setMainTable ('products'); $this->starttime = microtime (TRUE); $this->maxScriptTime = VmConfig::getExecutionTime() * 0.99 - 2; if (VmConfig::isSite ()) { $this->_validOrderingFieldName = array(); $browseOrderByFields = VmConfig::get ('browse_orderby_fields',array('pc.ordering,product_name','`p`.product_sku','category_name','mf_name')); $this->addvalidOrderingFieldName (array('pc.ordering,product_name')); } else { $browseOrderByFields = self::getValidProductFilterArray (); $this->addvalidOrderingFieldName (array('pc.ordering,product_name','product_price','product_sales')); } $this->addvalidOrderingFieldName ((array)$browseOrderByFields); $this->removevalidOrderingFieldName ('virtuemart_product_id'); //array_unshift ($this->_validOrderingFieldName, 'pc.ordering,product_name'); array_unshift ($this->_validOrderingFieldName, 'p.virtuemart_product_id'); $this->_selectedOrdering = VmConfig::get ('browse_orderby_field', 'p.virtuemart_product_id,product_name'); $this->setToggleName('product_special'); $this->initialiseRequests (); //This is just done now for the moment for developing, the idea is of course todo this only when needed. $this->populateState (); self::$omitLoaded = VmConfig::get('omitLoaded',false); $this->memory_limit = VmConfig::getMemoryLimit() * 1024 * 1024; $this->_maxItems = VmConfig::get ('absMaxProducts', 700); self::$searchMap = array( 'title:' => '_name', 'name:' => '_name', 'customtitle:' => 'customtitle', 'desc:' => '_desc', 'metadesc:' => 'metadesc', 'metakey:' => 'metakey', 'slug:' => 'slug', 'sku:' => '_sku', 'mpn:'=> '_mpn', 'gtin:'=> '_gtin' ); } var $keyword = "0"; var $product_parent_id = FALSE; var $virtuemart_manufacturer_id = FALSE; var $virtuemart_category_id = 0; var $search_type = ''; var $searchcustoms = FALSE; var $searchplugin = 0; var $filter_order = 'p.virtuemart_product_id'; var $filter_order_Dir = 'DESC'; var $valid_BE_search_fields = array('product_name', '`p`.product_sku','slug', 'product_s_desc', '`l`.`metadesc`'); var $_autoOrder = 0; var $orderByString = 0; var $listing = FALSE; static function getValidProductFilterArray () { static $filterArray; if (!isset($filterArray)) { $filterArray = array('product_name', '`p`.created_on', '`p`.product_sku','`p`.product_mpn', 'product_s_desc', 'product_desc','`l`.slug', 'category_name', 'category_description', /*'mf_name',*/ 'product_price', '`p`.product_special', '`p`.product_sales', '`p`.product_availability', '`p`.product_available_date', '`p`.product_height', '`p`.product_width', '`p`.product_length', '`p`.product_lwh_uom', '`p`.product_weight', '`p`.product_weight_uom', '`p`.product_in_stock', '`p`.low_stock_notification', '`p`.modified_on', '`p`.product_gtin', '`p`.product_unit', '`p`.product_packaging', '`p`.virtuemart_product_id', 'pc.ordering'); //other possible fields //'p.intnotes', this is maybe interesting, but then only for admins or special shoppergroups // this fields leads to trouble, because we have this fields in product, category and manufacturer, // they are anyway making not a lot sense for orderby or search. //'l.metadesc', 'l.metakey', 'l.metarobot', 'l.metaauthor' } return $filterArray; } /** * This function resets the variables holding request depended data to the initial values * * @author Max Milbers */ function initialiseRequests () { $this->keyword = false; $this->valid_search_fields = $this->valid_BE_search_fields; $this->product_parent_id = FALSE; $this->virtuemart_manufacturer_id = FALSE; $this->search_type = ''; $this->searchcustoms = FALSE; $this->searchplugin = 0; $this->filter_order = VmConfig::get ('browse_orderby_field'); $this->filter_order_Dir = VmConfig::get('prd_brws_orderby_dir', 'ASC'); $this->_uncategorizedChildren = null; $this->searchAllCats = false; $this->virtuemart_vendor_id = 0; } /** * @deprecated */ function updateRequests () { $this->populateState(); } /** * This functions updates the variables of the model which are used in the sortSearchListQuery * with the variables from the Request * * @author Max Milbers */ protected function populateState () { if($this->__state_set) return ; $app = JFactory::getApplication (); $option = 'com_virtuemart'; $view = vRequest::getCmd('view','product'); $valid_search_fields = VmConfig::get ('browse_search_fields',array()); $task = ''; $this->published = null;///vRequest::getInt('published',null); if (VmConfig::isSite()) { $filter_order = vRequest::getString ('orderby', "0"); if($filter_order == "0"){ $filter_order_raw = $this->getLastProductOrdering($this->_selectedOrdering); $filter_order = $this->checkFilterOrder ($filter_order_raw); } else { $filter_order = $this->checkFilterOrder ($filter_order); $this->setLastProductOrdering($filter_order); } $filter_order_Dir = strtoupper (vRequest::getCmd ('dir', VmConfig::get('prd_brws_orderby_dir', 'ASC'))); $filter_order_Dir = $this->checkFilterDir($filter_order_Dir); $this->product_parent_id = vRequest::getInt ('product_parent_id', FALSE); $this->virtuemart_manufacturer_id = vRequest::getInt ('virtuemart_manufacturer_id', FALSE); //$this->virtuemart_category_id = vRequest::getInt ('virtuemart_category_id', FALSE); $this->searchAllCats = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_virtuemart.customfields.searchAllCats','searchAllCats',false); $this->keyword = vRequest::getString('keyword','', $_GET); if($this->keyword === ''){ $this->keyword = vRequest::getString('keyword','', $_REQUEST); } else { $this->keyword = urldecode($this->keyword); } //vmdebug('my keyword for search',$this->keyword); //$this->keyword = urlencode(vRequest::filter($this->keyword,FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS,FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_LOW)); vRequest::setVar('keyword',urlencode($this->keyword)); $this->search_type = vRequest::getVar ('search_type', ''); $this->virtuemart_vendor_id = vmAccess::getVendorId(); //$oldCat = shopFunctionsF::getLastVisitedCategoryId(); $this->searchcustoms = $app->getUserStateFromRequest ($option . '.customfields', 'customfields', '', 'array'); if(!empty($this->searchcustoms)){ if(VmConfig::get('changeCategoryRemoveFilter',1)){ $oldCat = shopFunctionsF::getLastVisitedCategoryId(); $this->virtuemart_category_id = vRequest::getInt ('virtuemart_category_id', FALSE); if(!empty($oldCat) and $oldCat!=$this->virtuemart_category_id){ vmdebug('category id changed and I UNSET'); $app->setUserState('com_virtuemart.customfields',null); $this->searchcustoms = array(); } } if(is_object($this->searchcustoms)) $this->searchcustoms = get_object_vars($this->searchcustoms); $this->searchcustoms = vRequest::filter($this->searchcustoms,FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS,FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_LOW); foreach($this->searchcustoms as $k=>$v){ if(empty($v)) unset($this->searchcustoms[$k]); } } //vmdebug('$this->searchcustoms vRequest::filter',$this->searchcustoms); } else { $task = vRequest::getCmd('task',''); if (!empty($task)) $task = '.'.$task.'.'; $filter_order = strtolower ($app->getUserStateFromRequest ('com_virtuemart.'. $view . $task.'.filter_order', 'filter_order', $this->_selectedOrdering, 'string')); /*$session = \JFactory::getSession(); $registry = $session->get('registry'); vmdebug('my registry',$registry);*/ $filter_order = $this->checkFilterOrder ($filter_order, $task); $filter_order_Dir = strtoupper ($app->getUserStateFromRequest ($option . '.'. $view . $task.'.filter_order_Dir', 'filter_order_Dir', '', 'word')); if(empty($valid_search_fields)){ $valid_search_fields = $this->valid_BE_search_fields; } else { $valid_search_fields = array_unique(array_merge($this->valid_BE_search_fields, $valid_search_fields)); } $view = vRequest::getCmd ('view'); $stateTypes = array('virtuemart_category_id'=>'int','virtuemart_manufacturer_id'=>'int',/*'product_parent_id'=>'int',*/'filter_product'=>'string','search_type'=>'string','search_order'=>'string','search_date'=>'string','virtuemart_vendor_id' => 'int', 'list_published' => 'int'); $this->product_parent_id = vRequest::getInt ('product_parent_id', FALSE); foreach($stateTypes as $type => $filter){ $k= 'com_virtuemart.' . $view . '.'.$type; if($filter=='int'){ $new_state = vRequest::getInt($type, false); } else { $new_state = vRequest::getVar($type, false); } if($new_state===false){ $this->{$type} = $app->getUserState($k, ''); } else { $app->setUserState( $k,$new_state); $this->{$type} = $new_state; } } $this->keyword = vRequest::getString('filter_product',$this->filter_product); $this->search_type = $app->getUserStateFromRequest ($option . '.'. $view . $task.'.search_type', 'search_type', '', 'word'); if(!vmAccess::manager('managevendors')){ $this->virtuemart_vendor_id = vmAccess::getVendorId(); } $this->virtuemart_custom_id = $app->getUserStateFromRequest ($option . '.virtuemart_custom_id', 'virtuemart_custom_id', '', 'array'); if(!empty($this->virtuemart_custom_id)){ if(is_object($this->virtuemart_custom_id)) $this->virtuemart_custom_id = get_object_vars($this->virtuemart_customfield_id); $this->virtuemart_custom_id = vRequest::filter($this->virtuemart_custom_id,FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT,FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE); } } $filter_order_Dir = $this->checkFilterDir ($filter_order_Dir, $task); // this should be $this->_selectedOrdering ?? $this->filter_order = $filter_order; $this->filter_order_Dir = $filter_order_Dir; $this->valid_search_fields = $valid_search_fields; $this->searchplugin = vRequest::getInt ('custom_parent_id', 0); $this->__state_set = true; } /** * @author Max Milbers */ public function getLastProductOrdering($default = 0){ $session = JFactory::getSession(); return $session->get('vmlastproductordering', $default, 'vm'); } /** * @author Max Milbers */ public function setLastProductOrdering($ordering){ $session = JFactory::getSession(); return $session->set('vmlastproductordering', (string) $ordering, 'vm'); } /** * Sets the keyword variable for the search * * @param string $keyword */ function setKeyWord ($keyword) { $this->keyword = $keyword; } /** * Function for sorting, searching, filtering and pagination for product ids. * * @author Max Milbers * @param bool $onlyPublished this is not used anylonger, either blocked by perms or use the published by populated state or the injection array * @param false $virtuemart_category_id only products within the given categories * @param false $group return a group (featured, topten, recent, latest,...) * @param false $nbrReturnProducts * @param array $params array to inject parameters, overwrites behaviour by Request variable * @return array|mixed|null */ function sortSearchListQuery ($onlyPublished = TRUE, $virtuemart_category_id = FALSE, $group = FALSE, $nbrReturnProducts = FALSE, $params = array() ) { if($this->debug === 1) vmTrace('sortSearchListQuery',FALSE,3); $keyword = isset($params['keyword'])? $params['keyword'] : $this->keyword; /* * Plugins must return an array with product ids */ $result = array(); vDispatcher::importVMPlugins('vmcustom'); $used = vDispatcher::trigger('plgVmMySortSearchListProductsQuery', array( &$result, $keyword, $onlyPublished, $virtuemart_category_id, $group,$nbrReturnProducts, $params, )); if($used){ foreach ($used as $ret) { if ($ret === true) { return $result; //if plugin returns true, return it's values from the result } } } $db = JFactory::getDbo(); //vmdebug('sortSearchListQuery '.$group,$nbrReturnProducts); //User Q.Stanley said that removing group by is increasing the speed of product listing in a bigger shop (10k products) by factor 60 //So what was the reason for that we have it? TODO experiemental, find conditions for the need of group by $groupBy = ' group by p.`virtuemart_product_id` '; //administrative variables to organize the joining of tables $joinLang = false; $joinCategory = FALSE; $joinCatLang = false; $joinMf = FALSE; $joinMfLang = false; $joinPrice = FALSE; $joinCustom = FALSE; $joinShopper = FALSE; $joinChildren = FALSE; $langFields = isset($params['langFields'])? $params['langFields']: array(); $where = array(); $isSite = true; if(!VmConfig::isSite() and vmAccess::manager('product') ){ $isSite = false; } $this->useLback = vmLanguage::getUseLangFallback(); $this->useJLback = vmLanguage::getUseLangFallbackSecondary(); if(isset($params['searchcustoms'])){ $searchcustoms = $params['searchcustoms']; } else { $searchcustoms = $this->searchcustoms; } if(isset($params['virtuemart_custom_id'])){ $virtuemart_custom_id = $params['virtuemart_custom_id']; } else if(!empty($this->virtuemart_custom_id)) { $virtuemart_custom_id = $this->virtuemart_custom_id; } if (!empty($searchcustoms) or !empty($virtuemart_custom_id)) { $joinCustom = TRUE; $and = isset($params['combineTags'])? $params['combineTags'] : vRequest::getInt('combineTags',true); if (!empty($searchcustoms)){ if($this->debug === 1) vmdebug('sortSearchListQuery $searchcustoms',$searchcustoms); $first = true; foreach ($searchcustoms as $key => $searchcustom) { if(empty($searchcustom)) continue; if(!empty($searchcustom) and !empty((int)$key)){ if(VmConfig::get('strictCustomfieldTags', false)){ $searchCustomSQ = '= "' . $db->escape(trim($searchcustom), TRUE).'"'; } else { $searchCustomSQ = 'like "%' . $db->escape(trim($searchcustom), TRUE).'%"'; } if($first){ //$custom_search[] = '(pf.`virtuemart_custom_id`="' . (int)$key . '" and pf.`customfield_value` like "%' . $db->escape($searchcustom, TRUE) . '%")'; $custom_search[] = '(pf.`virtuemart_custom_id`="' . (int)$key . '" and pf.`customfield_value` '.$searchCustomSQ.')'; $first = false; } else { //$custom_search[] = 'p.`virtuemart_product_id` IN ( SELECT h.`virtuemart_product_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_product_customfields` as h //WHERE h.`virtuemart_custom_id`="' . (int)$key . '" and h.`customfield_value` like "%' . $db->escape ($searchcustom, TRUE) . '%")'; $custom_search[] = 'p.`virtuemart_product_id` IN ( SELECT h.`virtuemart_product_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_product_customfields` as h WHERE h.`virtuemart_custom_id`="' . (int)$key . '" and h.`customfield_value` '.$searchCustomSQ.')'; } } } } if(!empty($virtuemart_custom_id)) { foreach ($virtuemart_custom_id as $key => $virtuemart_customId) { if(empty($virtuemart_customId)) continue; $custom_search[] = '(pf.`virtuemart_custom_id`="' . (int)$virtuemart_customId . '" )'; } } if(!empty($custom_search)){ if(empty($searchcustoms)) $searchcustoms = true; if($and){ $andor= ' AND '; } else { $andor= ' OR '; } $where[] = " ( " . implode ($andor, $custom_search) . " ) "; //$where[] = " ( " . implode (' AND ', $custom_search_value) . " AND (".implode (' OR ', $custom_search_key).")) "; $searchAllCats = isset($params['searchAllCats'])? $params['searchAllCats'] : $this->searchAllCats; if($searchAllCats){ $virtuemart_category_id = FALSE; } } else { $searchcustoms = false; } } $filter_search = array(); if (!empty($keyword) and $group === FALSE) { //$keyword = vRequest::filter(html_entity_decode($keyword, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"),FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS,FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_LOW); $keyword = vRequest::vmSpecialChars($keyword); $keyword = $db->escape( $keyword, true ); $keyword = '"%' .str_replace(array(' '),'%', $keyword). '%"'; //$keyword = '"%' . $db->escape ($keyword, TRUE) . '%"'; //vmdebug('Current search field',$this->valid_search_fields); $adjustedKeyword = ''; $newSearchfields = $this->filterMapSearchFields($this->valid_search_fields, $keyword, $adjustedKeyword); if ((!empty($adjustedKeyword) && ($adjustedKeyword !== $keyword))) { $keyword = $adjustedKeyword; } vmdebug('Current search field',$newSearchfields,$this->valid_search_fields); foreach ($newSearchfields as $k => $searchField) { $prodLangFB = false; if ($searchField == 'category_name' || $searchField == 'category_description') { $joinCatLang = true; } else if ($searchField == 'mf_name') { unset($newSearchfields[$k]); //$joinMfLang = true; } else if ($searchField == 'product_price') { $joinPrice = TRUE; } else if ($searchField == 'product_name' or $searchField == 'product_s_desc' or $searchField == 'product_desc' or $searchField == 'slug' or $searchField == 'metadesc' /*strpos($searchField, 'slug')!== FALSE or strpos($searchField, 'metadesc')!== FALSE*/){ $langFields[] = $searchField; $prodLangFB = true; } if($prodLangFB){ $fields = self::joinLangLikeField($searchField,$keyword); //vmdebug('my search fields',$fields); $filter_search = array_merge($filter_search, $fields); } else { if (strpos ($searchField, '`') !== FALSE){ $keywords_plural = preg_replace('/\s+/', '%" AND '.$searchField.' LIKE "%', $keyword); $filter_search[] = $searchField . ' LIKE ' . $keywords_plural; } else { $keywords_plural = preg_replace('/\s+/', '%" AND `'.$searchField.'` LIKE "%', $keyword); $filter_search[] = '`'.$searchField.'` LIKE '.$keywords_plural; } } } if (!empty($filter_search)) { $where[] = '(' . implode (' OR ', $filter_search) . ')'; } else { $where[] = '`l`.product_name LIKE ' . $keyword; $langFields[] = 'product_name'; //If they have no check boxes selected it will default to product name at least. } } if($isSite and !VmConfig::get('use_as_catalog',0)) { if(VmConfig::get('stockhandle_products',false)){ $product_stockhandle = $this->getProductStockhandle(); if (($product_stockhandle->disableit_children || VmConfig::get('stockhandle','none') == "disableit_children") && ($product_stockhandle->disableit || VmConfig::get('stockhandle','none') == "disableit")) { $where[] = ' CASE WHEN (p.`product_stockhandle` = "0" AND "'. VmConfig::get('stockhandle','none') .'" = "disableit_children") OR (p.`product_stockhandle` = "disableit_children") THEN ((p.`product_in_stock` - p.`product_ordered`) >"0" OR (children.`product_in_stock` - children.`product_ordered`) > "0") WHEN (p.`product_stockhandle` = "0" AND "'. VmConfig::get('stockhandle','none') .'" = "disableit") OR (p.`product_stockhandle` = "disableit") THEN p.`product_in_stock` - p.`product_ordered` > "0" ELSE 1 END = 1 '; $joinChildren = TRUE; } else if ($product_stockhandle->disableit_children || VmConfig::get('stockhandle','none') == "disableit_children") { $where[] = ' CASE WHEN (p.`product_stockhandle` = "0" AND "'. VmConfig::get('stockhandle','none') .'" = "disableit_children") OR (p.`product_stockhandle` = "disableit_children") THEN ((p.`product_in_stock` - p.`product_ordered`) >"0" OR (children.`product_in_stock` - children.`product_ordered`) > "0") ELSE 1 END = 1 '; $joinChildren = TRUE; } else if ($product_stockhandle->disableit || VmConfig::get('stockhandle','none') == "disableit") { $where[] = ' CASE WHEN (p.`product_stockhandle` = "0" AND "'. VmConfig::get('stockhandle','none') .'" = "disableit") OR (p.`product_stockhandle` = "disableit") THEN p.`product_in_stock` - p.`product_ordered` > "0" ELSE 1 END = 1 '; } } else if (VmConfig::get('stockhandle','none') == "disableit_children") { $where[] = ' ( (p.`product_in_stock` - p.`product_ordered`) >"0" OR (children.`product_in_stock` - children.`product_ordered`) > "0") '; $joinChildren = TRUE; } else if (VmConfig::get('stockhandle','none')=='disableit') { $where[] = ' p.`product_in_stock` - p.`product_ordered` >"0" '; } } $product_parent_id = isset($params['product_parent_id'])? $params['product_parent_id'] : $this->product_parent_id; if ($product_parent_id) { $where[] = ' p.`product_parent_id` = ' . $product_parent_id; $virtuemart_category_id = false; } if (!empty($virtuemart_category_id )){ if( !is_array($virtuemart_category_id)) { $virtuemart_category_id = array($virtuemart_category_id); } $virtuemart_category_id = vRequest::filter($virtuemart_category_id, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT,FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE); } //stAn - if the new state is caused by vRequest::filter we need to re-check the new empty value if invalid input is provided if ($virtuemart_category_id === array(0 => 0)) { $virtuemart_category_id = false; } if (!empty($virtuemart_category_id )) { //$joinCategory = TRUE; if($isSite and VmConfig::get('show_subcat_products',false) ){ /*GJC add subcat products*/ $catmodel = VmModel::getModel ('category'); $cats = ''; foreach($virtuemart_category_id as $catId){ $childcats = $catmodel->getChildCategoryList(1, $catId, null, null, false); foreach($childcats as $k=>$childcat){ if(!empty($childcat->virtuemart_category_id)){ $cats .= $childcat->virtuemart_category_id .','; } } $cats .= $catId; } $cats = trim($cats,','); /*if(!empty($cats)){ $joinCategory = TRUE; $where[] = ' `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id` IN ('.$cats.') '; }*/ } else { $cats = implode(',', $virtuemart_category_id); } if(!empty($cats)){ $joinCategory = TRUE; $where[] = ' `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id` IN ('.$cats.') '; } } else if ($isSite) { if($searchcustoms or !empty($filter_search)){ $DoNotShowUncategorisedParents = !VmConfig::get('show_uncat_parent_products',FALSE); $DoNotShowUncategorisedChildren = !VmConfig::get('show_uncat_child_products',TRUE); if($DoNotShowUncategorisedParents and $DoNotShowUncategorisedChildren){ $joinCategory = TRUE; $where[] = ' (`pc`.`virtuemart_category_id` > "0") '; } else if ($DoNotShowUncategorisedParents) { $joinCategory = TRUE; $where[] = ' ((p.`product_parent_id` = "0" AND `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id` > "0") OR p.`product_parent_id` > "0") '; } else if ($DoNotShowUncategorisedChildren) { $joinCategory = TRUE; $where[] = ' ((p.`product_parent_id` > "0" AND `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id` > "0") OR p.`product_parent_id` = "0") '; } } } if ($isSite and !VmConfig::get('show_unpub_cat_products',TRUE)) { $joinCategory = TRUE; $where[] = ' `c`.`published` = 1 '; } if ($isSite) { $virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids = isset($params['virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids']) ? $params['virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids'] : self::getCurrentUserShopperGrps(); if (is_array ($virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids)) { $sgrgroups = array(); foreach ($virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids as $key => $virtuemart_shoppergroup_id) { $sgrgroups[] = '`ps`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`= "' . (int)$virtuemart_shoppergroup_id . '" '; } $sgrgroups[] = '`ps`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` IS NULL '; $where[] = " ( " . implode (' OR ', $sgrgroups) . " ) "; $joinShopper = TRUE; } } $virtuemart_manufacturer_id = isset($params['virtuemart_manufacturer_id']) ? $params['virtuemart_manufacturer_id'] : $this->virtuemart_manufacturer_id; if ($virtuemart_manufacturer_id) { $joinMf = TRUE; if(is_array($virtuemart_manufacturer_id)){ $mans = array(); foreach ($virtuemart_manufacturer_id as $key => $v) { $mans[] = '`#__virtuemart_product_manufacturers`.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id`= "' . (int)$v . '" '; } $where[] = " ( " . implode (' OR ', $mans) . " ) "; } else { $where[] = ' `#__virtuemart_product_manufacturers`.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` = ' . (int)$virtuemart_manufacturer_id; } } // Time filter $search_type = isset($params['search_type']) ? $params['search_type'] : $this->search_type; if ($search_type != '') { $search_order = isset($params['search_order']) ? $params['search_order'] : vRequest::getCmd ('search_order',$this->search_order); $search_order = $db->escape ($search_order == 'bf' ? '<' : '>'); switch ($search_type) { case 'parent': $where[] = 'p.`product_parent_id` = "0"'; break; case 'product': $where[] = 'p.`modified_on` ' . $search_order . ' "' . $db->escape (vRequest::getVar ('search_date')) . '"'; break; case 'price': $joinPrice = TRUE; $where[] = 'pp.`modified_on` ' . $search_order . ' "' . $db->escape (vRequest::getVar ('search_date')) . '"'; break; case 'withoutprice': $joinPrice = TRUE; $where[] = 'pp.`product_price` IS NULL'; break; case 'stockout': $where[] = ' p.`product_in_stock`- p.`product_ordered` < 1'; break; case 'stocklow': $where[] = 'p.`product_in_stock`- p.`product_ordered` < p.`low_stock_notification`'; break; default: $group = $search_type; break; } } // special orders case $ff_select_price = ''; $filterOrderDir = isset($params['filter_order_Dir']) ? $params['filter_order_Dir'] : $this->filter_order_Dir; $filter_order = isset($params['filter_order']) ? $params['filter_order'] : $this->filter_order; if($filter_order == 'pc.ordering,product_name'){ if (empty($virtuemart_category_id )) { $filter_order = 'product_name'; } } //vmdebug('my filter ordering ',$filter_order); switch ($filter_order) { case '`p`.product_special': if($isSite){ $where[] = ' p.`product_special`="1" '; // TODO Change to a individual button $orderBy = 'ORDER BY RAND()'; } else { $orderBy = 'ORDER BY p.`product_special` '.$filterOrderDir.', p.`virtuemart_product_id` '.$filterOrderDir; } break; case 'category_name': $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `category_name` '.$filterOrderDir.', p.`virtuemart_product_id` '.$filterOrderDir; $joinCategory = TRUE; $joinCatLang = true; break; case 'category_description': $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `category_description` '.$filterOrderDir.', p.`virtuemart_product_id` '.$filterOrderDir; $joinCategory = TRUE; $joinCatLang = true; break; case 'mf_name': case '`l`.mf_name': $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `mf_name` '.$filterOrderDir.', p.`virtuemart_product_id` '.$filterOrderDir; $joinMf = TRUE; $joinMfLang = true; break; case 'ordering': case 'pc.ordering': $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `pc`.`ordering` '.$filterOrderDir.', p.`virtuemart_product_id` '.$filterOrderDir; $joinCategory = TRUE; break; case 'pc.ordering,product_name': $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `pc`.`ordering` '.$filterOrderDir.', `product_name` '.$filterOrderDir; $joinCategory = TRUE; $joinLang = true; $langFields[] = 'product_name'; break; case 'pordering': $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `p`.`pordering` '.$filterOrderDir; break; case 'product_price': $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `product_price` '.$filterOrderDir.', p.`virtuemart_product_id` '.$filterOrderDir; $ff_select_price = ' , IF(pp.override, pp.product_override_price, pp.product_price) as product_price '; $joinPrice = TRUE; break; case 'created_on': case '`p`.created_on': $orderBy = ' ORDER BY p.`created_on` '.$filterOrderDir.', p.`virtuemart_product_id` '.$filterOrderDir; break; case 'published': $orderBy = ' ORDER BY p.`published` '.$filterOrderDir.', p.`virtuemart_product_id` '.$filterOrderDir; break; default: if (!empty($filter_order)) { $orderBy = ' ORDER BY '.$filter_order.' ' . $filterOrderDir ; if(strpos($filter_order, 'virtuemart_product_id')===FALSE){ $orderBy .= ', p.`virtuemart_product_id` '.$filterOrderDir; } if($filter_order=='product_name'){ $joinLang = true; $langFields[] = 'product_name'; } } else { $orderBy = ' ORDER BY product_name ' . $filterOrderDir.', p.`virtuemart_product_id` '.$filterOrderDir; $langFields[] = 'product_name'; } break; } $filterOrderDir = ''; $origReturnPrd = 3; //Group case from the modules if ($group) { //$latest_products_days = VmConfig::get ('latest_products_days', 7); $latest_products_orderBy = VmConfig::get ('latest_products_orderBy','created_on'); $groupBy = 'group by p.`virtuemart_product_id` '; switch ($group) { case 'featured': $where[] = 'p.`product_special`="1" '; //$limits = $this->setPaginationLimits(); if($isSite){ $origReturnPrd = $nbrReturnProducts; $nbrReturnProducts = $nbrReturnProducts * 3; $orderBy = 'ORDER BY RAND()'; } break; case 'discontinued': $where[] = 'p.`product_discontinued`="1" '; if($isSite){ $origReturnPrd = $nbrReturnProducts; $nbrReturnProducts = $nbrReturnProducts * 3; } break; case 'latest': $orderBy = 'ORDER BY p.`' . $latest_products_orderBy . '` DESC, p.`virtuemart_product_id` DESC'; break; case 'random': $orderBy = 'ORDER BY RAND() '; //LIMIT 0, '.(int)$nbrReturnProducts ; //TODO set limit LIMIT 0, '.(int)$nbrReturnProducts; break; case 'topten': $orderBy = 'ORDER BY p.`product_sales` DESC, p.`virtuemart_product_id` DESC'; //LIMIT 0, '.(int)$nbrReturnProducts; //TODO set limitLIMIT 0, '.(int)$nbrReturnProducts; $joinPrice = true; $where[] = 'pp.`product_price`>"0.001" '; break; case 'recent': $rIds = self::getRecentProductIds($nbrReturnProducts); // get recent viewed from browser session return $rIds; } // $joinCategory = false ; //creates error // $joinMf = false ; //creates error $joinPrice = TRUE; //Why we set this all the time? $this->searchplugin = FALSE; } if($group!='discontinued' and !VmConfig::get('discontinuedPrdsBrowseable',1) /*and $isSite*/){ $where[] = ' p.`product_discontinued` = "0" '; } if(!vmAccess::manager('product')){ $where[] = ' p.`published`="1" '; } else { if($isSite and !VmConfig::get('showUnpublishedProducts', !$onlyPublished)){ $where[] = ' p.`published`="1" '; } else { if($isSite){ $published = isset($params['published']) ? $params['published'] : $this->published; } else { $published = isset($params['published']) ? $params['published'] : $this->list_published; } if($published>0){ $where[] = ' p.`published`="1" '; } else if(!$isSite and $published=='0'){ $where[] = ' p.`published`="0" '; } } } $priceLow = isset($params['priceLow'])? $params['priceLow'] : vRequest::getInt('priceLow',null); if(isset($priceLow)){ $joinPrice = TRUE; $where[] = 'pp.`product_price` >= "'.$priceLow.'" '; } $priceHigh = isset($params['priceHigh'])? $params['priceHigh'] : vRequest::getInt('priceHigh',null); if(isset($priceHigh)){ $joinPrice = TRUE; $where[] = 'pp.`product_price` <= "'.$priceHigh.'" '; } if(VmConfig::get('multix','none')!='none'){ if(!empty($this->virtuemart_vendor_id)){ $where[] = ' p.`virtuemart_vendor_id` = "'.$this->virtuemart_vendor_id.'" '; } } $joinedTables = array(); //Maybe we have to join the language to order by product name, description, etc,... $productLangFields = array('product_s_desc','product_desc','product_name','metadesc','metakey','slug'); if(!empty($orderBy)){ foreach($productLangFields as $field){ if(strpos($orderBy,$field,6)!==FALSE){ $langFields[] = $field; $joinLang = true; break; } } } if($isSite ){ if((empty($keyword) or $group !== FALSE) and self::$omitLoaded and self::$_alreadyLoadedIds){ $where[] = ' ( p.`virtuemart_product_id` NOT IN ('.implode(',',self::$_alreadyLoadedIds).') ) '; } } $selectLang = ''; //This option switches between showing products without the selected language or only products with language. if ($joinLang or count($langFields)>0 or ($isSite and VmConfig::get('prodOnlyWLang',false)) ){ $joinedTables = self::joinLangTables($this->_maintable,'p','virtuemart_product_id'); $langFields = array_unique($langFields); $langSelects = self::joinLangSelectFields($langFields); if(!empty($langSelects)){ $selectLang = ', '.implode(', ',$langSelects); } } $select = ' p.`virtuemart_product_id`'.$ff_select_price.$selectLang.' FROM `#__virtuemart_products` as p '; if ($searchcustoms) { $joinedTables[] = ' INNER JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_customfields` as pf ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = pf.`virtuemart_product_id` '; } if ($joinShopper == TRUE) { $joinedTables[] = ' LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_shoppergroups` as ps ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `ps`.`virtuemart_product_id` '; } if ($joinCategory == TRUE or $joinCatLang) { /*if($app->isSite() and !empty($keyword)){ //We need an extra boolean to handel this correctly $joink = 'INNER'; } else {*/ $joink = 'LEFT'; //} $joinedTables[] = ' '.$joink.' JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_categories` as pc ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `pc`.`virtuemart_product_id` '; if ($isSite and !VmConfig::get('show_unpub_cat_products',TRUE)) { $joinedTables[] = ' LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_categories` as c ON c.`virtuemart_category_id` = `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id` '; } if($joinCatLang){ $joinedTables[] = ' LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_categories_' . VmConfig::$vmlang . '` as cl ON cl.`virtuemart_category_id` = `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id`'; } } if ( ($joinMf == TRUE or $joinMfLang) /*and $keyword == false*/) { $joinedTables[] = ' LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_manufacturers` ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `#__virtuemart_product_manufacturers`.`virtuemart_product_id` '; if($joinMfLang){ $joinedTables[] = 'LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_manufacturers_' . VmConfig::$vmlang . '` as m ON m.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` = `#__virtuemart_product_manufacturers`.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` '; } } if ($joinPrice == TRUE) { $joinedTables[] = ' LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_prices` as pp ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = pp.`virtuemart_product_id` '; } if ($this->searchplugin !== 0) { if (!empty($PluginJoinTables)) { $plgName = $PluginJoinTables[0]; $joinedTables[] = ' LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_custom_plg_' . $plgName . '` as ' . $plgName . ' ON ' . $plgName . '.`virtuemart_product_id` = p.`virtuemart_product_id` '; } } if ($joinChildren) { $joinedTables[] = ' LEFT OUTER JOIN `#__virtuemart_products` children ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = children.`product_parent_id` '; } if ($this->searchplugin !== 0) { JPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmcustom'); vDispatcher::trigger('plgVmBeforeProductSearch', array(&$select, &$joinedTables, &$where, &$groupBy, &$orderBy,&$joinLang)); } if (count ($where) > 0) { $whereString = ' WHERE (' . implode (' AND ', $where) . ') '; } else { $whereString = ''; } //vmdebug ( ' joined ? ',$select, $joinedTables, $whereString, $groupBy, $orderBy, $filter_order_Dir ); /* jexit(); */ $this->orderByString = $orderBy; if($this->_onlyQuery){ return (array($select,$joinedTables,$where,$orderBy,$joinLang)); } $joinedTables = " \n".implode(" \n",$joinedTables); vmSetStartTime('sortSearchQuery'); $product_ids = $this->exeSortSearchListQuery (2, $select, $joinedTables, $whereString, $groupBy, $orderBy, $filterOrderDir, $nbrReturnProducts); if($isSite and ($group=='featured' or $group=='discontinued')){ $product_idsTmp = $product_ids; shuffle($product_idsTmp); $max = count($product_idsTmp); //vmdebug('Lets get a '.$group.' shuffle',$product_ids,$product_idsTmp); $product_ids = array_slice($product_idsTmp,0,$origReturnPrd); $this->setGetCount(true); } vmTime('sortSearchQuery products: '.$group,'sortSearchQuery'); return $product_ids; } public function getProductStockhandle () { static $product_stockhandle = null; if($product_stockhandle===null){ $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery (' SELECT `product_stockhandle` FROM `#__virtuemart_products` WHERE `product_stockhandle` = "disableit_children" AND `published` = "1" LIMIT 1 '); $product_stockhandle = new stdClass(); $product_stockhandle->disableit_children = $db->loadResult () ? 1 : 0; $db->setQuery (' SELECT `product_stockhandle` FROM `#__virtuemart_products` WHERE `product_stockhandle` = "disableit" AND `published` = "1" LIMIT 1 '); $product_stockhandle->disableit = $db->loadResult () ? 1 : 0; } return $product_stockhandle; } /** * Override * * @see VmModel::setPaginationLimits() */ public function setPaginationLimits ( $force = false ) { $app = JFactory::getApplication (); $view = vRequest::getCmd ('view','virtuemart'); $cateid = vRequest::getInt ('virtuemart_category_id', -1); $manid = vRequest::getInt ('virtuemart_manufacturer_id', 0); $limitString = 'com_virtuemart.' . $view . '.limit'; $limit = (int)$app->getUserStateFromRequest ($limitString, 'limit'); $limitStartString = 'com_virtuemart.' . $view . '.limitstart'; if (VmConfig::isSite() and ($cateid != -1 or $manid != 0) ) { //vmdebug('setPaginationLimits is site and $cateid,$manid ',$cateid,$manid); $lastCatId = ShopFunctionsf::getLastVisitedCategoryId (); $lastManId = ShopFunctionsf::getLastVisitedManuId (); if( !empty($cateid) and $cateid != -1) { $gCatId = $cateid; } else if( !empty($lastCatId) ) { $gCatId = $lastCatId; } if(!empty($gCatId)){ $catModel= VmModel::getModel('category'); $category = $catModel->getCategory($gCatId); } else { $category = new stdClass(); } //if ((!empty($lastCatId) and $lastCatId != $cateid) or (!empty($manid) and $lastManId != $manid)) { //We are in a new category or another manufacturer, so we start at page 1 $limitStart = vRequest::getInt ('limitstart', vRequest::getInt('start', 0),'GET'); /*} else { //We were already in the category/manufacturer, so we take the value stored in the session $limitStartString = 'com_virtuemart.' . $view . 'c' . $cateid .'m'.$manid. '.limitstart'; $limitStart = $app->getUserStateFromRequest ($limitStartString, 'limitstart', vRequest::getInt ('limitstart', 0,'GET'), 'int'); }*/ //vmdebug('setPaginationLimits $limitStart',$limitStart); if(empty($limit) and !empty($category->limit_list_initial)){ $suglimit = $category->limit_list_initial; } else if(!empty($limit)){ $suglimit = $limit; } else { $suglimit = VmConfig::get ('llimit_init_FE', 24); } if(empty($category->products_per_row)){ $category->products_per_row = VmConfig::get ('products_per_row', 3); } if(empty($category->products_per_row)){ $category->products_per_row = 1; } $suglimit = intval($suglimit); $rest = $suglimit%intval($category->products_per_row); $limit = $suglimit - $rest; if(!empty($category->limit_list_step)){ $prod_per_page = explode(",",$category->limit_list_step); } else { //fix by hjet $prod_per_page = explode(",",VmConfig::get('pagseq_'.$category->products_per_row)); } if($limit <= $prod_per_page['0'] && array_key_exists('0',$prod_per_page)){ $limit = $prod_per_page['0']; } //vmdebug('Calculated $limit ',$limit,$suglimit); } else { $limitStart = $app->getUserStateFromRequest ('com_virtuemart.' . $view . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', vRequest::getInt ('limitstart', 0,'GET'), 'int'); } if(empty($limit)){ if(VmConfig::isSite()){ $limit = VmConfig::get ('llimit_init_FE',24); } else { $limit = VmConfig::get ('llimit_init_BE',30); } if(empty($limit)){ $limit = 30; } } $this->setState ('limit', (int)$limit); $this->setState ($limitString, (int)$limit); $this->_limit = $limit; //There is a strange error in the frontend giving back 9 instead of 10, or 24 instead of 25 //This functions assures that the steps of limitstart fit with the limit $limitStart = ceil ((float)$limitStart / (float)$limit) * $limit; $this->setState ('limitstart', (int)$limitStart); $this->setState ($limitStartString, (int)$limitStart); $this->_limitStart = $limitStart; return array($this->_limitStart, $this->_limit); } static public function getCurrentUserShopperGrps(){ static $ids = null; if($ids === null){ $usermodel = VmModel::getModel ('user'); $currentVMuser = $usermodel->getCurrentUser (); if(!is_array($currentVMuser->shopper_groups)){ $ids = (array)$currentVMuser->shopper_groups; } else { $ids = $currentVMuser->shopper_groups; } } return $ids; } static public function emptyStaticCache(){ self::$_products = array(); self::$_productsSingle = array(); self::$_cacheOpt = array(); self::$_cacheOptSingle = array(); } static public function checkIfCached($virtuemart_product_id, $front = NULL, $withCalc = TRUE, $onlyPublished = TRUE, $quantity = 1,$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids = 0, $withRating = 0){ if(!isset($front) and isset(self::$_cacheOpt[$virtuemart_product_id])){ $front = self::$_cacheOpt[$virtuemart_product_id]->front; $withCalc = self::$_cacheOpt[$virtuemart_product_id]->withCalc; $onlyPublished = self::$_cacheOpt[$virtuemart_product_id]->onlyPublished; $quantity = self::$_cacheOpt[$virtuemart_product_id]->quantity; $virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids = self::$_cacheOpt[$virtuemart_product_id]->virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids; $withRating = self::$_cacheOpt[$virtuemart_product_id]->withRating; } else { $front = empty($front)?0:TRUE; $withCalc = $withCalc?TRUE:0; $onlyPublished = $onlyPublished?TRUE:0; $withRating = $withRating?TRUE:0; $opt = new stdClass(); $opt->virtuemart_product_id = (int)$virtuemart_product_id; $opt->front = $front; $opt->withCalc = $withCalc; $opt->onlyPublished = $onlyPublished; $opt->quantity = (int)$quantity; if($virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids !=0 and is_array($virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids)){ $virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids = implode('.',$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids); } else { $virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids = $virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids?TRUE:0; } $opt->virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids = $virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids; $opt->withRating = $withRating; self::$_cacheOpt[$virtuemart_product_id] = $opt; } $productKey = $virtuemart_product_id.':'.$front.$onlyPublished.':'.$quantity.':'.$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids.':'.(int)$withCalc.(int)$withRating.VmLanguage::$currLangTag; if (array_key_exists ($productKey, self::$_products)) { //vmdebug('getProduct, take from cache : '.$productKey); return array(true,$productKey); } else if(empty($withCalc) or empty($withRating)){ //$productKeyTmp = $virtuemart_product_id.':'.$front.$onlyPublished.':'.$quantity.':'.$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids.':'.TRUE.TRUE.VmLanguage::$currLangTag; //$productKeyTmp2 = $virtuemart_product_id.':'.$front.$onlyPublished.':'.$quantity.':'.$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids.':'.TRUE.TRUE.VmLanguage::$currLangTag; $testKeys = array(); if(empty($withCalc) and empty($withRating)){ $testKeys[] = $virtuemart_product_id.':'.$front.$onlyPublished.':'.$quantity.':'.$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids.':01'.VmLanguage::$currLangTag; $testKeys[] = $virtuemart_product_id.':'.$front.$onlyPublished.':'.$quantity.':'.$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids.':10'.VmLanguage::$currLangTag; $testKeys[] = $virtuemart_product_id.':'.$front.$onlyPublished.':'.$quantity.':'.$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids.':11'.VmLanguage::$currLangTag; } else if(empty($withCalc)){ $testKeys[] = $virtuemart_product_id.':'.$front.$onlyPublished.':'.$quantity.':'.$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids.':01'.VmLanguage::$currLangTag; $testKeys[] = $virtuemart_product_id.':'.$front.$onlyPublished.':'.$quantity.':'.$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids.':11'.VmLanguage::$currLangTag; } else { $testKeys[] = $virtuemart_product_id.':'.$front.$onlyPublished.':'.$quantity.':'.$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids.':10'.VmLanguage::$currLangTag; $testKeys[] = $virtuemart_product_id.':'.$front.$onlyPublished.':'.$quantity.':'.$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids.':11'.VmLanguage::$currLangTag; } foreach($testKeys as $key){ if (array_key_exists ($key, self::$_products)) { //vmdebug('getProduct, take from cache full product '.$key.' instead '.$productKey); return array(true,$key); } } //vmdebug('getProduct, no cached full product '.$key.' for '.$productKey); return array(false,$productKey); } else { //vmdebug('getProduct, not cached '.$productKey); return array(false,$productKey); } } static $_products = array(); static $_cacheOpt = array(); static $_cacheOptSingle = array(); static $_alreadyLoadedIds = array(); static $omitLoaded = false; var $cartattribute = -1; /** * This function creates a product with the attributes of the parent. * * @param int $virtuemart_product_id * @param boolean $front for frontend use * @param boolean $withCalc calculate prices? * @param boolean published * @param int quantity * @param boolean load customfields */ public function getProduct ($virtuemart_product_id = NULL, $front = TRUE, $withCalc = TRUE, $onlyPublished = TRUE, $quantity = 1, $virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids = 0) { vmSetStartTime('getProduct'); if (isset($virtuemart_product_id)) { $this->setId ($virtuemart_product_id); } else { if (empty($this->_id)) { vmdebug('Can not return product with empty id'); return FALSE; } else { $virtuemart_product_id = $this->_id; } } if(empty($quantity)) { vmTrace('getProduct Quanty empty'); $quantity = 1; } if($virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids === 0) { $virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids = self::getCurrentUserShopperGrps(); } $checkedProductKey = self::checkIfCached($virtuemart_product_id, $front, $withCalc, $onlyPublished, $quantity, $virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids,$this->withRating); if($checkedProductKey[0]){ if(self::$_products[$checkedProductKey[1]]===false){ return false; } else if(is_object(self::$_products[$checkedProductKey[1]])){ //vmTime('getProduct return cached clone','getProduct'); //vmdebug('getProduct cached',self::$_products[$checkedProductKey[1]]->customfields); return clone(self::$_products[$checkedProductKey[1]]); } else { vmdebug('getProduct cached self::$_products[$checkedProductKey[1] no object',self::$_products[$checkedProductKey[1]]); } } $productKey = $checkedProductKey[1]; if ($this->memory_limit<$mem = memory_get_usage(FALSE)) { vmdebug ('Memory limit reached in model product getProduct('.$virtuemart_product_id.'), consumed: '.round($mem,2).'M'); vmError ('Memory limit reached in model product getProduct() ' . $virtuemart_product_id); return false; } $child = $this->getProductSingle ($virtuemart_product_id, $front,$quantity,false,$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids); if(!$child) return false; if ($onlyPublished and empty($child->published)) { self::$_products[$productKey] = false; vmTime('getProduct return false, not published '.VmConfig::$vmlang.' '.$virtuemart_product_id,'getProduct'); return FALSE; } if(!isset($child->orderable)){ $child->orderable = TRUE; $child->show_notify = false; } //store the original parent id $pId = $child->virtuemart_product_id; $ppId = $child->product_parent_id; $published = $child->published; $child->product_realparent_id = $child->product_parent_id; if(!empty($pId)){ $child->allIds[] = $pId; } else { vmdebug('getProduct $pId empty ',$virtuemart_product_id,$pId); } $i = 0; $runtime = microtime (TRUE) - $this->starttime; //Check for all attributes to inherited by parent products while (!empty($child->product_parent_id)) { $runtime = microtime (TRUE) - $this->starttime; if ($runtime >= $this->maxScriptTime) { vmdebug ('Max execution time reached in model product getProduct() ', $child); vmError ('Max execution time reached in model product getProduct() ' . $child->product_parent_id); break; } else { if ($i > 10) { vmdebug ('Time: ' . $runtime . ' Too many child products in getProduct() ', $child); vmError ('Time: ' . $runtime . ' Too many child products in getProduct() ' . $child->product_parent_id); break; } } //$child->allIds[] = $child->product_parent_id; if(!empty($child->product_parent_id)) $child->allIds[] = $child->product_parent_id; $withPrice = true; if(/*is_integer($child->selectedPrice)*/ $child->selectedPrice!==null and $child->selectedPrice!=false){ $withPrice = false; //vmdebug('Child has price, load parent without price',$child->selectedPrice); } $parentProduct = $this->getProductSingle ($child->product_parent_id, $front,$quantity, false, 0, $withPrice); if(!$parentProduct){ $msg = 'Child product id '.$child->virtuemart_product_id. ' is missing parent product with $child->product_parent_id '.$child->product_parent_id; vmError($msg,$msg); break; } if ($child->product_parent_id == $parentProduct->product_parent_id) { vmError('Error, parent product with virtuemart_product_id = '.$parentProduct->virtuemart_product_id.' has same parent id like the child with virtuemart_product_id '.$child->virtuemart_product_id); vmTrace('Error, parent product with virtuemart_product_id = '.$parentProduct->virtuemart_product_id.' has same parent id like the child with virtuemart_product_id '.$child->virtuemart_product_id); break; } if(empty($parentProduct->allPrices)){ unset($parentProduct->allPrices); unset($parentProduct->selectedPrice); //vmdebug('unset($parentProduct->allPrices) '.$child->virtuemart_product_id); } $attribs = get_object_vars ($parentProduct); //GJC ensure UOM is inherited if child weights and dimensions empty if (empty($child->product_length) and empty($child->product_width) and empty($child->product_height)){ $child->product_lwh_uom = $attribs['product_lwh_uom']; } if (empty($child->product_weight)){ $child->product_weight_uom = $attribs['product_weight_uom']; } if (empty($child->product_packaging)){ $child->product_unit = $attribs['product_unit']; } foreach ($attribs as $k=> $v) { if (!property_exists($parentProduct, $k) or 'shared_stock' == $k or (!$child->shared_stock and ('product_in_stock' == $k or 'product_ordered' == $k))) {// Do not copy parent stock into child //vmdebug('Do not copy',$k); continue; } if('has_categories' == $k or 'has_manufacturers' == $k or 'has_medias' == $k or 'has_prices' == $k or 'has_shoppergroups' == $k){ continue; } if ( strpos ($k, '_') === 0){ //vmdebug('Internal variable '.$k.' '.strpos ($k, '_')); continue; } if (property_exists($child, $k) and empty($child->{$k})) { $child->{$k} = $v; //vmdebug($child->product_parent_id.' $child->$k '.$k,$child->{$k}); } } $i++; if ($child->product_parent_id != $parentProduct->product_parent_id) { $child->product_parent_id = $parentProduct->product_parent_id; } else { $child->product_parent_id = 0; } //vmdebug('Child prices', $child->selectedPrice, $child->allPrices); } //$child->product_name = vRequest::vmHtmlEntities( $child->product_name); $child->published = $published; $child->virtuemart_product_id = $pId; $child->product_parent_id = $ppId; if(!isset($child->selectedPrice) or empty($child->allPrices)){ $child->selectedPrice = 0; $child->prices = $child->allPrices[$child->selectedPrice] = $this->fillVoidPrice(); } $child->customfields = false; $customfieldsModel = VmModel::getModel ('Customfields'); $child->modificatorSum = null; if(!empty($child->allIds)){ $child->customfields = $customfieldsModel->getCustomEmbeddedProductCustomFields ($child->allIds,0,$this->cartattribute, FALSE); } else { vmTrace('Empty product allIds in getProduct? '. $virtuemart_product_id); } if ($withCalc) { if(VmConfig::isSite()){ if($quantity < $child->min_order_level){ $quantity = $child->min_order_level; } } $child->allPrices[$child->selectedPrice] = $this->getPrice ($child, $quantity); } $child->prices = $child->allPrices[$child->selectedPrice]; /*if (empty($child->product_template)) { $child->product_template = VmConfig::get ('producttemplate'); }*/ if(!empty($child->canonCatId) ) { // Add the product link for canonical $child->canonical = 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=' . $virtuemart_product_id . '&virtuemart_category_id=' . $child->canonCatId; } else { $child->canonical = 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=' . $virtuemart_product_id; } if(!empty($child->virtuemart_category_id)) { $child->link = 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=' . $virtuemart_product_id . '&virtuemart_category_id=' . $child->virtuemart_category_id; } else { $child->link = $child->canonical; } $child->quantity = $quantity; $child->addToCartButton = false; if(empty($child->categories)) $child->categories = array(); if($this->withRating){ if(!isset($child->rating)){ $ratings = $this->getTable('ratings'); $ratings->load($virtuemart_product_id,'virtuemart_product_id'); if($ratings->published){ $child->rating = $ratings->rating; } } } $stockhandle = VmConfig::get('stockhandle_products', false) && $child->product_stockhandle ? $child->product_stockhandle : VmConfig::get('stockhandle', 'none'); if ($front and $stockhandle == 'disableit' and ($child->product_in_stock - $child->product_ordered) <= 0) { vmdebug ('STOCK 0', VmConfig::get ('use_as_catalog', 0), VmConfig::get ('stockhandle', 'none'), $child->product_in_stock); self::$_products[$productKey] = false; } else { if(!empty($child->product_available_date)){ $product_available_date = substr($child->product_available_date,0,10); } else { $product_available_date = '0000-00-00'; } $current_date = date("Y-m-d"); if (($child->product_in_stock - $child->product_ordered) < 1) { if ($product_available_date != '0000-00-00' and $current_date < $product_available_date) { $child->availability = vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_AVAILABLE_DATE') .': '. JHtml::_('date', $child->product_available_date, vmText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC4')); } else if ($stockhandle == 'risetime' and VmConfig::get('rised_availability') and empty($child->product_availability)) { $child->availability = (file_exists(VMPATH_ROOT .'/'. VmConfig::get('assets_general_path') . 'images/availability/' . VmConfig::get('rised_availability'))) ? JHtml::image(JURI::root() . VmConfig::get('assets_general_path') . 'images/availability/' . VmConfig::get('rised_availability', '7d.gif'), VmConfig::get('rised_availability', '7d.gif'), array('class' => 'availability')) : vmText::_(VmConfig::get('rised_availability')); } else if (!empty($child->product_availability)) { $child->availability = (file_exists(VMPATH_ROOT .'/'. VmConfig::get('assets_general_path') . 'images/availability/' . $child->product_availability)) ? JHtml::image(JURI::root() . VmConfig::get('assets_general_path') . 'images/availability/' . $child->product_availability, $child->product_availability, array('class' => 'availability')) : vmText::_($child->product_availability); } } else if ($product_available_date != '0000-00-00' and $current_date < $product_available_date) { $child->availability = vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_AVAILABLE_DATE') .': '. JHtml::_('date', $child->product_available_date, vmText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC4')); } if ($child->min_order_level > 0) { $minOrderLevel = $child->min_order_level; } else { $minOrderLevel = 1; } if (($stockhandle == 'disableit' or $stockhandle == 'disableadd') and ($child->product_in_stock - $child->product_ordered) < $minOrderLevel) { $child->orderable = false; $child->show_notify = true; } foreach(self::$decimals as $decimal){ if(empty($child->{$decimal})){ $child->{$decimal} = 0.0; } } self::$_products[$productKey] = $child; } if(!self::$_products[$productKey]){ return false; } else { //vmdebug('getProduct fresh',$child->customfields); //vmTime('getProduct loaded ','getProduct'); return $child;//clone(self::$_products[$productKey]); } } public function loadProductPrices($productId,$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids,$front){ $db = JFactory::getDbo(); if(!isset($this->_nullDate))$this->_nullDate = $db->getNullDate(); if(!isset($this->_now)){ $config = JFactory::getConfig(); $siteOffset = $config->get('offset'); $siteTimezone = new DateTimeZone($siteOffset); $jnow = JFactory::getDate(); $date = new JDate($jnow); $date->setTimezone($siteTimezone); $this->_now = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s',true); } $q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_product_prices` WHERE `virtuemart_product_id` = "'.$productId.'" '; static $loadedProductPrices = array(); if($front){ $hash = $productId.','.implode('.',$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids).','.(int)$front; if($virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids and count($virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids)>0){ $q .= ' AND ('; $sqrpss = ''; foreach($virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids as $sgrpId){ $sqrpss .= ' `virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` ="'.$sgrpId.'" OR '; } $q .= $sqrpss.' `virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` IS NULL OR `virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`="0") '; } $q .= ' AND ( (`product_price_publish_up` IS NULL OR `product_price_publish_up` = "' . $db->escape($this->_nullDate) . '" OR `product_price_publish_up` <= "' .$db->escape($this->_now) . '" ) AND (`product_price_publish_down` IS NULL OR `product_price_publish_down` = "' .$db->escape($this->_nullDate) . '" OR product_price_publish_down >= "' . $db->escape($this->_now) . '" ) )'; } else { $hash = $productId.','.(int)$front; } $q .= ' ORDER BY `product_price` '.VmConfig::get('price_orderby','DESC'); //$hash = $productId.','.implode('.',$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids).','.(int)$front; //vmdebug('my price hash '.$productId, $hash); if(!isset($loadedProductPrices[$hash])){ $err = ''; try { $db->setQuery($q); $prices = $db->loadAssocList(); } catch(Exception $e) { $err = $e->getMessage(); } if(!empty($err)){ vmError('getProductSingle '.$err); } else { if(empty($prices)){ $loadedProductPrices[$hash] = array(); } else { $loadedProductPrices[$hash] = $prices ; } } } return $loadedProductPrices[$hash]; } public function getRawProductPrices(&$product,$quantity,$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids,$front,$withParent=0, $optimised = true){ $productId = $product->virtuemart_product_id===0? $this->_id:$product->virtuemart_product_id; if(!$optimised or !isset($product->has_prices) or $product->has_prices){ $product->allPrices = $this->loadProductPrices($productId,$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids,$front); if(empty($product->allPrices)){ $product->has_prices = 0; } else { $product->has_prices = 1; } } else { //$product->has_prices = 0; $product->allPrices = false; $product->selectedPrice = false; } $i = 0; $runtime = microtime (TRUE) - $this->starttime; $product_parent_id = $product->product_parent_id; $emptySpgrpPrice = 0; $pbC = VmConfig::get('pricesbyCurrency',false); if($front and $pbC){ $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $calculator = calculationHelper::getInstance(); $cur = (int)$app->getUserStateFromRequest( 'virtuemart_currency_id', 'virtuemart_currency_id',$calculator->_currencyDisplay->_vendorCurrency ); $emptySpgrpPrice = null; } $product->selectedPrice = null; if(!empty($product->allPrices) and is_array($product->allPrices)){ $product->has_prices = count($product->allPrices); foreach($product->allPrices as $k=>$price){ if(empty($price['price_quantity_start'])){ $price['price_quantity_start'] = 0; } if(!empty($price['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id']) and !in_array($price['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id'],$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids)){ //vmdebug('Unset price, shoppergroup does not fit '.$k.' '.$price['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id'],$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids); if($front) unset($product->allPrices[$k]); continue; } //This does not work correctly :-( , maybe someone could explain me //$quantityFits = (empty($price['price_quantity_end']) and $price['price_quantity_start'] <= $quantity) or ($price['price_quantity_start'] <= $quantity and $quantity <= $price['price_quantity_end']) ; $quantityFits = false; if(empty($price['price_quantity_end']) and $price['price_quantity_start'] <= $quantity){ $quantityFits = true; } else if ($price['price_quantity_start'] <= $quantity and $quantity <= $price['price_quantity_end']) { $quantityFits = true; } else { $quantityFits = false; } $currency = true; if($front and $pbC==2){ $currency = false; if($cur and $cur==$price['product_currency']){ $currency = true; //$product->selectedPrice = $k; //break; } } if(empty($price['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id']) and empty($emptySpgrpPrice) and $quantityFits and $currency){ $emptySpgrpPrice = $k; //vmdebug('Set default price',(int)$k); } else if( $quantityFits and $currency ){ $product->selectedPrice = $k; //vmdebug('Set price by quantity/currency',(int)$k); } if($front and $pbC==1){ if($cur and $cur==$price['product_currency']){ $product->selectedPrice = $k; //vmdebug('Set price by currency',(int)$k); break; } } } if(!isset($product->selectedPrice) and isset($emptySpgrpPrice)){ $product->selectedPrice = $emptySpgrpPrice; } } } static public function checkIfCachedSingle($virtuemart_product_id, $front = NULL, $quantity = 1, $withParent=false,$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids=0, $prices = true){ if(!isset($front) and isset(self::$_cacheOptSingle[$virtuemart_product_id])){ $front = self::$_cacheOptSingle[$virtuemart_product_id]->front; $withParent = self::$_cacheOptSingle[$virtuemart_product_id]->withParent; $quantity = self::$_cacheOptSingle[$virtuemart_product_id]->quantity; $virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids = self::$_cacheOptSingle[$virtuemart_product_id]->virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids; $prices = self::$_cacheOptSingle[$virtuemart_product_id]->prices; } else { //$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids = 0; if(is_array($virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids)){ $virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids = implode('.',$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids); } $front = $front?TRUE:0; $withParent = $withParent?TRUE:0; $prices = $prices?TRUE:0; $opt = new stdClass(); $opt->virtuemart_product_id = (int)$virtuemart_product_id; $opt->front = $front; $opt->withParent = $withParent; $opt->quantity = (int)$quantity; $opt->virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids = $virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids; $opt->prices = $prices; self::$_cacheOptSingle[$virtuemart_product_id] = $opt; } $productKey = $virtuemart_product_id.':'.$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids.':'.$quantity.':'.$front.':'.$prices.VmLanguage::$currLangTag; if (array_key_exists ($productKey, self::$_productsSingle)) { //vmdebug('getProduct, take from cache : '.$productKey); return array(true,$productKey); /*} else if(!$withCalc){ $productKeyTmp = $virtuemart_product_id.':'.$front.$onlyPublished.':'.$quantity.':'.$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids.':'.TRUE.$withRating; if (array_key_exists ($productKeyTmp, self::$_products)) { //vmdebug('getProduct, take from cache full product '.$productKeyTmp); return array(true,$productKeyTmp); }*/ } else { //vmdebug('getProduct, not cached '.$productKey); return array(false,$productKey); } } var $withRating = false; static $_productsSingle = array(); public function getProductSingle ($virtuemart_product_id, $front = TRUE, $quantity = 1, $withParent=false, $virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids=0, $prices = true) { $virtuemart_product_id = $this->setId ($virtuemart_product_id); if($virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids===0){ $virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids = self::getCurrentUserShopperGrps(); } $checkedProductKey = $this->checkIfCachedSingle($virtuemart_product_id, $front, $quantity, $withParent, $virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids, $prices); if($checkedProductKey[0]){ if(self::$_productsSingle[$checkedProductKey[1]]===false){ return false; } else { //vmTime('getProduct return cached clone','getProduct'); //vmdebug('getProduct cached',self::$_products[$checkedProductKey[1]]->prices); return clone(self::$_productsSingle[$checkedProductKey[1]]); } } $productKey = $checkedProductKey[1]; if (!empty($this->_id)) { $product = $this->getTable ('products'); //$joinIds = array('virtuemart_manufacturer_id' => '#__virtuemart_product_manufacturers', 'virtuemart_customfield_id' => '#__virtuemart_product_customfields'); //$product->load ($this->_id, 0, 0, $joinIds); $res = $product->load ($this->_id, 0, 0);//->loadFieldValues(false); if(!$res or (empty($product->virtuemart_vendor_id) and empty($product->slug))){ self::$_productsSingle[$checkedProductKey[1]] = false; if(empty($product->slug)){ $msg = 'Empty slug product with id '.$product->virtuemart_product_id.', entries exists for language? '.VmConfig::$vmlangTag; vmError($msg,$msg.' You may contact the administrator'); } else { vmError('Could not find product with id '.$product->virtuemart_product_id.', still existing?'); } //vmdebug('Product was not found',$product); $pr = $this->fillVoidProduct ($front, $virtuemart_product_id); return $pr; } $optimised = VmConfig::get('optimisedProductSql', true); $product->allIds = array(); //We prestore the result, so we can directly load the product parent id by cache self::$_productsSingle[$productKey] = $product; $product->virtuemart_media_id = false; if($optimised){ $storeHasMedias = false; $product->virtuemart_media_id = false; if(!isset($product->has_medias) or $product->has_medias){ $xrefTable = $this->getTable ('product_medias'); $product->virtuemart_media_id = $xrefTable->load ((int)$this->_id); //vmdebug('getProductSingle loaded media',$product->has_medias); if(!isset($product->has_medias)){ $storeHasMedias = true; $product->has_medias = (int)!empty($product->virtuemart_media_id ); } } // Load the shoppers the product is available to for Custom Shopper Visibility $storeHasShoppergroups = false; $product->shoppergroups = false; if(!isset($product->has_shoppergroups) or $product->has_shoppergroups){ $product->shoppergroups = $this->getTable('product_shoppergroups')->load($this->_id); //vmdebug('getProductSingle loaded product_shoppergroups', $storeHasShoppergroups); if(!isset($product->has_shoppergroups)){ $storeHasShoppergroups = true; $product->has_shoppergroups = (int)!empty($product->shoppergroups ); } } $storeHasPrices = false; //Inheritance needs a set property $product->allPrices = array(); $product->selectedPrice = 0; if($prices) { if(!isset($product->has_prices) or $product->has_prices){ if(!isset($product->has_prices)){ $storeHasPrices = true; } $this->getRawProductPrices($product,$quantity,$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids,$front,$withParent,$optimised); } } else { //vmdebug('getProductSingle loading without prices id '.$virtuemart_product_id); } $storeHasManufacturers = false; $product->virtuemart_manufacturer_id = false; if(!isset($product->has_manufacturers) or $product->has_manufacturers){ $product->virtuemart_manufacturer_id = $this->getTable('product_manufacturers')->load($this->_id); //vmdebug('getProductSingle loaded product_manufacturers',$product->has_manufacturers); if(!isset($product->has_manufacturers)){ $storeHasManufacturers = true; $product->has_manufacturers = (int)!empty($product->virtuemart_manufacturer_id ); } } // Load the categories the product is in $storeHasCategories = false; $product->categoryItem = false; if(!isset($product->has_categories) or $product->has_categories){ $product->categoryItem = $this->getProductCategories ($this->_id); //We need also the unpublished categories, else the calculation rules do not work //vmdebug('getProductSingle loaded categories',$product->categoryItem); if(!isset($product->has_categories)){ $storeHasCategories = true; $product->has_categories = (int)!empty($product->categoryItem ); } } if( ($storeHasMedias!==false or $storeHasShoppergroups!==false or $storeHasManufacturers!==false or $storeHasCategories!==false or $storeHasPrices!==false)){ $q = ''; if($storeHasPrices!==false){ $q .= ' `has_prices`='.(int)$storeHasPrices.','; } if($storeHasMedias!==false){ $q .= ' `has_medias`='.(int)$storeHasMedias.','; } if($storeHasShoppergroups!==false){ $q .= ' `has_shoppergroups`='.(int)$storeHasShoppergroups.','; } if($storeHasManufacturers!==false){ $q .= ' `has_manufacturers`='.(int)$storeHasManufacturers.','; } if($storeHasCategories!==false){ $q .= ' `has_categories`='.(int)$storeHasCategories.','; } //vmdebug('Update? product store HasXref '.$product->virtuemart_product_id,$q); if(!empty($q)){ $q = rtrim($q,','); vmSetStartTime('letsUpdateProducts'); $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $q = 'UPDATE #__virtuemart_products SET '.$q.' WHERE `virtuemart_product_id`='.$product->virtuemart_product_id.';'; $db->setQuery($q); $res = $db->execute();vmdebug('Updated product store HasXref '.$product->virtuemart_product_id,$q); if(!$res){ vmError('Could not update Product', 'Could not update Product with id '.$product->virtuemart_product_id.' still existing?'); } vmTime('Updated product xref '.$product->virtuemart_product_id,'letsUpdateProducts'); } } } else { $product->shoppergroups = $this->getTable('product_shoppergroups')->load($this->_id); $product->virtuemart_media_id = $this->getTable ('product_medias')->load ((int)$this->_id); $this->getRawProductPrices($product,$quantity,$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids,$front,$withParent,$optimised); $product->virtuemart_manufacturer_id = $this->getTable('product_manufacturers')->load($this->_id); $product->categoryItem = $this->getProductCategories ($this->_id); //We need also the unpublished categories, else the calculation rules do not work } if (!empty($product->shoppergroups) and $front) { $commonShpgrps = array_intersect ($virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids, $product->shoppergroups); if (empty($commonShpgrps)) { $pr = $this->fillVoidProduct ($front, $virtuemart_product_id); $pr->slug = $product->slug; $pr->access = false; return $pr; } } if (!empty($product->virtuemart_manufacturer_id[0])) { //This is a fallback $mfTable = $this->getTable ('manufacturers'); $mfTable->load ((int)$product->virtuemart_manufacturer_id[0]); if(!empty($mfTable)){ $product->mf_name = $mfTable->mf_name; $product->mf_desc = $mfTable->mf_desc; $product->mf_url = $mfTable->mf_url; } } else { $product->virtuemart_manufacturer_id = array(); $product->mf_name = ''; $product->mf_desc = ''; $product->mf_url = ''; } $product->canonCatId = false; $product->canonCatIdname = ''; $public_cats = array(); $product->categories = array(); if(!empty($product->categoryItem)){ $tmp = array(); foreach($product->categoryItem as $category){ if($category['published']){ if(!$product->canonCatId) $product->canonCatId = $category['virtuemart_category_id']; // use a canonical category if published and a values is stored if (!empty($product->product_canon_category_id) and $category['virtuemart_category_id'] == $product->product_canon_category_id ){ $product->canonCatId = $product->product_canon_category_id; $product->canonCatIdname = $category['category_name']; //vmdebug('Canon cat found'); } $public_cats[] = $category['virtuemart_category_id']; } $tmp[] = $category['virtuemart_category_id']; } $product->categories = $tmp; } if (!empty($product->categories) and is_array ($product->categories)){ if ($front) { //We must first check if we come from another category, due the canoncial link we would have always the same catgory id for a product //But then we would have wrong neighbored products / category and product layouts if(!isset($this->categoryId)){ static $menu = null; if(!isset($menu)){ $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $menus = $app->getMenu('site'); $this->Itemid = vRequest::getInt('Itemid',false); if ($this->Itemid ) { $menu = $menus->getItem($this->Itemid); } else { $menu = $menus->getActive(); } } $this->categoryId = vRequest::getInt('virtuemart_category_id', 0); if(empty($this->categoryId)){ if(!empty($menu->query['virtuemart_category_id'])){ $this->categoryId = $menu->query['virtuemart_category_id']; } else { $this->categoryId = ShopFunctionsF::getLastVisitedCategoryId(); } } } //$last_category_id = shopFunctionsF::getLastVisitedCategoryId (); if ($this->categoryId!==0 and in_array ($this->categoryId, $product->categories)) { $product->virtuemart_category_id = $this->categoryId; } if ($this->categoryId!==0 and $this->categoryId!=$product->canonCatId){ if(in_array($this->categoryId,$public_cats)){ $product->virtuemart_category_id = $this->categoryId; } } } //vmdebug('$product->virtuemart_category_id',$product->virtuemart_category_id); if(empty($product->virtuemart_category_id)){ //$virtuemart_category_id = vRequest::getInt ('virtuemart_category_id', 0); if(is_array($this->virtuemart_category_id)){ $virtuemart_category_id = reset($this->virtuemart_category_id); } else{ $virtuemart_category_id = $this->virtuemart_category_id; } //quorvia if we are getting a product and we are in admin - we may be going back to a category list - but there may be no category_id from the URL - // we dont want the canon category setting we want the category we are going back to because the product ordering is screwed if we dont use that if(!$front and $this->virtuemart_category_id and $virtuemart_category_id==0){ $virtuemart_category_id = $this->virtuemart_category_id; } if ($virtuemart_category_id!==0 and in_array ($virtuemart_category_id, $product->categories)) { $product->virtuemart_category_id = $virtuemart_category_id; } else if(!empty($product->canonCatId)) { $product->virtuemart_category_id = $product->canonCatId; //} else if (!$front and !empty($product->categories) and is_array ($product->categories) and array_key_exists (0, $product->categories)) { //why the restriction why we should use it for BE only? } else if (!empty($product->categories) and is_array ($product->categories) ) { $product->virtuemart_category_id = reset($product->categories); //vmdebug('I take for product the main category ',$product->virtuemart_category_id,$product->categories); } } } if(empty($product->virtuemart_category_id)) $product->virtuemart_category_id = $product->canonCatId; //vmdebug('getProductSingle loaded categories',$product->categoryItem, $product->virtuemart_category_id); if(!empty($product->virtuemart_category_id)){ $found = false; foreach($product->categoryItem as $category){ if($category['virtuemart_category_id'] == $product->virtuemart_category_id){ $product->ordering = $category['ordering']; //vmdebug('getProductSingle loaded categories', $product->virtuemart_category_id, $category['ordering']); //This is the ordering id in the list to store the ordering notice by Max Milbers $product->id = $category['id']; $product->category_name = $category['category_name']; $found = true; break; } } if(!$found){ $product->ordering = $this->_autoOrder++; $product->id = $this->_autoOrder; vmdebug('$product->virtuemart_category_id no ordering stored for product '.$this->_id); } } else { $product->category_name = ''; $product->virtuemart_category_id = ''; $product->ordering = ''; $product->id = $this->_autoOrder++; } if($product->shared_stock){ $prT = $this->getTable ('products'); $parent = $prT->load ($product->product_parent_id, 0, 0); $product->product_in_stock = $parent->product_in_stock; $product->product_ordered = $parent->product_ordered; } // Check the stock level if (empty($product->product_in_stock)) { $product->product_in_stock = 0; } self::$_productsSingle[$productKey] = $product; } else { self::$_productsSingle[$productKey] = $this->fillVoidProduct ($front); } return clone(self::$_productsSingle[$productKey]); } /** * This fills the empty properties of a product * todo add if(!empty statements * * @author Max Milbers * @param unknown_type $product * @param unknown_type $front */ private function fillVoidProduct ($front = TRUE, $productId = 0) { /* Load an empty product */ $product = $this->getTable ('products'); $product->reset(); $product->load (); $product->virtuemart_product_id = $productId; /* Add optional fields */ $product->virtuemart_manufacturer_id = NULL; $product->virtuemart_product_price_id = NULL; $product->virtuemart_category_id = 0; $product->allPrices[0] = $this->fillVoidPrice(); $product->categories = array(); $product->canonCatId = ''; $product->allIds = array(); if ($front) { $product->link = ''; $product->virtuemart_shoppergroup_id = 0; $product->mf_name = ''; $product->packaging = ''; $product->related = ''; $product->box = ''; $product->addToCartButton = false; } $product->virtuemart_vendor_id = vmAccess::isSuperVendor(); return $product; } public function fillVoidPrice(){ $prices = array(); $prices['product_price'] = ''; $prices['virtuemart_product_price_id'] = 0; $prices['product_currency'] = null; $prices['price_quantity_start'] = null; $prices['price_quantity_end'] = null; $prices['product_price_publish_up'] = null; $prices['product_price_publish_down'] = null; $prices['product_tax_id'] = 0; $prices['product_discount_id'] = null; $prices['product_override_price'] = null; $prices['override'] = null; $prices['categories'] = array(); $prices['shoppergroups'] = array(); $prices['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id'] = null; return $prices; } /** * Load the product category * * @author Max Milbers * @return array list of categories product is in */ public function getProductCategories ($virtuemart_product_id) { static $prodCats = array(); if(empty($virtuemart_product_id)) return false; if(!isset($prodCats[$virtuemart_product_id])){ $categories = array(); $categoryIds = self::getProductCategoryIds($virtuemart_product_id); $catTable = $this->getTable('categories'); foreach($categoryIds as $categoryId){ $tmp = $catTable->load($categoryId['virtuemart_category_id'])->loadFieldValues(); $tmp['id'] = $categoryId['id']; $tmp['ordering'] = $categoryId['ordering']; $categories[] = $tmp; } $prodCats[$virtuemart_product_id] = $categories; } return $prodCats[$virtuemart_product_id]; } static public function getProductCategoryIds ($id) { static $c = array(); if(!isset($c[$id])){ $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_product_categories` WHERE `virtuemart_product_id` = ' . (int)$id; $db->setQuery ($q); $c[$id] = $db->loadAssocList(); } return $c[$id]; } /** * Get the products in a given category * * @access public * @param int $virtuemart_category_id the category ID where to get the products for * @return array containing product objects * @deprecated */ public function getProductsInCategory ($categoryId) { $ids = $this->sortSearchListQuery (TRUE, $categoryId); $this->products = $this->getProducts ($ids); return $this->products; } /** * Loads different kind of product lists. * you can load them with calculation or only published onces, very intersting is the loading of groups * valid values are latest, topten, featured, recent. * * The function checks itself by the config if the user is allowed to see the price or published products * * @author Max Milbers */ public function getProductListing ($group = FALSE, $nbrReturnProducts = FALSE, $withCalc = TRUE, $onlyPublished = TRUE, $single = FALSE, $filterCategory = TRUE, $category_id = 0, $filterManufacturer = TRUE, $manufacturer_id = 0) { $ids = array(); if (VmConfig::isSite()) { $front = TRUE; if (!vmAccess::manager()) { $onlyPublished = TRUE; $withCalc = (int)VmConfig::get ('show_prices', 1); } } else { $front = FALSE; } $this->setFilter (); if ($filterCategory) { if ($category_id) { $this->virtuemart_category_id = $category_id; } } else { $this->virtuemart_category_id = FALSE; } if ($filterManufacturer) { if ($manufacturer_id) { $this->virtuemart_manufacturer_id = $manufacturer_id; } } else { $this->virtuemart_manufacturer_id = FALSE; } if($group == 'recent'){ $ids = self::getRecentProductIds($nbrReturnProducts); // get recent viewed from browser session } else { if($group){ $params = array('searchcustoms'=>false,'virtuemart_custom_id'=>false, 'keyword' =>false); } else { $params = array(); } $ids = $this->sortSearchListQuery ($onlyPublished, $this->virtuemart_category_id, $group, $nbrReturnProducts, $params ); if($ids){ self::$_alreadyLoadedIds = array_merge(self::$_alreadyLoadedIds,$ids); } } //quickndirty hack for the BE list $this->listing = TRUE; $products = $this->getProducts ($ids, $front, $withCalc, $onlyPublished, $single); $this->listing = FALSE; return $products; } static public function getProductsListing ($group = FALSE, $nbrReturnProducts = FALSE, $withCalc = TRUE, $onlyPublished = TRUE, $single = FALSE, $filterCategory = TRUE, $category_id = 0, $filterManufacturer = TRUE, $manufacturer_id = 0, $omit = 0) { $productModel = VmModel::getModel('Product'); VirtueMartModelProduct::$omitLoaded = $omit; $productModel->_withCount = false; $products = $productModel->getProductListing($group, $nbrReturnProducts, $withCalc, $onlyPublished, $single, $filterCategory, $category_id, $filterManufacturer, $manufacturer_id);//*/ return $products; } /** * overriden getFilter to persist filters * * @author OSP */ public function setFilter () { if (!VmConfig::isSite ()) { //persisted filter only in admin $view = vRequest::getCmd ('view'); $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication (); $this->virtuemart_category_id = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest ('com_virtuemart.' . $view . '.filter.virtuemart_category_id', 'virtuemart_category_id', 0, 'int'); $this->setState ('virtuemart_category_id', $this->virtuemart_category_id); $this->virtuemart_manufacturer_id = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest ('com_virtuemart.' . $view . '.filter.virtuemart_manufacturer_id', 'virtuemart_manufacturer_id', 0, 'int'); $this->setState ('virtuemart_manufacturer_id', $this->virtuemart_manufacturer_id); } else { $this->virtuemart_category_id = vRequest::getInt ('virtuemart_category_id', FALSE); } } /** * Returns products for given array of ids * * @author Max Milbers * @param int $productIds * @param boolean $front * @param boolean $withCalc * @param boolean $onlyPublished */ public function getProducts ($productIds, $front = TRUE, $withCalc = TRUE, $onlyPublished = TRUE, $single = FALSE) { if (empty($productIds)) { return array(); } $maxNumber = $this->_maxItems; $products = array(); $i = 0; if ($single) { foreach ($productIds as $id) { if ($product = $this->getProductSingle ((int)$id, $front,1,false)) { $products[] = $product; $i++; } if ($i > $maxNumber) { vmdebug ('Better not to display more than ' . $maxNumber . ' products'); return $products; } } } else { foreach ($productIds as $id) { if ($product = $this->getProduct ((int)$id, $front, $withCalc, $onlyPublished,1)) { $products[] = $product; $i++; } if ($i > $maxNumber) { vmdebug ('Better not to display more than ' . $maxNumber . ' products'); break; } } } //GJC test if cat deep search if(VmConfig::get('deep_cat',false)){ $set_categoryId = vRequest::getInt('virtuemart_category_id', -1); $cat_deep_search = true; if($cat_deep_search && $set_categoryId != -1 ){ foreach ($products as $product) { $catmodel = VmModel::getModel ('category'); $childcats = $catmodel->getChildCategoryList(1, $set_categoryId, null, null, false); $testcats = array($set_categoryId); foreach($childcats as $childcat) { $testcats[] = $childcat->virtuemart_category_id; } foreach($product->categoryItem as $catItem){ $product_categories[] = $catItem['virtuemart_category_id']; } $found_cat = array_intersect ($testcats, $product_categories); $found_cat = array_values($found_cat); if(!empty($found_cat[0])) { $product->link = 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=' . $product->virtuemart_product_id . '&virtuemart_category_id=' . $found_cat[0]; } } } } return $products; } /** * This function retrieves the "neighbor" products of a product specified by $virtuemart_product_id * Neighbors are the previous and next product in the current list * * @author Max Milbers * @param object $product The product to find the neighours of * @return array */ public function getNeighborProducts ($product, $onlyPublished = TRUE, $max = 1) { $db = JFactory::getDBO (); //$neighbors = array('previous' => '', 'next' => ''); $neighbors = array('next' => '', 'previous' => ''); $oldDir = $this->filter_order_Dir; $direction = $this->filter_order_Dir; //$this->filter_order_Dir = $direction; //We try the method to get exact the next product, the other method would be to get the list of the browse view again and do a match //with the product id and giving back the neighbours $this->_onlyQuery = true; $queryArray = $this->sortSearchListQuery($onlyPublished,(int)$product->virtuemart_category_id,false,1,array('langFields'=>array('product_name'))); //vmdebug('my query stuff ',$queryArray, $product->getProperties()); if(isset($queryArray[1])){ $selects = array(); $selects['virtuemart_product_id'] = 'p.`virtuemart_product_id`'; $selects['product_name'] = '`l`.`product_name`'; $pos= strpos($queryArray[3],'ORDER BY'); $sp = array(); //$orderByName = '`l`.product_name, virtuemart_product_id'; $whereorderByName = '`l`.product_name'; if($pos){ $orderByName = trim(substr ($queryArray[3],($pos+8)) ); $orderByName = str_replace(array('DESC','ASC'), '',$orderByName); $orderByName = trim(str_replace('`','',$orderByName)); if(strpos($orderByName,',')!==false){ $sortByNames = explode(',',$orderByName); } else { $sortByNames = array($orderByName); } $tableLangKeys = array('product_name','product_s_desc','product_desc'); $orderByNames = array(); foreach($sortByNames as $name){ $name = trim($name); $sp = array(); if(strpos($name,'.')){ $sp = explode('.',$name); $name = trim($sp[count($sp)-1]); $name = trim($name,'`ยด'); } //vmdebug('getneighbors $orderByNames',$name,$product->{$name}); if($name=='product_price'){ if(isset($product->prices['product_price'])){ $product->product_price = $product->prices['product_price']; } else { $product->product_price = 0.0; } } if($name=='virtuemart_product_id'){ unset($selects['virtuemart_product_id']); } if($name=='product_name'){ unset($selects['product_name']); } if(isset($product->{$name})){ if(isset($sp[0])){ $n = '`'.$sp[0].'`.'.$name; } else if(in_array($name,$tableLangKeys)){ $n = '`l`.'.$name; } else { $n = $name; } //$orderByNames['select'][] = $n; $orderByNames[$name] = $n; $selects[] = $n; } } if(!isset($orderByNames['virtuemart_product_id'])){ $orderByNames['virtuemart_product_id'] = '`p`.virtuemart_product_id'; } vmdebug('getneighbors $orderByNames',$orderByNames); } if(is_array($orderByNames)) { $obj = new ArrayObject($orderByNames); $it = $obj->getIterator(); $name = $it->key(); $pName = $db->escape(vRequest::vmSpecialChars($product->{$name})); //There is a problem with products using special chars like " or ' //$pName = str_replace('"','\"',$pName); $pName = addslashes($pName); vmdebug('getneighbors $pName ' . $pName); if ($name == 'ordering' and empty($pName)) { $pName = 0; } } $q = 'SELECT '.implode(', ',$selects).' FROM `#__virtuemart_products` as p '; $joinT = ''; if(is_array($queryArray[1])){ $joinT = implode('',$queryArray[1]); } /*if(strpos($orderByName,'virtuemart_product_id')!==false){ $q .= $joinT . ' WHERE (' . implode (' AND ', $queryArray[2]) . ') AND p.`virtuemart_product_id`'.$op.'"'.$product->virtuemart_product_id.'" '; } else {*/ $q .= $joinT . ' WHERE (' . implode (" AND \n ", $queryArray[2]) . ') AND p.`virtuemart_product_id`!="'.$product->virtuemart_product_id.'" '."\n"; //} $alreadyFound = ''; foreach ($neighbors as &$neighbor) { if(!empty($alreadyFound)) $alreadyFound = 'AND p.`virtuemart_product_id`!="'.$alreadyFound.'"'; $qm = $alreadyFound.' AND '; if($direction=='ASC'){ $op = ' >= '; } else { $op = ' <= '; } //We had the foreach here, but then it can happen, that the second cond blocks the first //foreach($orderByNames['prop'] as $k => $name){ //$k = 0; //VmEcho::$echoDebug=1; $qm .= $orderByNames[$name].' '.$op.' "'.$pName.'" AND '; //vmdebug('getneighbors isset($orderByNames ',$op,$name,$pName); $qm = substr($qm, 0, -4); $qm .= ' ORDER BY '.implode(' '.$direction.', ', $orderByNames).' '.$direction.' LIMIT 1'; $db->setQuery ($q.$qm); //if($this->debug) vmdebug('getneighbors '.$op,str_replace('#__',$db->getPrefix(),$q.$qm /*$db->getQuery()*/)); if ($result = $db->loadAssocList ()) { $neighbor = $result; $alreadyFound = $result[0]['virtuemart_product_id']; } if($direction=='ASC'){ $direction = 'DESC'; } else { $direction = 'ASC'; } //$orderByName = str_replace($this->filter_order_Dir,$direction,$orderByName); } } $this->filter_order_Dir = $oldDir; $this->_onlyQuery = false; return $neighbors; } /** * @param array $cid * @param $order * @param null $filter * QUORVIA save the product display sequence in the product list table * do not change the numbers passed from the list * @return bool * * @throws Exception * @since version */ // quorvia created this function because old save order may have an issue function saveOrder ($cid, $order, $filter = NULL) { vRequest::vmCheckToken(); $virtuemart_category_id = vRequest::getInt ('virtuemart_category_id', 0); if(is_array($virtuemart_category_id)) $virtuemart_category_id = reset($virtuemart_category_id); // quorvia if no category could be found do not update anything for sequence if ($virtuemart_category_id) { vmdebug('Saveorder',$cid,$order); $updated = 0; $db = JFactory::getDbo(); foreach( $order as $prod => $ord ) { //dont increment - just use the values supplied but make a positive int $ordering = abs( (int)$ord); if(empty($ordering)) $ordering = "0"; $product_id = (int)$prod; if(!empty( $product_id )) { $qupdate = 'UPDATE `#__virtuemart_product_categories` SET `ordering` = '.$ordering.' WHERE `virtuemart_product_id` = '.$product_id.' AND `virtuemart_category_id` = '.$virtuemart_category_id; $db->setQuery( $qupdate ); try { if(!$db->execute()) { return FALSE; } } catch (Exception $e) { vmError( $e->getMessage() ); return false; } } $updated++; } vmInfo( 'COM_VIRTUEMART_ITEMS_MOVED', $updated ); } else { vmWarn ('There is no category_id'); } JFactory::getApplication()->redirect( 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=product&virtuemart_category_id='.$virtuemart_category_id ); } /** * Moves the order of a record * * @param integer The increment to reorder by */ function move ($direction, $filter = NULL) { vRequest::vmCheckToken(); $virtuemart_category_id = vRequest::getInt ('virtuemart_category_id', 0); if(is_array($virtuemart_category_id)) $virtuemart_category_id = reset($virtuemart_category_id); if(empty($virtuemart_category_id)) return; $virtuemart_product_id = vRequest::getInt ('virtuemart_product_id', 0); if(is_array($virtuemart_product_id)) $virtuemart_product_id = reset($virtuemart_product_id); if(empty($virtuemart_product_id)) return; // Check for request forgeries $table = $this->getTable ('product_categories'); $table->load($virtuemart_product_id, 0, ' AND virtuemart_category_id = '.$virtuemart_category_id); $table->virtuemart_category_id = $virtuemart_category_id; $table->move ($direction,' virtuemart_category_id = '.$virtuemart_category_id); JFactory::getApplication ()->redirect ('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=product&virtuemart_category_id='.$virtuemart_category_id); } /** * Store a product * * @author Max Milbers * @param $product reference * @param bool $isChild Means not that the product is child or not. It means if the product should be threated as child * @return bool */ public function store (&$data) { vRequest::vmCheckToken(); if(!vmAccess::manager('product.edit')){ vmError('You are not a vendor or administrator, storing of product cancelled'); return FALSE; } if ($data and is_object($data)) { $data = get_object_vars($data); } $isChild = FALSE; if(!empty($data['isChild'])) $isChild = $data['isChild']; if (isset($data['intnotes'])) { $data['intnotes'] = trim ($data['intnotes']); } // Setup some place holders $product_data = $this->getTable ('products'); $data['new'] = '1'; if(!empty($data['virtuemart_product_id'])){ $product_data -> load($data['virtuemart_product_id']); $data['new'] = '0'; } if( (empty($data['virtuemart_product_id']) or empty($product_data->virtuemart_product_id)) and !vmAccess::manager('product.create')){ vmWarn('Insufficient permission to create product'); return false; } $vendorId = vmAccess::isSuperVendor(); $vM = VmModel::getModel('vendor'); $ven = $vM->getVendor($vendorId); if(VmConfig::get('multix','none')!='none' and !vmAccess::manager('core')){ if($ven->max_products!=-1){ $this->setGetCount (true); //$this->setDebugSql(true); parent::exeSortSearchListQuery(2,'virtuemart_product_id',' FROM #__virtuemart_products',' WHERE ( `virtuemart_vendor_id` = "'.$vendorId.'" AND `published`="1") '); $this->setGetCount (false); if($ven->max_products<($this->_total+1)){ vmWarn('You are not allowed to create more than '.$ven->max_products.' products'); return false; } } } if(!vmAccess::manager('product.edit.state')){ if( (empty($data['virtuemart_product_id']) or empty($product_data->virtuemart_product_id))){ $data['published'] = 0; } else { $data['published'] = $product_data->published; } } //Set the decimals like product packaging foreach(self::$decimals as $decimal){ if (array_key_exists ($decimal, $data)) { if(!empty($data[$decimal])){ $data[$decimal] = str_replace(',','.',$data[$decimal]); //vmdebug('Store product '.$data['virtuemart_product_id'].', set $decimal '.$decimal.' = '.$data[$decimal]); } else { $data[$decimal] = null; $product_data->{$decimal} = null; //vmdebug('Store product '.$data['virtuemart_product_id'].', set $decimal '.$decimal.' = null'); } } } if($ven->force_product_pattern>0 and empty($data['product_parent_id']) and $ven->force_product_pattern!=$data['virtuemart_product_id']){ $data['product_parent_id'] = $ven->force_product_pattern; } //We prevent with this line, that someone is storing a product as its own parent if(!empty($data['product_parent_id']) and !empty($data['virtuemart_product_id']) and $data['product_parent_id'] == $data['virtuemart_product_id']){ $data['product_parent_id'] = 0; } $product_data->has_prices = (isset($data['mprices']['product_price']) and count($data['mprices']['product_price']) > 0)? 1:0; if (!$isChild) { $product_data->has_shoppergroups = empty($data['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id'])? 0:1; $product_data->has_manufacturers = empty($data['virtuemart_manufacturer_id'])? 0:1; //$product_data->has_medias = !empty($data['virtuemart_media_id']) or !empty($data['media']['virtuemart_media_id'])? 1:0; $product_data->has_categories = empty($data['categories'])? 0:1; if(!empty($data['virtuemart_media_id']) or !empty($data['media']['virtuemart_media_id']) or !empty($data['media']['media_action'])){ $product_data->has_medias = 1; } else { $product_data->has_medias = 0; } } vDispatcher::importVMPlugins('vmcustom'); vDispatcher::trigger('plgVmBeforeStoreProduct',array(&$data, &$product_data)); $stored = $product_data->bindChecknStore ($data, false); if(!$stored ){ vmError('You are not an administrator or the correct vendor, storing of product cancelled'); vmdebug('You are not an administrator or the correct vendor, storing of product cancelled', $data, $product_data->loadFieldValues()); return FALSE; } $this->_id = $data['virtuemart_product_id'] = (int)$product_data->virtuemart_product_id; if (empty($this->_id)) { vmError('Product not stored, no id'); return FALSE; } //We may need to change this, the reason it is not in the other list of commands for parents if (!$isChild) { $modelCustomfields = VmModel::getModel ('Customfields'); $modelCustomfields->storeProductCustomfields ('product', $data, $product_data->virtuemart_product_id); } // Get old IDS $old_price_ids = $this->loadProductPrices($this->_id,array(0),false); if (isset($data['mprices']['product_price']) and count($data['mprices']['product_price']) > 0){ foreach($data['mprices']['product_price'] as $k => $product_price){ $pricesToStore = array(); $pricesToStore['virtuemart_product_id'] = $this->_id; $pricesToStore['virtuemart_product_price_id'] = (int)$data['mprices']['virtuemart_product_price_id'][$k]; if (!$isChild){ //$pricesToStore['basePrice'] = $data['mprices']['basePrice'][$k]; $pricesToStore['product_override_price'] = $data['mprices']['product_override_price'][$k]; $pricesToStore['override'] = isset($data['mprices']['override'][$k])?(int)$data['mprices']['override'][$k]:0; $pricesToStore['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id'] = (int)$data['mprices']['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id'][$k]; $pricesToStore['product_tax_id'] = !empty($data['mprices']['product_tax_id'][$k])? (int)$data['mprices']['product_tax_id'][$k]:0; $pricesToStore['product_discount_id'] = !empty($data['mprices']['product_discount_id'][$k])? (int)$data['mprices']['product_discount_id'][$k]:0; $pricesToStore['product_currency'] = !empty($data['mprices']['product_currency'][$k])? (int)$data['mprices']['product_currency'][$k] : $ven->vendor_currency; $pricesToStore['product_price_publish_up'] = !empty($data['mprices']['product_price_publish_up'][$k])? $data['mprices']['product_price_publish_up'][$k]:0; $pricesToStore['product_price_publish_down'] = !empty($data['mprices']['product_price_publish_down'][$k])? $data['mprices']['product_price_publish_down'][$k]:0; $pricesToStore['price_quantity_start'] = !empty($data['mprices']['price_quantity_start'][$k])? (int)$data['mprices']['price_quantity_start'][$k]:0; $pricesToStore['price_quantity_end'] = !empty($data['mprices']['price_quantity_end'][$k])? (int)$data['mprices']['price_quantity_end'][$k]:0; } if (!$isChild and isset($data['mprices']['use_desired_price'][$k]) and $data['mprices']['use_desired_price'][$k] == "1") { $calculator = calculationHelper::getInstance (); if(isset($data['mprices']['salesPrice'][$k])){ $data['mprices']['salesPrice'][$k] = str_replace(array(',',' '),array('.',''),$data['mprices']['salesPrice'][$k]); } $pricesToStore['salesPrice'] = $data['mprices']['salesPrice'][$k]; $pricesToStore['product_price'] = $data['mprices']['product_price'][$k] = $calculator->calculateCostprice ($this->_id, $pricesToStore); unset($data['mprices']['use_desired_price'][$k]); } else { if(isset($data['mprices']['product_price'][$k]) ){ $pricesToStore['product_price'] = $data['mprices']['product_price'][$k]; } } if ($isChild) $childPrices = $this->loadProductPrices($this->_id,array(0),false); if ((isset($pricesToStore['product_price']) and $pricesToStore['product_price']!='' and $pricesToStore['product_price']!=='0') || (isset($childPrices) and is_array($childPrices) and count($childPrices)>1)) { if ($isChild) { if(is_array($old_price_ids) and count($old_price_ids)>1){ //We do not touch multiple child prices. Because in the parent list, we see no price, the gui is //missing to reflect the information properly. $pricesToStore = false; $old_price_ids = array(); } else { unset($data['mprices']['product_override_price'][$k]); unset($pricesToStore['product_override_price']); unset($data['mprices']['override'][$k]); unset($pricesToStore['override']); } } if($pricesToStore){ $toUnset = array(); if (!empty($old_price_ids) and count($old_price_ids) ) { foreach($old_price_ids as $key => $oldprice){ if($pricesToStore['virtuemart_product_price_id'] == $oldprice['virtuemart_product_price_id'] ){ $pricesToStore = array_merge($oldprice,$pricesToStore); $toUnset[] = $key; } } } $this->updateXrefAndChildTables ($pricesToStore, 'product_prices',$isChild); foreach($toUnset as $key){ unset( $old_price_ids[ $key ] ); } } } } } if (!empty($old_price_ids) and count($old_price_ids) ) { $oldPriceIdsSql = array(); foreach($old_price_ids as $oldPride){ $oldPriceIdsSql[] = $oldPride['virtuemart_product_price_id']; } $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // delete old unused Prices $db->setQuery( 'DELETE FROM `#__virtuemart_product_prices` WHERE `virtuemart_product_price_id` in ("'.implode('","', $oldPriceIdsSql ).'") '); $err = ''; try { $db->execute(); } catch(Exception $e) { $err = $e->getMessage(); } if(!empty($err)){ vmWarn('In store prodcut, deleting old price error',$err); } } if (!empty($data['childs'])) { foreach ($data['childs'] as $productId => $child) { if(empty($productId)) continue; if($productId!=$data['virtuemart_product_id']){ if(empty($child['product_parent_id'])) $child['product_parent_id'] = $data['virtuemart_product_id']; $child['virtuemart_product_id'] = $productId; if(!empty($child['product_parent_id']) and $child['product_parent_id'] == $child['virtuemart_product_id']){ $child['product_parent_id'] = 0; } $child['isChild'] = $this->_id; $this->store ($child); } } } if (!$isChild) { $data = $this->updateXrefAndChildTables ($data, 'product_shoppergroups'); $data = $this->updateXrefAndChildTables ($data, 'product_manufacturers'); $storeCats = false; if (empty($data['categories']) or (!empty($data['categories'][0]) and $data['categories'][0]!="-2")){ $storeCats = true; } if($storeCats){ if (!empty($data['categories']) && count ($data['categories']) > 0) { if(VmConfig::get('multix','none')!='none' and !vmAccess::manager('managevendors')){ if($ven->max_cats_per_product>=0){ while($ven->max_cats_per_productupdateXrefAndChildTables ($data, 'product_categories'); } // Update waiting list if (!empty($data['notify_users'])) { if ($data['product_in_stock'] > 0 && $data['notify_users'] == '1') { $waitinglist = VmModel::getModel ('Waitinglist'); $waitinglist->notifyList ($data['virtuemart_product_id']); } } // Process the images $mediaModel = VmModel::getModel ('Media'); $mediaModel->storeMedia ($data, 'product'); } $cache = VmConfig::getCache('com_virtuemart_orderby_manus','callback'); $cache->clean(); vDispatcher::trigger('plgVmAfterStoreProduct',array(&$data, &$product_data)); return $product_data->virtuemart_product_id; } public function updateXrefAndChildTables ($data, $tableName, $preload = FALSE) { vRequest::vmCheckToken(); //First we load the xref table, to get the old data $product_table_Parent = $this->getTable ($tableName); //We must go that way, because the load function of the vmtablexarry // is working different. if($preload){ $product_table_Parent->load($data['virtuemart_product_id']); } $product_table_Parent->bindChecknStoreNoLang ($data); return $data; } /** * This function creates a child for a given product id * * @author Max Milbers * @param int id of parent id */ public function createChild ($id) { if(!vmAccess::manager('product.create')){ vmWarn('Insufficient permission to create product'); return false; } $prodTable = $this->getTable ('products'); $childs = $this->getProductChildIds ($id); vmdebug('createChild my $childs',$childs); if($childs){ $lastCId = end($childs); reset($childs); if(!empty($lastCId)){ $prodTable->load($lastCId); } } else { $prodTable->load($id); //$prodTable->slug = $prodTable->product_name; } $data = array('product_name' => $prodTable->product_name, 'slug' => $prodTable->slug, 'virtuemart_vendor_id' => (int)$prodTable->virtuemart_vendor_id, 'product_parent_id' => (int)$id); //$prodParentTable = $this->getTable ('products'); $prodTable->reset(); $prodTable->emptyCache(); vmdebug('createChild my table',$data); $ok = $prodTable->bindChecknStore ($data); if(empty($ok)){ return false; } else { $newId = $prodTable->virtuemart_product_id; } //$prodTable = $this->getTable ('products'); $slug = $prodTable->slug; $langs = VmConfig::get('active_languages', array(VmConfig::$jDefLangTag)); vmdebug('my langs',$langs); if ($langs and count($langs)>0){ foreach($langs as $lang){ if($lang==VmConfig::$vmlangTag) continue; $prodTable->reset(); $prodTable->emptyCache(); $prodTable->setLanguage($lang); //Disables the language fallback $prodTable->_ltmp = true; $prodTable->load($id); if($prodTable->_loaded and !$prodTable->_loadedWithLangFallback){ $prodTable->virtuemart_product_id = $newId; //$prodTable->slug = $slug . '-' . $newId; $prodTable->checkCreateUnique('#__virtuemart_products_' . strtolower(strtr($lang,'-','_')),'slug'); $prodTable->bindChecknStore($prodTable, false, true); } } } return $data['virtuemart_product_id']; } /** * Creates a clone of a given product id * * @author Max Milbers * @param int $virtuemart_product_id */ public function createCloneWithChildren ($id) { $relation = array(); $newId = $this->createClone($id); $relation[$id] = $newId; if(empty($newId)) return false; if($children = $this->getProductChildIds($id)){ foreach($children as $pid){ $relation[$pid] = $this->createClone($pid, $newId); } } vmdebug('createCloneWithChildren relation',$relation); $cM = VmModel::getModel('customfields'); $customfields = $cM->getCustomEmbeddedProductCustomFields( array($newId), 0, -1, true); if ($customfields) { foreach ($customfields as $i=>$customfield) { if($customfield->field_type == 'C'){ if(!empty($customfield->options)){ $newOptions = array(); foreach($customfield->options as $optKey=>$opt){ $newOptions[$relation[$optKey]] = $opt; } $customfield->options = $newOptions; $data = get_object_vars($customfield); vmdebug('storeProductCustomfield in product model indChecknStore',$data['field'][$customfield->virtuemart_customfield_id]); $cM->storeProductCustomfield ('product', $data); } break; } } } return $newId; } /** * Creates a clone of a given product id * * @author Max Milbers * @param int $virtuemart_product_id */ public function createClone ($id, $parentId = 0) { if(!vmAccess::manager('product.create')){ vmWarn('Insufficient permission to create product'); return false; } if(empty($id)){ vmWarn('Cannot clone product with empty id'); return false; } //We only want to clone not inherited properties //$product = $this->getProduct ($id, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); $product = $this->getProductSingle ($id, FALSE, 1, false, 0, false); $product->field = $this->productCustomsfieldsClone ($id); $product->virtuemart_product_id = $product->virtuemart_product_price_id = 0; $product->mprices = $this->productPricesClone ($id); $product->virtuemart_shoppergroup_id = $product->shoppergroups; //We clone a child of a just cloned parent, keep the relation. if(!empty($parentId)) $product->product_parent_id = $parentId; if(VmConfig::get('CloneProductResetCreated', true)) { $product->created_on = 0; $product->created_by = 0; } $product->slug = $product->slug . '-' . $id; $product->originId = $id; $product->published=0; $product->product_sales=0; $product->product_ordered=0; $newId = $this->store ($product); //$product->virtuemart_product_id = $newId; vDispatcher::importVMPlugins ('vmcustom'); $result=vDispatcher::trigger ('plgVmCloneProduct', array($product)); $langs = VmConfig::get('active_languages', array(VmConfig::$jDefLangTag)); if ($langs and count($langs)>1){ $langTable = $this->getTable('products'); foreach($langs as $lang){ if($lang==VmConfig::$vmlangTag) continue; $langTable->reset(); $langTable->emptyCache(); $langTable->setLanguage($lang); //Disables the language fallback $langTable->_ltmp = true; $langTable->load($id); if($langTable->_loaded and !$langTable->_loadedWithLangFallback){ if(!empty($langTable->virtuemart_product_id)){ $langTable->virtuemart_product_id = $newId; $langTable->slug = $langTable->slug . '-' . $id; $langTable->bindChecknStore($langTable, false, true); } } } } return $newId; } private function productPricesClone ($virtuemart_product_id) { $db = JFactory::getDBO (); $q = "SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_product_prices`"; $q .= " WHERE `virtuemart_product_id` = " . $virtuemart_product_id; $db->setQuery ($q); $prices = $db->loadAssocList (); if ($prices) { foreach ($prices as $k => $price) { unset($price['virtuemart_product_id'], $price['virtuemart_product_price_id']); //if(empty($mprices[$k])) $mprices[$k] = array(); foreach ($price as $i => $value) { if(empty($mprices[$i])) $mprices[$i] = array(); $mprices[$i][$k] = $value; } } return $mprices; } else { return NULL; } } /* look if whe have a product type */ private function productCustomsfieldsClone ($virtuemart_product_id) { $cM = VmModel::getModel('customfields'); $customfields = $cM->getCustomEmbeddedProductCustomFields(array($virtuemart_product_id),0,-1,true); if ($customfields) { foreach ($customfields as $i=>$customfield) { $cfield = get_object_vars($customfield); unset($cfield['virtuemart_product_id'], $cfield['virtuemart_customfield_id']); $customfields[$i] = $cfield; } return $customfields; } else { return NULL; } } /** * removes a product and related table entries * * @author Max Milberes */ public function remove ($ids) { if(!vmAccess::manager('product.delete')){ vmWarn('Insufficient permissions to delete product'); return false; } $table = $this->getTable ($this->_maintablename); $cats = $this->getTable ('product_categories'); $customfields = $this->getTable ('product_customfields'); $manufacturers = $this->getTable ('product_manufacturers'); $medias = $this->getTable ('product_medias'); $prices = $this->getTable ('product_prices'); $shop = $this->getTable ('product_shoppergroups'); $rating = $this->getTable ('ratings'); $review = $this->getTable ('rating_reviews'); $votes = $this->getTable ('rating_votes'); $ok = TRUE; foreach ($ids as $id) { $childIds = $this->getProductChildIds ($id); if (!empty($childIds)) { vmError (vmText::_ ('COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_CANT_DELETE_CHILD')); $ok = FALSE; continue; } if (!$table->delete ($id)) { $ok = FALSE; } if (!$cats->delete ($id, 'virtuemart_product_id')) { $ok = FALSE; } if (!$customfields->delete ($id, 'virtuemart_product_id')) { $ok = FALSE; } $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $q = 'SELECT `virtuemart_customfield_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_product_customfields` as pc '; $q .= 'LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_customs`as c ON c.virtuemart_custom_id=pc.virtuemart_custom_id WHERE pc.`customfield_value` = "' . $id . '" AND `field_type`= "R"'; $db->setQuery($q); $list = $db->loadColumn(); if ($list) { $listInString = implode(',',$list); //Delete media xref $query = 'DELETE FROM `#__virtuemart_product_customfields` WHERE `virtuemart_customfield_id` IN ('. $listInString .') '; $db->setQuery($query); try { if(!$db->execute()){ vmError( 'SQL Error' ); } } catch (Exception $e) { vmError( $e->getMessage() ); } } if (!$manufacturers->delete ($id, 'virtuemart_product_id')) { $ok = FALSE; } if (!$medias->delete ($id, 'virtuemart_product_id')) { $ok = FALSE; } if (!$prices->delete ($id, 'virtuemart_product_id')) { $ok = FALSE; } if (!$shop->delete ($id, 'virtuemart_product_id')) { $ok = FALSE; } if (!$rating->delete ($id, 'virtuemart_product_id')) { $ok = FALSE; } if (!$review->delete ($id, 'virtuemart_product_id')) { $ok = FALSE; } if (!$votes->delete ($id, 'virtuemart_product_id')) { $ok = FALSE; } // delete plugin on product delete // $ok must be set to false if an error occurs vDispatcher::importVMPlugins ('vmcustom'); vDispatcher::trigger ('plgVmOnDeleteProduct', array($id, &$ok)); } return $ok; } /** * Gets the price for a variant * * @author Max Milbers */ public function getPrice ($product, $quantity, $ctype=-1) { if (!is_object ($product)) { $product = $this->getProduct ($product, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE,$quantity); } if (empty($product->customfields) and $product->customfields!=array() and !empty($product->allIds)) { $customfieldsModel = VmModel::getModel ('Customfields'); $product->modificatorSum = null; $product->customfields = $customfieldsModel->getCustomEmbeddedProductCustomFields ($product->allIds,0,$ctype); } $calculator = calculationHelper::getInstance (); $prices = $calculator->getProductPrices ($product, TRUE, $quantity); return $prices; } /** * Get the Order By Select List * * notice by Max Milbers html tags should never be in a model. This function should be moved to a helper or simular,... * * @author Max Milbers * @access public * @param $fieds from config Back-end * @return $orderByList * Order,order By, manufacturer and category link List to echo Out **/ function getOrderByList ($virtuemart_category_id = FALSE) { $getArray = vRequest::getGet(FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); if (!isset($getArray['view'])) { $getArray['view'] = 'category'; } if (!isset($getArray['virtuemart_category_id'])) { $getArray['virtuemart_category_id'] = 0; } $fieldLink = vmURI::getCurrentUrlBy('request', false, true, array('orderby','dir')); $orderDirLink = ''; $orderDirConf = VmConfig::get ('prd_brws_orderby_dir'); $orderDir = vRequest::getCmd ('dir', $orderDirConf); $orderDir = $this->checkFilterDir($orderDir); if ($orderDir != $orderDirConf ) { $orderDirLink .= '&dir=' . $orderDir; //was '&order=' } $orderbyTxt = ''; $orderbyCfg = VmConfig::get ('browse_orderby_field'); $orderby = vRequest::getString ('orderby', $orderbyCfg); $orderby = $this->checkFilterOrder ($orderby); if ($orderby != $orderbyCfg) { $orderbyTxt = '&orderby=' . $orderby; } $useCache = VmConfig::get('UseCachegetOrderByList',true); $manuList = ''; if (VmConfig::get ('show_manufacturers',true)) { vmSetStartTime('mcaching'); if($useCache){ $cache = VmConfig::getCache('com_virtuemart_orderby_manus','callback'); $cache->setCaching(true); $manuList = $cache->get( array( 'VirtueMartModelProduct', 'getManufacturerOrderByList' ),array($virtuemart_category_id, $fieldLink, $orderbyTxt, $orderDirLink)); vmTime('Manufacturers Dropdown by Cache','mcaching'); } else { $manuList = VirtueMartModelProduct::getManufacturerOrderByList($virtuemart_category_id, $fieldLink, $orderbyTxt, $orderDirLink); vmTime('Manufacturers Dropdown by function','mcaching'); } } $fieldLink = vmURI::getCurrentUrlBy('request', false, true, array('orderby','dir','limitstart')); $fieldLink .= '&limitstart=0'; vmSetStartTime('orderBy'); /*if($useCache){ $cache = VmConfig::getCache('com_virtuemart_orderby','callback'); $cache->setCaching(true); $orderByList = $cache->get( array( 'ShopFunctionsF','renderVmSubLayout'),(array('orderby',array('orderby' => $orderby, 'fieldLink' => $fieldLink, 'orderDir' =>$orderDir, 'orderbyTxt' => $orderbyTxt, 'orderDirLink' => $orderDirLink) ))); vmTime('OrderByList by Cache','orderBy'); } else {*/ $orderByList = ShopFunctionsF::renderVmSubLayout('orderby',array('orderby' => $orderby, 'fieldLink' => $fieldLink, 'orderDir' =>$orderDir, 'orderbyTxt' => $orderbyTxt, 'orderDirLink' => $orderDirLink)); vmTime('OrderByList by function','orderBy'); //} return array('orderby'=> $orderByList, 'manufacturer'=> $manuList); } static public function getManufacturerOrderByList($virtuemart_category_id, $fieldLink, $orderbyTxt, $orderDirLink){ $manuM = VmModel::getModel('manufacturer'); vmSetStartTime('mcaching'); $manuList = ''; $manufacturers = $manuM ->getManufacturersOfProductsInCategory($virtuemart_category_id); if($manufacturers) $manuList = ShopFunctionsF::renderVmSubLayout('orderbymanu',array('manufacturers' => $manufacturers, 'fieldLink' => $fieldLink, 'orderbyTxt' => $orderbyTxt, 'orderDirLink' => $orderDirLink)); return $manuList; } // ************************************************** //Stocks // /** * Get the stock level for a given product * * @author RolandD * @access public * @param object $product the product to get stocklevel for * @return array containing product objects */ public function getStockIndicator ($product) { /* Assign class to indicator */ $stock_level = $product->product_in_stock - $product->product_ordered; $reorder_level = $product->low_stock_notification; $level = 'normalstock'; $stock_tip = vmText::_ ('COM_VIRTUEMART_STOCK_LEVEL_DISPLAY_NORMAL_TIP'); if ($stock_level <= $reorder_level) { $level = 'lowstock'; $stock_tip = vmText::_ ('COM_VIRTUEMART_STOCK_LEVEL_DISPLAY_LOW_TIP'); } if ($stock_level <= 0) { $level = 'nostock'; $stock_tip = vmText::_ ('COM_VIRTUEMART_STOCK_LEVEL_DISPLAY_OUT_TIP'); } $stock = new Stdclass(); $stock->stock_tip = $stock_tip; $stock->stock_level = $level; return $stock; } public function updateStockInDB ($product, $amount, $signInStock, $signOrderedStock) { vmdebug('updateStockInDB start ', $signInStock, $signOrderedStock); $validFields = array('=', '+', '-'); if (!in_array ($signInStock, $validFields)) { return FALSE; } if (!in_array ($signOrderedStock, $validFields)) { return FALSE; } $lproduct = $this->getProductSingle($product->virtuemart_product_id); if($lproduct->shared_stock){ $productId = $lproduct->product_parent_id; } else { $productId = $product->virtuemart_product_id; } $amount = (float)$amount; $update = array(); if ($signInStock != '=' or $signOrderedStock != '=') { if ($signInStock != '=') { $update[] = '`product_in_stock` = `product_in_stock` ' . $signInStock . $amount; if (strpos ($signInStock, '+') !== FALSE) { $signInStock = '-'; } else { $signInStock = '+'; } $update[] = '`product_sales` = `product_sales` ' . $signInStock . $amount; } if ($signOrderedStock != '=') { $update[] = '`product_ordered` = `product_ordered` ' . $signOrderedStock . $amount; } $q = 'UPDATE `#__virtuemart_products` SET ' . implode (", ", $update) . ' WHERE `virtuemart_product_id` = ' . (int)$productId; $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery ($q); $db->execute (); //vmdebug('updateStockInDB executed query ', $q); //The low on stock notification comes now, when the people ordered. //You need to know that the stock is going low before you actually sent the wares, because then you ususally know it already yourself //note by Max Milbers if ($signInStock == '+' or $signOrderedStock == '+') { $q = 'SELECT (IFNULL(`product_in_stock`,"0")-IFNULL(`product_ordered`,"0")) < IFNULL(`low_stock_notification`,"0") ' . 'FROM `#__virtuemart_products` ' . 'WHERE `virtuemart_product_id` = ' . (int)$productId; $db->setQuery ( $q ); //vmdebug('Check for low stock ',$q); if ($db->loadResult () == 1) { vmdebug('Check for low stock said therre is a low stock '); $this->lowStockWarningEmail( $productId) ; } } } } function lowStockWarningEmail($virtuemart_product_id) { if(VmConfig::get('lstockmail',TRUE)){ /* Load the product details */ $q = "SELECT l.product_name,product_in_stock,virtuemart_vendor_id FROM `#__virtuemart_products_" . VmConfig::$vmlang . "` l JOIN `#__virtuemart_products` p ON p.virtuemart_product_id=l.virtuemart_product_id WHERE p.virtuemart_product_id = " . $virtuemart_product_id; $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery ($q); $vars = $db->loadAssoc (); vmdebug('lowStockWarningEmail query result',$q,$vars); $url = JURI::root () . 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=' . $virtuemart_product_id; $link = ''. $vars['product_name'].''; $vars['subject'] = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_LOW_STOCK_EMAIL_SUBJECT',$vars['product_name']); $vars['mailbody'] =vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_LOW_STOCK_EMAIL_BODY',$link, $vars['product_in_stock']); $virtuemart_vendor_id = 1; if(Vmconfig::get('multix','none')!=='none'){ $virtuemart_vendor_id = $vars['virtuemart_vendor_id']; } $vendorModel = VmModel::getModel ('vendor'); $vendor = $vendorModel->getVendor ($virtuemart_vendor_id); $vendorModel->addImages ($vendor); $vars['vendor'] = $vendor; $vars['vendorAddress']= shopFunctions::renderVendorAddress($virtuemart_vendor_id); $vars['vendorEmail'] = $vendorModel->getVendorEmail ($virtuemart_vendor_id); $vars['user'] = $vendor->vendor_store_name ; shopFunctionsF::renderMail ('productdetails', $vars['vendorEmail'], $vars, 'productdetails', TRUE) ; vmdebug('lowStockWarningEmail email sent ',$q,$vars); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } public function getUncategorizedChildren ($withParent) { if (!isset($this->_uncategorizedChildren[$this->_id])) { //Todo add check for shoppergroup depended product display $q = 'SELECT p.`virtuemart_product_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_products` as p LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_categories` as pc ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = pc.`virtuemart_product_id` '; if ($withParent) { $q .= ' WHERE (p.`product_parent_id` = "' . $this->_id . '" OR p.`virtuemart_product_id` = "' . $this->_id . '") '; } else { $q .= ' WHERE p.`product_parent_id` = "' . $this->_id . '" '; } $app = JFactory::getApplication (); if (VmConfig::isSite () && !VmConfig::get ('use_as_catalog', 0) && VmConfig::get ('stockhandle_products', false)) { $product_stockhandle = $this->getProductStockhandle(); if ($product_stockhandle->disableit || VmConfig::get ('stockhandle', 'none') == 'disableit') { $q .= ' AND ( CASE WHEN (p.`product_stockhandle` = "0" AND "'. VmConfig::get('stockhandle','none') .'" = "disableit") OR (p.`product_stockhandle` = "disableit") THEN (p.`product_in_stock` - p.`product_ordered`) > "0" ELSE 1 END = 1 ) '; } } else if (VmConfig::isSite () && !VmConfig::get ('use_as_catalog', 0) && VmConfig::get ('stockhandle', 'none') == 'disableit') { $q .= ' AND (p.`product_in_stock` - p.`product_ordered`) > "0" '; } if (VmConfig::isSite ()) { $q .= ' AND p.`published`="1"'; } $q .= ' GROUP BY p.`virtuemart_product_id` ORDER BY p.pordering ASC'; $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery ($q); $err = ''; try { $r = $db->loadColumn(); if($r and count($r)>0){ $this->_uncategorizedChildren[$this->_id] = $r; } else { $this->_uncategorizedChildren[$this->_id] = array(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $err = $e->getMessage(); } if (!empty($err)) { vmError ('getUncategorizedChildren sql error ' . $err, 'getUncategorizedChildren sql error'); vmdebug ('getUncategorizedChildren ' . $err); return FALSE; } } return $this->_uncategorizedChildren[$this->_id]; } /** * Check if the product has any children * * @author Max Milbers * @param int $virtuemart_product_id Product ID * @return bool True if there are child products, false if there are no child products */ public function checkChildProducts ($product_ids) { if($product_ids!=0){ $db = JFactory::getDbo(); if(!is_array($product_ids)) $product_ids = array($product_ids); $vmpid = implode('","',$product_ids); if(!empty($vmpid)){ $q = 'SELECT COUNT(virtuemart_product_id) FROM `#__virtuemart_products` WHERE `product_parent_id` IN ('.$vmpid.');'; // "' . $virtuemart_product_id . '"'; $db->setQuery ($q); return $db->loadResult (); } } return FALSE; } function getProductChilds ($product_id) { if (empty($product_id)) { return array(); } $db = JFactory::getDBO (); $db->setQuery (' SELECT p.virtuemart_product_id, l.product_name, p.published, p.product_in_stock, p.product_ordered, p.product_sku FROM `#__virtuemart_products` as p JOIN `#__virtuemart_products_' . VmConfig::$vmlang . '` as l ON p.virtuemart_product_id = l.virtuemart_product_id WHERE `product_parent_id` =' . (int)$product_id); return $db->loadObjectList (); } function getProductChildIds ($product_id, $extra = '') { if (empty($product_id)) { return array(); } static $cache = array(); $h = $product_id.'i'; if($extra!==''){ $h .= crc32($extra); } if(isset($cache[$h])){ return $cache[$h]; } else { $db = JFactory::getDBO (); $q = ' SELECT virtuemart_product_id FROM `#__virtuemart_products` WHERE `product_parent_id` =' . (int)$product_id.' '.$extra.' ORDER BY pordering, created_on ASC'; $db->setQuery ($q); $cache[$h] = $db->loadColumn (); if($this->debug) vmdebug('getProductChildIds ',$q,$cache[$h]); } return $cache[$h]; } public function getAllProductChildIds($product_ids,&$childIds){ if (empty($product_ids)) { return array(); } if(!is_array($product_ids)) $product_ids = array($product_ids); if($productsWithChilds = self::checkChildProducts($product_ids)){ if($productsWithChilds){ foreach($product_ids as $product_id){ if(empty($product_id)) continue; $tmp = self::getProductChildIds($product_id); if($tmp){ if(!isset($childIds[$product_id])){ $childIds[$product_id] = $tmp; foreach($tmp as $t){ //prevent looop if($t=!$product_id){ self::getAllProductChildIds($t,$childIds[$product_id]); } } } } } } } } static function getProductParentId ($product_id) { if (empty($product_id)) { return 0; } static $parentCache = array(); $prTable = false; if(!isset($parentCache[$product_id])){ //Check if product got already loaded $checkedProductKey= self::checkIfCachedSingle($product_id); if($checkedProductKey[0]){ if(self::$_productsSingle[$checkedProductKey[1]]===false){ $parentCache[$product_id] = false; } else if(isset(self::$_productsSingle[$checkedProductKey[1]]->product_parent_id)){ $parentCache[$product_id] = self::$_productsSingle[$checkedProductKey[1]]->product_parent_id; } //vmdebug('getProductParentId self::$_products Cache',$product_id,$parentCache[$product_id]); } if(!isset($parentCache[$product_id])){ if(!$prTable){ $prTable = VmTable::getInstance('products'); } $prTable->load($product_id); if(isset($prTable->product_parent_id)){ $parentCache[$product_id] = $prTable->product_parent_id; } //vmdebug('getProductParentId executed sql for '.$product_id,$parentCache[$product_id]); //vmTrace('getProductParentId executed sql for '.$product_id); } } else { //vmdebug('getProductParentId $parentCache',$product_id,$parentCache[$product_id]); } //vmdebug('getProductParentId '.$product_id,$parentCache[$product_id]); return $parentCache[$product_id]; } function sentProductEmailToShoppers () { $product_id = vRequest::getVar ('virtuemart_product_id', ''); $vars = array(); $vars['subject'] = vRequest::getVar ('subject'); $vars['mailbody'] = vRequest::getVar ('mailbody'); $order_states = vRequest::getInt ('statut'); $productShoppers = $this->getProductShoppersByStatus ($product_id, $order_states); $productModel = VmModel::getModel ('product'); $product = $productModel->getProduct ($product_id); $vendorModel = VmModel::getModel ('vendor'); $vendor = $vendorModel->getVendor ($product->virtuemart_vendor_id); $vendorModel->addImages ($vendor); $vars['vendor'] = $vendor; $vars['vendorEmail'] = $vendorModel->getVendorEmail ($product->virtuemart_vendor_id); $vars['vendorAddress'] = shopFunctions::renderVendorAddress ($product->virtuemart_vendor_id); $orderModel = VmModel::getModel ('orders'); foreach ($productShoppers as $productShopper) { $vars['user'] = $productShopper['name']; if (shopFunctionsF::renderMail ('productdetails', $productShopper['email'], $vars, 'productdetails', TRUE)) { $string = 'COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SEND_SUCCESSFULLY'; } else { $string = 'COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_NOT_SEND_SUCCESSFULLY'; } // Update the order history for each order foreach ($productShopper['order_info'] as $order_info) { $orderModel->_updateOrderHist ($order_info['order_id'], $order_info['order_status'], 1, $vars['subject'] . ' ' . $vars['mailbody']); } // todo: when there is an error while sending emails //vmInfo (vmText::sprintf ($string, $productShopper['email'])); } } public function getProductShoppersByStatus ($product_id, $states, $filter_order = '', $filter_order_Dir = 'ASC') { return self::getProductShoppersByStatusS ($product_id, $states, $filter_order, $filter_order_Dir); } static public function getProductShoppersByStatusS ($product_id, $states, $filter_order = '', $filter_order_Dir = 'ASC') { if (empty($states)) { return FALSE; } $orderstatusModel = VmModel::getModel ('orderstatus'); $orderStates = $orderstatusModel->getOrderStatusNames (); foreach ($states as &$status) { if (!array_key_exists ($status, $orderStates)) { unset($status); } } if (empty($states)) { return FALSE; } $validFilter = array('','ou.first_name','o.order_number','order_date'); if(!in_array($filter_order,$validFilter)){ $filter_order = ''; } $q = 'SELECT ou.* , oi.product_quantity , o.order_number, o.order_status, o.created_on as order_date, oi.`order_status` AS order_item_status , o.virtuemart_order_id FROM `#__virtuemart_order_userinfos` as ou JOIN `#__virtuemart_order_items` AS oi ON oi.`virtuemart_order_id` = ou.`virtuemart_order_id` JOIN `#__virtuemart_orders` AS o ON o.`virtuemart_order_id` = oi.`virtuemart_order_id` WHERE ou.`address_type`="BT" AND oi.`virtuemart_product_id`=' . (int)$product_id; if (count ($orderStates) !== count ($states)) { $q .= ' AND oi.`order_status` IN ( "' . implode ('","', $states) . '") '; } $q .= ' ORDER BY '.$filter_order.' '.$filter_order_Dir; $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery ($q); $productShoppers = $db->loadAssocList (); $shoppers = array(); foreach ($productShoppers as $productShopper) { $key = $productShopper['email']; if (!array_key_exists ($key, $shoppers)) { $shoppers[$key]['phone'] = !empty($productShopper['phone_1']) ? $productShopper['phone_1'] : (!empty($productShopper['phone_2']) ? $productShopper['phone_2'] : '-'); $name = ''; if(isset($productShopper['first_name'])){ $name = $productShopper['first_name']; } if(isset($productShopper['last_name'])){ $name .= ' ' .$productShopper['last_name']; } $shoppers[$key]['name'] = trim($name); $shoppers[$key]['email'] = $productShopper['email']; $shoppers[$key]['mail_to'] = 'mailto:' . $productShopper['email']; $shoppers[$key]['nb_orders'] = 0; } $i = $shoppers[$key]['nb_orders']; $shoppers[$key]['order_info'][$i]['order_number'] = $productShopper['order_number']; $shoppers[$key]['order_info'][$i]['order_id'] = $productShopper['virtuemart_order_id']; $shoppers[$key]['order_info'][$i]['order_status'] = $productShopper['order_status']; $shoppers[$key]['order_info'][$i]['order_item_status_name'] = $orderStates[$productShopper['order_item_status']]['order_status_name']; $shoppers[$key]['order_info'][$i]['quantity'] = $productShopper['product_quantity']; $shoppers[$key]['order_info'][$i]['order_date'] = $productShopper['order_date']; $shoppers[$key]['nb_orders']++; } return $shoppers; } /** * * @author Max Milbers */ static public function addProductToRecent ($productId) { $session = JFactory::getSession(); $products_ids = $session->get( 'vmlastvisitedproductids', array(), 'vm' ); $key = array_search( $productId, $products_ids ); if($key !== FALSE) { unset($products_ids[$key]); } array_unshift( $products_ids, $productId ); $products_ids = array_unique( $products_ids ); $maxSize = (int)VmConfig::get('max_recent_products', 10); if(count( $products_ids )>$maxSize) { array_splice( $products_ids, $maxSize ); } return $session->set( 'vmlastvisitedproductids', $products_ids, 'vm' ); } /** * Gives ids the recently by the shopper visited products * * @author Max Milbers */ static public function getRecentProductIds ($nbr = 3) { $session = JFactory::getSession(); $ids = $session->get( 'vmlastvisitedproductids', array(), 'vm' ); if(count( $ids )>$nbr) { array_splice( $ids, $nbr ); } return $ids; } } // No closing tag