path = JInstaller::getInstance()->getPath('extension_administrator'); if(empty($this->path)){ $this->path = VMPATH_ADMIN; } if(!class_exists('VmConfig')) require_once($this->path .'/helpers/config.php'); VmConfig::loadConfig(false,true); if(!class_exists('VmTable')) require_once($this->path .'/helpers/vmtable.php'); if(!class_exists('VmModel')) require_once($this->path .'/helpers/vmmodel.php'); VmTable::addIncludePath($this->path.DS.'tables','Table'); VmModel::addIncludePath($this->path.DS.'models','VirtueMartModel'); } public function checkIfUpdate(){ $update = false; $this->_db = vFactory::getDbo(); $q = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "'.$this->_db->getPrefix().'virtuemart_adminmenuentries"'; //=>jos_virtuemart_shipment_plg_weight_countries $this->_db->setQuery($q); if($this->_db->loadResult()){ $q = "SELECT count(id) AS idCount FROM `#__virtuemart_adminmenuentries`"; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $result = $this->_db->loadResult(); if (empty($result)) { $update = false; } else { $update = true; } } else { $update = false; } $this->update = $update; return $update; } /** * Pre-process method (e.g. install/upgrade) and any header HTML * * @param string Process type (i.e. install, uninstall, update) * @param object JInstallerComponent parent * @return boolean True if VM exists, null otherwise */ public function preflight ($type, $parent=null) { //We want disable the redirect in the installation process if(version_compare(JVERSION,'1.6.0','ge') and version_compare(JVERSION,'3.0.0','le')) { $this->_db = JFactory::getDbo(); $q = 'SELECT extension_id FROM #__extensions WHERE `type` = "component" AND `element` = "com_virtuemart" '; $this->_db ->setQuery($q); $extensionId = $this->_db->loadResult(); if($extensionId){ $q = 'DELETE FROM `#__menu` WHERE `component_id` = "'.$extensionId.'" AND `client_id`="1" '; $this->_db -> setQuery($q); $this->_db -> execute(); } /*else { $q = 'DELETE FROM `#__menu` WHERE `menutype` = "main" AND `type` = "component" AND `client_id`="1" AND `link`="%option=com_virtuemart%" )'; }*/ } } /** * Install script * Triggers after database processing * * @param object JInstallerComponent parent * @return boolean True on success */ public function install ($loadVm = true) { if($loadVm) $this->loadVm(); if($this->checkIfUpdate()){ return $this->update($loadVm); } $_REQUEST['install'] = 1; if(!class_exists('vFolder')) require($this->path .DS. 'vmf' .DS. 'filesystem' .DS. 'vfolder.php'); if(!class_exists('vFile')) require($this->path .DS. 'vmf' .DS. 'filesystem' .DS. 'vfile.php'); $this -> joomlaSessionDBToMediumText(); // install essential and required data // should this be covered in install.sql (or 1.6's JInstaller::parseSchemaUpdates)? // if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelUpdatesMigration')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN.DS.'models'.DS.'updatesMigration.php'); $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_languages'); $lang = $params->get('site', 'en-GB');//use default joomla $lang = strtolower(strtr($lang,'-','_')); if(!class_exists('VmModel')) require $this->path.DS.'helpers'.DS.'vmmodel.php'; if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelUpdatesMigration')) require($this->path . DS . 'models' . DS . 'updatesmigration.php'); $model = VmModel::getModel('updatesmigration'); $model->execSQLFile($this->path.DS.'install'.DS.'install.sql'); $model->execSQLFile($this->path.DS.'install'.DS.'install_essential_data.sql'); $model->execSQLFile($this->path.DS.'install'.DS.'install_required_data.sql'); $model->setStoreOwner(); //copy sampel media $src = $this->path .DS. 'assets' .DS. 'images' .DS. 'vmsampleimages'; // if(version_compare(JVERSION,'1.6.0','ge')) { $this->createIndexFolder(VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images'.DS.'stories'); $this->createIndexFolder(VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images'.DS.'stories'.DS.'virtuemart'); $this->createIndexFolder(VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images'.DS.'stories'.DS.'virtuemart'.DS.'shipment'); $this->createIndexFolder(VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images'.DS.'stories'.DS.'virtuemart'.DS.'payment'); $this->createIndexFolder(VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images'.DS.'stories'.DS.'virtuemart'.DS.'category'); $this->createIndexFolder(VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images'.DS.'stories'.DS.'virtuemart'.DS.'category'.DS.'resized'); $this->createIndexFolder(VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images'.DS.'stories'.DS.'virtuemart'.DS.'manufacturer'); $this->createIndexFolder(VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images'.DS.'stories'.DS.'virtuemart'.DS.'manufacturer'.DS.'resized'); $this->createIndexFolder(VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images'.DS.'stories'.DS.'virtuemart'.DS.'product'); $this->createIndexFolder(VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images'.DS.'stories'.DS.'virtuemart'.DS.'product'.DS.'resized'); $this->createIndexFolder(VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images'.DS.'stories'.DS.'virtuemart'.DS.'forSale'); $this->createIndexFolder(VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images'.DS.'stories'.DS.'virtuemart'.DS.'forSale'.DS.'invoices'); $this->createIndexFolder(VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images'.DS.'stories'.DS.'virtuemart'.DS.'forSale'.DS.'resized'); $this->createIndexFolder(VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images'.DS.'stories'.DS.'virtuemart'.DS.'typeless'); $dst = VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images' .DS. 'stories' .DS. 'virtuemart'; $this->recurse_copy($src,$dst); if(!class_exists('GenericTableUpdater')) require($this->path . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'tableupdater.php'); $updater = new GenericTableUpdater(); $updater->createLanguageTables(); $this->checkAddDefaultShoppergroups(); $model->updateJoomlaUpdateServer('component','com_virtuemart',$this->path.DS.'virtuemart.xml'); $this->deleteSwfUploader(); $this->displayFinished(false); //include($this->path.DS.'install'.DS.'install.virtuemart.html.php'); // perhaps a redirect to updatesMigration here rather than the html file? // $parent->getParent()->setRedirectURL('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=updatesMigration'); return true; } /** * creates a folder with empty html file * * @author Max Milbers * */ public function createIndexFolder($path){ if(vFolder::create($path)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Update script * Triggers after database processing * * @param object JInstallerComponent parent * @return boolean True on success */ public function update ($loadVm = true) { if($loadVm) $this->loadVm(); if(!$this->checkIfUpdate()){ return $this->install($loadVm); } if(!class_exists('vFolder')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN .DS. 'vmf' .DS. 'filesystem' .DS. 'vfolder.php'); if(!class_exists('vFile')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN .DS. 'vmf' .DS. 'filesystem' .DS. 'vfile.php'); //Delete Cache $cache = vFactory::getCache(); $cache->clean(); $this->_db = vFactory::getDbo(); if(empty($this->path)) $this->path = VMPATH_ADMIN; $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_languages'); $lang = $params->get('site', 'en-GB');//use default joomla $lang = strtolower(strtr($lang,'-','_')); if(!class_exists('VmModel')) require $this->path.DS.'helpers'.DS.'vmmodel.php'; if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelUpdatesMigration')) require($this->path . DS . 'models' . DS . 'updatesmigration.php'); $model = VmModel::getModel('updatesmigration'); //$model = new VirtueMartModelUpdatesMigration(); //JModel::getInstance('updatesmigration', 'VirtueMartModel'); $model->execSQLFile($this->path.DS.'install'.DS.'install.sql'); $this -> joomlaSessionDBToMediumText(); $this->updateToVm3 = $this->isUpdateToVm3(); $this->alterTable('#__virtuemart_product_prices', array( 'product_price_vdate' => '`product_price_publish_up` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `product_currency`', 'product_price_edate' => '`product_price_publish_down` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `product_price_publish_up`' )); $this->alterTable('#__virtuemart_customs',array( 'custom_field_desc' => '`custom_desc` char(255) COMMENT \'description or unit\'', )); $this->alterTable('#__virtuemart_product_customfields',array( 'custom_value' => ' `customfield_value` varchar(2500) COMMENT \'field value\'', 'custom_price' => ' `customfield_price` DECIMAL(15,6) COMMENT \'price\'', 'custom_param' => ' `customfield_params` varchar(17000) NULL DEFAULT NULL', 'idx_custom_value' => ' INDEX `idx_published` (`published`)' )); $this->alterTable('#__virtuemart_userfields',array( 'params' => '`userfield_params` varchar(17500) NOT NULL DEFAULT "" COMMENT \'userfield params\'', )); $this->alterTable('#__virtuemart_orders',array( 'customer_note' => '`oc_note` varchar(20000) NOT NULL DEFAULT "" COMMENT \'old customer notes\'', )); if(!class_exists('GenericTableUpdater')) require($this->path . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'tableupdater.php'); $updater = new GenericTableUpdater(); $updater->updateMyVmTables(); $result = $updater->createLanguageTables(); $this->checkAddDefaultShoppergroups(); //$this->adjustDefaultOrderStates(); $this->fixOrdersVendorId(); $this->updateAdminMenuEntries(); if($this->updateToVm3){ $this->migrateCustoms(); $this->checkUserfields(); } //copy sampel media $src = $this->path .DS. 'assets' .DS. 'images' .DS. 'vmsampleimages'; if(vFolder::exists($src)){ $dst = VMPATH_ROOT .DS. 'images' .DS. 'stories' .DS. 'virtuemart'; $this->recurse_copy($src,$dst); } $model->updateJoomlaUpdateServer('component','com_virtuemart', $this->path.DS.'virtuemart.xml'); //fix joomla BE menu $this->checkFixJoomlaBEMenuEntries(); $this->deleteSwfUploader(); if($loadVm) $this->displayFinished(true); return true; } private function deleteSwfUploader(){ if(JVM_VERSION>0){ if( vFolder::exists(VMPATH_ROOT. DS. 'media' .DS. 'system'. DS. 'swf')){ vFolder::delete(VMPATH_ROOT. DS. 'media' .DS. 'system'. DS. 'swf'); } if( vFile::exists(VMPATH_ROOT. DS. 'administrator' .DS. 'language' .DS. 'en-GB'. DS. 'en-GB.com_virtuemart.sys.ini')){ vFile::delete(VMPATH_ROOT. DS. 'administrator' .DS. 'language' .DS. 'en-GB'. DS. 'en-GB.com_virtuemart.sys.ini'); } } } private function isUpdateToVm3(){ if(empty($this->_db)) { $this->_db = vFactory::getDbo(); } $tablename = '#__virtuemart_product_customfields'; $this->_db->setQuery('SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `'.$tablename.'` '); //$fullColumns = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); $columns = $this->_db->loadColumn(0); if(in_array('custom_value',$columns) or in_array('custom_price',$columns)){ vmInfo('Upgrade of VM2 to VM3'); return true; } else { vmdebug('Update of VM3'); return false; } } private function fixOrdersVendorId(){ $multix = Vmconfig::get('multix','none'); if( $multix == 'none'){ if(empty($this->_db)){ $this->_db = vFactory::getDbo(); } $q = 'SELECT `virtuemart_user_id` FROM #__virtuemart_orders WHERE virtuemart_vendor_id = "0" '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $res = $this->_db->loadResult(); if($res){ //vmdebug('fixOrdersVendorId ',$res); $q = 'UPDATE #__virtuemart_orders SET `virtuemart_vendor_id`=1 WHERE virtuemart_vendor_id = "0" '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $res = $this->_db->execute(); $err = $this->_db->getErrorMsg(); if(!empty($err)){ vmError('fixOrdersVendorId update orders '.$err); } $q = 'UPDATE #__virtuemart_order_items SET `virtuemart_vendor_id`=1 WHERE virtuemart_vendor_id = "0" '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $res = $this->_db->execute(); $err = $this->_db->getErrorMsg(); if(!empty($err)){ vmError('fixOrdersVendorId update order_item '.$err); } } } } private function adjustDefaultOrderStates(){ if(empty($this->_db)){ $this->_db = vFactory::getDbo(); } $order_stock_handles = array('P'=>'R', 'C'=>'R', 'X'=>'A', 'R'=>'A', 'S'=>'O'); foreach($order_stock_handles as $k=>$v){ $q = 'SELECT `order_stock_handle` FROM `#__virtuemart_orderstates`'; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $res = $this->_db->execute(); $err = $this->_db->getErrorMsg(); if(empty($res) and empty($err) ){ $q = 'UPDATE `#__virtuemart_orderstates` SET `order_stock_handle`="'.$v.'" WHERE `order_status_code`="'.$k.'" ;'; $this->_db->setQuery($q); if(!$this->_db->execute()){ $app = vFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage('Error: Install alterTable '.$this->_db->getErrorMsg() ); $ok = false; } } } } /** * */ public function checkFixJoomlaBEMenuEntries(){ $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery('SELECT `extension_id` FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `type` = "component" AND `element`="com_virtuemart"'); $jId = $db->loadResult(); if($jId){ $mId = false; $qME = 'SELECT * FROM `#__menu` WHERE `component_id` = "'.$jId.'" AND `type` = "component" AND `parent_id` = "1" AND `client_id` = "1" AND id > 1'; //now lets check if there are menue entries $db->setQuery($qME); $mEntries = $db->loadAssocList(); if(!$mEntries){ $db->setQuery('SELECT `id` FROM `#__menu` WHERE `path`="com-virtuemart" AND `type` = "component" AND `parent_id` = "1" AND `client_id` = "1" AND id > 1'); if($id = $db->loadResult()){ $db->setQuery('UPDATE `#__menu` SET `component_id`="'.$jId.'", `language`="*" WHERE `id` = "'.$id.'" '); $db->execute(); $db->setQuery($qME); $mEntries = $db->loadAssocList(); } else { vmError('Could not find VirtueMart submenues, please install VirtueMart again'); } } if($mEntries){ if(is_array($mEntries)){ if(count($mEntries)>1){ vmError('Multiple menues found'); } else if(isset($mEntries[0])) { $mId = $mEntries[0]['id']; } } } else { vmError('Could not find VirtueMart submenues, please install VirtueMart again'); } if($mId){ $db->setQuery('UPDATE `#__menu` SET `component_id`="'.$jId.'", `language`="*", `menutype`="vmadmin" WHERE `parent_id` = "'.$mId.'" '); $db->execute(); $db->setQuery('UPDATE `#__menu` SET `language`="*", `menutype`="vmadmin" WHERE `id` = "'.$mId.'" '); $db->execute(); } } } private function updateAdminMenuEntries(){ $sqlfile = VMPATH_ADMIN .DS. 'install' .DS. 'install_essential_data.sql'; $db = vFactory::getDbo(); $queries = $db->splitSql(file_get_contents($sqlfile)); if (count($queries) == 0) { vmError('SQL file has no queries!'); return false; } $query = trim($queries[0]); $q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_adminmenuentries` '; $db->setQuery($q); $existing = $db->loadAssocList(); if($existing){ $queryLines = explode("\n",$query); $oldIds = array(); foreach($queryLines as $n=>$line){ if(empty($line)){ unset($queryLines[$n]); } else { $line = trim($line); if(empty($line) or strpos($line, '--' )===0){ unset($queryLines[$n]); } if(strpos($line, 'CREATE' )===0 or strpos( $line, 'INSERT')===0){ $open = strpos($line,'(')+1; $close = strrpos($line,')') - $open; $keyLine = substr($line,$open,$close); //vmdebug('Update Admin menu entries define ',$length,$open,$close,$line,$keyLine); $keys = explode(',',$keyLine); } else if(strpos($line, '(' )===0){ $open = strpos($line,'(')+1; $close = strrpos($line,')') - $open; $valueLine = substr($line,$open,$close); $values = explode(',',$valueLine); foreach($existing as $entry){ $name = '\''.$entry['name'].'\''; if($name==trim($values[3])){ //The entry exists, lets update it $oldIds[$entry['id']] = $values; unset($queryLines[$n]); } } } } } if(count($queryLines)>1){ $query = trim(implode("\n",$queryLines)); $query = substr($query,0,-1).';'; } else { $query = false; } if(count($oldIds)>0){ $updateBase = 'UPDATE `#__virtuemart_adminmenuentries` SET '; foreach($oldIds as $id=>$values){ $updateQuery = ''; foreach($keys as $index => $key){ if($key=='`id`'){ continue; } $value = trim($values[$index]); if(strpos($value,'\'')===0){ $value = substr($value,1,-1); } $updateQuery .= $key . ' = "'.$value.'", '; } $updateQuery = substr($updateQuery,0,-2); $updateQuery .= ' WHERE `id` = '.$id.';'; $db->setQuery($updateBase.$updateQuery); if (!$db->execute()) { vmWarn( 'JInstaller::install: '.$sqlfile.' '.vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_SQL_ERROR')." ".$db->stderr(true)); $ok = false; } //vmdebug('Update Admin menu entries value $updateQuery',$updateBase.$updateQuery); } } } if(!empty($query)){ $db->setQuery($query); if (!$db->execute()) { vmWarn( 'JInstaller::install: '.$sqlfile.' '.vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_SQL_ERROR')." ".$db->stderr(true)); } } } private function checkUserfields(){ $model = VmModel::getModel('userfields'); $field = $model->getUserfield('customer_note','name'); $data = array ('type' => 'textarea' , 'maxlength' => 2500 , 'cols' => 60 , 'rows' => 1 , 'name' => 'customer_note' , 'title' => 'COM_VIRTUEMART_CNOTES_CART' , 'description' => '' , 'default' => '' , 'required' => 0 , 'cart' => 1 , 'account' => 0 , 'shipment' => 0 , 'readonly' => 0 , 'published' => 1 ); if(!empty($field->virtuemart_userfield_id)) { if($field->published){ $field->cart = 1; $id = $model->store((array)$field); } } else { $id = $model->store($data); } if($id) vmInfo('Created shopperfield customer_note'); $field = $model->getUserfield('tos','name'); $data = array ('type' => 'custom' , 'name' => 'tos' , 'title' => 'COM_VIRTUEMART_STORE_FORM_TOS' , 'description' => '' , 'required' => 1 , 'cart' => 1 , 'account' => 0 , 'shipment' => 0 , 'readonly' => 0 , 'published' => 1 ); if(!empty($field->virtuemart_userfield_id)) { if($field->published){ $field->cart = 1; $field->required = 1; $id = $model->store((array)$field); } } else { $id = $model->store($data); } if($id) vmInfo('Created shopperfield tos for cart and account'); $field = $model->getUserfield('agreed','name'); if($field){ $field ->published = 0; $id = $model->store($field); if($id) vmInfo('Disabled shopperfield agreed, replaced by tos'); } } private function migrateCustoms(){ $db = vFactory::getDbo(); $q = 'UPDATE `#__virtuemart_product_customfields` SET `published`= "1" WHERE `published`="0" '; $db->setQuery($q); $db->execute(); $err = $db->getErrorMsg(); if(!empty($err)){ vmError('updateCustomfieldsPublished update published '.$err); } $q = "UPDATE `#__virtuemart_customs` SET `field_type`='S',`is_cart_attribute`=1,`is_input`=1,`is_list`='0' WHERE `field_type`='V'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->execute(); $err = $db->getErrorMsg(); if(!empty($err)){ vmError('updateCustomfieldsPublished migrateCustoms '.$err); } $q = "UPDATE `#__virtuemart_customs` SET `is_input`=1 WHERE `field_type`='M' AND `is_cart_attribute`=1"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->execute(); $err = $db->getErrorMsg(); if(!empty($err)){ vmError('updateCustomfieldsPublished migrateCustoms '.$err); } $q = "UPDATE `#__virtuemart_customs` SET `field_type`='S' WHERE `field_type`='I'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->execute(); $err = $db->getErrorMsg(); if(!empty($err)){ vmError('updateCustomfieldsPublished migrateCustoms '.$err); } $q = "UPDATE `#__virtuemart_customs` SET `field_type`='S', `custom_value`='JYES;JNO',`is_list`='1' WHERE `field_type`='B'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->execute(); $err = $db->getErrorMsg(); if(!empty($err)){ vmError('updateCustomfieldsPublished migrateCustoms '.$err); } $q = "UPDATE `#__virtuemart_customs` SET `layout_pos`='addtocart' WHERE `is_input`='1'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->execute(); $err = $db->getErrorMsg(); if(!empty($err)){ vmError('updateCustomfieldsPublished migrateCustoms '.$err); } $q = "UPDATE `#__virtuemart_customs` SET `layout_pos`='ontop',`is_cart_attribute`=1 WHERE `field_type`='A'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->execute(); $err = $db->getErrorMsg(); if(!empty($err)){ vmError('updateCustomfieldsPublished migrateCustoms '.$err); } $q = "UPDATE `#__virtuemart_customs` SET `layout_pos`='related_products' WHERE `field_type`='R'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->execute(); $err = $db->getErrorMsg(); if(!empty($err)){ vmError('updateCustomfieldsPublished migrateCustoms '.$err); } $q = "UPDATE `#__virtuemart_customs` SET `layout_pos`='related_categories' WHERE `field_type`='Z'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->execute(); $err = $db->getErrorMsg(); if(!empty($err)){ vmError('updateCustomfieldsPublished migrateCustoms '.$err); } $q = "UPDATE `#__virtuemart_customs` SET `field_type`='G' WHERE `field_type`='P'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->execute(); $err = $db->getErrorMsg(); if(!empty($err)){ vmError('updateCustomfieldsPublished migrateCustoms '.$err); } } /** * @author Max Milbers * @param unknown_type $tablename * @param unknown_type $fields * @param unknown_type $command */ private function alterTable($tablename,$fields,$command='CHANGE'){ $ok = true; if(empty($this->_db)){ $this->_db = vFactory::getDbo(); } $query = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `'.$tablename.'` '; $this->_db->setQuery($query); $columns = $this->_db->loadColumn(0); foreach($fields as $fieldname => $alterCommand){ if(in_array($fieldname,$columns)){ $query = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$tablename.'` '.$command.' COLUMN `'.$fieldname.'` '.$alterCommand; $this->_db->setQuery($query); if(!$this->_db->execute()){ $app = vFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage('Error: Install alterTable '.$this->_db->getErrorMsg() ); $ok = false; } } } return $ok; } /** * Checks if both types of default shoppergroups are set * @author Max Milbers */ private function checkAddDefaultShoppergroups(){ $q = 'SELECT `virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_shoppergroups` WHERE `default` = "1" '; $this->_db = vFactory::getDbo(); $this->_db->setQuery($q); $res = $this->_db ->loadResult(); if(empty($res)){ $q = "INSERT INTO `#__virtuemart_shoppergroups` (`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`, `virtuemart_vendor_id`, `shopper_group_name`, `shopper_group_desc`, `default`, `shared`) VALUES (NULL, 1, '-default-', 'This is the default shopper group.', 1, 1);"; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $this->_db->execute(); } $q = 'SELECT `virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_shoppergroups` WHERE `default` = "2" '; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $res = $this->_db ->loadResult(); if(empty($res)){ $q = "INSERT INTO `#__virtuemart_shoppergroups` (`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`, `virtuemart_vendor_id`, `shopper_group_name`, `shopper_group_desc`, `default`, `shared`) VALUES (NULL, 1, '-anonymous-', 'Shopper group for anonymous shoppers', 2, 1);"; $this->_db->setQuery($q); $this->_db->execute(); } } private function joomlaSessionDBToMediumText(){ if(version_compare(JVERSION,'1.6.0','ge')) { $fields = array('data'=>'`data` mediumtext NULL AFTER `time`'); $this->alterTable('#__session',$fields); } } /** * Uninstall script * Triggers before database processing * * @param object JInstallerComponent parent * @return boolean True on success */ public function uninstall ($parent=null) { if(empty($this->path)){ $this->path = VMPATH_ADMIN; } //$this->loadVm(); //include($this->path.DS.'install'.DS.'uninstall.virtuemart.html.php'); return true; } /** * Post-process method (e.g. footer HTML, redirect, etc) * * @param string Process type (i.e. install, uninstall, update) * @param object JInstallerComponent parent */ public function postflight ($type, $parent=null) { $_REQUEST['install'] = 0; if ($type != 'uninstall') { $this->loadVm(); //fix joomla BE menu $model = VmModel::getModel('updatesmigration'); // VmConfig::loadConfig(true); if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelConfig')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN .'/models/config.php'); $res = VirtueMartModelConfig::checkConfigTableExists(); if(!empty($res)){ vRequest::setVar(vRequest::getFormToken(), '1'); $config = VmModel::getModel('config'); $config->setDangerousToolsOff(); } } return true; } /** * copy all $src to $dst folder and remove it * * @author Max Milbers * @param String $src path * @param String $dst path * @param String $type modules, plugins, languageBE, languageFE */ private function recurse_copy($src,$dst ) { $dir = ''; if(vFolder::exists($src)){ $dir = opendir($src); $this->createIndexFolder($dst); if(is_resource($dir)){ while(false !== ( $file = readdir($dir)) ) { if (( $file != '.' ) && ( $file != '..' )) { if ( is_dir($src .DS. $file) ) { if(!vFolder::create($dst . DS . $file)){ $app = vFactory::getApplication (); $app->enqueueMessage ('Couldnt create folder ' . $dst . DS . $file); } $this->recurse_copy($src .DS. $file,$dst .DS. $file); } else { if(vFile::exists($dst .DS. $file)){ if(!vFile::delete($dst .DS. $file)){ $app = vFactory::getApplication(); $app -> enqueueMessage('Couldnt delete '.$dst .DS. $file); } } if(!vFile::copy($src .DS. $file,$dst .DS. $file)){ $app = vFactory::getApplication(); $app -> enqueueMessage('Couldnt move '.$src .DS. $file.' to '.$dst .DS. $file); } } } } closedir($dir); if (is_dir($src)) vFolder::delete($src); return true; } } $app = vFactory::getApplication(); $app -> enqueueMessage('Couldnt read dir '.$dir.' source '.$src); } public function displayFinished($update){ include(VMPATH_ADMIN.'/views/updatesmigration/tmpl/insfinished.php'); } } } // if(defined) // pure php no tag