array('option.attr' => null, 'option.disable' => 'disable', '' => null, 'option.key' => 'value', 'option.key.toHtml' => true, 'option.label' => null, 'option.label.toHtml' => true, 'option.text' => 'text', 'option.text.toHtml' => true)); static protected $_usedId = array(); static function ensureUniqueId($id){ if(isset(self::$_usedId[$id])){ $c = 1; while(isset(self::$_usedId[$id.$c])){ $c++; } $id = $id.$c; } self::$_usedId[$id] = 1; return $id; } /** * Converts all special chars to html entities * * @param string $string * @param string $quote_style * @param boolean $only_special_chars Only Convert Some Special Chars ? ( <, >, &, ... ) * @return string */ static function shopMakeHtmlSafe( $string, $quote_style='ENT_QUOTES', $use_entities=false ) { if( defined( $quote_style )) { $quote_style = constant($quote_style); } if( $use_entities ) { $string = @htmlentities( $string, constant($quote_style), 'UTF-8' ); } else { $string = @htmlspecialchars( $string, $quote_style, 'UTF-8' ); } return $string; } /** * Returns the charset string from the global _ISO constant * * @deprecated * @return string UTF-8 by default * @since 1.0.5 */ static function vmGetCharset() { return 'UTF-8'; } /** * Generate HTML code for a row using VmHTML function * works also with shopfunctions, for example * $html .= VmHTML::row (array('ShopFunctions', 'renderShopperGroupList'), * 'VMCUSTOM_BUYER_GROUP_SHOPPER', $field->shopper_groups, TRUE, 'custom_param['.$row.'][shopper_groups][]', ' '); * * @func string : function to call * @label string : Text Label * @args array : arguments * @return string: HTML code for row table */ static function row($func,$label){ $VmHTML="VmHtml"; if (!is_array($func)) { $func = array($VmHTML, $func); } $passedArgs = func_get_args(); array_shift( $passedArgs );//remove function array_shift( $passedArgs );//remove label $args = array(); foreach ($passedArgs as $k => $v) { $args[] = &$passedArgs[$k]; } $lang =vFactory::getLanguage(); if($lang->hasKey($label.'_TIP')){ $label = ''.vmText::_($label).'' ; } //Fallback else if($lang->hasKey($label.'_EXPLAIN')){ $label = ''.vmText::_($label).'' ; } else { $label = vmText::_($label); } $html = ' '.$label.' '; if($func[1]=='radioList'){ $html .= '
'; } $html .= call_user_func_array($func, $args).' '; if($func[1]=='radioList'){ $html .= '
'; } $html .= ''; return $html ; } /* simple value display */ static function value( $value ){ $lang =vFactory::getLanguage(); return $lang->hasKey($value) ? vmText::_($value) : $value; } /** * The sense is unclear ! * @deprecated * @param $value * @return mixed */ static function raw( $value ){ return $value; } /** * Generate HTML code for a checkbox * * @param string Name for the checkbox * @param mixed Current value of the checkbox * @param mixed Value to assign when checkbox is checked * @param mixed Value to assign when checkbox is not checked * @return string HTML code for checkbox */ static function checkbox($name, $value, $checkedValue=1, $uncheckedValue=0, $extraAttribs = '', $id = null) { if (!$id){ $id =''; } else { $id = 'id="' . $id.'"'; } if ($value == $checkedValue) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $checked = ''; } $htmlcode = ''; $htmlcode .= ''; return $htmlcode; } /** * * @author Patrick Kohl * @param array $options( value & text) * @param string $name option name * @param string $defaut defaut value * @param string $key option value * @param string $text option text * @param boolean $zero add a '0' value in the option * return a select list */ public static function select($name, $options, $default = '0',$attrib = "onchange='submit();'",$key ='value' ,$text ='text', $zero=true, $chosenDropDowns=true,$tranlsate=true){ if ($zero==true) { $option = array($key =>"0", $text => vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_LIST_EMPTY_OPTION')); $options = array_merge(array($option), $options); } if ($chosenDropDowns) { vmJsApi::chosenDropDowns(); $attrib .= ' class="vm-chzn-select"'; } return VmHtml::genericlist($options,$name,$attrib,$key,$text,$default,false,$tranlsate); } /** * Generates an HTML selection list. * @author Joomla 2.5.14 * @param array $data An array of objects, arrays, or scalars. * @param string $name The value of the HTML name attribute. * @param mixed $attribs Additional HTML attributes for the ' . $options['format.eol']; return $html; } /** * Generates the option tags for an HTML select list (with no select tag * surrounding the options). * @author Joomla 2.5.14 * @param array $arr An array of objects, arrays, or values. * @param mixed $optKey If a string, this is the name of the object variable for * the option value. If null, the index of the array of objects is used. If * an array, this is a set of options, as key/value pairs. Valid options are: * -Format options, {@see vHtml::$formatOptions}. * -groups: Boolean. If set, looks for keys with the value * "<optgroup>" and synthesizes groups from them. Deprecated. Defaults * true for backwards compatibility. * either the value of one selected option or an array * of selected options. Default: none. * -list.translate: Boolean. If set, text and labels are translated via * vmText::_(). Default is false. * The property in each option array to use as the * selection id attribute. Defaults to none. * -option.key: The property in each option array to use as the * selection value. Defaults to "value". If set to null, the index of the * option array is used. * -option.label: The property in each option array to use as the * selection label attribute. Defaults to null (none). * -option.text: The property in each option array to use as the * displayed text. Defaults to "text". If set to null, the option array is * assumed to be a list of displayable scalars. * -option.attr: The property in each option array to use for * additional selection attributes. Defaults to none. * -option.disable: The property that will hold the disabled state. * Defaults to "disable". * -option.key: The property that will hold the selection value. * Defaults to "value". * -option.text: The property that will hold the the displayed text. * Defaults to "text". If set to null, the option array is assumed to be a * list of displayable scalars. * @param string $optText The name of the object variable for the option text. * @param mixed $selected The key that is selected (accepts an array or a string) * @param boolean $translate Translate the option values. * * @return string HTML for the select list * * @since 11.1 */ public static function options($arr, $optKey = 'value', $optText = 'text', $selected = null, $translate = false) { $options = array_merge( vHtml::$formatOptions, self::$_optionDefaults['option'], array('format.depth' => 0, 'groups' => true, '' => null, 'list.translate' => false) ); if (is_array($optKey)) { // Set default options and overwrite with anything passed in $options = array_merge($options, $optKey); } else { // Get options from the parameters $options['option.key'] = $optKey; $options['option.text'] = $optText; $options[''] = $selected; $options['list.translate'] = $translate; } $html = ''; $baseIndent = str_repeat($options['format.indent'], $options['format.depth']); foreach ($arr as $elementKey => &$element) { $attr = ''; $extra = ''; $label = ''; $id = ''; if (is_array($element)) { $key = $options['option.key'] === null ? $elementKey : $element[$options['option.key']]; $text = $element[$options['option.text']]; if (isset($element[$options['option.attr']])) { $attr = $element[$options['option.attr']]; } if (isset($element[$options['']])) { $id = $element[$options['']]; } if (isset($element[$options['option.label']])) { $label = $element[$options['option.label']]; } if (isset($element[$options['option.disable']]) && $element[$options['option.disable']]) { $extra .= ' disabled="disabled"'; } } elseif (is_object($element)) { $key = $options['option.key'] === null ? $elementKey : $element->{$options['option.key']}; $text = $element->{$options['option.text']}; if (isset($element->{$options['option.attr']})) { $attr = $element->{$options['option.attr']}; } if (isset($element->{$options['']})) { $id = $element->{$options['']}; } if (isset($element->{$options['option.label']})) { $label = $element->{$options['option.label']}; } if (isset($element->{$options['option.disable']}) && $element->{$options['option.disable']}) { $extra .= ' disabled="disabled"'; } } else { // This is a simple associative array $key = $elementKey; $text = $element; } // The use of options that contain optgroup HTML elements was // somewhat hacked for J1.5. J1.6 introduces the grouplist() method // to handle this better. The old solution is retained through the // "groups" option, which defaults true in J1.6, but should be // deprecated at some point in the future. $key = (string) $key; // if no string after hyphen - take hyphen out $splitText = explode(' - ', $text, 2); $text = $splitText[0]; if (isset($splitText[1])) { $text .= ' - ' . $splitText[1]; } if ($options['list.translate'] && !empty($label)) { $label = vmText::_($label); } if ($options['option.label.toHtml']) { $label = htmlentities($label); } if (is_array($attr)) { $attr = JArrayHelper::toString($attr); } else { $attr = trim($attr); } $extra = ($id ? ' id="' . $id . '"' : '') . ($label ? ' label="' . $label . '"' : '') . ($attr ? ' ' . $attr : '') . $extra; if (is_array($options[''])) { foreach ($options[''] as $val) { $key2 = is_object($val) ? $val->$options['option.key'] : $val; if ($key == $key2) { $extra .= ' selected="selected"'; break; } } } elseif ((string) $key == (string) $options['']) { $extra .= ' selected="selected"'; } if ($options['list.translate']) { $text = vmText::_($text); } // Generate the option, encoding as required $html .= $baseIndent . '' . $options['format.eol']; } return $html; } /** * Prints an HTML dropdown box named $name using $arr to * load the drop down. If $value is in $arr, then $value * will be the selected option in the dropdown. * @author gday * @author soeren * * @param string $name The name of the select element * @param string $value The pre-selected value * @param array $arr The array containing $key and $val * @param int $size The size of the select element * @param string $multiple use "multiple=\"multiple\" to have a multiple choice select list * @param string $extra More attributes when needed * @return string HTML drop-down list */ static function selectList($name, $value, $arrIn, $size=1, $multiple="", $extra="", $data_placeholder='') { $html = ''; if( empty( $arrIn ) ) { $arr = array(); } else { if(!is_array($arrIn)){ $arr=array($arrIn); } else { $arr=$arrIn; } } if (!empty($data_placeholder)) { $data_placeholder='data-placeholder="'.vmText::_($data_placeholder).'"'; } $html = ''; return $html; } /** * Creates a Radio Input List * * @param string $name * @param string $value default value * @param string $arr * @param string $extra * @return string */ static function radioList($name, $value, &$arr, $extra="", $separator='
') { $html = ''; if( empty( $arr ) ) { $arr = array(); } $html = ''; $i = 0; foreach($arr as $key => $val) { $checked = ''; if( is_array( $value )) { if( in_array( $key, $value )) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } } else { if(strtolower($value) == strtolower($key) ) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } } $html .= '\n"; $html .= '".$separator."\n"; } return $html; } /** * Creates radio List * @param array $radios * @param string $name * @param string $default * @return string */ static function radio( $name, $radios, $default,$key='value',$text='text') { return '
'.vHtml::_('select.radiolist', $radios, $name, '', $key, $text, $default).'
'; } /** * Creating rows with boolean list * * @author Patrick Kohl * @param string $label * @param string $name * @param string $value * */ public static function booleanlist ( $name, $value,$class='class="inputbox"'){ return '
'.vHtml::_( 'select.booleanlist', $name , $class , $value).'
' ; } /** * Creating rows with input fields * * @param string $text * @param string $name * @param string $value */ public static function input($name,$value,$class='class="inputbox"',$readonly='',$size='37',$maxlength='255',$more=''){ return ''.$more; } /** * Creating rows with input fields * * @author Patrick Kohl * @param string $text * @param string $name * @param string $value */ public static function textarea($name,$value,$class='class="inputbox"',$cols='100',$rows="4"){ return ''; } /** * render editor code * * @author Patrick Kohl * @param string $text * @param string $name * @param string $value */ public static function editor($name,$value,$size='100%',$height='300',$hide = array('pagebreak', 'readmore')){ $editor = vFactory::getEditor(); return $editor->display($name, $value, $size, $height, null, null ,$hide ) ; } /** * renders the hidden input * @author Max Milbers */ public static function inputHidden($values){ $html=''; foreach($values as $k=>$v){ $html .= ''; } return $html; } /** * @author Patrick Kohl * @var $type type of regular Expression to validate * $type can be I integer, F Float, A date, M, time, T text, L link, U url, P phone *@bool $required field is required *@Int $min minimum of char *@Int $max max of char *@var $match original ID field to compare with this such as Email, passsword *@ Return $html class for validate javascript **/ public static function validate($type='',$required=true, $min=null,$max=null,$match=null) { if ($required) $validTxt = 'required'; else $validTxt = 'optional'; if (isset($min)) $validTxt .= ',minSize['.$min.']'; if (isset($max)) $validTxt .= ',maxSize['.$max.']'; static $validateID=0 ; $validateID++; if ($type=='S' ) return 'id="validate'.$validateID.'" class="validate[required,minSize[2],maxSize[255]]"'; $validate = array ( 'I'=>'onlyNumberSp', 'F'=>'number','D'=>'dateTime','A'=>'date','M'=>'time','T'=>'Text','L'=>'link','U'=>'url','P'=>'phone'); if (isset ($validate[$type])) $validTxt .= ',custom['.$validate[$type].']'; $html ='id="validate'.$validateID.'" class="validate['.$validTxt.']"'; return $html ; } }