_app = JFactory::getApplication(); $this->_db = JFactory::getDBO(); $this->_oldToNew = new stdClass(); $this->starttime = microtime(true); $max_execution_time = VmConfig::getExecutionTime(); $jrmax_execution_time= vRequest::getInt('max_execution_time'); if(!empty($jrmax_execution_time)){ // vmdebug('$jrmax_execution_time',$jrmax_execution_time); if($max_execution_time!=$jrmax_execution_time) @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', $jrmax_execution_time ); } else if($max_execution_time<60) { @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', 60 ); } $this->maxScriptTime = VmConfig::getExecutionTime()*0.95-3; //Lets use 3 seconds of the execution time as reserve to store the progress $jrmemory_limit= vRequest::getInt('memory_limit'); if(!empty($jrmemory_limit)){ VmConfig::ensureMemoryLimit($jrmemory_limit); } else { VmConfig::ensureMemoryLimit(128); } $this->maxMemoryLimit = VmConfig::getMemoryLimitBytes() - (14 * 1024 * 1024) ; //Lets use 14MB for joomla $q = 'SELECT `id` FROM `#__virtuemart_migration_oldtonew_ids` '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $res = $this->_db->loadResult(); if(empty($res)){ $q = 'INSERT INTO `#__virtuemart_migration_oldtonew_ids` (`id`) VALUES ("1")'; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $this->_db->execute(); $this->_app->enqueueMessage('Start with a new migration process and setup log maxScriptTime '.$this->maxScriptTime.' maxMemoryLimit '.$this->maxMemoryLimit/(1024*1024)); } else { $this->_app->enqueueMessage('Found prior migration process, resume migration maxScriptTime '.$this->maxScriptTime.' maxMemoryLimit '.$this->maxMemoryLimit/(1024*1024)); } $this->_keepOldProductIds = VmConfig::get('keepOldProductIds',FALSE); } function getMigrationProgress($group){ $q = 'SELECT `'.$group.'` FROM `#__virtuemart_migration_oldtonew_ids` WHERE `id` = "1" '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $result = $this->_db->loadResult(); if(empty($result)){ $result = array(); } else { // vmdebug('getMigrationProgress '.$group,$result); $uresult = unserialize(trim($result)); if(!$uresult){ vmdebug('getMigrationProgress unserialize failed '.$group,$result); // vmWarn('getMigrationProgress '.$group.' array is created new and therefore empty $q '.$q.' '.print_r($uresult,1).'
'); $result = array(); } else { $result = $uresult; } } return $result; } function storeMigrationProgress($group,$array, $limit = ''){ $q = 'UPDATE `#__virtuemart_migration_oldtonew_ids` SET `'.$group.'`="'.serialize($array).'" '.$limit.' WHERE `id` = "1"'; $this->_db->setQuery($q); if(!$this->_db->execute()){ $this->_app->enqueueMessage('storeMigrationProgress failed to update query '.$this->_db->getQuery()); $this->_app->enqueueMessage('and ErrrorMsg '.$this->_db->getErrorMsg()); return false; } return true; } function migrateGeneral(){ $result = $this->portMedia(); $result1 = $this->portShoppergroups(); $result2 = $this->portCategories(); $result3 = $this->portManufacturerCategories(); $result4 = $this->portManufacturers(); // $result = $this->portOrderStatus(); if(((int)$result + (int)$result1 + (int)$result2 + (int)$result3 + (int)$result4) ==5){ $result = true; } else { $result = false; } $time = microtime(true) - $this->starttime; vmInfo('Worked on general migration for '.$time.' seconds'); vmRamPeak('Migrate general vm1 info ended '); return $result; } function migrateUsers(){ // $result = $this->portShoppergroups(); $result = $this->portUsers(); $time = microtime(true) - $this->starttime; vmInfo('Worked on user migration for '.$time.' seconds'); vmRamPeak('Migrate shoppers ended '); return $result; } function migrateProducts(){ // $result = $this->portMedia(); // $result = $this->portCategories(); // $result = $this->portManufacturerCategories(); // $result = $this->portManufacturers(); $result = $this->portProducts(); $time = microtime(true) - $this->starttime; $this->_app->enqueueMessage('Worked on general migration for '.$time.' seconds'); return $result; } function migrateOrders(){ // $result = $this->portMedia(); // $result = $this->portCategories(); // $result = $this->portManufacturerCategories(); // $result = $this->portManufacturers(); // $result = $this->portProducts(); // $result = $this->portOrderStatus(); $result = $this->portOrders(); $time = microtime(true) - $this->starttime; vmInfo('Worked on migration for '.$time.' seconds'); return $result; } function migrateAllInOne(){ $result = $this->portMedia(); $result = $this->portShoppergroups(); $result = $this->portUsers(); $result = $this->portVendor(); $result = $this->portCategories(); $result = $this->portManufacturerCategories(); $result = $this->portManufacturers(); $result = $this->portProducts(); //$result = $this->portOrderStatus(); $result = $this->portOrders(); $time = microtime(true) - $this->starttime; $this->_app->enqueueMessage('Worked on migration for '.$time.' seconds'); vmRamPeak('Migrate all ended '); return $result; } public function portMedia(){ $ok = true; vRequest::setVar('synchronise',true); //Prevents search field from interfering with syncronization vRequest::setVar('searchMedia', ''); //$imageExtensions = array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png'); if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelMedia')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'models' . DS . 'media.php'); $this->mediaModel = VmModel::getModel('Media'); //First lets read which files are already stored $this->storedMedias = $this->mediaModel->getFiles(false, true); //check for entries without file foreach($this->storedMedias as $media){ if($media->file_is_forSale!=1){ $media_path = VMPATH_ROOT.DS.str_replace('/',DS,$media->file_url); } else { $media_path = $media->file_url; } if(!file_exists($media_path)){ vmInfo('File for '.$media_path.' is missing'); //The idea is here to test if the media with missing data is used somewhere and to display it //When it not used, the entry should be deleted then. /* $q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_category_medias` as cm, `#__virtuemart_product_medias` as pm, `#__virtuemart_manufacturer_medias` as mm, `#__virtuemart_vendor_medias` as vm WHERE cm.`virtuemart_media_id` = "'.$media->virtuemart_media_id.'" OR pm.`virtuemart_media_id` = "'.$media->virtuemart_media_id.'" OR mm.`virtuemart_media_id` = "'.$media->virtuemart_media_id.'" OR vm.`virtuemart_media_id` = "'.$media->virtuemart_media_id.'" '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $res = $this->_db->loadColumn(); vmdebug('so',$res); if(count($res)>0){ vmInfo('File for '.$media->file_url.' is missing, but used '); } */ } } $countTotal = 0; //We do it per type $url = VmConfig::get('media_product_path'); $type = 'product'; $count = $this->_portMediaByType($url, $type); $countTotal += $count; $this->_app->enqueueMessage(vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_UPDATE_PORT_MEDIA_RESULT', $count, $type, $url)); if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ return $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_UPDATE_PORT_MEDIA_RESULT_NOT_FINISH', $countTotal); } $url = VmConfig::get('media_category_path'); $type = 'category'; $count = $this->_portMediaByType($url, $type); $countTotal += $count; $this->_app->enqueueMessage(vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_UPDATE_PORT_MEDIA_RESULT', $count, $type, $url)); if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ return $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_UPDATE_PORT_MEDIA_RESULT_NOT_FINISH', $countTotal); } $url = VmConfig::get('media_manufacturer_path'); $type = 'manufacturer'; $count = $this->_portMediaByType($url, $type); $countTotal += $count; $this->_app->enqueueMessage(vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_UPDATE_PORT_MEDIA_RESULT', $count, $type, $url)); if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ return $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_UPDATE_PORT_MEDIA_RESULT_NOT_FINISH', $countTotal); } $url = VmConfig::get('media_vendor_path'); $type = 'vendor'; $count = $this->_portMediaByType($url, $type); $countTotal += $count; $this->_app->enqueueMessage(vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_UPDATE_PORT_MEDIA_RESULT', $count, $type, $url)); $url = VmConfig::get('forSale_path'); $type = 'forSale'; $count = $this->_portMediaByType($url, $type); $countTotal += $count; $this->_app->enqueueMessage(vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_UPDATE_PORT_MEDIA_RESULT', $count, $type, $url)); return $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_UPDATE_PORT_MEDIA_RESULT_FINISH', $countTotal); } private function _portMediaByType($url, $type){ $knownNames = array(); //create array of filenames for easier handling foreach($this->storedMedias as $media){ if($media->file_type == $type){ //Somehow we must use here the right char encoding, so that it works below // in line 320 $knownNames[$media->file_url] = 1; } } $filesInDir = array(); $foldersInDir = array(); if($type!='forSale'){ $path = str_replace('/', DS, $url); $foldersInDir = array(VMPATH_ROOT . DS . $path); } else { $foldersInDir = array($url); } if (!is_dir($foldersInDir[0])) { vmError($type.' Path/Url is not set correct :'.$foldersInDir[0]); return 0; } while(!empty($foldersInDir)){ foreach($foldersInDir as $dir){ $subfoldersInDir = null; $subfoldersInDir = array(); if($type!='forSale'){ $relUrl = str_replace(DS, '/', substr($dir, strlen(VMPATH_ROOT . DS))); } else { // vmdebug('$dir',$dir); $relUrl = $dir; } if($handle = opendir($dir)){ while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){ //$file != "." && $file != ".." replaced by strpos if(!empty($file) && strpos($file,'.')!==0 && $file != 'index.html'){ $filetype = filetype($dir . DS . $file); $relUrlName = ''; $relUrlName = $relUrl.$file; // vmdebug('my relative url ',$relUrlName); //We port all type of media, regardless the extension if($filetype == 'file'){ if(!isset($knownNames[$relUrlName])){ $filesInDir[] = array('filename' => $file, 'url' => $relUrl); } }else { if($filetype == 'dir' && $file != 'resized' && $file != 'invoices' && $file != 'keys'){ $subfoldersInDir[] = $dir.$file.DS; // vmdebug('my sub folder ',$dir.$file); } } } if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime*0.4)){ break; } } } $foldersInDir = $subfoldersInDir; if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime*0.4)){ break; } } if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime*0.4)){ break; } } $i = 0; foreach($filesInDir as $file){ $data = null; $data = array('file_title' => $file['filename'], 'virtuemart_vendor_id' => 1, 'file_description' => $file['filename'], 'file_meta' => $file['filename'], 'file_url' => $file['url'] . $file['filename'], 'media_published' => 1 ); if($type == 'product') $data['file_is_product_image'] = 1; if($type == 'forSale') $data['file_is_forSale'] = 1; $this->mediaModel->setId(0); $data['file_type'] = $type; $success = $this->mediaModel->store($data, $type); if($success) $i++; if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ vmError('Attention script time too short, no time left to store the media, please rise script execution time'); break; } } return $i; } private function portShoppergroups(){ if($this->_stop || (microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ return; } $query = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "%vm_shopper_group%"'; $this->_db->setQuery($query); if(!$this->_db->loadResult()){ vmInfo('No Shoppergroup table found for migration'); $this->_stop = true; return false; } $ok = true; $q = 'SELECT * FROM #__vm_shopper_group'; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $oldShopperGroups = $this->_db->loadAssocList(); if(empty($oldShopperGroups)) $oldShopperGroups = array(); $oldtoNewShoppergroups = array(); $alreadyKnownIds = $this->getMigrationProgress('shoppergroups'); $starttime = microtime(true); $i = 0; foreach($oldShopperGroups as $oldgroup){ if(!array_key_exists($oldgroup['shopper_group_id'],$alreadyKnownIds)){ $sGroups = null; $sGroups = array(); //$category['virtuemart_category_id'] = $oldcategory['category_id']; $sGroups['virtuemart_vendor_id'] = $oldgroup['vendor_id']; $sGroups['shopper_group_name'] = $oldgroup['shopper_group_name']; $sGroups['shopper_group_desc'] = $oldgroup['shopper_group_desc']; $sGroups['published'] = 1; $sGroups['default'] = $oldgroup['default']; $table = $this->getTable('shoppergroups'); $table->bindChecknStore($sGroups); // $oldtoNewShoppergroups[$oldgroup['shopper_group_id']] = $sGroups['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id']; $alreadyKnownIds[$oldgroup['shopper_group_id']] = $sGroups['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id']; unset($sGroups['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id']); $i++; } // else { // $oldtoNewShoppergroups[$oldgroup['shopper_group_id']] = $alreadyKnownIds[$oldgroup['shopper_group_id']]; // } if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ break; } } $time = microtime(true) - $starttime; $this->_app->enqueueMessage('Processed '.$i.' vm1 shoppergroups time: '.$time); $this->storeMigrationProgress('shoppergroups',$alreadyKnownIds); } private function portUsers(){ if($this->_stop || (microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ return; } $query = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "%vm_user_info%"'; $this->_db->setQuery($query); if(!$this->_db->loadResult()){ vmInfo('No vm_user_info table found for migration'); $this->_stop = true; return false; } //declaration _vm_userfield >> _virtuemart_userfields` // vendor_id >> virtuemart_vendor_id $this->_db->setQuery('select `name` FROM `#__virtuemart_userfields`'); $vm2Fields = $this->_db->loadColumn (); $this->_db->setQuery('select * FROM `#__vm_userfield`'); $oldfields = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); $migratedfields =''; $userfields = $this->getTable('userfields'); $userinfo = $this->getTable('userinfos'); $orderinfo = $this->getTable('order_userinfos'); foreach ($oldfields as $field ) { if ($field->name =='country' or $field->name =='state') continue; if (!isset($field->shipment)) $field->shipment = 0 ; if ( !in_array( $field->name, $vm2Fields ) ) { $q = 'INSERT INTO `#__virtuemart_userfields` ( `name`, `title`, `description`, `type`, `maxlength`, `size`, `required`, `ordering`, `cols`, `rows`, `value`, `default`, `published`, `registration`, `shipment`, `account`, `readonly`, `calculated`, `sys`, `virtuemart_vendor_id`, `userfield_params`) VALUES ( "'.$field->name.'"," '.$field->title .'"," '.$field->description .'"," '.$field->type .'"," '.$field->maxlength .'"," '.$field->size .'"," '.$field->required .'"," '.$field->ordering .'"," '.$field->cols .'"," '.$field->rows .'"," '.$field->value .'"," '.$field->default .'"," '.$field->published .'"," '.$field->registration .'"," '.$field->shipment .'"," '.$field->account .'"," '.$field->readonly .'"," '.$field->calculated .'"," '.$field->sys .'"," '.$field->vendor_id .'"," '.$field->params .'" )'; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $this->_db->execute(); if ($this->_db->getErrorNum()) { vmError ($this->_db->getErrorMsg() ); } $userfields->type = $field->type; $type = $userfields->formatFieldType($field); if (!$userinfo->_modifyColumn ('ADD', $field->name, $type)) { //vmError($userinfo->getError()); return false; } // Alter the order_userinfo table if (!$orderinfo->_modifyColumn ('ADD',$field->name, $type)) { //vmError($orderinfo->getError()); return false; } $migratedfields .= '['.$field->name.'] '; } } if ($migratedfields) vminfo('Userfield declaration '.$migratedfields.' Migrated'); $oldToNewShoppergroups = $this->getMigrationProgress('shoppergroups'); if(empty($oldToNewShoppergroups)){ vmInfo('portUsers getMigrationProgress shoppergroups ' . $this->_db->getErrorMsg()); return false; } if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelUser')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'models' . DS . 'user.php'); $userModel = VmModel::getModel('user'); $ok = true; $continue = true; //approximatly 110 users take a 1 MB $maxItems = $this->_getMaxItems('Users'); // $maxItems = 10; $i=0; $startLimit = 0; $goForST = true; if ( JVM_VERSION===1 ) { $jUserArray = array('id','username','name','password','usertype','block','sendEmail','registerDate', 'lastvisitDate','activation','params' ); } else { $jUserArray = array('id','username','name','password','block','sendEmail','registerDate', 'lastvisitDate','activation','params','lastResetTime','resetCount'); } $JUserString = '`p`.`'.implode('`,`p`.`',$jUserArray).'`'; while($continue){ //Lets load all users from the joomla and vm1? VM1 users does NOT exist $q = 'SELECT `ui`.*,`svx`.*,'.$JUserString.',`vmu`.virtuemart_user_id FROM #__vm_user_info AS `ui` LEFT OUTER JOIN #__vm_shopper_vendor_xref AS `svx` ON `svx`.user_id = `ui`.user_id LEFT OUTER JOIN #__users AS `p` ON `p`.id = `ui`.user_id LEFT OUTER JOIN #__virtuemart_vmusers AS `vmu` ON `vmu`.virtuemart_user_id = `ui`.user_id WHERE (`vmu`.virtuemart_user_id) IS NULL LIMIT '.$startLimit.','.$maxItems ; $res = self::loadCountListContinue($q,$startLimit,$maxItems,'port shoppers'); $oldUsers = $res[0]; $startLimit = $res[1]; $continue = $res[2]; $starttime = microtime(true); foreach($oldUsers as $user){ $user['virtuemart_country_id'] = $this->getCountryIDByName($user['country']); $user['virtuemart_state_id'] = $this->getStateIDByName($user['state']); if(!empty($user['shopper_group_id'])){ $user['virtuemart_shoppergroups_id'] = $oldToNewShoppergroups[$user['shopper_group_id']]; } if(!empty($user['user_id'])){ $user['virtuemart_user_id'] = $user['user_id']; } if(!empty($user['user_email'])){ $user['email'] = $user['user_email']; } //$userModel->setUserId($user['id']); $userModel->setId($user['user_id']); //Should work with setId, because only administrators are allowed todo the migration //Joomla user does exist //if(!empty($user['email'])){ //Save the VM user stuff if(!$saveUserData=$userModel->saveUserData($user,false)){ vmdebug('Error migration saveUserData '); // vmError(vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_NOT_ABLE_TO_SAVE_USER_DATA')); $continue = false; } $userfielddata = $userModel->_prepareUserFields($user, 'BT'); $userinfo = $this->getTable('userinfos'); if (!$userinfo->bindChecknStore($userfielddata)) { vmError('Migration storeAddress BT '); } if(!empty($user['user_is_vendor']) && $user['user_is_vendor'] === 1){ if (!$userModel->storeVendorData($user)){ vmError('Migrator portUsers '); $continue = false; } } $i++; if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ $goForST = false; break; } } } $time = microtime(true) - $starttime; vmInfo('Processed '.$i.' vm1 users time: '.$time); //adresses $starttime = microtime(true); $continue = $goForST; $startLimit = 0; $i = 0; while($continue){ $q = 'SELECT `ui`.* FROM #__vm_user_info as `ui` LEFT OUTER JOIN #__virtuemart_userinfos as `vui` ON `vui`.`virtuemart_user_id` = `ui`.`user_id` WHERE `ui`.`address_type` = "ST" AND (`vui`.`virtuemart_user_id`) IS NULL LIMIT '.$startLimit.','.$maxItems; $res = self::loadCountListContinue($q,$startLimit,$maxItems,'port ST addresses'); $oldUsersAddresses = $res[0]; $startLimit = $res[1]; $continue = $res[2]; if(empty($oldUsersAddresses)) return $ok; //$alreadyKnownIds = $this->getMigrationProgress('staddress'); $oldtonewST = array(); foreach($oldUsersAddresses as $oldUsersAddi){ // if(!array_key_exists($oldcategory['virtuemart_userinfo_id'],$alreadyKnownIds)){ $oldUsersAddi['virtuemart_user_id'] = $oldUsersAddi['user_id']; $oldUsersAddi['virtuemart_country_id'] = $this->getCountryIDByName($oldUsersAddi['country']); $oldUsersAddi['virtuemart_state_id'] = $this->getStateIDByName($oldUsersAddi['state']); $userfielddata = $userModel->_prepareUserFields($oldUsersAddi, 'ST'); $userinfo = $this->getTable('userinfos'); if (!$userinfo->bindChecknStore($userfielddata)) { vmError('Migration storeAddress ST '); } $i++; if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ $continue = false; break; } } } $time = microtime(true) - $starttime; vmInfo('Processed '.$i.' vm1 users ST adresses time: '.$time); return $ok; } private function portVendor(){ if($this->_stop || (microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ return; } $query = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "%_vm_vendor"'; $this->_db->setQuery($query); if(!$this->_db->loadResult()){ vmInfo('No vm_vendor table found for migration'); $this->_stop = true; return false; } $this->_db->setQuery( 'SELECT *, vendor_id as virtuemart_vendor_id FROM `#__vm_vendor`' ); $vendor = $this->_db->loadAssoc() ; $currency_code_3 = explode( ',', $vendor['vendor_accepted_currencies'] );//EUR,USD $this->_db->setQuery( 'SELECT virtuemart_currency_id FROM `#__virtuemart_currencies` WHERE `currency_code_3` IN ( "'.implode('","',$currency_code_3).'" ) ' ); $vendor['vendor_accepted_currencies'] = implode(",",$this->_db->loadColumn()); $this->_db->setQuery( 'SELECT virtuemart_currency_id FROM `#__virtuemart_currencies` WHERE `currency_code_3` = "'. $vendor['vendor_currency'].'" ' ); $vendor['vendor_currency']= $this->_db->loadResult(); $vendorModel = VmModel::getModel('vendor'); $vendorId = $vendorModel->store($vendor); vmInfo('vendor '.$vendorId.' Stored'); return true; } private function portCategories(){ $query = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "%vm_category%"'; $this->_db->setQuery($query); if(!$this->_db->loadResult()){ vmInfo('No vm_category table found for migration'); $this->_stop = true; return false; } $catModel = VmModel::getModel('Category'); $default_category_browse = vRequest::getString('migration_default_category_browse',''); // vmdebug('migration_default_category_browse '.$default_category_browse); $default_category_fly = vRequest::getString('migration_default_category_fly',''); $portFlypages = vRequest::getInt('portFlypages',0); if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ return; } $ok = true; $q = 'SELECT * FROM #__vm_category'; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $oldCategories = $this->_db->loadAssocList(); $alreadyKnownIds = $this->getMigrationProgress('cats'); // $oldtonewCats = array(); $category = array(); $i = 0; foreach($oldCategories as $oldcategory){ if(!array_key_exists($oldcategory['category_id'],$alreadyKnownIds)){ $category = array(); //$category['virtuemart_category_id'] = $oldcategory['category_id']; $category['virtuemart_vendor_id'] = $oldcategory['vendor_id']; $category['category_name'] = stripslashes($oldcategory['category_name']); $category['category_description'] = $oldcategory['category_description']; $category['published'] = $oldcategory['category_publish'] == 'Y' ? 1 : 0; // $category['created_on'] = $oldcategory['cdate']; // $category['modified_on'] = $oldcategory['mdate']; $category['created_on'] = $this->_changeToStamp($oldcategory['cdate']); $category['modified_on'] = $this->_changeToStamp($oldcategory['mdate']); if($default_category_browse!=$oldcategory['category_browsepage']){ $browsepage = $oldcategory['category_browsepage']; if (strcmp($browsepage, 'managed') ==0 ) { $browsepage="browse_".$oldcategory['products_per_row']; } $category['category_layout'] = $browsepage; } if($portFlypages && $default_category_fly!=$oldcategory['category_flypage']){ $category['category_product_layout'] = $oldcategory['category_flypage']; } //idea was to do it by the layout, but we store this information additionally for enhanced pagination $category['products_per_row'] = $oldcategory['products_per_row']; $category['ordering'] = $oldcategory['list_order']; if(!empty($oldcategory['category_full_image'])){ $category['virtuemart_media_id'] = $this->_getMediaIdByName($oldcategory['category_full_image'],'category'); } $catModel->setId(0); $category_id = $catModel->store($category); $alreadyKnownIds[$oldcategory['category_id']] = $category_id; unset($category['virtuemart_category_id']); $i++; } if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ break; } } // here all categories NEW/OLD are Know $this->storeMigrationProgress('cats',$alreadyKnownIds); if($ok) $msg = 'Looks everything worked correct, migrated ' . $i . ' categories '; else { $msg = 'Seems there was an error porting ' . $i . ' categories '; } $this->_app->enqueueMessage($msg); $q = 'SELECT * FROM #__vm_category_xref '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $oldCategoriesX = $this->_db->loadAssocList(); // $alreadyKnownIds = $this->getMigrationProgress('catsxref'); $new_id = 0; $i = 0; $j = 0; $ok = true ; if(!empty($oldCategoriesX)){ // vmdebug('$oldCategoriesX',$oldCategoriesX); foreach($oldCategoriesX as $oldcategoryX){ $category = array(); if(!empty($oldcategoryX['category_parent_id'])){ if(array_key_exists($oldcategoryX['category_parent_id'],$alreadyKnownIds)){ $category['category_parent_id'] = $alreadyKnownIds[$oldcategoryX['category_parent_id']]; } else { vmError('Port Categories Xref unknow : ID '.$oldcategoryX['category_parent_id']); $ok = false ; $j++; continue ; } } if(array_key_exists($oldcategoryX['category_child_id'],$alreadyKnownIds)){ $category['category_child_id'] = $alreadyKnownIds[$oldcategoryX['category_child_id']]; } else { vmError('Port Categories Xref unknow : ID '.$oldcategoryX['category_child_id']); $ok = false ; $j++; continue ; } if ($ok == true) { $table = $this->getTable('category_categories'); $ok = $table->bindChecknStore($category); $i++; } if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ break; } } //$this->storeMigrationProgress('catsxref',$oldtonewCatsXref); if($ok) $msg = 'Looks everything worked correct, migrated ' . $i . ' categories xref '; else { $msg = 'Seems there was an error porting ' . $j . ' of '. $i.' categories xref '; } $this->_app->enqueueMessage($msg); return $ok; } else { $this->_app->enqueueMessage('No categories to import'); return $ok; } } private function portManufacturerCategories(){ if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ return; } $ok = true; $q = 'SELECT * FROM #__vm_manufacturer_category'; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $oldMfCategories = $this->_db->loadAssocList(); if(!class_exists('TableManufacturercategories')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'manufacturercategories.php'); $alreadyKnownIds = $this->getMigrationProgress('mfcats'); // $oldtonewMfCats = array(); $mfcategory = array(); $i=0; foreach($oldMfCategories as $oldmfcategory){ if(!array_key_exists($oldmfcategory['mf_category_id'],$alreadyKnownIds)){ $mfcategory = null; $mfcategory = array(); $mfcategory['mf_category_name'] = $oldmfcategory['mf_category_name']; $mfcategory['mf_category_desc'] = $oldmfcategory['mf_category_desc']; $mfcategory['published'] = 1; $table = $this->getTable('manufacturercategories'); $ok= $table->bindChecknStore($mfcategory); $alreadyKnownIds[$oldmfcategory['mf_category_id']] = $mfcategory['virtuemart_manufacturercategories_id']; $i++; } unset($mfcategory['virtuemart_manufacturercategories_id']); if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ break; } } $this->storeMigrationProgress('mfcats',$alreadyKnownIds); if($ok) $msg = 'Looks everything worked correct, migrated ' .$i . ' manufacturer categories '; else { $msg = 'Seems there was an error porting ' . $i . ' manufacturer categories '; } $this->_app->enqueueMessage($msg); return $ok; } private function portManufacturers(){ if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ return; } $ok = true; $q = 'SELECT * FROM #__vm_manufacturer '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $oldManus = $this->_db->loadAssocList(); // vmdebug('my old manus',$oldManus); // $oldtonewManus = array(); $oldtoNewMfcats = $this->getMigrationProgress('mfcats'); $alreadyKnownIds = $this->getMigrationProgress('manus'); $i =0 ; foreach($oldManus as $oldmanu){ if(!array_key_exists($oldmanu['manufacturer_id'],$alreadyKnownIds)){ $manu = null; $manu = array(); $manu['mf_name'] = $oldmanu['mf_name']; $manu['mf_email'] = $oldmanu['mf_email']; $manu['mf_desc'] = $oldmanu['mf_desc']; $manu['virtuemart_manufacturercategories_id'] = $oldtoNewMfcats[$oldmanu['mf_category_id']]; $manu['mf_url'] = $oldmanu['mf_url']; $manu['published'] = 1; if(!class_exists('TableManufacturers')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'manufacturers.php'); $table = $this->getTable('manufacturers'); $ok = $table->bindChecknStore($manu); if(!$ok){ break; } $alreadyKnownIds[$oldmanu['manufacturer_id']] = $manu['virtuemart_manufacturer_id']; //unset($manu['virtuemart_manufacturer_id']); $i++; } // else { // $oldtonewManus[$oldmanu['manufacturer_id']] = $alreadyKnownIds[$oldmanu['manufacturer_id']]; // } if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ break; } } $this->storeMigrationProgress('manus',$alreadyKnownIds); if($ok) $msg = 'Looks everything worked correct, migrated ' .$i . ' manufacturers '; else { $msg = 'Seems there was an error porting ' . $i . ' manufacturers '; } $this->_app->enqueueMessage($msg); return $ok; } private function portProducts(){ if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ return false; } $ok = true; $mediaIdFilename = array(); //approximatly 100 products take a 1 MB $maxItems = $this->_getMaxItems('Products'); // $maxItems = 100; $startLimit = $this->_getStartLimit('products_start');; $j=0; $alreadyKnownIds = $this->getMigrationProgress('products'); $oldToNewCats = $this->getMigrationProgress('cats'); // $user = JFactory::getUser(); //$oldtonewProducts = array(); $oldtonewManus = $this->getMigrationProgress('manus'); $userSgrpPrices = vRequest::getInt('userSgrpPrices',0); if($userSgrpPrices){ $oldToNewShoppergroups = $this->getMigrationProgress('shoppergroups'); } $productModel = VmModel::getModel('product'); if(count($alreadyKnownIds)==($startLimit+$maxItems) ){ $continue = false; } else { $continue = true; } while($continue){ $q = 'SELECT *,`p`.product_id as product_id FROM `#__vm_product` AS `p` LEFT JOIN `#__vm_product_mf_xref` ON `#__vm_product_mf_xref`.`product_id` = `p`.`product_id` WHERE (`p`.product_id) IS NOT NULL GROUP BY `p`.product_id ORDER BY `p`.product_parent_id LIMIT '.$startLimit.','.$maxItems; $doneStart = $startLimit; $res = self::loadCountListContinue($q,$startLimit,$maxItems,'port Products'); $oldProducts = $res[0]; $startLimit = $res[1]; $continue = $res[2]; //vmdebug('in product migrate $oldProducts ',$oldProducts); /* Not in VM1 slug low_stock_notification intnotes metadesc metakey metarobot metaauthor layout published created_on created_by modified_on modified_by product_override_price override link Not in VM2 product_thumb_image product_full_image attribute custom_attribute child_options quantity_options child_option_ids shopper_group_id product_list */ //There are so many names the same, so we use the loaded array and manipulate it // $oldProducts = array(); foreach($oldProducts as $product){ if(!empty($product['product_id']) and !array_key_exists($product['product_id'],$alreadyKnownIds)){ $product['virtuemart_vendor_id'] = $product['vendor_id']; if(!empty($product['manufacturer_id'])){ if(!empty($oldtonewManus[$product['manufacturer_id']])) { $product['virtuemart_manufacturer_id'] = $oldtonewManus[$product['manufacturer_id']]; } } $q = 'SELECT `category_id` FROM #__vm_product_category_xref WHERE #__vm_product_category_xref.product_id = "'.$product['product_id'].'" '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $productCats = $this->_db->loadColumn(); $productcategories = array(); if(!empty($productCats)){ foreach($productCats as $cat){ //product has category_id and categories? if(!empty($oldToNewCats[$cat])){ // $product['virtuemart_category_id'] = $oldToNewCats[$cat]; //This should be an array, or is it not in vm1? not cleared, may need extra foreach $productcategories[] = $oldToNewCats[$cat]; } else { vmInfo('Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category'); } } } // if(!empty($alreadyKnownIds[$product['product_id']])){ // $product_parent_id = $alreadyKnownIds[$product['product_id']]; // } // Converting Attributes from parent product to customfields Cart variant // $q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__vm_product_attribute` WHERE `#__vm_product_attribute`.`product_id` ="'.$product['product_id'].'" '; // $this->_db->setQuery($q); // if(!empty($productAttributes = $this->_db->loadAssocList()) { // foreach($productAttributes as $attrib){ // //custom select or create it // $q = 'SELECT `virtuemart_custom_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_customs` as c WHERE c.field_type ="V" and c.`custom_title` ="'.$attrib['attribute_name'].'" '; // $this->_db->setQuery($q); // if (!$virtuemart_custom_id = $this->_db->loadResult()) { // $customModel = VmModel::getModel('Custom'); // $attrib['custom_title'] = $attrib['attribute_name']; // $attrib['custom_value'] = $attrib['attribute_value']; // $attrib['is_cart_attribute'] = '1'; // $customModel->store($attrib); // } // } // } // Attributes End $product['categories'] = $productcategories; $product['published'] = $product['product_publish'] == 'Y' ? 1 : 0; $q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__vm_product_price` WHERE `product_id` = "'.$product['product_id'].'" '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $entries = $this->_db->loadAssocList(); if($entries){ foreach($entries as $i=>$price){ $product['mprices']['product_price_id'][$i] = 0; $product['mprices']['product_id'][$i] = $price['product_id']; $product['mprices']['product_price'][$i] = $price['product_price']; if($userSgrpPrices){ $product['mprices']['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id'][$i] = $oldToNewShoppergroups[$price['shopper_group_id']]; } $product['mprices']['product_currency'][$i] = $this->_ensureUsingCurrencyId($price['product_currency']); $product['mprices']['price_quantity_start'][$i] = $price['price_quantity_start']; $product['mprices']['price_quantity_end'][$i] = $price['price_quantity_end']; $product['mprices']['product_price_publish_up'][$i] = $price['product_price_vdate']; $product['mprices']['product_price_publish_down'][$i] = $price['product_price_edate']; $product['mprices']['created_on'][$i] = $this->_changeToStamp($price['cdate']); $product['mprices']['modified_on'][$i] = $this->_changeToStamp($price['mdate']); } } // $product['price_quantity_start'] = $product['price_quantity_start']; // $product['price_quantity_end'] = $product['price_quantity_end']; // $product['product_price_publish_up'] = $product['product_price_vdate']; // $product['product_price_publish_down'] = $product['product_price_edate']; $product['created_on'] = $this->_changeToStamp($product['cdate']); $product['modified_on'] = $this->_changeToStamp($product['mdate']); //we could remove this to set modified_on today $product['product_available_date'] = $this->_changeToStamp($product['product_available_date']); if(!empty($product['product_weight_uom'])){ $product['product_weight_uom'] = $this->parseWeightUom($product['product_weight_uom']); } if(!empty($product['product_lwh_uom'])){ $product['product_lwh_uom'] = $this->parseDimensionUom($product['product_lwh_uom']); } //$product['created_by'] = $user->id; //$product['modified_by'] = $user->id; if(!empty($product['product_s_desc'])){ $product['product_s_desc'] = stripslashes($product['product_s_desc']); } if(empty($product['product_name'] )){ $product['product_name'] = $product['product_sku'].':'.$product['product_id'].':'.$product['product_s_desc']; } // Here we look for the url product_full_image and check which media has the same // full_image url if(!empty($product['product_full_image'])){ $product['virtuemart_media_id'] = $this->_getMediaIdByName($product['product_full_image'],'product'); } if(!empty($alreadyKnownIds[$product['product_parent_id']])){ $product['product_parent_id'] = $alreadyKnownIds[$product['product_parent_id']]; // vmInfo('new parent id : '. $product['product_parent_id']); } else { $product['product_parent_id'] = 0; } if($this->_keepOldProductIds){ $product['virtuemart_product_id'] = $product['product_id']; } $product['virtuemart_product_id'] = $productModel->store($product); if(!empty($product['product_id']) and !empty($product['virtuemart_product_id'])){ $alreadyKnownIds[$product['product_id']] = $product['virtuemart_product_id']; } else { vmdebug('$product["virtuemart_product_id"] or $product["product_id"] is EMPTY?',$product); $continue = false; break; } $j++; } if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ vmdebug('Product import breaked, you may rise the execution time, this is not an error, just a hint'); $continue = false; break; } } $limitStartToStore = ', products_start = "'.($doneStart+$j).'" '; $this->storeMigrationProgress('products',$alreadyKnownIds,$limitStartToStore); vmInfo('Migration: '.$i.' products processed '); } return $ok; } /** * Finds the media id in the vm2 table for a given filename * * @author Max Milbers * @author Valerie Isaksen * */ var $mediaIdFilename = array(); function _getMediaIdByName($filename,$type){ if(!empty($this->mediaIdFilename[$type][$filename])){ return $this->mediaIdFilename[$type][$filename]; } else { $q = 'SELECT `virtuemart_media_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_medias` WHERE `file_title`="' . $this->_db->escape($filename) . '" AND `file_type`="' . $this->_db->escape($type) . '"'; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $virtuemart_media_id = $this->_db->loadResult(); if(!empty($virtuemart_media_id)){ $this->mediaIdFilename[$type][$filename] = $virtuemart_media_id; return $virtuemart_media_id; } else { // vmdebug('No media found for '.$type.' '.$filename); } } } function portOrders(){ if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ return; } if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelOrderstatus')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'models' . DS . 'orderstatus.php'); if (!class_exists('ShopFunctions')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'shopfunctions.php'); $this->_db->setQuery('select `order_status_code` FROM `#__virtuemart_orderstates` '); $vm2Fields = $this->_db->loadColumn (); $this->_db->setQuery('select * FROM `#__vm_order_status`'); $oldfields = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); $migratedfields =''; foreach ($oldfields as $field ) { if ( !in_array( $field->order_status_code, $vm2Fields ) ) { $q = 'INSERT INTO `#__virtuemart_orderstates` ( `virtuemart_vendor_id`, `order_status_code`, `order_status_name`, `order_status_description`, `order_stock_handle`, `ordering`, `published`) VALUES ( "'.$field->vendor_id.'","'.$field->order_status_code .'","'.$field->order_status_name .'","'.$field->order_status_description .'","A","'.$field->list_order .'", 1 )'; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $this->_db->execute(); if ($this->_db->getErrorNum()) { vmError ($this->_db->getErrorMsg() ); } $migratedfields .= '['.$field->order_status_code.'-'.$field->order_status_name.'] '; } } if ($migratedfields) vminfo('order states declaration '.$migratedfields.' Migrated'); $oldtonewOrders = array(); //Looks like there is a problem, when the data gets tooo big, //solved now with query directly ignoring already ported orders. $alreadyKnownIds = $this->getMigrationProgress('orders'); $newproductIds = $this->getMigrationProgress('products'); $orderCodeToId = $this->createOrderStatusAssoc(); //approximatly 100 products take a 1 MB $maxItems = $this->_getMaxItems('Orders'); $startLimit = $this->_getStartLimit('orders_start'); vmdebug('portOrders $startLimit '.$startLimit); $i = 0; if(count($alreadyKnownIds)==($startLimit+$maxItems) ){ $continue = false; } else { $continue = true; } $reWriteOrderNumber = vRequest::getInt('reWriteOrderNumber',0); $userOrderId = vRequest::getInt('userOrderId',0); if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelOrders')) VmModel::getModel('orders'); while($continue){ $q = 'SELECT `o`.*, `op`.*, `o`.`order_number` as `vm1_order_number`, `o2`.`order_number` as `nr2`,`o`.order_id FROM `#__vm_orders` as `o` LEFT OUTER JOIN `#__vm_order_payment` as `op` ON `op`.`order_id` = `o`.`order_id` LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_orders` as `o2` ON `o2`.`order_number` = `o`.`order_number` WHERE (o2.order_number) IS NULL ORDER BY o.order_id LIMIT '.$startLimit.','.$maxItems; $doneStart = $startLimit; $res = self::loadCountListContinue($q,$startLimit,$maxItems,'port Orders'); $oldOrders = $res[0]; $startLimit = $res[1]; $continue = $res[2]; foreach($oldOrders as $order){ if(!array_key_exists($order['order_id'],$alreadyKnownIds)){ $orderData = new stdClass(); $orderData->virtuemart_order_id = null; $orderData->virtuemart_user_id = $order['user_id']; $orderData->virtuemart_vendor_id = $order['vendor_id']; if($reWriteOrderNumber==0){ if($userOrderId==1){ $orderData->order_number = $order['order_id']; } else { $orderData->order_number = $order['vm1_order_number']; } } $orderData->order_pass = VirtueMartModelOrders::genStdOrderPass(); //Note as long we do not have an extra table only storing addresses, the virtuemart_userinfo_id is not needed. //The virtuemart_userinfo_id is just the id of a stored address and is only necessary in the user maintance view or for choosing addresses. //the saved order should be an snapshot with plain data written in it. // $orderData->virtuemart_userinfo_id = 'TODO'; // $_cart['BT']['virtuemart_userinfo_id']; // TODO; Add it in the cart... but where is this used? Obsolete? $orderData->order_total = $order['order_total']; $orderData->order_subtotal = $order['order_subtotal']; $orderData->order_tax = empty($order['order_tax'])? 0:$order['order_tax']; $orderData->order_shipment = empty($order['order_shipping'])? 0:$order['order_shipping']; $orderData->order_shipment_tax = empty($order['order_shipping_tax'])? 0:$order['order_shipping_tax']; if(!empty($order['coupon_code'])){ $orderData->coupon_code = $order['coupon_code']; $orderData->coupon_discount = $order['coupon_discount']; } $orderData->order_discount = $order['order_discount']; $orderData->order_status = $order['order_status']; if(isset($order['order_currency'])){ $orderData->user_currency_id = $this->getCurrencyIdByCode($order['order_currency']); //$orderData->user_currency_rate = $order['order_status']; } $orderData->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = $order['payment_method_id']; $orderData->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = $order['ship_method_id']; //$orderData->order_status_id = $oldToNewOrderstates[$order['order_status']] $_filter = JFilterInput::getInstance(array('br', 'i', 'em', 'b', 'strong'), array(), 0, 0, 1); $orderData->customer_note = $_filter->clean($order['customer_note']); $orderData->ip_address = $order['ip_address']; $orderData->created_on = $this->_changeToStamp($order['cdate']); $orderData->modified_on = $this->_changeToStamp($order['mdate']); //we could remove this to set modified_on today $orderTable = $this->getTable('orders'); $continue = $orderTable->bindChecknStore($orderData); if(empty($continue)){ break; } $i++; $newId = $alreadyKnownIds[$order['order_id']] = $orderTable->virtuemart_order_id; $q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__vm_order_item` WHERE `order_id` = "'.$order['order_id'].'" '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $oldItems = $this->_db->loadAssocList(); foreach($oldItems as $item){ $item['virtuemart_order_id'] = $newId; if(!empty($newproductIds[$item['product_id']])){ $item['virtuemart_product_id'] = $newproductIds[$item['product_id']]; } else { vmWarn('Attention, order is pointing to deleted product (not found in the array of old products)'); } //$item['order_status'] = $orderCodeToId[$item['order_status']]; $item['created_on'] = $this->_changeToStamp($item['cdate']); $item['modified_on'] = $this->_changeToStamp($item['mdate']); //we could remove this to set modified_on today $item['product_attribute'] = $this->_attributesToJson($item['product_attribute']); //we could remove this to set modified_on today $item['product_discountedPriceWithoutTax'] = $item['product_final_price'] - $item['product_tax']; $item['product_subtotal_with_tax'] = $item['product_final_price'] * $item['product_quantity']; $orderItemsTable = $this->getTable('order_items'); $continue= $orderItemsTable->bindChecknStore($item); if(empty($continue)){ $continue = false; break; } } $q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__vm_order_history` WHERE `order_id` = "'.$order['order_id'].'" '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $oldItems = $this->_db->loadAssocList(); foreach($oldItems as $item){ $item['virtuemart_order_id'] = $newId; //$item['order_status_code'] = $orderCodeToId[$item['order_status_code']]; $orderHistoriesTable = $this->getTable('order_histories'); $orderHistoriesTable->bindChecknStore($item); } $q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__vm_order_user_info` WHERE `order_id` = "'.$order['order_id'].'" '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $oldItems = $this->_db->loadAssocList(); if($oldItems){ foreach($oldItems as $item){ $item['virtuemart_order_id'] = $newId; $item['virtuemart_user_id'] = $item['user_id']; $item['virtuemart_country_id'] = $this->getCountryIDByName($item['country']); $item['virtuemart_state_id'] = $this->getStateIDByName($item['state']); $item['email'] = $item['user_email']; $orderUserinfoTable = $this->getTable('order_userinfos'); $orderUserinfoTable->bindChecknStore($item); } } //$this->_app->enqueueMessage('Migration: '.$i.' order processed new id '.$newId); } // $this->storeMigrationProgress('orders',$alreadyKnownIds); // else { // $oldtonewOrders[$order['order_id']] = $alreadyKnownIds[$order['order_id']]; // } if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ $continue = false; break; } } } $limitStartToStore = ', orders_start = "'.($doneStart+$i).'" '; $this->storeMigrationProgress('orders',$alreadyKnownIds,$limitStartToStore); vmInfo('Migration: '.$i.' orders processed '.($doneStart+$i).' done.'); return true; } function portOrderStatus(){ $q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__vm_order_status` '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $oldOrderStatus = $this->_db->loadAssocList(); $orderstatusModel = VmModel::getModel('Orderstatus'); $oldtonewOrderstates = array(); $alreadyKnownIds = $this->getMigrationProgress('orderstates'); $i = 0; foreach($oldOrderStatus as $status){ if(!array_key_exists($status['order_status_id'],$alreadyKnownIds)){ $status['virtuemart_orderstate_id'] = 0; $status['virtuemart_vendor_id'] = $status['vendor_id']; $status['ordering'] = $status['list_order']; $status['published'] = 1; $newId = $orderstatusModel->store($status); $oldtonewOrderstates[$status['order_status_id']] = $newId; $i++; } else { //$oldtonewOrderstates[$status['order_status_id']] = $alreadyKnownIds[$status['order_status_id']]; } if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ break; } } $oldtonewOrderstates = array_merge($oldtonewOrderstates,$alreadyKnownIds); $oldtonewOrderstates = array_unique($oldtonewOrderstates); vmInfo('Migration: '.$i.' orderstates processed '); return; } private function _changeToStamp($dateIn){ $date = JFactory::getDate($dateIn); return $date->toSQL(); } private function _ensureUsingCurrencyId($curr){ $currInt = ''; if(!empty($curr)){ $this->_db = JFactory::getDBO(); $q = 'SELECT `virtuemart_currency_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_currencies` WHERE `currency_code_3`="' . $this->_db->escape($curr) . '"'; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $currInt = $this->_db->loadResult(); if(empty($currInt)){ vmWarn('Attention, couldnt find currency id in the table for id = ' . $curr); } } return $currInt; } private function _getMaxItems($name){ $maxItems = 50; $freeRam = ($this->maxMemoryLimit - memory_get_usage(true))/(1024 * 1024) ; $maxItems = (int)$freeRam * 70; if($maxItems<=0){ $maxItems = 50; vmWarn('Your system is low on RAM! Limit set: '.$this->maxMemoryLimit.' used '.memory_get_usage(true)/(1024 * 1024).' MB and php.ini '.ini_get('memory_limit')); } else if($maxItems>1000){ $maxItems = 1000; } vmdebug('Migrating '.$name.', free ram left '.$freeRam.' so limit chunk to '.$maxItems); return $maxItems; } /** * * Enter description here ... */ private function _getStartLimit($name){ $this->_db = JFactory::getDBO(); $q = 'SELECT `'.$name.'` FROM `#__virtuemart_migration_oldtonew_ids` WHERE id="1" '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $limit = $this->_db->loadResult(); vmdebug('Migrator _getStartLimit '.$name,$limit); if(!empty($limit)) return $limit; else return 0; } /** * Gets the virtuemart_country_id by a country 2 or 3 code * * @author Max Milbers * @param string $name Country 3 or Country 2 code (example US for United States) * return int virtuemart_country_id */ private $_countries = array(); private $_states = array(); private function getCountryIdByName($name){ if(empty($this->_countries[$name])){ $this->_countries[$name] = Shopfunctions::getCountryIDByName($name); } return $this->_countries[$name]; } private function getStateIdByName($name){ if(empty($this->_states[$name])){ $this->_states[$name] = Shopfunctions::getStateIDByName($name); } return $this->_states[$name]; } private function getCurrencyIdByCode($name){ if(empty($name)){ return 0; } if(strlen($name) == 2){ $code = 'currency_code_2'; }else { $code = 'currency_code_3'; } $q = 'SELECT `virtuemart_currency_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_currencies` WHERE `' . $code . '` = "' . $this->_db->escape($name) . '" '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); return $this->_db->loadResult(); } /** * * * @author Max Milbers */ private function createOrderStatusAssoc(){ $q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_orderstates` '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $orderstats = $this->_db->loadAssocList(); $xref = array(); foreach($orderstats as $status){ $xref[$status['order_status_code']] = $status['virtuemart_orderstate_id']; } return $xref; } /** * parse the entered string to a standard unit * @author Max Milbers * @author Valerie Isaksen * */ private function parseWeightUom($weightUnit){ $weightUnit = strtolower($weightUnit); $weightUnitMigrateValues = self::getWeightUnitMigrateValues(); return $this->parseUom($weightUnit,$weightUnitMigrateValues ); } /** * * parse the entered string to a standard unit * @author Max Milbers * @author Valerie Isaksen * */ private function parseDimensionUom($dimensionUnit){ $dimensionUnitMigrateValues = self::getDimensionUnitMigrateValues(); $dimensionUnit = strtolower($dimensionUnit); return $this->parseUom($dimensionUnit,$dimensionUnitMigrateValues ); } /** * * parse the entered string to a standard unit * @author Max Milbers * @author Valerie Isaksen * */ private function parseUom($unit, $migrateValues){ $new=""; $unit = strtolower($unit); foreach ($migrateValues as $old => $new) { if (strpos($unit, $old) !== false) { return $new; } } } /** * * get new Length Standard Unit * @author Valerie Isaksen * */ function getDimensionUnitMigrateValues() { $dimensionUnitMigrate=array ( 'mm' => 'MM' , 'cm' => 'CM' , 'm' => 'M' , 'yd' => 'YD' , 'foot' => 'FT' , 'ft' => 'FT' , 'inch' => 'IN' ); return $dimensionUnitMigrate; } /** * * get new Weight Standard Unit * @author Valerie Isaksen * */ function getWeightUnitMigrateValues() { $weightUnitMigrate=array ( 'kg' => 'KG' , 'kilos' => 'KG' , 'gr' => 'G' , 'pound' => 'LB' , 'livre' => 'LB' //TODO ERROR HERE , 'once' => 'OZ' , 'ounce' => 'OZ' ); return $weightUnitMigrate; } function loadCountListContinue($q,$startLimit,$maxItems,$msg){ $continue = true; $this->_db->setQuery($q); if(!$this->_db->execute()){ vmError($msg.' db error '. $this->_db->getErrorMsg()); vmError($msg.' db error '. $this->_db->getQuery()); $entries = array(); $continue = false; } else { $entries = $this->_db->loadAssocList(); $count = count($entries); vmInfo($msg. ' take '.$count.' vm1 entries for migration '); $startLimit += $maxItems; if($count<$maxItems){ $continue = false; } } return array($entries,$startLimit,$continue); } function portCurrency(){ $this->setRedirect($this->redirectPath); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $q = 'SELECT `virtuemart_currency_id`, `currency_name`, `currency_code_2`, `currency_code` AS currency_code_3, `currency_numeric_code`, `currency_exchange_rate`, `currency_symbol`, `currency_display_style` AS `_display_style` FROM `#__virtuemart_currencia` ORDER BY virtuemart_currency_id'; $db->setQuery($q); $result = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach($result as $item){ // $item->virtuemart_currency_id = 0; $item->currency_exchange_rate = 0; $item->published = 1; $item->shared = 1; $item->virtuemart_vendor_id = 1; $style = explode('|', $item->_display_style); $item->currency_nbDecimal = $style[2]; $item->currency_decimal_symbol = $style[3]; $item->currency_thousands = $style[4]; $item->currency_positive_style = $style[5]; $item->currency_negative_style = $style[6]; $db->insertObject('#__virtuemart_currencies', $item); } $this->setRedirect($this->redirectPath); } /** * Method to restore all virtuemart tables in a database with a given prefix * * @access public * @param string Old table prefix * @return boolean True on success. */ function restoreDatabase($prefix='bak_vm_') { // Initialise variables. $return = true; $this->_db = JFactory::getDBO(); // Get the tables in the database. if ($tables = $this->_db->getTableList()) { foreach ($tables as $table) { // If the table uses the given prefix, back it up. if (strpos($table, $prefix) === 0) { // restore table name. $restoreTable = str_replace($prefix, '#__vm_', $table); // Drop the current active table. $this->_db->setQuery('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$this->_db->quoteName($restoreTable)); $this->_db->execute(); // Check for errors. if ($this->_db->getErrorNum()) { vmError('Migrator restoreDatabase '.$this->_db->getErrorMsg()); $return = false; } // Rename the current table to the backup table. $this->_db->setQuery('RENAME TABLE '.$this->_db->quoteName($table).' TO '.$this->_db->quoteName($restoreTable)); $this->_db->execute(); // Check for errors. if ($this->_db->getErrorNum()) { vmError('Migrator restoreDatabase '.$this->_db->getErrorMsg()); $return = false; } } } } return $return; } private function _attributesToJson($attributes){ if ( !trim($attributes) ) return ''; $attributesArray = explode(";", $attributes); foreach ($attributesArray as $valueKey) { // do the array $tmp = explode(":", $valueKey); if ( count($tmp) == 2 ) { if ($pos = strpos($tmp[1], '[')) $tmp[1] = substr($tmp[1], 0, $pos) ; // remove price $newAttributes['attributs'][$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1]; } } return json_encode($newAttributes,JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); } /** * Roughly taken from the forum, a bit rewritten by Max Milbers to use the joomla database * Thank you raycarter * * http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=102083.0 * @author raycarter */ function portVm1Attributes(){ if($this->_stop || (microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ return; } $alreadyKnownIds = $this->getMigrationProgress('attributes'); $i = 0; $prefix = '#_'; $oldtable = '#__vm_product'; $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery("SELECT product_sku, attribute FROM " . $oldtable . " WHERE ( attribute IS NULL or attribute <> '') "); $rows = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($rows as $product) { $db->setQuery("SELECT virtuemart_product_id FROM " . $prefix . "_virtuemart_products WHERE product_sku=" . $db->Quote($product->product_sku)); $productid = (int)$db->loadResult(); if(!in_array($productid,$alreadyKnownIds)){ $ignore = vRequest::getVar('prodIdsToIgnore',array()); if(!is_array($ignore)) $ignore = array($ignore); foreach($ignore as &$ig){ $ig = (int)$ig; } $ign = false; if (count($ignore) && $productid) { foreach ($ignore as $ig) { if ($ig == $productid) { $ign = true; echo "ignoring product_id =" . $productid . "
"; break; } } } if (!$ign) { $attrStr = explode(";", $product->attribute); foreach ($attrStr as $attributes) { $result = "adding attributes for product_id :" . $productid . "
"; $attrData = array(); $attrData = explode(",", $attributes); //its the parent, create it,it does not exist before $db->setQuery("SELECT virtuemart_custom_id FROM " . $prefix . "_virtuemart_customs WHERE custom_title =" . $db->Quote($attrData[0])); $parent = $db->loadResult(); if ($parent) { $pid = $parent; $result.="found parent with id=" . $parent . "
"; } else { $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $prefix . '_virtuemart_customs (custom_title,custom_tip,field_type,is_cart_attribute,published) VALUES (' . $db->Quote($attrData[0]) . ',"","V","1","1")'; $db->setQuery($query); if (!$db->execute()) die($query); $pid = $db->insertid(); $result.= "

inserted parent " . $attrData[0] . "

"; } foreach ($attrData as $key => $attr) { if ($key != '0') { $priceset = explode("[", $attr); $price = 0; $warning=''; if (count($priceset) > 1) { $price = substr($priceset[1], 0, -1); // remove ] if ('=' == substr ($price, 0,1)) { // Don't port, set the price to 0 $price = 0; $warning='WARNING: Price for this attribute has been set to 0'; } elseif ("+" == substr($price, 0,1)) { $price = substr($price, 1); // remove the + } } $cleaned = $priceset[0]; //get ordering of the last element and add 1 to it $db->setQuery('SELECT MAX(ordering) from ' . $prefix . '_virtuemart_product_customfields'); $ordering = $db->loadResult() + 1; $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $prefix . '_virtuemart_product_customfields (virtuemart_product_id,virtuemart_custom_id,customfield_value,customfield_price,ordering) VALUES (' . $productid . ',' . $pid . ',' . $db->Quote($cleaned) . ',' . $price . ',' . $ordering . ')'; $db->setQuery($query); if (!$db->execute()) { $result.="query failed for attribute :" . $cleaned . ", query :" . $query . "
"; vmWarn('portVm1Attributes '.$result); }; $result.="inserted attribute for parent :" . $attrData[0] . ", atttribute name :" . $cleaned . ' '.$warning. "
"; } } } } $alreadyKnownIds[] = $productid; $i++; if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ break; } } else { } } $this->storeMigrationProgress('attributes',$alreadyKnownIds); } /** * Roughly taken from the forum, a bit rewritten by Max Milbers to use the joomla database * Thank you oneforallsoft * * http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=116403.0 * http://www.oneforallsoft.com/related-products-missing-after-virtuemart-upgrade/ * @author oneforallsoft */ function portVm1RelatedProducts(){ if($this->_stop || (microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ return; } vmSetStartTime('relatedproducts'); $maxItems = $this->_getMaxItems('relatedproducts'); $startLimit = $this->_getStartLimit('relatedproducts');; $i=0; $continue = true; $alreadyKnownIds = $this->getMigrationProgress('relatedproducts'); $out=array(); $out2=array(); while($continue){ $q ='select * from #__vm_product_relations LIMIT '.$startLimit.','.$maxItems; $doneStart = $startLimit; $res = self::loadCountListContinue($q,$startLimit,$maxItems,'port Related products'); $oldVm1relateds = $res[0]; $startLimit = $res[1]; $continue = $res[2]; foreach($oldVm1relateds as $v){ $pid=$v['product_id']; $ids=explode('|',$v['related_products']); $out=array_merge($ids,$out); $out[]=$pid; $out2[$pid]=$ids; $i++; } // GET SkuS for Products $skus=array(); $q="select product_id,product_sku from #__vm_product where product_id in (".implode(',',$out).") "; $this->_db->setQuery($q ); $product_skus = $this->_db->loadAssocList(); if (empty($product_skus)) { vmError("Port Related products: The following SKUs were not found ".implode(',',$out) ); break; } foreach ($product_skus as $v) { $skus[$v['product_id']]=$v['product_sku']; } foreach($out2 as $k=>$v){ $tmp=array(); foreach($v as $vv){ if(isset($skus[$vv])) $tmp[]=$skus[$vv]; } $out[$skus[$k]]=$tmp; } // GET virtuemart_product_id for those SKUs $q="select virtuemart_product_id,product_sku from #__virtuemart_products where product_sku in ('".implode("','",$skus)."') "; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $out3=array(); $products = $this->_db->loadAssocList(); if (empty($products)) { vmError("Port Related products: Some of those SKUs were not found ".implode(',',$skus) ); break; } foreach ($products as $v) { $out3[$v['product_sku']]=$v["virtuemart_product_id"]; } $now=date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()); $sql=''; foreach($out as $k => $v){ foreach($v as $vv){ if(isset($out3[$k]) and isset($out3[$vv])) $sql.=",({$out3[$k]},1,{$out3[$vv]},'".$now."')"; } } if (empty($sql)) { vmError("Port Related products: Error while inserting new related products " ); break; } $q="INSERT INTO #__virtuemart_product_customfields (virtuemart_product_id,virtuemart_custom_id,customfield_value,modified_on) values ".substr($sql,1); $this->_db->setQuery($q) ; $this->_db->execute(); if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){ vmdebug('Related products import breaked, you may rise the execution time, this is not an error, just a hint'); $continue = false; break; } } if($out and count($out)==0){ vmdebug ('no related products found'); return; } else { vmdebug ('FOUND Related products ',count($out) ); } $limitStartToStore = ', relatedproducts = "'.($doneStart+$i).'" '; $this->storeMigrationProgress('relatedproducts',$alreadyKnownIds,$limitStartToStore); vmInfo('Migration: '.$i.' Related products processed '); } }