_cidName = $cidName; $this->registerTask( 'add', 'edit' ); $this->registerTask('apply','save'); //VirtuemartController $this->_cname = strtolower(substr(get_class( $this ), 20)); $this->mainLangKey = vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_'.strtoupper($this->_cname)); $this->redirectPath = 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view='.$this->_cname; $t = vRequest::getCmd( 'task'); $task = explode ('.',$t); if ($task[0] == 'toggle') { $this->registerTask($t,'toggle'); } } /** * Typical view method for MVC based architecture * * This function is provide as a default implementation, in most cases * you will need to override it in your own controllers. * * For the virtuemart core, we removed the "Get/Create the model" * * @param boolean $cachable If true, the view output will be cached * @param array $urlparams An array of safe url parameters and their variable types, for valid values see {@link JFilterInput::clean()}. * * @return JController A JController object to support chaining. * @since 11.1 */ public function display($cachable = false, $urlparams = false) { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $viewType = $document->getType(); $viewName = vRequest::getCmd('view', $this->default_view); $viewLayout = vRequest::getCmd('layout', 'default'); if(vRequest::getCmd('manage')){ $this->addViewPath(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'views'); $this->basePath = VMPATH_ROOT.'/administrator/components/com_virtuemart'; } $view = $this->getView($viewName, $viewType, '', array('base_path' => $this->basePath)); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); if($app->isSite()){ $view->addTemplatePath(VMPATH_ADMIN.DS.'views'.DS.$viewName.DS.'tmpl'); } // Set the layout $view->setLayout($viewLayout); $view->assignRef('document', $document); $conf = JFactory::getConfig(); // Display the view if ($cachable && $viewType != 'feed' && $conf->get('caching') >= 1) { $option = vRequest::getCmd('option'); $cache = VmConfig::getCache($option, 'view'); if (is_array($urlparams)) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $registeredurlparams = $app->get('registeredurlparams'); if (empty($registeredurlparams)) { $registeredurlparams = new stdClass; } foreach ($urlparams as $key => $value) { // Add your safe url parameters with variable type as value {@see JFilterInput::clean()}. $registeredurlparams->$key = $value; } $app->set('registeredurlparams', $registeredurlparams); } $cache->get($view, 'display'); } else { $view->display(); } return $this; } /** * Generic edit task * * @author Max Milbers */ function edit($layout='edit'){ vRequest::setVar('controller', $this->_cname); vRequest::setVar('view', $this->_cname); vRequest::setVar('layout', $layout); $this->addViewPath(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'views'); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $viewType = $document->getType(); $view = $this->getView($this->_cname, $viewType); $view->setLayout($layout); $this->display(); } /** * Generic save task * * @author Max Milbers * @param post $data sometimes we just want to override the data to process */ function save($data = 0){ vRequest::vmCheckToken(); if($data===0) $data = vRequest::getRequest(); $model = $this->getModel($this->_cname); $id = $model->store($data); $msg = 'failed'; if(!empty($id)) { $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_STRING_SAVED',$this->mainLangKey); $type = 'message'; } else $type = 'error'; $redir = $this->redirectPath; if( JFactory::getApplication()->isSite()){ $redir .= '&tmpl=component'; } $task = vRequest::getCmd('task'); if($task == 'apply'){ $redir .= '&task=edit&'.$this->_cidName.'[]='.$id; } $this->setRedirect($redir, $msg,$type); } /** * Generic remove task * * @author Max Milbers */ function remove(){ vRequest::vmCheckToken(); $ids = vRequest::getVar($this->_cidName, vRequest::getInt('cid', array() )); $type = 'notice'; if(count($ids) < 1) { $msg = vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_SELECT_ITEM_TO_DELETE'); } else { $model = $this->getModel($this->_cname); $ret = $model->remove($ids); $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_STRING_DELETED',$this->mainLangKey); if($ret==false) { $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_STRING_COULD_NOT_BE_DELETED',$this->mainLangKey); $type = 'error'; } } $this->setRedirect($this->redirectPath, $msg,$type); } /** * Generic cancel task * * @author Max Milbers */ public function cancel(){ $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_STRING_CANCELLED',$this->mainLangKey); //'COM_VIRTUEMART_OPERATION_CANCELED' $this->setRedirect($this->redirectPath, $msg, 'message'); } /** * Handle the toggle task * * @author Max Milbers , Patrick Kohl */ public function toggle($field = 0, $val=null){ vRequest::vmCheckToken(); $task = explode ('.',vRequest::getCmd( 'task')); if ($task[0] == 'toggle') { $val = (isset($task[2])) ? $task[2] : NULL; $field = $task[1]; } $model = $this->getModel($this->_cname); if (!$model->toggle($field, $val, $this->_cidName, 0, $this->_cname)) { $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_STRING_TOGGLE_ERROR',$this->mainLangKey); } else{ $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_STRING_TOGGLE_SUCCESS',$this->mainLangKey); } $this->setRedirect( $this->redirectPath, $msg); } /** * Handle the publish task * * @author Jseros, Max Milbers */ public function publish($cidname=0,$table=0,$redirect = 0){ vRequest::vmCheckToken(); $model = $this->getModel($this->_cname); if($cidname === 0) $cidname = $this->_cidName; if (!$model->toggle('published', 1, $cidname, $table, $this->_cname)) { $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_STRING_PUBLISHED_ERROR',$this->mainLangKey); } else{ $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_STRING_PUBLISHED_SUCCESS',$this->mainLangKey); } if($redirect === 0) $redirect = $this->redirectPath; $this->setRedirect( $redirect , $msg); } /** * Handle the publish task * * @author Max Milbers, Jseros */ function unpublish($cidname=0,$table=0,$redirect = 0){ vRequest::vmCheckToken(); $model = $this->getModel($this->_cname); if($cidname === 0) $cidname = $this->_cidName; if (!$model->toggle('published', 0, $cidname, $table, $this->_cname)) { $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_STRING_UNPUBLISHED_ERROR',$this->mainLangKey); } else{ $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_STRING_UNPUBLISHED_SUCCESS',$this->mainLangKey); } if($redirect === 0) $redirect = $this->redirectPath; $this->setRedirect( $redirect, $msg); } function orderup() { vRequest::vmCheckToken(); $model = $this->getModel($this->_cname); $model->move(-1); $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_STRING_ORDER_UP_SUCCESS',$this->mainLangKey); $this->setRedirect( $this->redirectPath, $msg); } function orderdown() { vRequest::vmCheckToken(); $model = $this->getModel($this->_cname); $model->move(1); $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_STRING_ORDER_DOWN_SUCCESS',$this->mainLangKey); $this->setRedirect( $this->redirectPath, $msg); } function saveorder() { vRequest::vmCheckToken(); $cid = vRequest::getInt( $this->_cidName, vRequest::getInt('cid', array() ) ); $order = vRequest::getInt( 'order', array() ); $model = $this->getModel($this->_cname); if (!$model->saveorder($cid, $order)) { $msg = 'error'; } else { if(JFactory::getApplication()->isAdmin() and VmConfig::showDebug()){ $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_NEW_ORDERING_SAVEDF',$this->mainLangKey); } else { $msg = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_NEW_ORDERING_SAVED'); } } $this->setRedirect( $this->redirectPath, $msg); } /** * This function just overwrites the standard joomla function, using our standard class VmModel * for this * @see JController::getModel() */ function getModel($name = '', $prefix = '', $config = array()){ if(!class_exists('ShopFunctions'))require(VMPATH_ADMIN.DS.'helpers'.DS.'shopfunctions.php'); if(empty($name)) $name = false; return VmModel::getModel($name); } }