_selectedOrdering.$this->_selectedOrderingDir); static $_cache_ordered; // this variable is a cached result of named fields of last call of getUserFields where the key is $_sec of the function ('registration', 'account', 'shipping'.. etc...) // example $_cached_named['registration']['email'] static $_cache_named; // *** code for htmlpurifier *** // var $htmlpurifier = ''; /** * constructs a VmModel * setMainTable defines the maintable of the model * @author Max Milbers */ function __construct() { parent::__construct('virtuemart_userfield_id'); vmLanguage::loadJLang('com_virtuemart_shoppers',TRUE); $this->setMainTable('userfields'); $this->setToggleName('required'); $this->setToggleName('cart'); $this->setToggleName('shipment'); $this->setToggleName('account'); // Instantiate the Helper class self::$_cache_ordered = null; self::$_cache_named = array(); $this->_selectedOrdering = 'ordering'; $this->_selectedOrderingDir = 'ASC'; } /** * Prepare a user field for database update */ public function prepareFieldDataSave($field, &$data, $prefix = '') { $fieldType = $field->type; $fieldName = $field->name; $value = $data[$field->name]; $params = $field->userfield_params; if(!class_exists('vmFilter'))require(VMPATH_ADMIN.DS.'helpers'.DS.'vmfilter.php'); switch(strtolower($fieldType)) { case 'webaddress': $post = vRequest::getRequest(); if (isset($post[$prefix.$fieldName."Text"]) && ($post[$prefix.$fieldName."Text"])) { $oValuesArr = array(); $oValuesArr[0] = str_replace(array('mailto:','http://','https://'),'', $value); $oValuesArr[1] = str_replace(array('mailto:','http://','https://'),'', $post[$prefix.$fieldName."Text"]); $value = implode("|*|",$oValuesArr); } else { if ($value = vmFilter::urlcheck($value) ) $value = str_replace(array('mailto:','http://','https://'),'', $value); } break; case 'email': case 'emailaddress': //vmdebug('emailaddress before filter',$value); $value = vmFilter::mail( $value ); //$value = str_replace('mailto:','', $value); //$value = str_replace(array('\'','"',',','%','*','/','\\','?','^','`','{','}','|','~'),array(''),$value); //vmdebug('emailaddress after filter',$value); break; // case 'phone': // $value = vmFilter::phone( $value ); // break; case 'multiselect': case 'multicheckbox': case 'select': if (is_array($value)) $value = implode("|*|",$value); break; /*case 'age_verification': $value = vRequest::getInt('birthday_selector_year') .'-'.vRequest::getInt('birthday_selector_month') .'-'.vRequest::getInt('birthday_selector_day'); break;*/ case 'textarea': if(vmAccess::manager('html')){ $value = vRequest::getHtml($prefix.$fieldName,''); } else { $value = vRequest::getString($prefix.$fieldName,''); } break; case 'editorta': if(vmAccess::manager('html')){ $value = vRequest::getHtml($prefix.$fieldName,''); } else { $value = vRequest::getString($prefix.$fieldName,''); } //$value = vRequest::getVar($fieldName, '', 'post', 'string' ,JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); //$value = vmFilter::hl( $value,'no_js_flash' ); break; default: // //*** code for htmlpurifier *** // //SEE http://htmlpurifier.org/ // // must only add all htmlpurifier in library/htmlpurifier/ // if (!$this->htmlpurifier) { // require(VMPATH_ADMIN.DS.'library'.DS.'htmlpurifier'.DS.'HTMLPurifier.auto.php'); // $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); // $this->htmlpurifier = new HTMLPurifier($config); // } // $value = $this->htmlpurifier->purify($value); // vmdebug( "purified filter" , $value); //$config->set('URI.HostBlacklist', array('google.com'));// set eg .add google.com in black list if (strpos($fieldType,'plugin')!==false){ JPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmuserfield'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); // vmdebug('params',$params); $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmPrepareUserfieldDataSave',array($fieldType, $fieldName, &$data, &$value, $params) ); return $value; } // no HTML TAGS but permit all alphabet $value = vmFilter::hl( $value,array('deny_attribute'=>'*')); $value = preg_replace('@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si','',$value);//remove all html tags $value = (string)preg_replace('#on[a-z](.+?)\)#si','',$value);//replace start of script onclick() onload()... $value = trim(str_replace('"', ' ', $value),"'") ; $value = (string)preg_replace('#^\'#si','',$value);//replace ' at start break; } return $value; } /** * Retrieve the detail record for the current $id if the data has not already been loaded. */ function getUserfield($id = 0,$name = '') { if($id === 0) $id = $this->_id; $hash = $id.$name; if (empty($this->_cache[$hash])) { $this->_cache[$hash] = $this->getTable('userfields'); if($name !==''){ $this->_cache[$hash]->load($id, $name); } else { $this->_cache[$hash]->load($id); } //vmdebug('getUserfield',$id,$name,$this->_cache[$id]); if(strpos($this->_cache[$hash]->type,'plugin')!==false){ JPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmuserfield'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $retValue = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmDeclarePluginParamsUserfieldVM3',array(&$this->_cache[$hash])); } if(!empty($this->_cache[$hash]->_varsToPushParam)){ VmTable::bindParameterable($this->_cache[$hash],'userfield_params',$this->_cache[$hash]->_varsToPushParam); } } return $this->_cache[$hash]; } /** * Retrieve the value records for the current $id if available for the current type * * Updated by stAn to get userfieldvalues per specific id regardless on this->_id * * @return array List wil values, or an empty array if none exist */ function getUserfieldValues($id=null) { if (empty($id)) $id = $this->_id; //$this->_data = $this->getTable('userfield_values'); if ($id > 0) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_userfield_values` WHERE `virtuemart_userfield_id` = ' . (int)$id . ' ORDER BY `ordering`'; $_userFieldValues = $this->_getList($query); return $_userFieldValues; } else { return array(); } } static function getCoreFields(){ return array( 'name','username', 'email', 'password', 'password2');// , 'agreed'); } /** * Bind the post data to the userfields table and save it * * @return boolean True is the save was successful, false otherwise. */ function store(&$data){ if(!vmAccess::manager('userfields')){ vmWarn('Insufficient permissions to store userfield'); return false; } if(!is_array($data)) $data = (array)$data; $field = $this->getTable('userfields'); $userinfo = $this->getTable('userinfos'); $orderinfo = $this->getTable('order_userinfos'); $data['virtuemart_userfield_id'] = (int)$data['virtuemart_userfield_id']; $isNew = ($data['virtuemart_userfield_id'] < 1) ? true : false; $coreFields = $this->getCoreFields(); if(in_array($data['name'],$coreFields)){ $field->load($data['virtuemart_userfield_id']); //vmError('Cant store/update core field. They belong to joomla'); //return false; } else { if ($isNew) { $reorderRequired = false; $_action = 'ADD'; } else { $field->load($data['virtuemart_userfield_id']); $_action = 'CHANGE'; if ($field->ordering == $data['ordering']) { $reorderRequired = false; } else { $reorderRequired = true; } } } // Store the fieldvalues, if any, in a correct array $fieldValues = $this->postData2FieldValues($data['vNames'], $data['vValues'], $data['virtuemart_userfield_id'] ); if(strpos($data['type'],'plugin')!==false){ $tb = '#__extensions'; $ext_id = 'extension_id'; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $plgName = substr($data['type'],6); $q = 'SELECT `' . $ext_id . '` FROM `' . $tb . '` WHERE `folder` = "vmuserfield" and `state`="0" AND `element` = "'.$db->escape($plgName).'"'; $db->setQuery($q); $data['userfield_jplugin_id'] = $db->loadResult(); $q = 'UPDATE `#__extensions` SET `enabled`= 1 WHERE `extension_id` = "'.(int)$data['userfield_jplugin_id'].'"'; $db->setQuery($q); $db->execute(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmuserfield'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnBeforeUserfieldSave',array( $plgName , &$data, &$field ) ); } if (!$field->bind($data)) { // Bind data vmError($field->getError()); return false; } //We need this value in the check, so we add it to the table with _ $field->_nrOfValues = count($fieldValues); if (!$field->check()) { // Perform data checks //vmError($field->getError()); return false; } // Get the fieldtype for the database $_fieldType = $field->formatFieldType($data); if(!in_array($data['name'],$coreFields) && $field->type != 'delimiter'){ // Alter the user_info table if (!$userinfo->_modifyColumn ($_action, $data['name'], $_fieldType)) { vmError('userfield store modifyColumn userinfo',$userinfo->getError()); return false; } // Alter the order_userinfo table if (!$orderinfo->_modifyColumn ($_action, $data['name'], $_fieldType)) { vmError('userfield store modifyColumn orderinfo',$orderinfo->getError()); return false; } } // if new item, order last in appropriate group if ($isNew) { $field->ordering = $field->getNextOrder(); } $_id = $field->store(); if ($_id === false) { return false; } if (!$this->storeFieldValues($fieldValues, $_id)) { return false; } if(strpos($data['type'],'plugin')!==false){ JPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmuserfield'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $plgName = substr($data['type'],6); $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnStoreInstallPluginTable',array( 'userfield', $data, $field ) ); } if ($reorderRequired) { $field->reorder(); } vmdebug('storing userfield',$_id); // Alter the user_info database to hold the values return $_id; } /** * Bind and write all value records * * @param array $_values * @param mixed $_id If a new record is being inserted, it contains the virtuemart_userfield_id, otherwise the value true * @return boolean */ private function storeFieldValues($_values, $_id) { // stAn - not true, because if previously we had more values, we have to delete them /* if (count($_values) == 0) { return true; //Nothing to do } */ $fieldvalue = $this->getTable('userfield_values'); // get original values $originalvalues = $this->getUserfieldValues($_id); // for each orignal value search if it was deleted or modified for ($i = 0; $i < count($originalvalues); $i++) { if (isset($_values[$i])) { if (!($_id === true)) { // If $_id is true, it was not a new record $_values[$i]['virtuemart_userfield_id'] = $_id; } if (!$fieldvalue->bind($_values[$i])) { // Bind data vmError($fieldvalue->getError()); return false; } if (!$fieldvalue->check()) { // Perform data checks vmError($fieldvalue->getError()); return false; } if (!$fieldvalue->store()) { // Write data to the DB vmError($fieldvalue->getError()); return false; } } else { // the field was deleted // stAn, next line doesn't work, because it tries to delete by the virtuemart_userfield_id instead of virtuemart_userfield_value_id // $msg = $fieldvalue->delete($originalvalues->virtuemart_userfield_value_id); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $q = 'DELETE from `#__virtuemart_userfield_values` WHERE `virtuemart_userfield_value_id` = ' . (int)$originalvalues[$i]->virtuemart_userfield_value_id.' and `virtuemart_userfield_id` = '.(int)$_id; $db->setQuery($q); if ($db->execute() === false) { vmError($db->getError()); return false; } } } // for each new value that was added for ($i = count($originalvalues)-1; $i < count($_values) ; $i++) { // do a check here as we might not be using pure numeric arrays if (isset($_values[$i])) { if (!($_id === true)) { // If $_id is true, it was not a new record $_values[$i]['virtuemart_userfield_id'] = $_id; } if (!$fieldvalue->bind($_values[$i])) { // Bind data vmError($fieldvalue->getError()); return false; } if (!$fieldvalue->check()) { // Perform data checks vmError($fieldvalue->getError()); return false; } if (!$fieldvalue->store()) { // Write data to the DB vmError($fieldvalue->getError()); return false; } } } return true; } /** * * @author Max Milbers */ public function getUserFieldsFor($layoutName, $type){ static $c = array(); //vmdebug('getUserFieldsFor '.$layoutName.' '. $type .' ' . $userId); $register = false; if(VmConfig::get('oncheckout_show_register',1) and $type=='BT'){ $user = JFactory::getUser(); if(!empty($user)){ if(empty($user->id)){ $register = true; } } else { $register = true; } } $h = $layoutName.$type.(int)$register; //return cached if(isset($c[$h])){ //vmTrace('getUserFieldsFor'); return $c[$h]; } $skips = array(); //Maybe there is another method to define the skips $skips[] = 'address_type'; $corefields = $this->getCoreFields(); unset($corefields[2]); //the 2 is for the email field, it is necessary in almost anycase. if((!$register or $type =='ST') and $layoutName !='edit'){ $skips[] = 'name'; $skips[] = 'username'; $skips[] = 'password'; $skips[] = 'password2'; $skips[] = 'user_is_vendor'; //$skips[] = 'agreed'; // MattLG: Added this line because it leaves the empty fieldset with just the label when editing the ST addresses // A better solution might be to make this a setting rather than hard coding this whole block here $skips[] = 'delimiter_userinfo'; } //Here we get the fields if ($type == 'BT') { $userFields = $this->getUserFields( 'account' , array() // Default toggles , $skips// Skips ); } else { $userFields = $this->getUserFields( 'shipment' , array() // Default toggles , $skips ); } //Small ugly hack to make registering optional //do we still need that? YES ! notice by Max Milbers if($register and $type == 'BT' and VmConfig::get('oncheckout_show_register',1) and !VmConfig::get('oncheckout_only_registered',1) and $layoutName!='edit'){ //vmdebug('Going to set core fields unrequired'); foreach($userFields as $field){ if(in_array($field->name,$corefields)){ if($field->required){ $field->register = 1; } $field->required = 0; $field->value = ''; $field->default = ''; } } } if(!$register and $type!='ST'){ vmdebug('Going to set pw fields unrequired'); foreach($userFields as $field){ if($field->name == 'password' or $field->name == 'password2'){ $field->required = 0; $field->value = ''; $field->default = ''; } } } JPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmuserfield'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnGetUserfields', array($type, &$userFields)); $c[$h] = $userFields; return $userFields; } /** * Retrieve an array with userfield objects * * @param string $section The section the fields belong to (e.g. 'registration' or 'account') * @param array $_switches Array to toggle these options: * * published published fields only (default: true) * * required Required fields only (default: false) * * delimiters Exclude delimiters (default: false) * * captcha Exclude Captcha type (default: false) * * system System fields filter (no default; true: only system fields, false: exclude system fields) * @param array $_skip Array with fieldsnames to exclude. Default: array('username', 'password', 'password2', 'agreed'), * specify array() to skip nothing. * @see getUserFieldsFilled() * @author Oscar van Eijk * @return array */ public function getUserFields ($_sec = 'registration', $_switches=array(), $_skip = array('username', 'password', 'password2')) { if(is_array($_sec)){ $sec = implode ( $_sec); } else { $sec = $_sec; } $cache_hash = md5($sec.json_encode($_switches).json_encode($_skip).$this->_selectedOrdering.$this->_selectedOrderingDir); if (isset(self::$_cache_ordered[$cache_hash])) return self::$_cache_ordered[$cache_hash]; $_q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_userfields` WHERE 1 = 1 '; if( !empty($_sec)) { if(is_array($_sec)){ $_q .= 'AND ( ' . implode ('="1" OR ', $_sec) . '="1" ) '; } else { $_q .= 'AND `'.$_sec.'`="1" '; } } if(array_key_exists('published',$_switches)){ if ($_switches['published'] !== false ) { $_q .= 'AND published = 1 '; } } else { $_q .= 'AND published = 1 '; } if(array_key_exists('required',$_switches)){ if ($_switches['required'] === true ) { $_q .= "AND required = 1 "; } } if(array_key_exists('delimiters',$_switches)){ if ($_switches['delimiters'] === true ) { $_q .= "AND type != 'delimiter' "; } } if(array_key_exists('captcha',$_switches)){ if ($_switches['captcha'] === true ) { $_q .= "AND type != 'captcha' "; } } if(array_key_exists('sys',$_switches)){ if ($_switches['sys'] === true ) { $_q .= "AND sys = 1 "; } else { $_q .= "AND sys = 0 "; } } if (count($_skip) > 0) { $_q .= "AND FIND_IN_SET(name, '".implode(',', $_skip)."') = 0 "; } $_q .= ' ORDER BY ordering '; $_fields = $this->_getList($_q); // We need some extra fields that are not in the userfields table. They will be hidden on the details form if (!in_array('address_type', $_skip)) { $_address_type = new stdClass(); $_address_type->virtuemart_userfield_id = 0; $_address_type->name = 'address_type'; $_address_type->title = ''; $_address_type->description = '' ; $_address_type->type = 'hidden'; $_address_type->maxlength = 0; $_address_type->size = 0; $_address_type->required = 0; $_address_type->ordering = 0; $_address_type->cols = 0; $_address_type->rows = 0; $_address_type->value = ''; $_address_type->default = 'BT'; $_address_type->published = 1; $_address_type->registration = 1; $_address_type->shipment = 0; $_address_type->account = 1; $_address_type->readonly = 0; $_address_type->calculated = 0; // what is this??? $_address_type->sys = 0; $_address_type->virtuemart_vendor_id = 1; $_address_type->userfield_params = ''; $_fields[] = $_address_type; } // stAn: slow to run the first time: self::$_cache_ordered[$cache_hash] = $_fields; if (!isset(self::$_cache_named[$sec])) self::$_cache_named[$sec] = array(); foreach ($_fields as &$f) { self::$_cache_named[$sec][$f->name] = $f; } return $_fields; } /** * Return a boolean whethe the userfield is enabled in context of $_sec * * @access public * @param $_field_name: name of the user field such as 'email' * @param $_sec BT or ST, or one of the types of the fields: account, shipment, registration * @author stAn * @return true or false * * Note: this function will return a false result for skipped fields such as agreed, user_is_vendor * * when used from shipment method, you can use * $userFieldsModel =VmModel::getModel('Userfields'); * $type = (($cart->ST == 0) ? 'BT' : 'ST'); * if ($userFieldsModel->fieldPublished('zip', $type)) .... */ public function fieldPublished($_field_name, $_sec='account') { if ($_sec == 'BT') $_sec = 'account'; else if ($_sec == 'ST') $_sec = 'shipment'; if (isset(self::$_cache_named[$_sec])) return isset(self::$_cache_named[$_sec][$_field_name]); $this->getUserFields($_sec, array(), array()); if (isset(self::$_cache_named[$_sec])) return isset(self::$_cache_named[$_sec][$_field_name]); return false; } /** * Return an array with userFields in several formats. * * @access public * @param $_selection An array, as returned by getuserFields(), with fields that should be returned. * @param $_userData Array with userdata holding the values for the fields * @param $_prefix string Optional prefix for the formtag name attribute * @author Oscar van Eijk * @return array List with all userfield data in the format: * array( * 'fields' => array( // All fields * => array( * 'name' => // Name of the field * 'value' => // Existing value for the current user, or the default * 'title' => // Title used for label and such * 'type' => // Field type as specified in the userfields table * 'hidden' => // True/False * 'required' => // True/False. If True, the formcode also has the class "required" for the Joomla formvalidator * 'formcode' => // Full HTML tag * ) * [...] * ) * 'functions' => array() // Optional javascript functions without ; * 'scripts' => array( // Array with scriptsources for use with JHtml::script(); * => * [...] * ) * 'links' => array( // Array with stylesheets for use with JHtml::stylesheet(); * => * [...] * ) * ) * @example This example illustrates the use of this function. For additional examples, see the Order view * and the User view in the administrator section. *
	 *   // In the controller, make sure this model is loaded.
	 *   // In view.html.php, make the following calls:
	 *   $_usrDetails = getUserDetailsFromSomeModel(); // retrieve an user_info record, eg from the usermodel or ordermodel
	 *   $_usrFieldList = $userFieldsModel->getUserFields(
	 *                    'registration'
	 *                  , array() // Default switches
	 *                  , array('delimiter_userinfo', 'username', 'email', 'password', 'password2', 'agreed', 'address_type') // Skips
	 *    );
	 *   $usrFieldValues = $userFieldsModel->getUserFieldsFilled(
	 *                      $_usrFieldList
	 *                     ,$_usrDetails
	 *   );
	 *   $this-userfields= $userfields;
	 *   // In the template, use code below to display the data. For an extended example using
	 *   // delimiters, JavaScripts and StyleSheets, see the edit_shopper.php in the user view
	 *      shipmentfields['fields'] as $_field ) {
	 *          echo '  '."\n";
	 *          echo '    '."\n";
	 *          echo '    '."\n";
	 *          echo '  '."\n";
	 *        }
	 *      ?>
* *
'."\n"; * echo ' '.$_field['title']."\n"; * echo ' '."\n"; * * echo ' '.$_field['value']."\n"; // Display only * Or: * echo ' '.$_field['formcode']."\n"; // Input form * * echo '
*/ public function getUserFieldsFilled($_selection, &$_userDataIn = null, $_prefix = ''){ vmLanguage::loadJLang('com_virtuemart_shoppers',TRUE); //We copy the input data to prevent that objects become arrays if(empty($_userDataIn)){ $_userData = array(); } else { $_userData = $_userDataIn; $_userData=(array)($_userData); } //if(!class_exists('ShopFunctions')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN.DS.'helpers'.DS.'shopfunctions.php'); $_return = array( 'fields' => array() ,'functions' => array() ,'scripts' => array() ,'links' => array() ); $admin = vmAccess::manager(); // vmdebug('my user data in getUserFieldsFilled',$_selection,$_userData); if (is_array($_selection)) { foreach ($_selection as $_fld) { $yOffset = 0; if(!empty($_userDataIn) and isset($_fld->default) and $_fld->default!=''){ if(is_array($_userDataIn)){ if(!isset($_userDataIn[$_fld->name])) $_userDataIn[$_fld->name] = $_fld->default; } else { if(!isset($_userDataIn->{$_fld->name})) $_userDataIn->{$_fld->name} = $_fld->default; } } $valueO = $valueN = (($_userData == null || !array_key_exists($_fld->name, $_userData)) ? vmText::_($_fld->default) : $_userData[$_fld->name]); //TODO htmlentites creates problems with non-ascii chars, which exists as htmlentity, for example äöü if ((!empty($valueN)) && (is_string($valueN))) $valueN = htmlspecialchars($valueN,ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false); //was htmlentities $_return['fields'][$_fld->name] = array( 'name' => $_prefix . $_fld->name ,'value' => $valueN // htmlspecialchars (was htmlentities) encoded value for all except editorarea and plugins ,'unescapedvalue'=> $valueO ,'title' => vmText::_($_fld->title) ,'type' => $_fld->type ,'required' => $_fld->required ,'hidden' => false ,'formcode' => '' ,'description' => vmText::_($_fld->description) ,'register' => (isset($_fld->register)? $_fld->register:0) ,'htmlentities' => true // to provide version check agains previous versions ); //Set the default on the data /*if(isset($_userData) and empty($_userData[$_fld->name]) and isset($_fld->default) and $_fld->default!='' ){ $_userData[$_fld->name] = $_fld->default; }*/ $readonly = ''; if(!$admin){ if($_fld->readonly ){ $readonly = ' readonly="readonly" '; } } //vmdebug ('getUserFieldsFilled',$_fld->name,$_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value']); // if($_fld->name==='email') vmdebug('user data email getuserfieldbyuser',$_userData); // First, see if there are predefined fields by checking the name switch( $_fld->name ) { // case 'email': // $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = $_userData->email; // break; case 'virtuemart_country_id': if(!class_exists('shopFunctionsF'))require(VMPATH_SITE.DS.'helpers'.DS.'shopfunctionsf.php'); $attrib = array(); if ($_fld->size) { $attrib = array('style'=>"width: ".$_fld->size."px"); } $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = ShopFunctionsF::renderCountryList($_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'], false, $attrib , $_prefix, $_fld->required,'virtuemart_country_id_field'); if(!empty($_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'])){ // Translate the value from ID to name $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['virtuemart_country_id'] = (int)$_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value']; $db = JFactory::getDBO (); $q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_countries` WHERE virtuemart_country_id = "' . (int)$_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] . '"'; $db->setQuery ($q); $r = $db->loadAssoc(); if($r){ $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] = !empty($r['country_name'])? $r['country_name']:'' ; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['country_2_code'] = !empty($r['country_2_code'])? $r['country_2_code']:'' ; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['country_3_code'] = !empty($r['country_3_code'])? $r['country_3_code']:'' ; } else { vmError('Model Userfields, country with id '.$_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'].' not found'); } } else { $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] = '' ; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['country_2_code'] = '' ; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['country_3_code'] = '' ; } //$_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] = vmText::_(shopFunctions::getCountryByID($_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'])); //$_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['state_2_code'] = vmText::_(shopFunctions::getCountryByID($_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'])); break; case 'virtuemart_state_id': if (!class_exists ('shopFunctionsF')) require(VMPATH_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'shopfunctionsf.php'); $attrib = array(); if ($_fld->size) { $attrib = array('style'=>"width: ".$_fld->size."px"); } $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = shopFunctionsF::renderStateList( $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'], $_prefix, false, $_fld->required, $attrib, 'virtuemart_state_id_field' ); if(!empty($_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'])){ // Translate the value from ID to name $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['virtuemart_state_id'] = (int)$_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value']; $db = JFactory::getDBO (); $q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_states` WHERE virtuemart_state_id = "' . (int)$_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] . '"'; $db->setQuery ($q); $r = $db->loadAssoc(); if($r){ $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] = !empty($r['state_name'])? $r['state_name']:'' ; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['state_2_code'] = !empty($r['state_2_code'])? $r['state_2_code']:'' ; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['state_3_code'] = !empty($r['state_3_code'])? $r['state_3_code']:'' ; } else { vmError('Model Userfields, state with id '.$_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'].' not found'); } } else { $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] = '' ; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['state_2_code'] = '' ; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['state_3_code'] = '' ; } //$_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] = shopFunctions::getStateByID($_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value']); break; //case 'agreed': // $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = 'required ? ' class="required"' : '') . ' />'; // break; case 'password': case 'password2': $req = $_fld->required ? 'required' : ''; $class = 'class="validate-password '.$req.' inputbox"'; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = 'required ? ' class="required"' : ''). ' size="30" '.$class.' />'."\n"; break; break; //case 'agreed': //case 'tos': break; // It's not a predefined field, so handle it by it's fieldtype default: if(strpos($_fld->type,'plugin')!==false){ JPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmuserfield'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] = $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['unescapedvalue']; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['htmlentities'] = false; $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnUserfieldDisplay',array($_prefix, $_fld,isset($_userData['virtuemart_user_id'])?$_userData['virtuemart_user_id']:0, &$_return) ); break; } switch( $_fld->type ) { case 'hidden': $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = 'required ? ' class="required"' : '') . ($_fld->maxlength ? ' maxlength="' . $_fld->maxlength . '"' : '') . $readonly . ' /> '; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['hidden'] = true; break; case 'age_verification': // Year range MUST start 100 years ago, for birthday $yOffset = 120; case 'date': $currentYear = intval(date('Y')); $maxmin = 'minDate: -0, maxDate: "+1Y",'; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = vmJsApi::jDate($_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'], $_prefix.$_fld->name,$_prefix.$_fld->name . '_field',false,($currentYear-$yOffset).':'.($currentYear+1),$maxmin); break; case 'emailaddress': if( JFactory::getApplication()->isSite()) { if(empty($_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value']) && $_fld->required) { $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] = JFactory::getUser()->email; } $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = 'required ? ' class="required validate-email"' : '') . ($_fld->maxlength ? ' maxlength="' . $_fld->maxlength . '"' : '') . $readonly . ' /> '; break; } case 'text': case 'webaddress': $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = 'required ? ' class="required"' : '') . ($_fld->maxlength ? ' maxlength="' . $_fld->maxlength . '"' : '') . $readonly . ' /> '; break; case 'textarea': $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = ''; break; case 'editorta': jimport( 'joomla.html.editor' ); $editor = JFactory::getEditor(); $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] = $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['unescapedvalue']; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['htmlentities'] = false; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = $editor->display($_prefix.$_fld->name,$_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'], '150', '100', $_fld->cols, $_fld->rows, array('pagebreak', 'readmore')); break; case 'checkbox': $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = 'name]['value'] ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ($_fld->required ? ' class="required"' : '').'/>'; if($_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value']) { $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] = vmText::_($_prefix.$_fld->title); } break; case 'custom': if(!class_exists('shopFunctionsF'))require(VMPATH_SITE.DS.'helpers'.DS.'shopfunctionsf.php'); $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] = $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['unescapedvalue']; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['htmlentities'] = false; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = shopFunctionsF::renderVmSubLayout($_fld->name,array('field'=>$_return['fields'][$_fld->name],'userData' => $_userData,'prefix' => $_prefix)); break; // /*##mygruz20120223193710 { :*/ // case 'userfieldplugin': //why not just vmuserfieldsplugin ? // JPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmuserfield'); // $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); // //Todo to adjust to new pattern, using & // $html = '' ; // $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnUserFieldDisplay',array($_return['fields'][$_fld->name], &$html) ); // $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = $html; // break; // /*##mygruz20120223193710 } */ case 'multicheckbox': case 'multiselect': case 'select': case 'radio': $_qry = 'SELECT `fieldtitle`, `fieldvalue` ' . 'FROM `#__virtuemart_userfield_values` ' . 'WHERE `virtuemart_userfield_id` = ' . (int)$_fld->virtuemart_userfield_id . ' ORDER BY `ordering` '; $_values = $this->_getList($_qry); // We need an extra lok here, especially for the Bank info; the values // must be translated. // Don't check on the field name though, since others might be added in the future :-( foreach ($_values as $_v) { $_v->fieldtitle = vmText::_($_v->fieldtitle); } $_attribs = array(); if ($_fld->readonly and !$admin) { $_attribs['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } if ($_fld->required) { if(!isset($_attribs['class'])){ $_attribs['class'] = ''; } $_attribs['class'] .= ' required'; } if ($_fld->type == 'radio' or $_fld->type == 'select') { $_selected = $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value']; } else { $_attribs['size'] = $_fld->size; // Use for all but radioselects if (!is_array($_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'])){ $_selected = explode("|*|", $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value']); } else { $_selected = $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value']; } } // Nested switch... switch($_fld->type) { case 'multicheckbox': // todo: use those $_attribs['rows'] = $_fld->rows; $_attribs['cols'] = $_fld->cols; $formcode = ''; $field_values=""; $_idx = 0; $separator_form = '
'; $separator_title = ','; foreach ($_values as $_val) { if ( in_array($_val->fieldvalue, $_selected)) { $is_selected='checked="checked"'; $field_values.= vmText::_($_val->fieldtitle). $separator_title; } else { $is_selected=''; } $formcode .= ' '. $separator_form; $_idx++; } // remove last br $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] =substr($formcode ,0,-strlen($separator_form)); $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] = substr($field_values,0,-strlen($separator_title)); break; case 'multiselect': $_attribs['multiple'] = 'multiple'; if(!isset($_attribs['class'])){ $_attribs['class'] = ''; } $_attribs['class'] .= ' vm-chzn-select'; $field_values=""; $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $_values, $_prefix.$_fld->name.'[]', $_attribs, 'fieldvalue', 'fieldtitle', $_selected); $separator_form = '
'; $separator_title = ','; foreach ($_values as $_val) { if ( in_array($_val->fieldvalue, $_selected)) { $field_values.= vmText::_($_val->fieldtitle). $separator_title; } } $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] = substr($field_values,0,-strlen($separator_title)); break; case 'select': if(!isset($_attribs['class'])){ $_attribs['class'] = ''; } $_attribs['class'] .= ' vm-chzn-select'; if ($_fld->size) { $_attribs['style']= "width: ".$_fld->size."px"; } if(!$_fld->required){ $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->fieldtitle = vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_LIST_EMPTY_OPTION'); $obj->fieldvalue = ''; array_unshift($_values,$obj); } $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $_values, $_prefix.$_fld->name, $_attribs, 'fieldvalue', 'fieldtitle', $_selected); if ( !empty($_selected)){ foreach ($_values as $_val) { if ( $_val->fieldvalue==$_selected ) { // vmdebug('getUserFieldsFilled set empty select to value',$_selected,$_fld,$_return['fields'][$_fld->name]); $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] = vmText::_($_val->fieldtitle); } } } break; case 'radio': $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = JHtml::_('select.radiolist', $_values, $_prefix.$_fld->name, $_attribs, 'fieldvalue', 'fieldtitle', $_selected); if ( !empty($_selected)){ foreach ($_values as $_val) { if ( $_val->fieldvalue==$_selected) { $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['value'] = vmText::_($_val->fieldtitle); } } } break; } break; } break; } } } else { vmdebug('getUserFieldsFilled $_selection is not an array ',$_selection); // $_return['fields'][$_fld->name]['formcode'] = ''; } return $_return; } /** * Checks if a single field is required, used in the cart * * @author Max Milbers * @param string $fieldname */ function getIfRequired($fieldname) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $q = 'SELECT `required` FROM `#__virtuemart_userfields` WHERE `name` = "'.$db->escape($fieldname).'" limit 0,1'; $db->setQuery($q); $result = $db->loadResult(); if(!isset($result)){ vmError('userfields getIfRequired '.$q,'Programmer used an unknown userfield '.$fieldname); } return $result; } /** * Translate arrays form userfield_values to the format expected by the table class. * * stAn Note -> when a field of [0] is deleted (or others), you cannot use count to itenerate the array * * @param array $titles List of titles from the formdata * @param array $values List of values from the formdata * @param int $virtuemart_userfield_id ID of the userfield to relate * @return array Data to bind to the userfield_values table */ private function postData2FieldValues($titles, $values, $virtuemart_userfield_id ){ $_values = array(); if (is_array($titles) && is_array($values)) { // updated by stAn: foreach ($values as $i=>$val) { $_values[$i] = array( 'virtuemart_userfield_id' => $virtuemart_userfield_id ,'fieldtitle' => $titles[$i] ,'fieldvalue' => $values[$i] ,'ordering' => $i ); } /* for ($i=0; $i < count($titles) ;$i++) { if (empty($titles[$i])) { continue; // Ignore empty fields } } */ } return $_values; } /** * Delete all record ids selected * * @return boolean True is the remove was successful, false otherwise. */ function remove($fieldIds){ if(!vmAccess::manager('userfields')){ vmWarn('Insufficient permissions to remove userfields'); return false; } $field = $this->getTable('userfields'); $value = $this->getTable('userfield_values'); $userinfo = $this->getTable('userinfos'); $orderinfo = $this->getTable('order_userinfos'); $ok = true; $core = $this->getCoreFields(); foreach($fieldIds as $fieldId) { $fieldId = (int)$fieldId; $field->load($fieldId); $_fieldName = $field->name; if (!in_array($_fieldName, $core)){ if ($field->type != 'delimiter') { // Get the fieldtype for the database $_fieldType = $field->formatFieldType(); // Alter the user_info table if ($userinfo->_modifyColumn ('DROP', $_fieldName,$_fieldType) === false) { vmdebug('remove $userinfo->_modifyColumn failed',$userinfo); vmError('remove $userinfo->_modifyColumn failed id = '.$fieldId.' '.$_fieldName); $ok = false; } // Alter the order_userinfo table if ($orderinfo->_modifyColumn ('DROP', $_fieldName,$_fieldType) === false) { vmdebug('remove $userinfo->_modifyColumn failed',$userinfo); vmError('remove $orderinfo->_modifyColumn failed id = '.$fieldId.' '.$_fieldName); $ok = false; } } if (!$field->delete($fieldId)) { vmdebug('remove userfields failed',$field); vmError('remove userfields failed id = '.$fieldId.' '.$_fieldName); $ok = false; } if (!$value->delete($fieldId)) { vmdebug('remove userfield_values failed',$value); vmError('remove userfield_values failed id = '.$fieldId.' '.$_fieldName); $ok = false; } } else { vmError('Cannot delete core field '.$_fieldName.'! Use unpublish'); } } return $ok; } /** * Get the userfields for the BE list * * @author Max Milbers * @return NULL */ function getUserfieldsList($type = false){ if (!$this->_data) { if ($type) vRequest::setVar('type', $type); $whereString = $this->_getFilter(); $ordering = $this->_getOrdering(); $this->_data = $this->exeSortSearchListQuery(0,'*',' FROM `#__virtuemart_userfields`',$whereString,'',$ordering); } return $this->_data; } /** * If a filter was set, get the SQL WHERE clase * * @return string text to add to the SQL statement */ function _getFilter() { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $where = array(); if ($search = vRequest::getCmd('search', false)) { $where[] = ' `name` LIKE "%' . $db->escape( $search, true ) . '%"' ; } if ($type = vRequest::getCmd('type', false)) { $where[] = ' `type` = "' . $type . '"' ; } if (count ($where) > 0) { $whereString = ' WHERE (' . implode (' AND ', $where) . ') '; } else { $whereString = ''; } return ($whereString); } /** * Build the query to list all Userfields * *@deprecated * @return string SQL query statement */ function _getListQuery () { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_userfields` '; $query .= $this->_getFilter(); $query .= $this->_getOrdering(); return ($query); } //*/ } // No closing tag