enqueueMessage('Install the VirtueMart Core first '); return false; } } VmConfig::loadConfig(true,true,true,false); if(!method_exists('vRequest','vmSpecialChars')){ JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage('Update the VirtueMart Core first '); return false; } VmConfig::ensureMemoryLimit(128); VmConfig::ensureExecutionTime(120); if(JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT .'/administrator/components/com_tcpdf/install.xml')){ JFile::delete(JPATH_ROOT .'/administrator/components/com_tcpdf/install.xml'); } } public function getVMPathRoot(){ $source_path = dirname(__FILE__); if(empty($source_path)){ $source_path = JPATH_ROOT; } return $source_path; } public function install () { //$this->vmInstall(); } public function discover_install () { $this->vmInstall(); } public function postflight () { $this->vmInstall (); } public function vmInstall ($dontMove=0) { jimport ('joomla.installer.installer'); if(!class_exists('JFile')) require(VMPATH_LIBS .'/joomla/filesystem/file.php'); if(!class_exists('JFolder')) require(VMPATH_LIBS .'/joomla/filesystem/folder.php'); if(JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT.'/administrator/components/com_virtuemart_allinone')){ JFile::delete(JPATH_ROOT.'/administrator/components/com_virtuemart_allinone'); } vmLanguage::loadJLang('com_virtuemart'); $this->createIndexFolder (JPATH_ROOT .'/plugins/vmcalculation'); $this->createIndexFolder (JPATH_ROOT .'/plugins/vmcustom'); $this->createIndexFolder (JPATH_ROOT .'/plugins/vmpayment'); $this->createIndexFolder (JPATH_ROOT .'/plugins/vmshipment'); $this->createIndexFolder (JPATH_ROOT .'/plugins/vmuserfield'); if(empty($dontMove)){ $this->path = $this->getVMPathRoot(); } else { $this->path = JPATH_ROOT; } $this->dontMove = $dontMove; self::$html .= ' Cart '; self::$html .= '

Installing VirtueMart Plugins and Modules

'; self::$html .= "

The AIO component (com_virtuemart_aio) is used to install or update all the plugins and modules essential to VirtueMart in one go.

"; self::$html .= "

Do not uninstall it.

"; //We do this dirty here, is just the finish page for installation, we must know if we are allowed to add sample data $this->db = JFactory::getDBO (); $q = 'SELECT count(*) FROM `#__virtuemart_products` WHERE `virtuemart_product_id`!="0" '; $this->db->setQuery($q); $productsExists = $this->db->loadResult(); if (!$productsExists) { $file = 'components/com_virtuemart/assets/css/toolbar_images.css'; $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleSheet($file.'?vmver='.VM_REV); if (JVM_VERSION < 3) { $class="button"; } else { $class="btn btn-primary"; } self::$html .= '


'; } self::$html .= ''; $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - Standard', 'plugin', 'standard', 'vmpayment',1); $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - PayPal Checkout', 'plugin', 'paypal_checkout', 'vmpayment'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - PayPal', 'plugin', 'paypal', 'vmpayment'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - Sofort Banking/Überweisung', 'plugin', 'sofort', 'vmpayment'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - Skrill', 'plugin', 'skrill', 'vmpayment'); /* $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - Klarna', 'plugin', 'klarna', 'vmpayment'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - KlarnaCheckout', 'plugin', 'klarnacheckout', 'vmpayment');*/ $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - Heidelpay', 'plugin', 'heidelpay', 'vmpayment'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - Paybox', 'plugin', 'paybox', 'vmpayment'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - 2Checkout', 'plugin', 'tco', 'vmpayment'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - eWay', 'plugin', 'eway', 'vmpayment'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - Pay with Amazon', 'plugin', 'amazon', 'vmpayment'); $this->installPlugin ('System - Pay with Amazon', 'plugin', 'amazon', 'system'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - Realex HPP & API', 'plugin', 'realex_hpp_api', 'vmpayment'); $this->installPlugin ('VM UserField - Realex HPP & API', 'plugin', 'realex_hpp_api', 'vmuserfield'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - Authorize.net', 'plugin', 'authorizenet', 'vmpayment'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - Sofort iDeal', 'plugin', 'sofort_ideal', 'vmpayment'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Payment - Klikandpay', 'plugin', 'klikandpay', 'vmpayment'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Shipment - By weight, ZIP and countries', 'plugin', 'weight_countries', 'vmshipment'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Shipment - Advanced Shipping by Rules for VirtueMart', 'plugin', 'rules_shipping_advanced', 'vmshipment'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Custom - Customer text input', 'plugin', 'textinput', 'vmcustom'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Custom - Product specification', 'plugin', 'specification', 'vmcustom'); $this->installPlugin ('VM Custom - iStraxx Download simple', 'plugin', 'istraxx_download_simple', 'vmcustom'); //$this->installPlugin ('VM Custom - Stockable variants', 'plugin', 'stockable', 'vmcustom', 1); $this->installPlugin ('VM Calculation - Avalara Tax', 'plugin', 'avalara', 'vmcalculation' ); // $table = '#__virtuemart_customs'; // $fieldname = 'field_type'; // $fieldvalue = 'G'; // $this->addToRequired($table,$fieldname,$fieldvalue,"INSERT INTO `#__virtuemart_customs` // (`custom_parent_id`, `admin_only`, `custom_title`, `custom_tip`, `custom_value`, `custom_field_desc`, // `field_type`, `is_list`, `is_hidden`, `is_cart_attribute`, `published`) VALUES // (0, 0, 'COM_VIRTUEMART_STOCKABLE_PRODUCT', 'COM_VIRTUEMART_STOCKABLE_PRODUCT_TIP', NULL, // 'COM_VIRTUEMART_STOCKABLE_PRODUCT_DESC', 'G', 0, 0, 0, 1 );"); $this->installPlugin ('VirtueMart Product', 'plugin', 'virtuemart', 'search'); $this->updateMoneyBookersToSkrill(); $p = VMPATH_ROOT .'/plugins/system/vmLoaderPluginUpdate'; if(JFolder::exists($p)){ JFolder::delete($p); } $p = VMPATH_ROOT .'/plugins/vmpayment/paypal_checkout/fields/getpaypal.php'; if(JFile::exists($p)){ JFile::delete($p); } try { $q = 'UPDATE #__extensions SET `element` = "vmloaderpluginupdate" WHERE `element`= "vmLoaderPluginUpdate" '; $this->db->setQuery($q); $this->db->execute(); } catch (Exception $e){ vmError('There was an error updating the vmloaderpluginupdate element in extensions table'); } $this->installPlugin ('VM Framework Loader during Plugin Updates', 'plugin', 'vmloaderpluginupdate', 'system', 1); $this->updateShipmentWeight_countries_keys(); $task = vRequest::getCmd ('task'); if ($task != 'updateDatabase') { self::$html .= ""; // modules auto move $src = $this->path .'/modulesBE'; $dst = JPATH_ROOT .'/administrator/modules'; $this->recurse_copy ($src, $dst); if(JVM_VERSION<4){ $alreadyInstalled = $this->VmModulesAlreadyInstalled(); //echo "Checking VirtueMart modules..."; $defaultParams = '{"show_vmmenu":"1"}'; $this->installModule ('VM - Administrator Module', 'mod_vmmenu', 5, $defaultParams, $dst,1,'menu',3,$alreadyInstalled); } else { $this->uninstallModule('mod_vmmenu'); } // modules auto move $src = $this->path .'/modules'; $dst = JPATH_ROOT .'/modules'; $this->recurse_copy ($src, $dst); $alreadyInstalled = $this->VmModulesAlreadyInstalled(); $defaultParams = '{"text_before":"","product_currency":"","cache":"1","moduleclass_sfx":"","class_sfx":""}'; $this->installModule ('VM - Currencies Selector', 'mod_virtuemart_currencies', 5, $defaultParams, $dst, 0,'position-4',1,$alreadyInstalled); $defaultParams = '{"product_group":"featured","max_items":"1","products_per_row":"1","display_style":"list","show_price":"1","show_addtocart":"1","headerText":"Best products","footerText":"","filter_category":"0","virtuemart_category_id":"0","cache":"0","moduleclass_sfx":"","class_sfx":""}'; $this->installModule ('VM - Featured products', 'mod_virtuemart_product', 3, $defaultParams, $dst, 0,'position-4',1,$alreadyInstalled); $defaultParams = '{"product_group":"topten","max_items":"1","products_per_row":"1","display_style":"list","show_price":"1","show_addtocart":"1","headerText":"","footerText":"","filter_category":"0","virtuemart_category_id":"0","cache":"0","moduleclass_sfx":"","class_sfx":""}'; $this->installModule ('VM - Best Sales', 'mod_virtuemart_product', 1, $defaultParams, $dst, 0,'position-4',1,$alreadyInstalled); $defaultParams = '{"width":"20","text":"","button":"","button_pos":"right","imagebutton":"","button_text":""}'; $this->installModule ('VM - Search in Shop', 'mod_virtuemart_search', 2, $defaultParams, $dst, 0,'position-4',1,$alreadyInstalled); $defaultParams = '{"show":"all","display_style":"list","manufacturers_per_row":"1","headerText":"","footerText":""}'; $this->installModule ('VM - Manufacturer', 'mod_virtuemart_manufacturer', 8, $defaultParams, $dst, 0,'position-4',1,$alreadyInstalled); $defaultParams = '{"moduleclass_sfx":"","show_price":"1","show_product_list":"1"}'; $this->installModule ('VM - Shopping cart', 'mod_virtuemart_cart', 0, $defaultParams, $dst, 0,'position-4',1,$alreadyInstalled); $defaultParams = '{"Parent_Category_id":"0","layout":"default","cache":"0","moduleclass_sfx":"","class_sfx":""}'; $this->installModule ('VM - Category', 'mod_virtuemart_category', 4, $defaultParams, $dst, 0,'position-4',1,$alreadyInstalled); // libraries auto move $src = $this->path .'/libraries'; $dst = JPATH_ROOT .'/libraries'; $this->recurse_copy ($src, $dst); self::$html .= ""; self::$html .= "
libraries moved to the joomla libraries folder
"; } else { self::$html .= "

Updated VirtueMart Plugin tables

"; } $dst = JPATH_ROOT .'/administrator/modules'; $umimodel = VmModel::getModel('updatesmigration');//$model = new VirtueMartModelUpdatesMigration(); if(JVM_VERSION<4){ $umimodel->updateJoomlaUpdateServer( 'module', 'mod_vmmenu', $dst); } $modules = array( 'mod_virtuemart_currencies', 'mod_virtuemart_product', 'mod_virtuemart_search', 'mod_virtuemart_manufacturer', 'mod_virtuemart_cart', 'mod_virtuemart_category' ); $dst = JPATH_ROOT .'/modules'; foreach ($modules as $module) { $umimodel->updateJoomlaUpdateServer( 'module', $module, $dst ); } $this->updateOrderingExtensions(); $this->replaceStockableByDynamicChilds(); self::$html .= "

Installation Successful.

"; echo self::$html; vRequest::setVar('aio_html',self::$html); return TRUE; } /** * Replaces the old stockable plugin by the native method of vm */ public function replaceStockableByDynamicChilds(){ $this->db->setQuery('SELECT `extension_id` FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `type` = "plugin" AND `folder` = "vmcustom" AND `element`="stockable"'); $jId = $this->db->loadResult(); if($jId){ $this->db->setQuery('SELECT `virtuemart_custom_id` FROM #__virtuemart_customs WHERE `custom_jplugin_id` = "'.$jId.'" '); $cId = $this->db->loadResult(); $this->db->setQuery('SELECT `virtuemart_custom_id` FROM #__virtuemart_customs WHERE `field_type` = "A" '); $acId = $this->db->loadResult(); if($cId){ $this->db->setQuery('UPDATE #__virtuemart_product_customfields SET `virtuemart_custom_id` = "'.$acId.'" WHERE `virtuemart_custom_id` = "'.$cId.'" '); $this->db->execute(); } } $this->db->setQuery('UPDATE #__extensions SET `enabled` = "0" WHERE `extension_id` = "'.$jId.'" '); } private function updateMoneyBookersToSkrill() { $q="SELECT `extension_id` FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `#__extensions`.`folder` = 'vmpayment' AND `#__extensions`.`element` LIKE 'skrill'"; $this->db->setQuery ($q); $skrill_jplugin_id = $this->db->loadResult() ; $app = JFactory::getApplication (); $q="SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_paymentmethods` JOIN `#__extensions` ON `#__extensions`.`extension_id` = `#__virtuemart_paymentmethods`.`payment_jplugin_id` WHERE `#__extensions`.`folder` = 'vmpayment' AND `#__extensions`.`element` LIKE 'moneybookers_%'"; $this->db->setQuery ($q); $moneybookers = $this->db->loadObjectList() ; if ($moneybookers) { self::$html .= "

Updating MoneyBookers plugin to Skrill

"; foreach ($moneybookers as $moneybooker) { $payment_params=$moneybooker->payment_params; $mb_element=str_replace('moneybookers_', '',$moneybooker->element); $payment_params='product='.$mb_element.'|'.$payment_params; $q = 'UPDATE `#__virtuemart_paymentmethods` SET `payment_params`= "'.$payment_params.'" , `payment_jplugin_id` = '.$skrill_jplugin_id.' , `payment_element`= "skrill" WHERE `virtuemart_paymentmethod_id` ='.$moneybooker->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id; $this->db->setQuery($q); $this->db->execute(); $app->enqueueMessage ("Updated payment method: ".$moneybooker->payment_element.". Uses skrill now"); } } $q="DELETE FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `#__extensions`.`folder` = 'vmpayment' AND `#__extensions`.`element` LIKE 'moneybookers%'"; $this->db->setQuery($q); $this->db->execute(); $path =JPATH_ROOT .'/plugins/vmpayment'; $moneybookers_variants=array('', '_acc', '_did','_gir','_idl','_obt', '_pwy','_sft', '_wlt'); foreach ($moneybookers_variants as $moneybookers_variant) { $folder=$path .'/moneybookers'.$moneybookers_variant; if (JFolder::exists($folder) ) { if (!JFolder::delete($folder)) { $app->enqueueMessage ("Failed to delete ". $folder." folder"); } } $lang_file= JPATH_ROOT .'/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_vmpayment_moneybookers'.$moneybookers_variant.'ini'; if (JFile::exists ($lang_file) ){ if (!JFile::delete ($lang_file)) { $app->enqueueMessage ('Couldnt delete ' . $lang_file); return false; } } } } private function updateShipmentWeight_countries_keys(){ $q = 'UPDATE `#__virtuemart_shipmentmethods` SET `shipment_params`= REPLACE(`shipment_params`, "orderamount_start", "min_amount") WHERE `shipment_element` ="weight_countries"'; $this->db->setQuery($q); $this->db->execute(); $q = 'UPDATE `#__virtuemart_shipmentmethods` SET `shipment_params`= REPLACE(`shipment_params`, "orderamount_stop", "max_amount") WHERE `shipment_element` ="weight_countries"'; $this->db->setQuery($q); $this->db->execute(); } private function updateOrderingExtensions(){ $q = 'UPDATE `#__extensions` SET `ordering`= 20 WHERE `folder` ="vmpayment"'; $this->db->setQuery($q); $this->db->execute(); $order = array('paypal_checkout','tco','sofort','sofort_ideal','klarna','paybox','heidelpay','skrill','klikandpay','realex_hpp_api','amazon'); foreach($order as $o=>$el){ $q = 'UPDATE `#__extensions` SET `ordering`= "'.$o.'" WHERE `element` ="'.$el.'"'; $this->db->setQuery($q); $this->db->execute(); } $q = 'UPDATE `#__extensions` SET `ordering`= 100 WHERE `element` ="payzen"'; $this->db->setQuery($q); $this->db->execute(); $q = 'UPDATE `#__extensions` SET `ordering`= 100 WHERE `element` ="systempay"'; $this->db->setQuery($q); $this->db->execute(); } /** * Installs a vm plugin into the database * */ private function installPlugin ($name, $type, $element, $group, $published = 0, $createJPluginTable = 1) { $task = vRequest::getCmd ('task'); if ($task != 'updateDatabase') { $data = array(); $src = $this->path .'/plugins/'. $group .'/'. $element; if ($createJPluginTable) { $table = JTable::getInstance('extension'); $data['enabled'] = $published; $data['access'] = 1; $tableName = '#__extensions'; $idfield = 'extension_id'; $data['params'] = ''; $data['custom_data'] = ''; $data['manifest_cache'] = ''; $data['name'] = $name; $data['type'] = $type; $data['element'] = $element; $data['folder'] = $group; $data['client_id'] = 0; $data['package_id'] = 0; $data['locked'] = 0; $q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `' . $tableName . '` WHERE `element` = "' . $element . '" and folder = "' . $group . '" '; $this->db->setQuery($q); $count = $this->db->loadResult(); if ($count > 1) { $q = 'SELECT ' . $idfield . ' FROM `' . $tableName . '` WHERE `element` = "' . $element . '" and folder = "' . $group . '" ORDER BY `' . $idfield . '` DESC LIMIT 0,1'; $this->db->setQuery($q); $duplicatedPlugin = $this->db->loadResult(); $q = 'DELETE FROM `' . $tableName . '` WHERE ' . $idfield . ' = ' . $duplicatedPlugin; $this->db->setQuery($q); $this->db->execute(); $count--; } //We write ALWAYS in the table,like this the version number is updated $data['manifest_cache'] = json_encode(JInstaller::parseXMLInstallFile($src . '/' . $element . '.xml')); if ($count == 1) { $q = 'SELECT ' . $idfield . ' FROM `' . $tableName . '` WHERE `element` = "' . $element . '" and folder = "' . $group . '" ORDER BY `' . $idfield . '`'; $this->db->setQuery($q); $ext_id = $this->db->loadResult(); $q = 'UPDATE `#__extensions` SET `manifest_cache` ="' . $this->db->escape($data['manifest_cache']) . '" WHERE extension_id=' . $ext_id . ';'; $this->db->setQuery($q); try { if (!$this->db->execute()) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage(get_class($this) . ':: Error'); } } catch(Exception $e) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage(get_class($this) . ':: '.$e->getMessage()); } } else { if (!$table->bind($data)) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage('VMInstaller table->bind throws error for ' . $name . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $element . ' ' . $group); } if (!$table->check($data)) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage('VMInstaller table->check throws error for ' . $name . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $element . ' ' . $group); } if (!$table->store($data)) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage('VMInstaller table->store throws error for ' . $name . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $element . ' ' . $group); } $errors = $table->getErrors(); foreach ($errors as $error) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage(get_class($this) . '::store ' . $error); } } } } $dst = JPATH_ROOT .'/plugins/'. $group .'/'. $element; $success = true; if ($task != 'updateDatabase') { $success =$this->recurse_copy ($src, $dst); } //Execute updatePluginTable while package installation, only if the VMPATH_ROOT is set to the root folder if(JPATH_ROOT==VMPATH_ROOT){ if ($success) { $this->updatePluginTable ($name, $type, $element, $group, $dst); } } else { } $umimodel = VmModel::getModel('updatesmigration'); $umimodel->updateJoomlaUpdateServer( $type, $element, $dst , $group ); $installTask = $count==0 ? 'installed':'updated'; self::$html .= '' . $name . ' '.$installTask.''; unset($data); } public function updatePluginTable ($name, $type, $element, $group, $dst) { $app = JFactory::getApplication (); //Update Tables if (!class_exists ('VmConfig')) { require(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR .'/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/config.php'); } if (class_exists ('VmConfig')) { $pluginfilename = $dst . '/' . $element . '.php'; if(file_exists($pluginfilename)){ if(!class_exists('plg'.ucfirst($group).ucfirst($element))){ require_once ($pluginfilename); //require_once cause is more failproof and is just for install } } else { $app = JFactory::getApplication (); $app->enqueueMessage (get_class ($this) . ':: VirtueMart3 could not find file '.$pluginfilename); return false; } try { $plugin = vDispatcher::createPlugin($group, $element, false); //new $pluginClassname($dispatcher, $config); } catch (Exception $e) { //errros in sql during plugin instalalation and updates $app->enqueueMessage (get_class ($this) . ':: vDispatcher::createPlugin '.$pluginfilename.' '. $e->getMessage()); } $_psType = substr ($group, 2); $tablename = '#__virtuemart_' . $_psType . '_plg_' . $element; $prefix = $this->db->getPrefix (); $query = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "' . str_replace ('#__', $prefix, $tablename) . '"'; $this->db->setQuery ($query); $result = $this->db->loadResult (); if ($result) { $SQLfields = $plugin->getTableSQLFields (); $loggablefields = $plugin->getTableSQLLoggablefields (); $tablesFields = array_merge ($SQLfields, $loggablefields); $update[$tablename] = array($tablesFields, array(), array()); //vmdebug ('install plugin', $update); $app->enqueueMessage (get_class ($this) . ':: VirtueMart update ' . $tablename); $updater = new GenericTableUpdater(); $updater->updateMyVmTables ($update); } } else { $app = JFactory::getApplication (); $app->enqueueMessage (get_class ($this) . ':: VirtueMart must be installed, or the tables cant be updated '); } } public function installModule ($title, $module, $ordering, $params, $src, $client_id = 0, $position = 'position-4', $access = 1, $alreadyInstalled = true) { $table = JTable::getInstance('module'); $src .= '/' . $module; if (!$alreadyInstalled) { $params = ''; $q = 'SELECT id FROM `#__modules` WHERE `module` = "' . $module . '" '; $this->db->setQuery($q); $id = $this->db->loadResult(); if (!empty($id)) { return; } $table->load(); if (empty($table->title)) { $table->title = $title; } if (empty($table->ordering)) { $table->ordering = $ordering; } if (empty($table->published)) { $table->published = 1; } if (empty($table->module)) { $table->module = $module; } if (empty($table->params)) { $table->params = $params; } // table is loaded with access=1 $table->access = $access; if (empty($table->position)) { $table->position = $position; } if (empty($table->client_id)) { $table->client_id = $client_id; } $table->language = '*'; if (!$table->check()) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage('VMInstaller table->check throws error for ' . $title . ' ' . $module . ' ' . $params); } if (!$table->store()) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage('VMInstaller table->store throws error for for ' . $title . ' ' . $module . ' ' . $params); } $errors = $table->getErrors(); foreach ($errors as $error) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage(get_class($this) . '::store ' . $error); } // } $lastUsedId = $table->id; $q = 'SELECT moduleid FROM `#__modules_menu` WHERE `moduleid` = "' . $lastUsedId . '" '; $this->db->setQuery($q); $moduleid = $this->db->loadResult(); $action = ''; if (empty($moduleid)) { $q = 'INSERT INTO `#__modules_menu` (`moduleid`, `menuid`) VALUES( "' . $lastUsedId . '" , "0");'; } else { //$q = 'UPDATE `#__modules_menu` SET `menuid`= "0" WHERE `moduleid`= "'.$moduleid.'" '; } $this->db->setQuery($q); $this->db->execute(); } $q = 'SELECT extension_id FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `element` = "' . $module . '" '; $this->db->setQuery($q); $ext_id = $this->db->loadResult(); // $manifestCache = str_replace('"', '\'', $data["manifest_cache"]); $action = ''; $manifest_cache = json_encode(JInstaller::parseXMLInstallFile($src . '/' . $module . '.xml')); $tableExt = JTable::getInstance('extension'); if (!empty($ext_id)) { $data['extension_id'] = $ext_id; } $data['enabled'] = 1; $data['access'] = $access; $data['protected'] = 0; $tableName = '#__extensions'; $idfield = 'extension_id'; $type = 'module'; $data['params'] = ''; $data['custom_data'] = ''; $data['manifest_cache'] = $manifest_cache; $data['params'] = $params; $data['name'] = $module; $data['type'] = 'module'; $data['element'] = $module; $data['folder'] = ''; $data['ordering'] = $ordering; $data['client_id'] = $client_id; $data['package_id'] = 0; $data['locked'] = 0; if (!$tableExt->bind($data)) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage('VMInstaller table->bind throws error for ' . $module . ' ' . $type ); } if (!$tableExt->check($data)) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage('VMInstaller table->check throws error for ' . $module . ' ' . $type ); } $ret = $tableExt->store($data); if (!$ret) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage('VMInstaller table->store throws error for ' . $module . ' ' . $type ); } $errors = $table->getErrors(); foreach ($errors as $error) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage(get_class($this) . '::store ' . $error); } $installTask = empty($ext_id) ? 'installed' : 'updated'; self::$html .= '' . $title . ' '.$installTask.''; //$this->updateJoomlaUpdateServer( 'module', $module, $dst ); } public function VmModulesAlreadyInstalled () { // when the modules are already installed publish=-2 $q = 'SELECT count(*) FROM `#__modules` WHERE `module` LIKE "mod_virtuemart_%"'; $this->db->setQuery ($q); $count = $this->db->loadResult (); return $count; } public function VmAdminModulesAlreadyInstalled () { // when the modules are already installed publish=-2 $q = 'SELECT count(*) FROM `#__modules` WHERE `module` LIKE "mod_vmmenu"'; $this->db->setQuery ($q); $count = $this->db->loadResult (); return $count; } /** * @author Max Milbers * @param string $tablename * @param string $fields * @param string $command */ private function alterTable ($tablename, $fields, $command = 'CHANGE') { if (empty($this->db)) { $this->db = JFactory::getDBO (); } $query = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `' . $tablename . '` '; $this->db->setQuery ($query); $columns = $this->db->loadColumn (0); foreach ($fields as $fieldname => $alterCommand) { if (in_array ($fieldname, $columns)) { $query = 'ALTER TABLE `' . $tablename . '` ' . $command . ' COLUMN `' . $fieldname . '` ' . $alterCommand; $this->db->setQuery ($query); $this->db->execute(); } } } /** * * @author Max Milbers * @param string $table * @param string $field * @param string $fieldType * @return boolean This gives true back, WHEN it altered the table, you may use this information to decide for extra post actions */ private function checkAddFieldToTable ($table, $field, $fieldType) { $query = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `' . $table . '` '; $this->db->setQuery ($query); $columns = $this->db->loadColumn (0); if (!in_array ($field, $columns)) { $query = 'ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` ADD ' . $field . ' ' . $fieldType; $this->db->setQuery ($query); try { if (!$this->db->execute()) { $app = JFactory::getApplication (); $app->enqueueMessage ('Install checkAddFieldToTable Error'); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } catch(Exception $e) { $app->enqueueMessage ('Install checkAddFieldToTable ' . $e->getMessage()); return false; } } return FALSE; } /** * copy all $src to $dst folder and remove it * * @author Max Milbers * @param String $src path * @param String $dst path * @param String $type modulesBE, modules, plugins, languageBE, languageFE */ private function recurse_copy ($src, $dst) { if($this->dontMove) return true; $dir = opendir ($src); $this->createIndexFolder ($dst); if (is_resource ($dir)) { while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir ($dir))) { if (($file != '.') && ($file != '..')) { if (is_dir ($src . '/' . $file)) { if(!JFolder::create($dst . '/' . $file)){ $app = JFactory::getApplication (); $app->enqueueMessage ('Couldnt create folder ' . $dst . '/' . $file); } $this->recurse_copy ($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); } else { if (JFile::exists ($dst . '/' . $file)) { if (!JFile::delete ($dst . '/' . $file)) { $app = JFactory::getApplication (); $app->enqueueMessage ('Couldnt delete ' . $dst . '/' . $file); return false; } } if (!JFile::move ($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file)) { $app = JFactory::getApplication (); $app->enqueueMessage ('Couldnt move ' . $src . '/' . $file . ' to ' . $dst . '/' . $file); return false; } } } } closedir ($dir); if (JFolder::exists ($src)) { JFolder::delete ($src); } } else { $app = JFactory::getApplication (); $app->enqueueMessage ('Virtuemart AIO Installer recurse_copy; Couldnt read source directory '.$src.' or target directory does not exits '.$dst); return false; } return true; } public function uninstallModule($module){ $q = 'DELETE FROM #__extensions WHERE element="'.$module.'" '; $this->db->setQuery ($q); try { $this->db->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { vmError('Error uninstallModule '.$e->getMessage().' '.$q); } $p = VMPATH_ADMIN .'/modules/'.$module; if(JFolder::exists($p)){ JFolder::delete($p); } } public function uninstall () { return TRUE; } /** * creates a folder with empty html file * * @author Max Milbers * */ public function createIndexFolder ($path) { if (JFolder::create ($path)) { /*if (!JFile::exists ($path .'/index.html')) { JFile::copy (JPATH_ROOT .'/components/index.html', $path .'/index.html'); }*/ return TRUE; } return FALSE; } } // pure php no tag