; $Id: en-GB.plg_vmpayment_standard.ini 2567 2010-10-08 14:20:50Z _fD_ $ ; @package ; @author Valerie Isaksen ; Copyright (C) 2008 VirtueMart, 2010 VirtueMart Team. All rights reserved. ; License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM VMPAYMENT_STANDARD="Vm Payment plugin Standard" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_AMOUNT="Amount" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_COST_PERCENT_TOTAL="Fee or cashback in percent of the total amount." VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_COST_PERCENT_TOTAL_EXPLAIN="Added or subtracted in the cart view. Enter for example Credit Cart fee as 2, Cashback as -2" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_COST_PER_TRANSACTION="Fee per transaction" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_COST_PER_TRANSACTION_EXPLAIN="Flat amount to apply per transaction" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_COUNTRIES="Countries" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_COUNTRIES_DESC="Please select the countries for which this payment method applies. If no country is selected, this payment method will be applied for all countries" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_CURRENCY="Accepted Currency" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_CURRENCY_DESC="Accepted Currency for this payment" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_INFO="Payment information" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_LOGOS="Logos" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_LOGOS_DESC="Logos to be displayed with the payment name" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_MAX_AMOUNT="Maximum Amount" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_MAX_AMOUNT_EXPLAIN="Maximum Order Amount to offer this Payment" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_MIN_AMOUNT="Minimum Amount" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_MIN_AMOUNT_EXPLAIN="Minimum Order Amount to offer this Payment" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_ORDER_INFO="Order Information" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_ORDER_NUMBER="Order Number" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_ORDER_TOTAL="Order Total" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_PAYMENTINFO="Payment Info" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_PAYMENTINFO_EXPLAIN="Add a message to display with the order" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_PAYMENT_INFO="Payment method" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_PAYMENT_NAME="Payment Name" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_PAYMENT_TOTAL_CURRENCY="Total in Payment Currency" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_PERCENT_TOTAL="Percent of the total amount" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_PERCENT_TOTAL_EXPLAIN="Percent to apply to the total amount" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_SEND_INVOICE_ON_ORDER_NULL="Send invoice on total =0" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_SEND_INVOICE_ON_ORDER_NULL_EXPLAIN="Set to Yes, if no invoice should be sent if the total of an order is 0. Set to No, if an invoice should be sent all the time" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_STATUS_PENDING="Order Status for unpayed transactions" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_STATUS_PENDING_EXPLAIN="The order status to which orders are set, which are agreed by shopper, but have no completed Payment Transaction. Usually confirmed by shopper" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_TAX="Tax" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_TAX_EXPLAIN="Tax to apply to the fee" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_TRANSACTION="Fee per transaction" VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_TRANSACTION_EXPLAIN="Flat amount to apply per transaction"