loadLanguage(); } //endregion //region onAfterInitialise public function onAfterInitialise () { try { // Register The Namespace Of The VmStore Template Library // // check whether the current joomla template is made by the virtuemart team or not // we check this based on the name as all virtuemart templates start with "vm_store" string $joomlaApplication = JFactory::getApplication(); if ($joomlaApplication->isClient('site') && (strpos($joomlaApplication->getTemplate(), 'vmstore') !== FALSE)) { // tell the auto-loader to look for namespace classes // starting with "VmStoreTemplate" in the templates directory JLoader::registerNamespace( 'VmStoreTemplate', JPATH_THEMES . '/vmstore/library', FALSE, FALSE, 'psr4' ); JLoader::registerAlias('VmStoreTemplate', '\\VmStoreTemplate\\VmStoreTemplate'); // load an instance of the "VmStoreTemplate" library VmStoreTemplate::getInstance('joomla'); } } catch (\Exception $e) { // echo 'Exception abgefangen: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } } //endregion //region onAfterRoute public function onAfterRoute () { } //endregion //region onAfterDispatch public function onAfterDispatch () { } //endregion //region onBeforeRender public function onBeforeRender () { } //endregion //region onAfterRender public function onAfterRender () { } //endregion //region onBeforeCompileHead public function onBeforeCompileHead () { } //endregion }