* entities: * {ENTITY_NAME}: * {KEY}: {OBJECT} * */ protected static $entities = array(); /** * Method to load a form field object given a type. * */ public static function loadFieldType($type, $new = true) { return self::loadType('field', $type, $new); } /** * Method to load a form rule object given a type. * */ public static function loadRuleType($type, $new = true) { return self::loadType('rule', $type, $new); } /** * Method to load a form entity object given a type. * Each type is loaded only once and then used as a prototype for other objects of same type. * Please, use this method only with those entities which support types (forms don't support them). * * @param string $entity The entity. * @param string $type The entity type. * @param boolean $new Flag to toggle whether we should get a new instance of the object. * * @return mixed Entity object on success, false otherwise. * * @since 11.1 */ protected static function loadType($entity, $type, $new = true) { // Reference to an array with current entity's type instances $types = &self::$entities[$entity]; $key = md5($type); // Return an entity object if it already exists and we don't need a new one. if (isset($types[$key]) && $new === false) { return $types[$key]; } //VmConfig::$echoDebug=true; //vmdebug('Try to load ',$entity, $type); $class = self::loadClass($entity, $type); if ($class === false) { return false; } // Instantiate a new type object. $types[$key] = new $class; return $types[$key]; } /** * Attempt to import the vFormField class file if it isn't already imported. * You can use this method outside of vForm for loading a field for inheritance or composition. * * @param string $type Type of a field whose class should be loaded. * @return mixed Class name on success or false otherwise. */ public static function loadFieldClass($type) { return self::loadClass('field', $type); } /** * Attempt to import the vFormRule class file if it isn't already imported. */ public static function loadRuleClass($type) { return self::loadClass('rule', $type); } /** * Load a class for one of the form's entities of a particular type. * * @param string $entity One of the form entities (field or rule). * @param string $type Type of an entity. * * @return mixed Class name on success or false otherwise. */ protected static function loadClass($entity, $type) { $prefix = 'v'; if (strpos($type, '.')) { list($prefix, $type) = explode('.', $type); } //$class = vString::ucfirst($prefix, '_') . 'Form' . vString::ucfirst($entity, '_') . vString::ucfirst($type, '_'); $class = $prefix . 'Form' . ucfirst($entity) . ucfirst($type); if (class_exists($class)) { return $class; } else { $prefix = 'J'; $classJ = ucfirst($prefix) . 'Form' . ucfirst($entity) . ucfirst($type); if (class_exists($classJ)) { return $classJ; } } // Get the field search path array. $paths = self::addPath($entity); // If the type is complex, add the base type to the paths. if ($pos = strpos($type, '_')) { // Add the complex type prefix to the paths. for ($i = 0, $n = count($paths); $i < $n; $i++) { // Derive the new path. $path = $paths[$i] . '/' . strtolower(substr($type, 0, $pos)); // If the path does not exist, add it. if (!in_array($path, $paths)) { $paths[] = $path; } } // Break off the end of the complex type. $type = substr($type, $pos + 1); } // Try to find the class file. $type = strtolower($type) . '.php'; if(!class_exists('vPath')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN .'/vmf/filesystem/vpath.php'); foreach ($paths as $path) { $file = vPath::find($path, $type); if (!$file) { continue; } require $file; if (class_exists($class)) { return $class; } else if(class_exists($classJ)){ return $classJ; } } //VmConfig::$echoDebug=1; vmdebug('joomla loadClass',$entity, $type,$paths,$class); // Check for all if the class exists. return class_exists($class) ? $class : false; } /** * Method to add a path to the list of field include paths. * @param mixed $new A path or array of paths to add. * @return array The list of paths that have been added. */ public static function addFieldPath($new = null) { return self::addPath('field', $new); } /** * For form include paths */ public static function addFormPath($new = null) { return self::addPath('form', $new); } /** * For rule include paths. */ public static function addRulePath($new = null) { return self::addPath('rule', $new); } /** * Method to add a path to the list of include paths for one of the form's entities. * Currently supported entities: field, rule and form. You are free to support your own in a subclass. * * @param string $entity Form's entity name for which paths will be added. * @param mixed $new A path or array of paths to add. * * @return array The list of paths that have been added. */ protected static function addPath($entity, $new = null) { // Reference to an array with paths for current entity //self::$_paths['fields'][$entity]; // Add the default entity's search path if not set. if (empty(self::$_paths['fields'][$entity])) { // While we support limited number of entities (form, field and rule) // we can do this simple pluralisation: $entity_pl = $entity . 's'; self::$_paths['fields'][$entity][] = VMPATH_ADMIN .'/'. $entity_pl; self::$_paths['fields'][$entity][] = VMPATH_LIBS .'/joomla/form/' .$entity_pl; } // Force the new path(s) to an array. settype($new, 'array'); // Add the new paths to the stack if not already there. foreach ($new as $path) { if (!in_array($path, self::$_paths['fields'][$entity])) { array_unshift(self::$_paths['fields'][$entity], trim($path)); } } return self::$_paths['fields'][$entity]; } }