setMainTable('orderstates'); } function getVMCoreStatusCode(){ return array( 'P','S','X'); } /** * Retrieve a list of order statuses from the database. * @return object List of order status objects */ function getOrderStatusList($published=true) { if (vRequest::getCmd('view') !== 'orderstatus') $ordering = ' order by `ordering` '; else $ordering = $this->_getOrdering(); $this->_noLimit=true; if($published){ $published = 'WHERE published = "1"'; } else { $published = ''; } $this->_data = $this->exeSortSearchListQuery(0,'*',' FROM `#__virtuemart_orderstates`',$published,'',$ordering); // vmdebug('order data',$this->_data); return $this->_data ; } /** * Return the order status names * * @author Kohl Patrick * @access public * * @param char $_code Order status code * @return string The name of the order status */ public function getOrderStatusNames ($published = true) { static $orderStatusNames=0; if(empty($orderStatusNames)){ if($published){ $published = 'WHERE published = "1"'; } else { $published = ''; } $q = 'SELECT `order_status_name`,`order_status_code` FROM `#__virtuemart_orderstates` '.$published.'order by `ordering` '; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery($q); $orderStatusNames = $db->loadAssocList('order_status_code'); } return $orderStatusNames; } function renderOSList($value,$name = 'order_status',$multiple=FALSE,$attrs='',$langkey=''){ $idA = $id = $name; $attrs .= ' class="inputbox" '; if ($multiple) { $attrs .= ' multiple="multiple" '; if(empty($langkey)) $langkey = 'COM_VIRTUEMART_DRDOWN_SELECT_SOME_OPTIONS'; $attrs .= ' data-placeholder="'.vmText::_($langkey).'"'; $idA .= '[]'; } else { if(empty($langkey)) $langkey = 'COM_VIRTUEMART_LIST_EMPTY_OPTION'; } if(is_array($value)){ $hashValue = implode($value); } else { $hashValue = $value; } $hash = md5($hashValue.$name.$attrs); if (!isset($this->_renderStatusList[$hash])) { $orderStates = $this->getOrderStatusNames(); $emptyOption = JHtml::_ ('select.option', -1, vmText::_ ($langkey), 'order_status_code', 'order_status_name'); array_unshift ($orderStates, $emptyOption); if ($multiple) { $attrs .=' size="'.count($orderStates).'" '; } $this->_renderStatusList[$hash] = JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $orderStates, $idA, $attrs, 'order_status_code', 'order_status_name', $value,$id,true); } return $this->_renderStatusList[$hash] ; } function store(&$data){ if(!vmAccess::manager('orderstatus')){ vmWarn('Insufficient permissions to store orderstatus'); return false; } return parent::store($data); } function remove($ids){ if(!vmAccess::manager('orderstatus')){ vmWarn('Insufficient permissions to remove orderstatus'); return false; } return parent::remove($ids); } } //No Closing tag