getProperties()); }*/ static $inst = null; static $table = null; static function init(){ if(self::$inst === null){ //$db = JFactory::getDbo(); self::$inst = new VmMedia( ); if(!isset(self::$theme_url)){ self::$theme_url = VmConfig::get('vm_themeurl',0); if(empty(self::$theme_url)){ self::$theme_url = 'components/com_virtuemart/'; } } self::$table = VmTable::getInstance('Medias', 'Table', array('dbo'=>JFactory::getDbo())); } } static function getMedia($id){ self::$table->load($id); $attribsImage = self::$table->getProperties(); foreach($attribsImage as $k=>$v){ self::$inst->{$k} = $v; } self::$inst->setFilePaths(); return clone(self::$inst); } function setFilePaths(){ $choosed = false; if($this->file_type == 'product' || $this->file_type == 'products'){ $this->file_url_folder = VmConfig::get('media_product_path'); $choosed = true; } else if($this->file_type == 'category' || $this->file_type == 'categories'){ $this->file_url_folder = VmConfig::get('media_category_path'); $choosed = true; } else if($this->file_type == 'shop'){ $this->file_url_folder = VmConfig::get('media_path'); $choosed = true; } else if($this->file_type == 'vendor' || $this->file_type == 'vendors'){ $this->file_url_folder = VmConfig::get('media_vendor_path'); $choosed = true; } else if($this->file_type == 'manufacturer' || $this->file_type == 'manufacturers'){ $this->file_url_folder = VmConfig::get('media_manufacturer_path'); $choosed = true; } else if($this->file_type == 'forSale' || $this->file_type== 'file_is_forSale'){ $this->file_url_folder = shopFunctions::checkSafePathBase(); if($this->file_url_folder){ $choosed = true; $this->file_is_forSale=1; } } if($choosed && empty($this->file_url_folder)){ $link = JURI::root() . 'administrator/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=config'; vmInfo('COM_VIRTUEMART_MEDIA_NO_PATH_TYPE',$this->file_type,$link ); //Todo add general media_path to config //$this->file_url_folder = VmConfig::get('media_path'); $this->file_url_folder = self::getStoriesFb('typeless').'/'; $this->setRole=true; // } else if(!$choosed and empty($this->file_url_folder) and $this->file_is_forSale==0){ } else if(!$choosed and empty($this->file_url_folder) ){ if(empty($this->file_type) and !empty($this->file_url)){ vmAdminInfo('COM_VIRTUEMART_MEDIA_CHOOSE_TYPE',$this->file_title ); // vmError('Ignore this message, when it appears while the media synchronisation process, else report to : cant create media of unknown type, a programmers error, used type ',$this->file_type); } $this->file_url_folder = self::getStoriesFb('typeless').'/'; $this->setRole=true; } else if(!$choosed and $this->file_is_forSale==1){ $this->file_url_folder = ''; $this->setRole=false; } //return $this->file_url_folder; //$this->file_url_folder = ''; $this->file_url_folder_thumb = ''; //if( substr( $this->file_url, 0, 2) == "//" ) { $rdspos = strrpos($this->file_url,'/'); if($rdspos!==false){ $this->file_name = substr($this->file_url,$rdspos+1); $rdspos = strrpos($this->file_name,'.'); if($rdspos!==false){ $this->file_extension = strtolower(JFile::getExt($this->file_name)); $this->file_name = substr($this->file_name, 0,$rdspos); } }else { vmdebug('$name',$this->file_url); } //vmdebug('Remote image URL, created file_name',$this->file_name,$this->file_extension); //} //vmdebug('$this->file_url '.$this->file_url,$this->file_name,$this->file_extension); if($this->file_is_forSale==0 and $this->file_type!='forSale'){ $this->file_url_folder_thumb = $this->file_url_folder.'resized/'; $this->file_path_folder = str_replace('/',DS,$this->file_url_folder); } else { $safePath = shopFunctions::checkSafePathBase(); if(!$safePath){ return FALSE; } $this->file_path_folder = $safePath; $this->file_url_folder = $this->file_path_folder;//str_replace(DS,'/',$this->file_path_folder); $this->file_url_folder_thumb = VmConfig::get('forSale_path_thumb'); } } /** * Tests if a function is an image by mime or extension * * @author Max Milbers * @param string $file_mimetype * @param string $file_extension */ private function isImage(){ if(!isset($this->isImage)){ //$this->file_extension = JFile::stripExt($this->file_name ); //vmdebug('isImage ',$this->file_name,$this->file_extension); if($this->file_extension == 'jpg' || $this->file_extension == 'jpeg' || $this->file_extension == 'png' || $this->file_extension == 'gif'){ $this->isImage = TRUE; } else { $this->isImage = FALSE; vmTrace('is no image '.$this->file_extension); } } return $this->isImage; } function filterImageArgs($imageArgs){ if(!empty($imageArgs)){ if(!is_array($imageArgs)){ $imageArgs = str_replace(array('class','"','='),'',$imageArgs); $imageArgs = array('class' => $imageArgs.' '.$this->file_class); } else { if(!isset($imageArgs['class'])) $imageArgs['class'] = ''; $imageArgs['class'] .= ' '.$this->file_class; } } else { $imageArgs = array('class' => $imageArgs.' '.$this->file_class); } return $imageArgs; } function setNoImageSet(){ /*if($this->file_is_downloadable){ $file_name = VmConfig::get('downloadable','zip.png'); } else {*/ $file_name = VmConfig::get('no_image_set','noimage_new.gif'); //} $this->file_name = JFile::stripExt($file_name); $this->file_url_folder = self::theme_url.'assets/images/vmgeneral/'; $this->file_url = $this->file_url_folder.$file_name; $this->file_url_folder_thumb = static::getStoriesFb('typeless').'/';; $this->file_meta = vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_NO_IMAGE_SET').' '.$this->file_description; $this->file_extension = strtolower(JFile::getExt($file_name)); } function displayMedia($imageArgs='',$lightbox=true,$effect="class='modal' rel='group'",$return = true,$withDescr = false,$absUrl = false, $width=0,$height=0){ $imageArgs = $this->imageArgsToArray($imageArgs); if($withDescr) $withDescr = $this->file_description; if(!$this->isImage()){ return $this->getIcon($imageArgs,$lightbox,$return,$withDescr,$absUrl); } if( substr( $this->file_url, 0, 2) == "//" ) { $toChk = $this->file_url; try { $resObj = VmConnector::getHttp(array(), array('curl', 'stream'))->get($toChk); //vmdebug('Object per URL',$resObj); if($resObj->code!=200){ vmdebug('URL does not exists',$toChk,$resObj); vmError(vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_FILE_NOT_FOUND',$toChk)); }; } catch (RuntimeException $e) { vmError(vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_FILE_NOT_FOUND',$toChk)); } } else { if($this->file_is_forSale){ $toChk = $this->file_url; } else { $toChk = VMPATH_ROOT.'/'.$this->file_url; } if(!empty($this->file_name) and !JFile::exists($toChk)){ vmdebug('Media file does not exists',$toChk); vmError(vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_FILE_NOT_FOUND',$toChk)); } } if(empty($this->file_meta)){ if(!empty($this->file_description)){ $file_alt = $this->file_description; } else if(!empty($this->file_name)) { $file_alt = $this->file_name; } else { $file_alt = ''; } } else { $file_alt = $this->file_meta; } $file_url_thumb = $this -> getFileUrlThumb($width, $height); $media_path = VMPATH_ROOT.DS.str_replace('/',DS,$file_url_thumb); if (empty($file_url_thumb) || !file_exists($media_path)) { $file_url_thumb = $this->createThumb($width,$height); } if($return) return $this->displayIt($file_url_thumb, $file_alt, $imageArgs,$lightbox,$effect,$withDescr,$absUrl); } function displayMediaFull($imageArgs='',$lightbox=true,$effect ="class='modal'",$description = true ){ } /** * This function displays the image, when the image is not already a resized one, * it tries to get first the resized one, or create a resized one or fallback in case * * @author Max Milbers * * @param string $imageArgs Attributes to be included in the tag. * @param boolean $lightbox alternative display method * @param string $effect alternative lightbox display * @param boolean $withDesc display the image media description */ function displayMediaThumb($imageArgs='',$lightbox=true,$effect="class='modal' rel='group'",$return = true,$withDescr = false,$absUrl = false, $width=0,$height=0){ $imageArgs = $this->imageArgsToArray($imageArgs); //vmdebug('displayMediaThumb '); $typelessUrl = ''; if(empty($this->file_name)){ $typelessUrl = static::getStoriesFb('typeless').'/'; } if( substr( $this->file_url, 0, 2) == "//" ) { $toChk = $this->file_url; try { $resObj = VmConnector::getHttp(array(), array('curl', 'stream'))->get($toChk); //vmdebug('Object per URL',$resObj); if($resObj->code!=200){ vmdebug('URL does not exists',$toChk,$resObj); vmError(vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_FILE_NOT_FOUND',$toChk)); }; } catch (RuntimeException $e) { vmError(vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_FILE_NOT_FOUND',$toChk)); } } else { if($this->file_is_forSale){ $toChk = $this->file_url; } else { $toChk = VMPATH_ROOT.'/'.$this->file_url; } if(empty($typelessUrl) and !JFile::exists($toChk)){ vmdebug('Media file does not exists',$toChk); vmError(vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_FILE_NOT_FOUND',$toChk)); } } //needs file_url_thumb, or file_url_folder_thumb and file_name and file_extension $file_url_thumb = $this -> getFileUrlThumb($width, $height); //vmdebug('displayMediaThumb '.$file_url_thumb); $media_path = VMPATH_ROOT.DS.str_replace('/',DS,$file_url_thumb); if(empty($this->file_meta)){ if(!empty($this->file_description)){ $file_alt = $this->file_description; } else if(!empty($this->file_name)) { $file_alt = $this->file_name; } else { $file_alt = ''; } } else { $file_alt = $this->file_meta; } if ((empty($file_url_thumb) || !file_exists($media_path)) && is_a($this,'VmImage')) { $file_url_thumb = $this->createThumb($width,$height); $media_path = VMPATH_ROOT.DS.str_replace('/',DS,$file_url_thumb); } //$this->file_url_thumb = $file_url_thumb; if($withDescr) $withDescr = $this->file_description; if (empty($file_url_thumb) || !file_exists($media_path)) { return $this->getIcon($imageArgs,$lightbox,$return,$withDescr,$absUrl); } if($return) return $this->displayIt($file_url_thumb, $file_alt, $imageArgs,$lightbox,$effect,$withDescr,$absUrl); } function getFileUrlThumb($width = 0,$height = 0){ if(!empty($this->file_url_thumb)){ $file_url_thumb = $this->file_url_thumb; } else if($this->isImage()) { $file_url_thumb = $this->createThumbFileUrl($width,$height); } else { vmdebug('No image '.$this->file_name); $file_url_thumb = ''; } return $file_url_thumb; } public function createThumbFileUrl($width=0,$height=0){ $file_name = $this->createThumbName($width,$height); if(empty($this->file_name_thumb)) { //vmdebug('createThumbFileUrl empty file_name_thumb ',$this); return false; } $file_url_thumb = $this->file_url_folder_thumb.$this->file_name_thumb.'.'.$this->file_extension; return $file_url_thumb; } /** * a small function that ensures that we always build the thumbnail name with the same method */ public function createThumbName($width=0,$height=0){ if(empty($this->file_name)) return false; $dim = self::determineWH($width, $height); $this->file_name_thumb = $this->file_name.'_'.$dim['width'].'x'.$dim['height']; return $this->file_name_thumb; } /** * This function should return later also an icon, if there isnt any automatic thumbnail creation possible * like pdf, zip, ... * * @author Max Milbers * @param string $imageArgs * @param boolean $lightbox */ function getIcon($imageArgs,$lightbox,$return=false,$withDescr=false,$absUrl = false){ $file_url = false; $file_alt = false; static $exists = array(); $tC = self::$theme_url.'assets/images/vmgeneral/filetype_'.$this->file_extension.'.png'; if(!empty($this->file_extension)){ $file_alt = $this->file_description; if(!isset($exists[$this->file_extension])){ $exists[$this->file_extension] = file_exists($tC); } if($exists[$this->file_extension]){ $file_url = $tC; } } if(!$file_url){ $file_url = self::$theme_url.'assets/images/vmgeneral/'.VmConfig::get('no_image_found'); $file_alt = vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_NO_IMAGE_FOUND').' '.$this->file_description; } if($return){ if($this->file_is_downloadable){ return $this->displayIt($file_url, $file_alt, '',true,'',$withDescr,$absUrl); } else { return $this->displayIt($file_url, $file_alt, $imageArgs,$lightbox,'',$withDescr,$absUrl); } } } /** * This function is just for options how to display an image... * we may add here plugins for displaying images * * @author Max Milbers * @param string $file_url relative Url * @param string $file_alt media description * @param string $imageArgs attributes for displaying the images * @param boolean $lightbox use lightbox */ public function displayIt( $file_url, $file_alt, $imageArgs, $lightbox, $effect ="class='modal'", $withDesc=false, $absUrl = false){ if ($withDesc) $desc=''.$withDesc.''; else $desc=''; $root=''; if( substr( $file_url, 0, 2) == "//" ) { $root = JURI::root(true).'/';; } else if($absUrl){ $root = JURI::root(false); } else { $root = JURI::root(true).'/'; } $args = ''; if(is_array($imageArgs)){ foreach($imageArgs as $k=>$v){ $args .= ' '.$k.'="'.$v.'" '; } } else { $args = $imageArgs; } if($lightbox){ $image = '' . $file_alt . '';//JHtml::image($file_url, $file_alt, $imageArgs); if ($file_alt ) $file_alt = 'title="'.$file_alt.'"'; if ($file_url and pathinfo($file_url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) and substr( $file_url, 0, 4) != "http") { if($this->file_is_forSale or substr( $file_url, 0, 2) == "//"){ $href = $file_url ; } else { $href = JURI::root() .$file_url ; } } else { $href = $root.$file_url ; } $lightboxImage = ''.$image.''; $lightboxImage = $lightboxImage.$desc; return $lightboxImage; } else { return '' . $file_alt . ''.$desc; } } public function determineWH($width,$height){ $dim = array(); $dim['width'] = $width; $dim['height'] = $height; if(!$width and !$height){ $dim['width'] = VmConfig::get('img_width',90); $dim['height'] = VmConfig::get('img_height',90); } $dim['width'] = (int)$dim['width']; $dim['height'] = (int)$dim['height'];; return $dim; } /** * This function actually creates the thumb * and when it is instanciated with one of the getImage function automatically updates the db * * @author Max Milbers * @param boolean $save Execute update function * @return name of the thumbnail */ public function createThumb($width=0,$height=0) { if(empty($this->file_url_folder)){ vmError('Couldnt create thumb, no directory given. Activate vmdebug to understand which database entry is creating this error'); vmdebug('createThumb, no directory given',$this); return FALSE; } if(empty($this->file_name)){ if($this->virtuemart_media_id!=0){ vmError('Couldnt create thumb, no name given. Activate vmdebug to understand which database entry is creating this error'); vmdebug('createThumb, no name given',$this); } return false; } $synchronise = vRequest::getString('synchronise',false); if(!VmConfig::get('img_resize_enable') || $synchronise) return; //now lets create the thumbnail, saving is done in this function $dim = self::determineWH($width, $height); $width = $dim['width']; $height = $dim['height']; // Don't allow sizes beyond 2000 pixels //I dont think that this is good, should be config // $width = min($width, 2000); // $height = min($height, 2000); $maxsize = false; $bgred = 255; $bggreen = 255; $bgblue = 255; $root = ''; $this->file_name_thumb = $this->createThumbName($width,$height); $exists = false; if( substr( $this->file_url, 0, 2) == "//" ) { $fullSizeFilenamePath = $this->file_url; $exists = true; //$resizedFilenamePath = vRequest::filterPath(VMPATH_ROOT.'/'.$this->file_url_folder_thumb.$this->file_name_thumb); vmdebug('Set file url as $fullSizeFilenamePath',$fullSizeFilenamePath,$this->file_name_thumb); } else { if($this->file_is_forSale==0){ $fullSizeFilenamePath = VMPATH_ROOT.'/'.$this->file_url_folder.$this->file_name.'.'.$this->file_extension; } else { $fullSizeFilenamePath = $this->file_url_folder.$this->file_name.'.'.$this->file_extension; } $fullSizeFilenamePath = vRequest::filterPath($fullSizeFilenamePath); $exists = file_exists($fullSizeFilenamePath); } $resizedFilenamePath = vRequest::filterPath(VMPATH_ROOT.'/'.$this->file_url_folder_thumb.$this->file_name_thumb.'.'.$this->file_extension); $this->checkPathCreateFolders(vRequest::filterPath($this->file_url_folder_thumb)); if ($exists) { if(!file_exists($resizedFilenamePath)) { $createdImage = new Img2Thumb( $fullSizeFilenamePath, (int)$width, (int)$height, $resizedFilenamePath, $maxsize, $bgred, $bggreen, $bgblue ); if(!$createdImage){ return 0; } } return $this->file_url_folder_thumb.$this->file_name_thumb.'.'.$this->file_extension; } else { vmError('Couldnt create thumb, file not found '.$fullSizeFilenamePath); return 0; } } static function getStoriesFb($suffix = ''){ if(!isset(self::$url[$suffix])){ self::$url[$suffix] = 'images/virtuemart/'. $suffix ; if(JFolder::exists(VMPATH_ROOT .'/'.self::$url[$suffix])) { return self::$url[$suffix]; } else { $urlOld = 'images/stories/virtuemart/'. $suffix; if(JFolder::exists(VMPATH_ROOT .'/'.$urlOld)){ self::$url[$suffix] = $urlOld; return $urlOld; } } if(JFolder::create(VMPATH_ROOT .'/'.self::$url[$suffix])) { return self::$url[$suffix]; } else { self::$url[$suffix] = false; return false; } } else { return self::$url[$suffix]; } } }