*/ defined('_JEXEC') or die(); /** * Fetches the update information from the server or the cache, depending on * whether the cache is fresh or not. */ class LiveUpdateFetch extends JObject { private $cacheTTL = 24; private $storage = null; /** * One-stop-shop function which fetches update information and tells you * if there are updates available or not, or if updates are not supported. * * @return int 0 = no updates, 1 = updates available, -1 = updates not supported, -2 = fetching updates crashes the server */ public function hasUpdates() { $updateInfo = $this->getUpdateInformation(); if($updateInfo->stuck) return -2; if(!$updateInfo->supported) return -1; $config = LiveUpdateConfig::getInstance(); $extInfo = $config->getExtensionInformation(); // Filter by stability level $minStability = $config->getMinimumStability(); $stability = strtolower($updateInfo->stability); switch($minStability) { case 'alpha': default: // Reports any stability level as an available update break; case 'beta': // Do not report alphas as available updates if(in_array($stability, array('alpha'))) return 0; break; case 'rc': // Do not report alphas and betas as available updates if(in_array($stability, array('alpha','beta'))) return 0; break; case 'stable': // Do not report alphas, betas and rcs as available updates if(in_array($stability, array('alpha','beta','rc'))) return 0; break; } // Use the version strategy to determine the availability of an update switch($config->getVersionStrategy()) { case 'newest': jimport('joomla.utilities.date'); if(empty($extInfo)) { $mine = new JDate('2000-01-01 00:00:00'); } else { $mine = new JDate($extInfo['date']); } $theirs = new JDate($updateInfo->date); return ($theirs->toUnix() > $mine->toUnix()) ? 1 : 0; break; case 'vcompare': $mine = $extInfo['version']; if(empty($mine)) $mine = '0.0.0'; $theirs = $updateInfo->version; if(empty($theirs)) $theirs = '0.0.0'; return (version_compare($theirs, $mine, 'gt')) ? 1 : 0; break; case 'different': $mine = $extInfo['version']; if(empty($mine)) $mine = '0.0.0'; $theirs = $updateInfo->version; if(empty($theirs)) $theirs = '0.0.0'; return ($theirs != $mine) ? 1 : 0; break; } } /** * Get the latest version (update) information, either from the cache or * from the update server. * * @param $force bool Set to true to force fetching fresh data from the server * * @return stdClass The update information, in object format */ public function getUpdateInformation($force = false) { // Get the Live Update configuration $config = LiveUpdateConfig::getInstance(); // Get an instance of the storage class $storageOptions = $config->getStorageAdapterPreferences(); require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/storage/storage.php'; $this->storage = LiveUpdateStorage::getInstance($storageOptions['adapter'], $storageOptions['config']); $storage = $this->storage; // Fetch information from the cache if(version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', 'ge')) { $registry = $storage->getRegistry(); $lastCheck = $registry->get('lastcheck', 0); $cachedData = $registry->get('updatedata', null); } else { $lastCheck = $storage->get('lastcheck', 0); $cachedData = $storage->get('updatedata', null); } if(is_string($cachedData)) { $cachedData = trim($cachedData,'"'); $cachedData = json_decode($cachedData); } if(empty($cachedData)) { $lastCheck = 0; } // Check if the cache is at most $cacheTTL hours old $now = time(); $maxDifference = $this->cacheTTL * 3600; $difference = abs($now - $lastCheck); if(!($force) && ($difference <= $maxDifference)) { // The cache is fresh enough; return cached data return $cachedData; } else { // The cache is stale; fetch new data, cache it and return it to the caller $data = $this->getUpdateData($force); $this->storage->set('lastcheck', $now); $this->storage->set('updatedata', json_encode($data)); $this->storage->save(); return $data; } } /** * Retrieves the update data from the server, unless previous runs indicate * that the download process gets stuck and ends up in a WSOD. * * @param bool $force Set to true to force fetching new data no matter if the process is marked as stuck * @return stdClass */ private function getUpdateData($force = false) { $ret = array( 'supported' => false, 'stuck' => true, 'version' => '', 'date' => '', 'stability' => '', 'downloadURL' => '' ); // If the process is marked as "stuck", we won't bother fetching data again; well, // unless you really force me to, by setting $force = true. if($this->storage->get('stuck',0) && !$force) return (object)$ret; $ret['stuck'] = false; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/download.php'; // First we mark Live Updates as getting stuck. This way, if fetching the update // fails with a server error, reloading the page will not result to a White Screen // of Death again. Hey, Joomla! core team, are you listening? Some hosts PRETEND to // support cURL or URL fopen() wrappers but using them throws an immediate WSOD. $this->storage->set('stuck', 1); $this->storage->save(); $config = LiveUpdateConfig::getInstance(); $extInfo = $config->getExtensionInformation(); $url = $extInfo['updateurl']; $rawData = LiveUpdateDownloadHelper::downloadAndReturn($url); // Now that we have some data returned, let's unmark the process as being stuck ;) $this->storage->set('stuck', 0); $this->storage->save(); // If we didn't get anything, assume Live Update is not supported (communication error) if(empty($rawData) || ($rawData == false)) return (object)$ret; // TODO Detect the content type of the returned update stream. For now, I will pretend it's an INI file. $data = $this->parseINI($rawData); $ret['supported'] = true; return (object)array_merge($ret, $data); } /** * Fetches update information from the server using cURL * @return string The raw server data */ private function fetchCURL() { $config = LiveUpdateConfig::getInstance(); $extInfo = $config->getExtensionInformation(); $url = $extInfo['updateurl']; $process = curl_init($url); $config = new LiveUpdateConfig(); $config->applyCACert($process); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); // Pretend we are Firefox, so that webservers play nice with us curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110105 Firefox/3.6.14'); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'gzip'); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // The @ sign allows the next line to fail if open_basedir is set or if safe mode is enabled @curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); @curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 20); $inidata = curl_exec($process); curl_close($process); return $inidata; } /** * Fetches update information from the server using file_get_contents, which internally * uses URL fopen() wrappers. * @return string The raw server data */ private function fetchFOPEN() { $config = LiveUpdateConfig::getInstance(); $extInfo = $config->getExtensionInformation(); $url = $extInfo['updateurl']; return @file_get_contents($urls); } /** * Parses the raw INI data into an array of update information * @param string $rawData The raw INI data * @return array The parsed data */ private function parseINI($rawData) { $ret = array( 'version' => '', 'date' => '', 'stability' => '', 'downloadURL' => '' ); // Get the magic string $magicPos = strpos($rawData, '; Live Update provision file'); if($magicPos === false) { // That's not an INI file :( return $ret; } if($magicPos !== 0) { $rawData = substr($rawData, $magicPos); } require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/inihelper.php'; $iniData = LiveUpdateINIHelper::parse_ini_file($rawData, false, true); $ret['version'] = $iniData['version']; $ret['date'] = $iniData['date']; $config = LiveUpdateConfig::getInstance(); $auth = $config->getAuthorization(); $glue = strpos($iniData['link'],'?') === false ? '?' : '&'; $ret['downloadURL'] = $iniData['link'] . (empty($auth) ? '' : $glue.$auth); if(array_key_exists('stability', $iniData)) { $stability = $iniData['stability']; } else { // Stability not defined; guesswork mode enabled $version = $ret['version']; if( preg_match('#^[0-9\.]*a[0-9\.]*#', $version) == 1 ) { $stability = 'alpha'; } elseif( preg_match('#^[0-9\.]*b[0-9\.]*#', $version) == 1 ) { $stability = 'beta'; } elseif( preg_match('#^[0-9\.]*rc[0-9\.]*#', $version) == 1 ) { $stability = 'rc'; } elseif( preg_match('#^[0-9\.]*$#', $version) == 1 ) { $stability = 'stable'; } else { $stability = 'svn'; } } $ret['stability'] = $stability; return $ret; } }