04.12.2008 aravot
Removed affiliate reference from configuration and language file

04.12.2008 soeren
^ [ISSUE:2441] - Updated Slimbox to latest version (1.54)
usps.php - fatal error on curl_error
shop.feed.php - fatal error when JoomFish is enabled
  • [ISSUE:2439] - Dynamic Image Resizing ( PSHOP_IMG_RESIZE_ENABLE ) can not be switched off casuing broken thumb images on Category display
    ^ show_image_in_imgtag.php: changed max height+width to 600px and min to 40px;
    no resized images will be created when "Enable Dynamic Thumbnail Resizing?" is disabled; added a check for the existance of the GD library

02.12.2008 soeren
better HTTPS detection;
#[ISSUE:2438] - fixed mod_virtuemart_manufacturers.php PHP notice

30.11.08 soeren
#[ISSUE:2437] - Undefined variable: coupon_display;
#[ISSUE:2436] - Error when trying to view order in Account Maintenance

30.11.08 aravot
  • [ISSUE:2414] - Shipping zone display error

29.11.08 aravot
#2314 - Add Item MISSING in 1.1.2

29.11.2008 soeren
fixed some security-related issues.

28.11.2008 soeren
  • [ISSUE:2429] - Undefined variable: tax_display
    fix for removed affiliate module
28.11.08 aravot
  • [ISSUE:2366] - Missing info message "The selected quantity exceeds quantity available in stock." with EASY FIX (Thank you Danny)
  • [ISSUE:2394] - Selecting orders in the back-end causes a major slow-down with large number of orders
27.11.08 aravot
  • [ISSUE:2412] - Child Products do not Display in IE7 AJAX Cart
  • [ISSUE:2406] - Too many escape characters are added when writing virtuemart.cfg.php

26.11.08 aravot
Fixed missing Checkout Bar image using Joomla 1.5.8

19.11.08 thepisu
^ updated Hungarian language (by pedrohsi)
^ updated Finnish language (by mauri)
^ updated Dutch language (by Tonslag)
^ updated Spanish language (by adancer)
^ fix in Italian language

10.11.08 mainly Danny with help by Max Milbers and committed by Max Milbers
+ showing state name instead of state-2-code in order details

06.11.2008 aravot
Added missing User Group List icon

23.10.2008 aravot
Added missing forum icon

13.10.2008 aravot
  • [ISSUE:2305] - VM1.1.2 frontend order layout broken

04.10.2008 by RolandD committed by Max Milbers
fix for displaying child products in a list. In IE7 and IE6 the page collapses because of a missing span tag. IE then places all subsequent child products in the previous span. This works fine unless you have more than let's say 15 child products.

02.10.2008 aravot
Added missing product navigation link parameters to theme.xml file

19.09.2008 soeren
  • [ISSUE:2371] - Moving up/down doesn't work in admin lists
  • [ISSUE:2368] - order date not local language
    + added pathway + page title to registration page
    ^ changed basket + ro_basket to read the basket templates using the vmtemplateClass::fetch method
15.09.2008 soeren
  • [ISSUE:2331] - search_date hidden field doesn't get a value in admin product listing on backend after
  • [ISSUE:2335] - mod_virtuemart_login.php contains unescaped ampersand characters
  • [ISSUE:2336] - HTML entities in product name are not always escaped leading to XHTML validation errors.
  • [ISSUE:2337] - Labels for the user fields 'title' and 'state' do not match the ids used on the select tags.
  • [ISSUE:2338] - Option values for dropdown lists allow unescaped HTML entities leading to XHTML validation errors.
  • [ISSUE:2339] - The vendor image requires the alt attribute for XHTML validation
  • [ISSUE:2340] - pageNavigation.class.php specifies nowrap="true" causing XHTML validation errors.
  • [ISSUE:2341] - writeSearchHeader function in htmlTools.class.php generates invalid HTML
  • [ISSUE:2342] - The dropdown list of downloadable filenames for a product should exclude system files such as .htaccess and index.html etc.
  • [ISSUE:2345] - Rogue double quote in basket_b2c.html.php
  • [ISSUE:2344] - XHTML validation errors in basket
  • [ISSUE:2346] - Username and password login boxes require unique ids for XHTML validation
  • [ISSUE:2347] - XHTML validation errors in shop.downloads.php
  • [ISSUE:2348] - XHTML validation error with PayPal image

13.08.2008 aravot
Corrected few spelling mistakes in English language ( - thank you Phil)

07.08.2008 aravot
Fix compatibility issues with jomcomment system plugin ( - thank you azrulrhm)

05.08.2008 aravot
Changes made to mod_virtuemart_login to make xhtml w3c compliance ( - thank you Phil)
Changes made to mod_virtuemart to make xhtml w3c compliance ( - thank you Phil)

  • [ISSUE:2286] - Manufacturer Description missing query mf_desc in shop.browse.php on line 121

Updated by Rick Glunt about 15 years ago · 4 revisions