renderVmSubLayout($layout,array('show' => $show, 'order' => $order, 'from_cart' => $cart, 'url' => $url)); } return $body; } static public function getLastVisitedCategoryId ($default = 0) { $session = JFactory::getSession(); return $session->get( 'vmlastvisitedcategoryid', $default, 'vm' ); } static public function setLastVisitedCategoryId ($categoryId) { $session = JFactory::getSession(); return $session->set( 'vmlastvisitedcategoryid', (int)$categoryId, 'vm' ); } static public function getLastVisitedItemId ($default = 0) { $session = JFactory::getSession(); return $session->get( 'vmlastvisitedItemid', $default, 'vm' ); } static public function setLastVisitedItemId ($id) { $session = JFactory::getSession(); return $session->set( 'vmlastvisitedItemid', (int)$id, 'vm' ); } static public function getLastVisitedManuId () { $session = JFactory::getSession(); return $session->get( 'vmlastvisitedmanuid', 0, 'vm' ); } static public function setLastVisitedManuId ($manuId) { $session = JFactory::getSession(); return $session->set( 'vmlastvisitedmanuid', (int)$manuId, 'vm' ); } /** * @param $orderable * @return string * @deprecated */ static public function getAddToCartButton ($orderable) { return self::renderVmSubLayout('addtocartbtn',array('orderable'=>$orderable)); } static public function isFEmanager ($task = 0) { if(JFactory::getUser()->guest) return false; return vmAccess::manager($task); } /** * Just an idea, still WIP * @param $type * @return mixed */ static function renderFormField($type){ //Get custom field JFormHelper::addFieldPath(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'fields'); $types = JFormHelper::loadFieldType($type, false); return $types->getOptions(); } /** * Return the order status name for a given code * * @author Oscar van Eijk * @access public * * @param char $_code Order status code * @return string The name of the order status */ static public function getOrderStatusName ($_code) { static $orderNames = array(); $db = JFactory::getDBO (); $_code = $db->escape ($_code); if(!isset($orderNames[$_code])){ $_q = 'SELECT `order_status_name` FROM `#__virtuemart_orderstates` WHERE `order_status_code` = "' . $_code . '"'; $db->setQuery ($_q); $orderNames[$_code] = $db->loadObject (); if (empty($orderNames[$_code]->order_status_name)) { vmError ('getOrderStatusName: couldnt find order_status_name for ' . $_code); return 'current order status broken'; } else { $orderNames[$_code] = vmText::_($orderNames[$_code]->order_status_name); } } return $orderNames[$_code]; } /** * Render a simple country list * * @author jseros, Max Milbers, Valérie Isaksen * * @param int $countryId Selected country id * @param boolean $multiple True if multiple selections are allowed (default: false) * @param mixed $_attrib string or array with additional attributes, * e.g. 'onchange=somefunction()' or array('onchange'=>'somefunction()') * @param string $_prefix Optional prefix for the formtag name attribute * @return string HTML containing the ID attribute * @param string $_prefix Optional prefix for the formtag name attribute * @return string HTML containing the '; return $listHTML; } /** * This generates the list when the user have different ST addresses saved * * @author Max Milbers */ static function generateStAddressList ($view, $userModel, $task) { // Shipment address(es) $_addressList = $userModel->getUserAddressList ($userModel->getId (), 'ST'); if (count ($_addressList) == 1 && empty($_addressList[0]->address_type_name)) { return vmText::_ ('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_NOSHIPPINGADDR'); } else { $_shipTo = array(); $useXHTTML = empty($view->useXHTML) ? false : $view->useXHTML; $useSSL = empty($view->useSSL) ? FALSE : $view->useSSL; for ($_i = 0; $_i < count ($_addressList); $_i++) { if (empty($_addressList[$_i]->virtuemart_user_id)) { $_addressList[$_i]->virtuemart_user_id = JFactory::getUser ()->id; } if (empty($_addressList[$_i]->virtuemart_userinfo_id)) { $_addressList[$_i]->virtuemart_userinfo_id = 0; } if (empty($_addressList[$_i]->address_type_name)) { $_addressList[$_i]->address_type_name = 0; } $_shipTo[] = '
  • ' . '' . $_addressList[$_i]->address_type_name . ' ' ; $_shipTo[] = '  '.''.vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_DELETE_ST').'
  • '; } $addLink = ' '; $addLink .= vmText::_ ('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_ADD_SHIPTO_LBL') . ' '; return $addLink . ''; } } /** * used mostly in the email, to display the vendor address * Attention, this function will be removed from any view.html.php * * @static * @param $vendorId * @param string $lineSeparator * @param array $skips * @return string */ static public function renderVendorAddress ($vendorId,$lineSeparator="
    ", $skips = array('name','username','email','agreed')) { $vendorModel = VmModel::getModel('vendor'); $vendorFields = $vendorModel->getVendorAddressFields($vendorId); $vendorAddress = ''; foreach ($vendorFields['fields'] as $field) { if(in_array($field['name'],$skips)) continue; if (!empty($field['value'])) { $vendorAddress .= $field['value']; if ($field['name'] != 'title' and $field['name'] != 'first_name' and $field['name'] != 'middle_name' and $field['name'] != 'zip') { $vendorAddress .= $lineSeparator; } else { $vendorAddress .= ' '; } } } return $vendorAddress; } /** * * @author Max Milbers */ static public function addProductToRecent ($productId) { $session = JFactory::getSession(); $products_ids = $session->get( 'vmlastvisitedproductids', array(), 'vm' ); $key = array_search( $productId, $products_ids ); if($key !== FALSE) { unset($products_ids[$key]); } array_unshift( $products_ids, $productId ); $products_ids = array_unique( $products_ids ); $maxSize = (int)VmConfig::get('max_recent_products', 10); if(count( $products_ids )>$maxSize) { array_splice( $products_ids, $maxSize ); } return $session->set( 'vmlastvisitedproductids', $products_ids, 'vm' ); } /** * Gives ids the recently by the shopper visited products * * @author Max Milbers */ static public function getRecentProductIds ($nbr = 3) { $session = JFactory::getSession(); $ids = $session->get( 'vmlastvisitedproductids', array(), 'vm' ); if(count( $ids )>$nbr) { array_splice( $ids, $nbr ); } return $ids; } static public function sortLoadProductCustomsStockInd(&$products,$pModel){ if(!$products) return; $customfieldsModel = VmModel::getModel ('Customfields'); if (!class_exists ('vmCustomPlugin')) { require(VMPATH_PLUGINLIBS . DS . 'vmcustomplugin.php'); } foreach($products as $i => $productItem){ if (!empty($productItem->customfields)) { $product = clone($productItem); $customfields = array(); foreach($productItem->customfields as $cu){ $customfields[] = clone ($cu); } $customfieldsSorted = array(); $customfieldsModel -> displayProductCustomfieldFE ($product, $customfields); $product->stock = $pModel->getStockIndicator($product); foreach ($customfields as $k => $custom) { if (!empty($custom->layout_pos) ) { $customfieldsSorted[$custom->layout_pos][] = $custom; } else { $customfieldsSorted['normal'][] = $custom; } unset($customfields[$k]); } $product->customfieldsSorted = $customfieldsSorted; unset($product->customfields); $products[$i] = $product; } else { $productItem->stock = $pModel->getStockIndicator($productItem); $products[$i] = $productItem; } } } static public function calculateProductRowsHeights($products,$currency,$products_per_row){ $rowsHeight = array(); if(!$products) return $rowsHeight; $col = 1; $nb = 1; $row = 1; $BrowseTotalProducts = count($products); $rowHeights = array(); foreach($products as $product){ $priceRows = 0; //Lets calculate the height of the prices foreach($currency->_priceConfig as $name=>$values){ if(!empty($currency->_priceConfig[$name][0])){ if(!empty($product->prices[$name]) or $name == 'billTotal' or $name == 'billTaxAmount'){ $priceRows++; } } } $rowHeights[$row]['price'][] = $priceRows; $position = 'addtocart'; if(!empty($product->customfieldsSorted[$position])){ //Hack for Multi variants $mvRows = 0;$i=0; foreach($product->customfieldsSorted[$position] as $custom){ if($custom->field_type=='C'){ //vmdebug('my custom',$custom); $mvRows += count($custom->selectoptions); $i++; } } $customs = count($product->customfieldsSorted[$position]); if(!empty($mvRows)){ $customs = $customs - $i +$mvRows; } } else { $customs = 0; } $position = 'ontop'; if(!empty($product->customfieldsSorted[$position])){ foreach($product->customfieldsSorted[$position] as $custom){ if($custom->field_type=='A'){ $customs++; } } } $rowHeights[$row]['customfields'][] = $customs; $rowHeights[$row]['product_s_desc'][] = empty($product->product_s_desc)? 0:1; $rowHeights[$row]['avail'][] = empty($product->product_availability)? 0:1; $nb ++; if ($col == $products_per_row || $nb>$BrowseTotalProducts) { foreach($rowHeights[$row] as $group => $cols){ $rowsHeight[$row][$group] = 0; foreach($cols as $c){ $rowsHeight[$row][$group] = max($rowsHeight[$row][$group],$c); } } $col = 1; $rowHeights = array(); $row++; } else { $col ++; } } return $rowsHeight; } /** * Renders sublayouts * * @param $name * @param int $viewData viewdata for the rendered sublayout, do not remove * @return string */ static public function renderVmSubLayout($name,$viewData=0){ if (!class_exists ('VmView')) require(VMPATH_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'vmview.php'); $lPath = VmView::getVmSubLayoutPath ($name); if($lPath){ ob_start (); include ($lPath); return ob_get_clean(); } else { vmdebug('renderVmSubLayout layout not found '.$name); } } /** * Prepares a view for rendering email, then renders and sends * * @param object $controller * @param string $viewName View which will render the email * @param string $recipient * @param array $vars variables to assign to the view */ //TODO this is quirk, why it is using here $noVendorMail, but everywhere else it is using $doVendor => this make logic trouble static public function renderMail ($viewName, $recipient, $vars = array(), $controllerName = NULL, $noVendorMail = FALSE,$useDefault=true) { self::loadOrderLanguages(); $view = self::prepareViewForMail($viewName, $vars, $controllerName); $user = self::sendVmMail( $view, $recipient, $noVendorMail ); if(isset($view->doVendor) && !$noVendorMail) { //We need to ensure the language for the vendor here $vendorUserId = VmModel::getModel('vendor')->getUserIdByVendorId(1); $vu = JFactory::getUser($vendorUserId); $vLang = $vu->getParam('admin_language',VmConfig::$jDefLangTag); self::loadOrderLanguages($vLang); self::sendVmMail( $view, $view->vendorEmail, TRUE ); } return $user; } public static function prepareViewForMail($viewName, $vars, $controllerName = false) { if(!class_exists( 'VirtueMartControllerVirtuemart' )) require(VMPATH_SITE.DS.'controllers'.DS.'virtuemart.php'); $controller = new VirtueMartControllerVirtuemart(); // refering to $controller->addViewPath( VMPATH_SITE.DS.'views' ); $view = $controller->getView( $viewName, 'html' ); if(!$controllerName) $controllerName = $viewName; $controllerClassName = 'VirtueMartController'.ucfirst( $controllerName ); if(!class_exists( $controllerClassName )) require(VMPATH_SITE.DS.'controllers'.DS.$controllerName.'.php'); //refering to $view->addTemplatePath( VMPATH_SITE.'/views/'.$viewName.'/tmpl' ); if(!class_exists('VmTemplate')) require(VMPATH_SITE.DS.'helpers'.DS.'vmtemplate.php'); $template = VmTemplate::loadVmTemplateStyle(); VmTemplate::setTemplate($template); if($template){ if(is_array($template) and isset($template['template'])){ $view->addTemplatePath( VMPATH_ROOT.DS.'templates'.DS.$template['template'].DS.'html'.DS.'com_virtuemart'.DS.$viewName ); } else { $view->addTemplatePath( VMPATH_ROOT.DS.'templates'.DS.$template.DS.'html'.DS.'com_virtuemart'.DS.$viewName ); } } foreach( $vars as $key => $val ) { $view->$key = $val; } return $view; } /** * @deprecated use the class vmTemplate instead * @return string */ public static function loadVmTemplateStyle(){ static $res = null; if($res!==null) return $res; if(!class_exists('VmTemplate')) require(VMPATH_SITE.DS.'helpers'.DS.'vmtemplate.php'); $res = VmTemplate::loadVmTemplateStyle(); } /** * This function sets the right template on the view * @author Max Milbers * @deprecated use class VmTemplates instead */ static function setVmTemplate ($view, $catTpl = 0, $prodTpl = 0, $catLayout = 0, $prodLayout = 0) { if(!class_exists('VmTemplate')) require(VMPATH_SITE.DS.'helpers'.DS.'vmtemplate.php'); return VmTemplate::setVmTemplate($view, $catTpl, $prodTpl, $catLayout, $prodLayout); } static public function loadOrderLanguages($language = 0){ $s = TRUE; $cache = true; vmLanguage::setLanguageByTag($language); //Shouldnt be necessary anylonger. vmLanguage::loadJLang('com_virtuemart', 0, $language, $cache); vmLanguage::loadJLang('com_virtuemart', $s, $language, $cache); vmLanguage::loadJLang('com_virtuemart_shoppers', $s, $language, $cache); vmLanguage::loadJLang('com_virtuemart_orders', $s, $language, $cache); } /** * With this function you can use a view to sent it by email. * Just use a task in a controller * * @param string $view for example user, cart * @param string $recipient * @param bool $vendor true for notifying vendor of user action (e.g. registration) */ public static function sendVmMail (&$view, $recipient, $noVendorMail = FALSE) { VmConfig::ensureMemoryLimit(96); ob_start(); $view->renderMailLayout( $noVendorMail, $recipient ); $body = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $subject = (isset($view->subject)) ? $view->subject : vmText::_( 'COM_VIRTUEMART_DEFAULT_MESSAGE_SUBJECT' ); $mailer = JFactory::getMailer(); $mailer->addRecipient( $recipient ); $subjectMailer= '=?utf-8?B?'.base64_encode($subject).'?='; $mailer->setSubject( html_entity_decode( $subjectMailer , ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') ); $mailer->isHTML( VmConfig::get( 'order_mail_html', TRUE ) ); $mailer->setBody( $body ); $replyTo = array(); $replyToName = array(); if(!$noVendorMail) { $replyTo[0] = $view->vendorEmail; $replyToName[0] = $view->vendor->vendor_name; } else { if(isset($view->orderDetails['details']) && isset($view->orderDetails['details']['BT'])) { $replyTo[0] = $view->orderDetails['details']['BT']->email; $replyToName[0] = $view->orderDetails['details']['BT']->first_name . ' ' . $view->orderDetails['details']['BT']->last_name; } else { if(isset($view->user->email) && $view->user->name) { $replyTo[0] = $view->user->email; $replyToName[0] = $view->user->name; } else { $replyTo[0] = $view->user['email']; $replyToName[0] = $view->user['name']; } } } if(count($replyTo)) { if(version_compare(JVERSION, '3.5', 'ge')) { $mailer->addReplyTo($replyTo, $replyToName); } else { $replyTo[1] = $replyToName[0]; $mailer->addReplyTo($replyTo); } } if(isset($view->mediaToSend)) { foreach( (array)$view->mediaToSend as $media ) { $mailer->addAttachment( $media ); } } // set proper sender $sender = array(); if(!empty($view->vendorEmail) and VmConfig::get( 'useVendorEmail', 0 )) { $sender[0] = $view->vendorEmail; $sender[1] = $view->vendor->vendor_name; } else { // use default joomla's mail sender $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $sender[0] = $app->getCfg( 'mailfrom' ); $sender[1] = $app->getCfg( 'fromname' ); if(empty($sender[0])){ $config = JFactory::getConfig(); $sender = array( $config->get( 'mailfrom' ), $config->get( 'fromname' ) ); } } $mailer->setSender( $sender ); $mailer->setSender($sender); $debug_email = VmConfig::get('debug_mail', false); if (VmConfig::get('debug_mail', false) == '1') { $debug_email = 'debug_email'; } if ($debug_email) { if (!is_array($recipient)) { $recipient = array($recipient); } if (VmConfig::showDebug()) { vmdebug('Debug mail active, no mail sent. The mail to send subject ' . $subject . ' to "' . implode(' ', $recipient) . '" from ' . $sender[0] . ' ' . $sender[1] . ' ' . vmText::$language->getTag() . '
    ' . $body,$view->mediaToSend); } else { vmInfo('Debug mail active, no mail sent. The mail to send subject ' . $subject . ' to "' . implode(' ', $recipient) . '" from ' . $sender[0] . ' ' . $sender[1] . '
    ' . $body); } if ($debug_email == 'debug_email') { return true; } } try { $return = $mailer->Send(); } catch (Exception $e) { VmConfig::$logDebug = true; vmdebug('Error sending mail ',$e); vmError('Error sending mail '); // this will take care of the error message return false; } return $return; } function sendRatingEmailToVendor ($data) { $vars = array(); $productModel = VmModel::getModel ('product'); $product = $productModel->getProduct ($data['virtuemart_product_id']); $vars['subject'] = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_RATING_EMAIL_SUBJECT', $product->product_name); $vars['mailbody'] = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_RATING_EMAIL_BODY', $product->product_name); $vendorModel = VmModel::getModel ('vendor'); $vendor = $vendorModel->getVendor ($product->virtuemart_vendor_id); $vendorModel->addImages ($vendor); $vars['vendor'] = $vendor; $vars['vendorEmail'] = $vendorModel->getVendorEmail ($product->virtuemart_vendor_id); $vars['vendorAddress'] = shopFunctionsF::renderVendorAddress ($product->virtuemart_vendor_id); shopFunctionsF::renderMail ('productdetails', $vars['vendorEmail'], $vars, 'productdetails', TRUE); } static public function getTaxNameWithValue($name, $value){ $value = rtrim(trim($value,'0'),'.'); if(empty($value)) return $name; if(strpos($name,(string)$value)!==false){ $tax = $name; } else { $tax = $name.' '.$value.'%'; } return $tax; } /** * * Enter description here ... * @author Max Milbers * @author Iysov * @param string $string * @param int $maxlength * @param string $suffix */ static public function limitStringByWord ($string, $maxlength, $suffix = '') { if(function_exists( 'mb_strlen' )) { // use multibyte functions by Iysov if(mb_strlen( $string )<=$maxlength) return $string; $string = mb_substr( $string, 0, $maxlength ); $index = mb_strrpos( $string, ' ' ); if($index === FALSE) { return $string; } else { return mb_substr( $string, 0, $index ).$suffix; } } else { // original code here if(strlen( $string )<=$maxlength) return $string; $string = substr( $string, 0, $maxlength ); $index = strrpos( $string, ' ' ); if($index === FALSE) { return $string; } else { return substr( $string, 0, $index ).$suffix; } } } static public function vmSubstr($str,$s,$e = null){ if(function_exists( 'mb_strlen' )) { return mb_substr( $str, $s, $e ); } else { return substr( $str, $s, $e ); } } /** * Admin UI Tabs * Gives A Tab Based Navigation Back And Loads The Templates With A Nice Design * @param $load_template = a key => value array. key = template name, value = Language File contraction * @example 'shop' => 'COM_VIRTUEMART_ADMIN_CFG_SHOPTAB' */ static function buildTabs ($view, $load_template = array()) { vmJsApi::addJScript( 'vmtabs' ); $html = '
    '; $i = 1; foreach( $load_template as $tab_content => $tab_title ) { $html .= '
    '; $html .= $view->loadTemplate( $tab_content ); $html .= '
    '; $i++; } $html .= '
    '; echo $html; } /** * Checks if Joomla language keys exist and combines it according to existing keys. * @string $pkey : primary string to search for Language key (must have %s in the string to work) * @string $skey : secondary string to search for Language key * @return string * @author Max Milbers * @author Patrick Kohl */ static function translateTwoLangKeys ($pkey, $skey) { $upper = strtoupper( $pkey ).'_2STRINGS'; if(vmText::_( $upper ) !== $upper) { return vmText::sprintf( $upper, vmText::_( $skey ) ); } else { return vmText::_( $pkey ).' '.vmText::_( $skey ); } } /** * Get Virtuemart itemID from joomla menu * @author Maik K�nnemann */ static function getMenuItemId( $lang = '*' ) { $itemID = ''; if(empty($lang)) $lang = '*'; $component = JComponentHelper::getComponent('com_virtuemart'); $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__menu` WHERE `component_id` = "'. $component->id .'" and `language` = "'. $lang .'"'; $db->setQuery( $q ); $items = $db->loadObjectList(); if(empty($items)) { $q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__menu` WHERE `component_id` = "'. $component->id .'" and `language` = "*"'; $db->setQuery( $q ); $items = $db->loadObjectList(); } foreach ($items as $item) { if(strstr($item->link, 'view=virtuemart')) { $itemID = $item->id; break; } } if(empty($itemID) && !empty($items[0]->id)) { $itemID = $items[0]->id; } return $itemID; } static function triggerContentPlugin( &$article, $context, $field) { // add content plugin // $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance (); JPluginHelper::importPlugin ('content'); $article->text = $article->$field; jimport ('joomla.registry.registry'); $params = new JRegistry(''); if (!isset($article->event)) { $article->event = new stdClass(); } $results = $dispatcher->trigger ('onContentPrepare', array('com_virtuemart.'.$context, &$article, &$params, 0)); // More events for 3rd party content plugins // This do not disturb actual plugins, because we don't modify $vendor->text $res = $dispatcher->trigger ('onContentAfterTitle', array('com_virtuemart.'.$context, &$article, &$params, 0)); $article->event->afterDisplayTitle = trim (implode ("\n", $res)); $res = $dispatcher->trigger ('onContentBeforeDisplay', array('com_virtuemart.'.$context, &$article, &$params, 0)); $article->event->beforeDisplayContent = trim (implode ("\n", $res)); $res = $dispatcher->trigger ('onContentAfterDisplay', array('com_virtuemart.'.$context, &$article, &$params, 0)); $article->event->afterDisplayContent = trim (implode ("\n", $res)); $article->$field = $article->text; } static public function mask_string($cc, $mask_char='X'){ return str_pad(substr($cc, -4), strlen($cc), $mask_char, STR_PAD_LEFT); } /* * get The invoice Folder Name * @return the invoice folder name */ static function getInvoiceFolderName() { return 'invoices' ; } /** * Get the file name for the invoice or deliverynote. * The layout argument currently is either 'invoice' or 'deliverynote' * @return The full filename of the invoice/deliverynote without file extension, sanitized not to contain problematic characters like / */ static function getInvoiceName($invoice_number, $layout='invoice'){ $tmpT = false; vmLanguage::loadJLang('com_virtuemart_orders', true); if(VmConfig::get('invoiceNameInShopLang',true)){ $tmpT = VmConfig::$vmlangTag; vmLanguage::setLanguageByTag(VmConfig::$jDefLangTag); } $prefix = vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_FILEPREFIX_'.strtoupper($layout)); if($tmpT!=false){ vmLanguage::setLanguageByTag($tmpT); } if($prefix == 'COM_VIRTUEMART_FILEPREFIX_'.strtoupper($layout)){ $prefix = 'vm'.$layout.'_'; } return $prefix.preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]/', '_', $invoice_number); } static public function getInvoiceDownloadButton($orderInfo, $descr = 'COM_VIRTUEMART_PRINT', $icon = 'system/pdf_button.png'){ $html = ''; if(!empty($orderInfo->invoiceNumber)){ if(!$sPath = shopFunctions::checkSafePath()){ return $html; } $path = $sPath.self::getInvoiceFolderName().DS.self::getInvoiceName($orderInfo->invoiceNumber).'.pdf'; //$path .= preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]/', '_', 'vm'.$layout.'_'.$orderInfo->invoiceNumber.'.pdf'); if(file_exists($path)){ $link = JURI::root(true).'/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=invoice&layout=invoice&format=pdf&tmpl=component&order_number='.$orderInfo->order_number.'&order_pass='.$orderInfo->order_pass; $pdf_link = ""; $pdf_link .= JHtml::_('image',$icon, vmText::_($descr), NULL, true); $pdf_link .= ''; $html = $pdf_link; } } return $html; } /* * @author Valerie */ static function InvoiceNumberReserved ($invoice_number) { if (($pos = strpos ($invoice_number, 'reservedByPayment_')) === FALSE) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } static public function renderCaptcha($config = 'reg_captcha',$id = 'dynamic_recaptcha_1'){ if(VmConfig::get ($config) and JFactory::getUser()->guest==1 ){ JPluginHelper::importPlugin('captcha'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $dispatcher->trigger('onInit',$id); if(version_compare(JVERSION, '3.5', 'ge')){ $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('captcha', 'recaptcha'); if(!empty($plugin->params)){ $params = new JRegistry($plugin->params); if ($params->get('version') != '1.0') { return '
    '; } } } JHTML::_('behavior.framework'); return '
    '; } return ''; } }