starttime; VirtueMartModelUser::$maxScriptTime = $this->maxScriptTime; } static public function withVmSystemPlugin(){ static $id = null; if(!isset($id)){ //If the vm system plugin is enabled, then the deletion of the joomla user triggers the vmuser deletion, so lets check if it active $q = 'SELECT extension_id from #__extensions WHERE element="vmloaderpluginupdate" and enabled="1" and `state`="0" '; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery($q); $id = $db->loadResult(); } return $id; } public function deleteVmUsers($userIds,$ignoreIds){ $id = self::withVmSystemPlugin(); if($id){ foreach($userIds as $userId){ if($this->_stop || (microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ vmInfo('Clear up Users. Times up. Please execute the job again'); return; } if(isset($ignoreIds)){ if(in_array($userId,$ignoreIds)){ vmdebug('Did not delete this user, because on ignore list'); continue; } } $_JUser = JUser::getInstance($userId); $_JUser->delete(); } } else { VirtueMartModelUser::removeS($userIds, true, $ignoreIds); } } public function removeSpamUsers(){ //We gather first the superadmins, the groupid is in j3 and j4 just 8 $adminIds = self::getUsersWithRole(); $jnow = JFactory::getDate(); $jnow->sub(new DateInterval('P2W')); $date = $jnow->toSQL(); //First users with lastvisitDate = null and registerDate at least 2 weeks old $q = 'SELECT id from #__users WHERE '.vmTable::checkFieldNullDateSQL('lastvisitDate').' AND registerDate < "'.$date.'" '; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery($q); vmdebug('my query ',$q); $userIds = $db->loadColumn(); self::deleteVmUsers($userIds, $adminIds); //In old times, it was possible to delete joomla users without deleting the vm user, so we must find these orphaned entries $q = 'SELECT vmu.virtuemart_user_id from #__virtuemart_vmusers as vmu LEFT JOIN #__users as u ON WHERE ISNULL( '; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery($q); $userIds = $db->loadColumn(); VirtueMartModelUser::removeS($userIds, false, $adminIds); } public function removeJoomlaUsersNoShoppers(){ //We gather first the superadmins, the groupid is in j3 and j4 just 8 $adminIds = self::getUsersWithRole(); $extras = vRequest::getString('extraTables', false); $jnow = JFactory::getDate(); $jnow->sub(new DateInterval('P6M')); $date = $jnow->toSQL(); //Next joomla users without vmusers and/or without any order at least 2 weeks old $q = 'SELECT id from #__users as u LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_vmusers as vmu ON LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_orders as o ON '; if($extras){ } $q .= ' WHERE (ISNULL(vmu.virtuemart_user_id) OR ISNULL(o.virtuemart_user_id)) AND u.registerDate < "'.$date.'"'; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery($q); $userIds = $db->loadColumn(); $userIds = array_diff($userIds,$adminIds); VmInfo('Removing SPAM user with ids '.vmEcho::varPrintR(array($userIds))); logInfo('Removing SPAM user with ids '.vmEcho::varPrintR(array($userIds))); self::deleteVmUsers($userIds, $adminIds); } public function removeShpprsInactiveY($years){ $adminIds = self::getUsersWithRole(); $jnow = JFactory::getDate(); $jnow->sub(new DateInterval('P'.$years.'Y')); $date = $jnow->toSQL(); $q = 'SELECT id from #__users as u LEFT OUTER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map as m ON LEFT OUTER JOIN #__virtuemart_vmusers as vmu ON WHERE (ISNULL (group_id) OR group_id IN (1,2,9) ) AND (ISNULL (vmu.virtuemart_vendor_id) or vmu.virtuemart_vendor_id = 0) AND u.lastvisitDate < "'.$date.'" '; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery($q); $userIds = $db->loadColumn(); $userIds = array_diff($userIds,$adminIds); VmInfo('Removing outdated shopper with ids '.vmEcho::varPrintR(array($userIds))); logInfo('Removing outdated shopper with ids '.vmEcho::varPrintR(array($userIds))); self::deleteVmUsers($userIds, $adminIds); } public function removeOrdersInvoicesY($years){ $jnow = JFactory::getDate(); $jnow->sub(new DateInterval('P'.$years.'Y')); $date = $jnow->toSQL(); $q = 'SELECT virtuemart_order_id FROM #__virtuemart_orders WHERE ('.vmTable::checkFieldNullDateSQL('modified_on').' and created_on < "'.$date.'") OR modified_on < "'.$date.'"'; $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery($q); $orderIds = $db->loadColumn(); VmInfo('Found '.count($orderIds).' entries to remove'); vmdebug('removeOrdersInvoicesY my result ',$q,$orderIds); logInfo('Job: Remove old orders. Deleting all orders with ids '.VmEcho::varPrintR(array($orderIds))); $jnow = JFactory::getDate(); if($orderIds){ $orderM = VmModel::getModel('orders'); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); //First we delete by Order foreach($orderIds as $virtuemart_order_id){ if($this->_stop || (microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ vmInfo('Clear up orders. Times up. Please execute the job again'); return; } $orderM->removeOrderItems($virtuemart_order_id); $orderM->removePSDataOfOrder($virtuemart_order_id); //If Guest Order, or removed user, delete anything $q = 'SELECT o.virtuemart_user_id FROM `#__virtuemart_orders` as o LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_vmusers as u ON o.virtuemart_user_id = u.virtuemart_user_id WHERE `virtuemart_order_id` = "' .(int) $virtuemart_order_id.'" !ISNULL(o_hash)'; $db->setQuery($q); $virtuemart_user_id = $db->loadResult(); if(!$virtuemart_user_id){ $q ='DELETE from `#__virtuemart_orders` WHERE `virtuemart_order_id` = ' .(int) $virtuemart_order_id; } else { // else we delete almost anything except the relation and the ordernumber, but keep that user is a real long term customer, we update modified_on, // so it is not touched the next time $q ='UPDATE `#__virtuemart_orders` SET '; $q .= 'order_note = NULL, customer_number=NULL, order_pass=NULL, order_create_invoice_pass=NULL, invoice_locked=0, order_total = "0.00000",order_total = "0.00000",order_salesPrice = "0.00000",order_billTaxAmount = "0.00000",order_billTax = "0.00000", order_billDiscountAmount = "0.00000",order_discountAmount = "0.00000",paid = "0.00000",coupon_discount = "0.00",order_discount = "0.00", user_currency_rate = "1.00", payment_currency_rate = "1.00", order_billTax= NULL, order_subtotal=NULL, order_tax=NULL, order_shipment=NULL, order_shipment_tax=NULL, order_payment=NULL, order_payment_tax=NULL, coupon_code=NULL, order_currency=NULL, user_currency_id=NULL, user_shoppergroups=NULL, payment_currency_id=NULL, virtuemart_paymentmethod_id=NULL, virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id=NULL, delivery_date=NULL, order_language=NULL, ip_address="", STsameAsBT=0,paid_on = NULL, o_hash=NULL, created_by=0, modified_by=0,locked_by=0, modified_on="'.$jnow.'", locked_on=NULL'; $q .= ' WHERE `virtuemart_order_id` = ' .(int) $virtuemart_order_id; } $db->setQuery($q); $ok = true; if ($db->execute() === false) { } $q ='SELECT invoice_number from `#__virtuemart_invoices` WHERE `virtuemart_order_id` = ' .(int) $virtuemart_order_id; $db->setQuery($q); $invoiceNumbers = $db->loadColumn(); foreach($invoiceNumbers as $invoiceNumber){ $path = VirtueMartModelInvoice::getInvoicePath(); $layout = 'invoice'; $pathInvoice = $path . shopFunctionsF::getInvoiceName($invoiceNumber, $layout).'.pdf'; if(JFile::exists($pathInvoice)){ JFile::delete($pathInvoice); } $layout = 'refund'; $pathRefund = $path . shopFunctionsF::getInvoiceName($invoiceNumber, $layout).'.pdf'; if(JFile::exists($pathRefund)){ JFile::delete($pathRefund); } } $q ='DELETE from `#__virtuemart_invoices` WHERE `virtuemart_order_id` = ' .(int) $virtuemart_order_id; $db->setQuery($q); $ok = true; if ($db->execute() === false) { } } } //We add 5 months and do an extra clean up. //$jnow = JFactory::getDate(); //$jnow->sub(new DateInterval('P'.$years.'Y5M')); //$date = $jnow->toSQL(); self::removeByPeriodCheckOrderIdExists('order_items',$date); self::removeByPeriodCheckOrderIdExists('order_calc_rules',$date); self::removeByPeriodCheckOrderIdExists('order_histories',$date); self::removeByPeriodCheckOrderIdExists('invoices',$date); $path = VirtueMartModelInvoice::getInvoicePath(); //too risky, if the shop was moved, the cdate and mdate is updated. /*if(vRequest::get('DeleteByFileCDate',false)){ $deletedFiles = array(); if($handle = opendir($path)){ $unixDate = $jnow->toUnix(); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $mTime = filemtime($path.DS.$file); if($mTime<$unixDate){ //JFile::delete($path.DS.$file); $deletedFiles[] = $file; } //vmdebug('removeOrdersInvoicesY files',$file,$mTime); } } } vmInfo('Job: Remove old orders. Deleted all outdated files '.implode(', ',$deletedFiles)); logInfo('Job: Remove old orders. Deleted all outdated files '.implode(', ',$deletedFiles)); }*/ } static function removeByPeriodCheckOrderIdExists($tableShort, $date){ $q ='SELECT d.virtuemart_order_id from `#__virtuemart_'.$tableShort.'` as d LEFT OUTER JOIN `#__virtuemart_orders` as o ON d.virtuemart_order_id = o.virtuemart_order_id WHERE ( ISNULL(d.virtuemart_order_id) OR o.o_hash=NULL) and '.vmTable::checkFieldNullDateSQL('d`.`modified_on').' AND d.modified_on < "'.$date.'" '; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery($q); try{ $ids = $db->loadColumn() ; } catch (Exception $e){ vmError('removeByPeriodCheckOrderIdExists '.vmEcho::varPrintR($e)); } if(!empty($ids)){ $q ='DELETE from `#__virtuemart_'.$tableShort.'` WHERE virtuemart_order_id IN('.implode(', ',$ids).');'; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery($q); try{ $db->execute() ; } catch (Exception $e){ vmError('removeByPeriodCheckOrderIdExists '.vmEcho::varPrintR($e)); } } } static function getUsersWithRole(){ static $adminIds = null; if(!isset($adminIds)){ //We gather first the superadmins, the groupid is in j3 and j4 just 8 $q = 'SELECT id from #__users as u LEFT JOIN #__user_usergroup_map as m ON WHERE group_id NOT IN (1,2,9) AND u.block = "0"'; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery($q); $adminIds = $db->loadColumn(); } return $adminIds; } public function removeShpprOrders($userId){ //We gather first the superadmins, the groupid is in j3 and j4 just 8 $adminIds = self::getUsersWithRole(); self::deleteVmUsers(array($userId), $adminIds); } public function removeOldCarts(){ $jnow = JFactory::getDate(); $jnow->sub(new DateInterval('P6M')); $date = $jnow->toSQL(); $q = 'SELECT virtuemart_cart_id FROM #__virtuemart_carts WHERE ('.vmTable::checkFieldNullDateSQL('modified_on').' and created_on < "'.$date.'") OR modified_on < "'.$date.'"'; $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery($q); $cartIds = $db->loadColumn(); VmInfo('Found '.count($cartIds).' old carts to remove'); vmdebug('removeOldCarts my result ',$q,$cartIds); if($cartIds){ $q = 'DELETE FROM #__virtuemart_carts WHERE ('.vmTable::checkFieldNullDateSQL('modified_on').' and created_on < "'.$date.'") OR modified_on < "'.$date.'"'; $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery($q); $db->execute(); } } }