setToggleName('user_is_vendor'); $this->addvalidOrderingFieldName(array('ju.username','','','sg.virtuemart_shoppergroup_id','shopper_group_name','shopper_group_desc','vmu.virtuemart_user_id') ); $this->setMainTable('vmusers'); $this->removevalidOrderingFieldName('virtuemart_user_id'); array_unshift($this->_validOrderingFieldName,''); } /** * public function Resets the user id and data * * * @author Max Milbers */ public function setId($cid){ $user = vFactory::getUser(); //anonymous sets to 0 for a new entry if(empty($user->id)){ $userId = 0; //vmdebug('Recognized anonymous case'); } else { //not anonymous, but no cid means already registered user edit own data if(empty($cid)){ $userId = $user->id; //vmdebug('setId setCurrent $user',$user->get('id')); } else { if($cid != $user->id){ $user = vFactory::getUser(); if(vmAccess::manager(array('user','user.edit'))){ $userId = $cid; //vmdebug('setId is Manager',$userId); } else { vmError('Blocked attempt setId '.$cid.' '.$user->id); $userId = $user->id; } }else { $userId = $user->id; //vmdebug('setId setCurrent $user',$user->get('id')); } } } $this->setUserId($userId); return $userId; } /** * Internal function * * @param unknown_type $id */ private function setUserId($id){ if($this->_id!=$id){ $this->_id = (int)$id; $this->_data = null; $this->customer_number = 0; } } public function getCurrentUser(){ $user = vFactory::getUser(); $this->setUserId($user->id); return $this->getUser(); } private $_defaultShopperGroup = 0; /** * Sets the internal user id with given vendor Id * * @author Max Milbers * @param int $vendorId */ function getVendor($vendorId=1,$return=TRUE){ $vendorModel = VmModel::getModel('vendor'); $userId = VirtueMartModelVendor::getUserIdByVendorId($vendorId); if($userId){ $this->setUserId($userId); if($return){ return $this->getUser(); } } else { return false; } } /** * Retrieve the detail record for the current $id if the data has not already been loaded. * @author Max Milbers */ function getUser(){ if(!empty($this->_data)) return $this->_data; $db = vFactory::getDbo(); $this->_data = $this->getTable('vmusers'); $this->_data->load((int)$this->_id); $this->_data->JUser = JUser::getInstance($this->_id); // Add the virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids if(!empty($this->_id)){ $xrefTable = $this->getTable('vmuser_shoppergroups'); $this->_data->shopper_groups = $xrefTable->load($this->_id); } if(empty($this->_data->shopper_groups)) $this->_data->shopper_groups = array(); $site = vFactory::getApplication ()->isSite (); if ($site) { $shoppergroupmodel = VmModel::getModel('ShopperGroup'); $shoppergroupmodel->appendShopperGroups($this->_data->shopper_groups,$this->_data->JUser,$site); } if(!empty($this->_id)) { $q = 'SELECT `virtuemart_userinfo_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_userinfos` WHERE `virtuemart_user_id` = "' . (int)$this->_id.'" ORDER BY `address_type` ASC'; $db->setQuery($q); $userInfo_ids = $db->loadColumn(0); } else { $userInfo_ids = array(); } $this->_data->userInfo = array (); $BTuid = 0; foreach($userInfo_ids as $uid){ $this->_data->userInfo[$uid] = $this->getTable('userinfos'); $this->_data->userInfo[$uid]->load($uid); if ($this->_data->userInfo[$uid]->address_type == 'BT') { $BTuid = $uid; $this->_data->userInfo[$BTuid]->name = $this->_data->JUser->name; $this->_data->userInfo[$BTuid]->email = $this->_data->JUser->email; $this->_data->userInfo[$BTuid]->username = $this->_data->JUser->username; $this->_data->userInfo[$BTuid]->address_type = 'BT'; // vmdebug('$this->_data->vmusers',$this->_data); } } // vmdebug('user_is_vendor ?',$this->_data->user_is_vendor); if($this->_data->user_is_vendor){ $vendorModel = VmModel::getModel('vendor'); if(Vmconfig::get('multix','none')=='none'){ $this->_data->virtuemart_vendor_id = 1; //vmdebug('user model, single vendor',$this->_data->virtuemart_vendor_id); } $vendorModel->setId($this->_data->virtuemart_vendor_id); $this->_data->vendor = $vendorModel->getVendor(); } return $this->_data; } /** * Retrieve contact info for a user if any * * @return array of null */ function getContactDetails() { if ($this->_id) { $db = vFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM #__contact_details WHERE user_id = ' . $this->_id); $_contacts = $db->loadObjectList(); if (count($_contacts) > 0) { return $_contacts[0]; } } return null; } /** * Bind the post data to the JUser object and the VM tables, then saves it * It is used to register new users * This function can also change already registered users, this is important when a registered user changes his email within the checkout. * * @author Max Milbers * @author Oscar van Eijk * @return boolean True is the save was successful, false otherwise. */ public function store(&$data){ $message = ''; vRequest::vmCheckToken('Invalid Token, while trying to save user'); if(empty($data)){ vmError('Developer notice, no data to store for user'); return false; } //To find out, if we have to register a new user, we take a look on the id of the usermodel object. //The constructor sets automatically the right id. $new = false; if(empty($this->_id) or $this->_id < 1){ $new = true; $user = new JUser(); //thealmega } else { $cUser = vFactory::getUser(); if(!vmAccess::manager('user.edit') and $cUser->id!=$this->_id){ vmWarn('Insufficient permission'); return false; } $user = vFactory::getUser($this->_id); } $gid = $user->get('gid'); // Save original gid // Preformat and control user datas by plugin vPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmextended'); vPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmuserfield'); $dispatcher = vDispatcher::getInstance(); $valid = true ; $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnBeforeUserfieldDataSave',array(&$valid,$this->_id,&$data,$user )); // $valid must be false if plugin detect an error if( !$valid ) { return false; } // Before I used this "if($cart && !$new)" // This construction is necessary, because this function is used to register a new JUser, so we need all the JUser data in $data. // On the other hand this function is also used just for updating JUser data, like the email for the BT address. In this case the // name, username, password and so on is already stored in the JUser and dont need to be entered again. if(empty ($data['email'])){ $email = $user->get('email'); if(!empty($email)){ $data['email'] = $email; } } else { $data['email'] = vRequest::filter($data['email'],FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL,FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW|FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH); } //$data['email'] = str_replace(array('\'','"',',','%','*','/','\\','?','^','`','{','}','|','~'),array(''),$data['email']); //This is important, when a user changes his email address from the cart, //that means using view user layout edit_address (which is called from the cart) $user->set('email',$data['email']); if(empty ($data['name'])){ $name = $user->get('name'); if(!empty($name)){ $data['name'] = $name; } } else { $data['name'] = vRequest::filter($data['name'],FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING,FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW); } $data['name'] = str_replace(array('\'','"',',','%','*','/','\\','?','^','`','{','}','|','~'),array(''),$data['name']); if(empty ($data['username'])){ $username = $user->get('username'); if(!empty($username)){ $data['username'] = $username; } else { $data['username'] = vRequest::filter($data['username'],FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING,FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW); } } if(empty ($data['password'])){ $data['password'] = vRequest::getCmd('password', ''); if($data['password']!=vRequest::get('password')){ vmError('Password contained invalid character combination.'); return false; } } if(empty ($data['password2'])){ $data['password2'] = vRequest::getCmd('password2'); if($data['password2']!=vRequest::get('password2')){ vmError('Password2 contained invalid character combination.'); return false; } } if(!$new and empty($data['password2'])){ unset($data['password']); unset($data['password2']); } if(!vmAccess::manager('core')){ $whiteDataToBind = array(); if(isset($data['name'])) $whiteDataToBind['name'] = $data['name']; if(isset($data['username'])) $whiteDataToBind['username'] = $data['username']; if(isset($data['email'])) $whiteDataToBind['email'] = $data['email']; if(isset($data['language'])) $whiteDataToBind['language'] = $data['language']; if(isset($data['admin_language'])) $whiteDataToBind['admin_language'] = $data['admin_language']; if(isset($data['editor'])) $whiteDataToBind['editor'] = $data['editor']; if(isset($data['password'])) $whiteDataToBind['password'] = $data['password']; if(isset($data['password2'])) $whiteDataToBind['password2'] = $data['password2']; unset($data['isRoot']); } else { $whiteDataToBind = $data; } // Bind Joomla userdata if (!$user->bind($whiteDataToBind)) { vmdebug('Couldnt bind data to joomla user'); //array('user'=>$user,'password'=>$data['password'],'message'=>$message,'newId'=>$newId,'success'=>false); } if($new){ // If user registration is not allowed, show 403 not authorized. // But it is possible for admins and storeadmins to save $usersConfig = JComponentHelper::getParams( 'com_users' ); $cUser = vFactory::getUser(); if($usersConfig->get('allowUserRegistration') == '0' and !(vmAccess::manager('user')) ) { VmConfig::loadJLang('com_virtuemart'); vmError( vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN')); return; } // Initialize new usertype setting $newUsertype = $usersConfig->get( 'new_usertype' ); if (!$newUsertype) { $newUsertype=2; } // Set some initial user values $user->set('usertype', $newUsertype); $user->groups[] = $newUsertype; $date = vFactory::getDate(); $user->set('registerDate', $date->toSQL()); // If user activation is turned on, we need to set the activation information $useractivation = $usersConfig->get( 'useractivation' ); $doUserActivation=false; if ($useractivation == '1' or $useractivation == '2') { $doUserActivation=true; } if ($doUserActivation ) { $user->set('activation', vRequest::getHash( vmCrypt::getHumanToken(VmConfig::get('randOrderPw',8)))); $user->set('block', '1'); if ($useractivation == '2') { $user->set('guest', '1'); } //$user->set('lastvisitDate', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); } } $option = vRequest::getCmd( 'option'); // If an exising superadmin gets a new group, make sure enough admins are left... if (!$new && $user->get('gid') != $gid && $gid == __SUPER_ADMIN_GID) { if ($this->getSuperAdminCount() <= 1) { vmError(vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_ERR_ONLYSUPERADMIN')); return false; } } if(isset($data['language'])){ $user->setParam('language',$data['language']); } // Save the JUser object if (!$user->save()) { $msg = vmText::sprintf('JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_SAVE_FAILED',$user->getError()); vmError($msg,$msg); return false; } else { $data['name'] = $user->get('name'); $data['username'] = $user->get('username'); $data['email'] = $user->get('email'); $data['language'] = $user->get('language'); $data['editor'] = $user->get('editor'); } $newId = $user->get('id'); $data['virtuemart_user_id'] = $newId; //We need this in that case, because data is bound to table later $this->setUserId($newId); //Save the VM user stuff if(!$this->saveUserData($data) || !self::storeAddress($data)){ vmError('COM_VIRTUEMART_NOT_ABLE_TO_SAVE_USER_DATA'); // vmError(vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_NOT_ABLE_TO_SAVE_USERINFO_DATA')); } else { if ($new) { $user->userInfo = $data; $password=''; if ($usersConfig->get('sendpassword', 1)) { $password=$user->password_clear; } //$doVendor = (boolean) $usersConfig->get('mail_to_admin', true); $this->sendRegistrationEmail($user,$password, $doUserActivation); if ($doUserActivation ) { vmInfo('COM_VIRTUEMART_REG_COMPLETE_ACTIVATE'); } else { vmInfo('COM_VIRTUEMART_REG_COMPLETE'); $user->set('activation', '' ); $user->set('block', '0'); $user->set('guest', '0'); } } else { vmInfo('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_DATA_STORED'); } } //The extra check for isset vendor_name prevents storing of the vendor if there is no form (edit address cart) if((int)$data['user_is_vendor']==1 and isset($data['vendor_currency'])){ vmdebug('vendor recognised '.$data['virtuemart_vendor_id']); if($this ->storeVendorData($data)){ if ($new) { if ($doUserActivation ) { vmInfo('COM_VIRTUEMART_REG_VENDOR_COMPLETE_ACTIVATE'); } else { vmInfo('COM_VIRTUEMART_REG_VENDOR_COMPLETE'); } } else { vmInfo('COM_VIRTUEMART_VENDOR_DATA_STORED'); } } } return array('user'=>$user,'password'=>$data['password'],'message'=>$message,'newId'=>$newId,'success'=>true); } /** * This function is NOT for anonymous. Anonymous just get the information directly sent by email. * This function saves the vm Userdata for registered JUsers. * TODO, setting of shoppergroup isnt done * * TODO No reason not to use this function for new users, but it requires a Joomla plugin * that gets fired by the onAfterStoreUser. I'll built that (OvE) * * Notice: * As long we do not have the silent registration, an anonymous does not get registered. It is enough to send the virtuemart_order_id * with the email. The order is saved with all information in an extra table, so there is * no need for a silent registration. We may think about if we actually need/want the feature silent registration * The information of anonymous is stored in the order table and has nothing todo with the usermodel! * * @author Max Milbers * @author Oscar van Eijk * return boolean */ public function saveUserData(&$data,$trigger=true){ if(empty($this->_id)){ echo 'This is a notice for developers, you used this function for an anonymous user, but it is only designed for already registered ones'; vmError( 'This is a notice for developers, you used this function for an anonymous user, but it is only designed for already registered ones'); return false; } $noError = true; $usertable = $this->getTable('vmusers'); $alreadyStoredUserData = $usertable->load($this->_id); if(!vmAccess::manager('core')){ unset($data['virtuemart_vendor_id']); unset($data['user_is_vendor']); } else { if(!isset($data['user_is_vendor']) and !empty($alreadyStoredUserData->user_is_vendor)){ $data['user_is_vendor'] = $alreadyStoredUserData->user_is_vendor; } if(!isset($data['virtuemart_vendor_id']) and !empty($alreadyStoredUserData->virtuemart_vendor_id)){ $data['virtuemart_vendor_id'] = $alreadyStoredUserData->virtuemart_vendor_id; } } if(!vmAccess::manager('user.edit')){ unset($data['customer_number']); } if(empty($alreadyStoredUserData->customer_number)){ if(empty($data['customer_number'])){ $data['customer_number'] = strtoupper(substr($data['username'],0,2)).substr(md5($data['username']),0,7); //We set this data so that vmshopper plugin know if they should set the customer number $data['customer_number_bycore'] = 1; } } else { if(!vmAccess::manager('user.edit')){ $data['customer_number'] = $alreadyStoredUserData->customer_number; } } if($trigger){ vPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmextended'); vPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmshopper'); $dispatcher = vDispatcher::getInstance(); $plg_datas = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnUserStore',array(&$data)); foreach($plg_datas as $plg_data){ // $data = array_merge($plg_data,$data); } } $res = $usertable -> bindChecknStore($data); if(!$res){ vmError('storing user adress data'); $noError = false; } if(vmAccess::manager()){ $shoppergroupmodel = VmModel::getModel('ShopperGroup'); if(empty($this->_defaultShopperGroup)){ $this->_defaultShopperGroup = $shoppergroupmodel->getDefault(0); } if(empty($data['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id']) or $data['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id']==$this->_defaultShopperGroup->virtuemart_shoppergroup_id){ $data['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id'] = array(); } // Bind the form fields to the table if(!isset($data['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id'])){ $data['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id'] = array(); } $shoppergroupData = array('virtuemart_user_id'=>$this->_id,'virtuemart_shoppergroup_id'=>$data['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id']); $user_shoppergroups_table = $this->getTable('vmuser_shoppergroups'); $res = $user_shoppergroups_table -> bindChecknStore($shoppergroupData); if(!$res){ vmError('Set shoppergroup error'); $noError = false; } } if($trigger){ $plg_datas = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmAfterUserStore',array($data)); foreach($plg_datas as $plg_data){ $data = array_merge($plg_data); } } if(!empty($data['vendorId']) and $data['vendorId']>1){ //$vUserD = array('virtuemart_user_id' => $data['virtuemart_user_id'],'virtuemart_vendor_id' => $data['vendorId']); $vUser = $this->getTable('vendor_users'); $vUser->load((int)$data['vendorId']); if(!$vUser->virtuemart_user_id){ $vUser->bind(array('virtuemart_vendor_id'=>(int)$data['vendorId'],'virtuemart_user_id'=>$data['virtuemart_user_id'])); } else if(!in_array((int)$data['virtuemart_user_id'],$vUser->virtuemart_user_id)){ $arr = array_merge($vUser->virtuemart_user_id,(array)$data['virtuemart_user_id']); $vUser->bind(array('virtuemart_vendor_id'=>(int)$data['vendorId'],'virtuemart_user_id'=>$arr)); } $vUser->store(); } return $noError; } public function storeVendorData($data){ if($data['user_is_vendor']){ $vendorModel = VmModel::getModel('vendor'); //TODO Attention this is set now to virtuemart_vendor_id=1 in single vendor mode, because using a vendor with different id then 1 is not completly supported and can lead to bugs //So we disable the possibility to store vendors not with virtuemart_vendor_id = 1 if(Vmconfig::get('multix','none')=='none' ){ $data['virtuemart_vendor_id'] = 1; vmdebug('no multivendor, set virtuemart_vendor_id = 1'); } $vendorModel->setId($data['virtuemart_vendor_id']); if (!$vendorModel->store($data)) { vmdebug('Error storing vendor',$vendorModel); return false; } } return true; } /** * Take a data array and save any address info found in the array. * * @author unknown, oscar, max milbers * @param array $data (Posted) user data * @param sting $_table Table name to write to, null (default) not to write to the database * @param boolean $_cart Attention, this was deleted, the address to cart is now done in the controller (True to write to the session (cart)) * @return boolean True if the save was successful, false otherwise. */ function storeAddress(&$data){ $user =vFactory::getUser(); $userinfo = $this->getTable('userinfos'); $manager = vmAccess::manager(); if($data['address_type'] == 'BT'){ if(isset($data['virtuemart_userinfo_id']) and $data['virtuemart_userinfo_id']!=0){ if(!$manager ){ $userinfo->load($data['virtuemart_userinfo_id']); if($userinfo->virtuemart_user_id!=$user->id){ vmError('Hacking attempt as admin?','Hacking attempt storeAddress'); return false; } } } else { if(!$manager){ $userId = $user->id; } else { $userId = (int)$data['virtuemart_user_id']; } $q = 'SELECT `virtuemart_userinfo_id` FROM #__virtuemart_userinfos WHERE `virtuemart_user_id` = '.$userId.' AND `address_type` = "BT"'; $db = vFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery($q); $total = $db->loadColumn(); if (count($total) > 0) { $data['virtuemart_userinfo_id'] = (int)$total[0]; } else { $data['virtuemart_userinfo_id'] = 0;//md5(uniqid($this->virtuemart_user_id)); } $userinfo->load($data['virtuemart_userinfo_id']); //unset($data['virtuemart_userinfo_id']); } $data = (array)$data; if(!$this->validateUserData($data,'BT')){ return false; } $userInfoData = self::_prepareUserFields($data, 'BT',$userinfo); //vmdebug('model user storeAddress',$data); $userinfo->bindChecknStore($userInfoData); } // Check for fields with the the 'shipto_' prefix; that means a (new) shipto address. if($data['address_type'] == 'ST' or isset($data['shipto_address_type_name'])){ $dataST = array(); $_pattern = '/^shipto_/'; foreach ($data as $_k => $_v) { if (preg_match($_pattern, $_k)) { $_new = preg_replace($_pattern, '', $_k); $dataST[$_new] = $_v; } } $userinfo = $this->getTable('userinfos'); if(isset($dataST['virtuemart_userinfo_id']) and $dataST['virtuemart_userinfo_id']!=0){ $dataST['virtuemart_userinfo_id'] = (int)$dataST['virtuemart_userinfo_id']; if(!$manager){ $userinfo->load($dataST['virtuemart_userinfo_id']); $user = vFactory::getUser(); if($userinfo->virtuemart_user_id!=$user->id){ vmError('Hacking attempt as admin?','Hacking attempt store address'); return false; } } } if(empty($userinfo->virtuemart_user_id)){ if(!$manager){ $dataST['virtuemart_user_id'] = $user->id; } else { if(isset($data['virtuemart_user_id'])){ $dataST['virtuemart_user_id'] = (int)$data['virtuemart_user_id']; } else { //Disadvantage is that admins should not change the ST address in the FE (what should never happen anyway.) $dataST['virtuemart_user_id'] = $user->id; } } } if(!is_array($dataST)) $dataST = (array)$dataST; if(!$this->validateUserData($dataST,'ST')){ return false; } $dataST['address_type'] = 'ST'; $userfielddata = self::_prepareUserFields($dataST, 'ST',$userinfo); $userinfo->bindChecknStore($userfielddata); $app = vFactory::getApplication(); if($app->isSite()){ if (!class_exists('VirtueMartCart')) require(VMPATH_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php'); $cart = VirtuemartCart::getCart(); if($cart){ $cart->selected_shipto = $userinfo->virtuemart_userinfo_id; } } } return $userinfo->virtuemart_userinfo_id; } /** * Test userdata if valid * * @author Max Milbers * @param String if BT or ST * @param Object If given, an object with data address data that must be formatted to an array * @return redirectMsg, if there is a redirectMsg, the redirect should be executed after */ public function validateUserData(&$data,$type='BT',$showInfo = false) { if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelUserfields')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'models' . DS . 'userfields.php'); $userFieldsModel = VmModel::getModel('userfields'); if ($type == 'BT') { $fieldtype = 'account'; } else if($type == 'cartfields'){ $fieldtype = 'cart'; } else { $fieldtype = 'shipment'; } $neededFields = $userFieldsModel->getUserFields( $fieldtype , array('required' => true, 'delimiters' => true, 'captcha' => true, 'system' => false) , array('delimiter_userinfo', 'name','username', 'password', 'password2', 'address_type_name', 'address_type', 'user_is_vendor', 'agreed')); $i = 0; $return = true; $untested = true; $required = 0; $missingFields = array(); $lang = vFactory::getLanguage(); foreach ($neededFields as $field) { //This is a special test for the virtuemart_state_id. There is the speciality that the virtuemart_state_id could be 0 but is valid. if ($field->name == 'virtuemart_state_id' or $field->name == 'virtuemart_country_id' and $untested) { $untested = false; if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelState')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'models' . DS . 'state.php'); if(!empty($data['virtuemart_country_id'])){ if(!isset($data['virtuemart_state_id'])) $data['virtuemart_state_id'] = 0; if (!$msg = VirtueMartModelState::testStateCountry($data['virtuemart_country_id'], $data['virtuemart_state_id'])) { //The state is invalid, so we set the state 0 here. //$data['virtuemart_state_id'] = 0; vmdebug('State was not fitting to country, set virtuemart_state_id to 0'); } else if(empty($data['virtuemart_state_id'])){ vmdebug('virtuemart_state_id is empty, but valid (country has not states, set to unrequired'); $field->required = false; } else { //vmdebug('validateUserData my country '.$data['virtuemart_country_id'].' my state '.$data['virtuemart_state_id']); } } } if($field->required ){ $required++; if(empty($data[$field->name])){ if($lang->hasKey('COM_VIRTUEMART_MISSING_'.$field->name)){ $missingFields[] = vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_MISSING_'.$field->name); } else { $missingFields[] = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_MISSING_VALUE_FOR_FIELD',$field->title ); } $i++; $return = false; } else if($data[$field->name] == $field->default){ $i++; } else { } } } if(empty($required)){ vmdebug('Nothing to require'); $return = true; } else if($i==$required){ $return = -1; } //vmdebug('my i '.$i.' my data size $showInfo: '.(int)$showInfo.' required: '.(int)$required,$return); //if( ($required>2 and ($i+1)<$required) or ($required<=2 and !$return) or $showInfo){ if($showInfo or ($required>2 and $i<($required-1)) or ($required<3 and !$return) ){ foreach($missingFields as $fieldname){ vmInfo($fieldname); } } return $return; } function _prepareUserFields(&$data, $type,$userinfo = 0) { if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelUserfields')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN.DS.'models'.DS.'userfields.php' ); $userFieldsModel = VmModel::getModel('userfields'); if ($type == 'ST') { $prepareUserFields = $userFieldsModel->getUserFields( 'shipment' , array() // Default toggles ); } else { // BT // The user is not logged in (anonymous), so we need tome extra fields $prepareUserFields = $userFieldsModel->getUserFields( 'account' , array() // Default toggles , array('delimiter_userinfo', 'name', 'username', 'password', 'password2', 'user_is_vendor') // Skips ); } $user = vFactory::getUser(); $manager = vmAccess::manager(); // Format the data foreach ($prepareUserFields as $fld) { if(empty($data[$fld->name])) $data[$fld->name] = ''; if(!$manager and $fld->readonly){ $fldName = $fld->name; unset($data[$fldName]); if($userinfo!==0){ if(property_exists($userinfo,$fldName)){ $data[$fldName] = $userinfo->$fldName; } else { vmError('Your tables seem to be broken, you have fields in your form which have no corresponding field in the db'); } } } else { $data[$fld->name] = $userFieldsModel->prepareFieldDataSave($fld, $data); } } return $data; } function getBTuserinfo_id($id = 0){ if(empty($db)) $db = vFactory::getDbo(); if($id == 0){ $id = $this->_id; vmdebug('getBTuserinfo_id is '.$this->_id); } $q = 'SELECT `virtuemart_userinfo_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_userinfos` WHERE `virtuemart_user_id` = "' .(int)$id .'" AND `address_type`="BT" '; $db->setQuery($q); return $db->loadResult(); } /** * * @author Max Milbers */ function getUserInfoInUserFields($layoutName, $type,$uid,$cart=true,$isVendor=false ){ // if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelUserfields')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN.DS.'models'.DS.'userfields.php' ); // $userFieldsModel = new VirtuemartModelUserfields(); $userFieldsModel = VmModel::getModel('userfields'); $prepareUserFields = $userFieldsModel->getUserFieldsFor( $layoutName, $type ); if($type=='ST'){ $preFix = 'shipto_'; } else { $preFix = ''; } /* * JUser or $this->_id is the logged user */ if(!empty($this->_data->JUser)){ $JUser = $this->_data->JUser; } else { $JUser = JUser::getInstance($this->_id); } $data = null; $userFields = array(); if(!empty($uid)){ $dataT = $this->getTable('userinfos'); $data = $dataT->load($uid); if($data->virtuemart_user_id!==0 and !$isVendor){ $user = vFactory::getUser(); if(!vmAccess::manager()){ if($data->virtuemart_user_id!=$this->_id){ vmError('Blocked attempt loading userinfo, you got logged'); echo 'Hacking attempt loading userinfo, you got logged'; return false; } } } if ($data->address_type != 'ST' ) { $BTuid = $uid; $data->name = $JUser->name; $data->email = $JUser->email; $data->username = $JUser->username; $data->address_type = 'BT'; } } else { vmdebug('getUserInfoInUserFields case empty $uid'); //New Address is filled here with the data of the cart (we are in the userview) if($cart){ if (!class_exists('VirtueMartCart')) require(VMPATH_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php'); $cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart(); $adType = $type.'address'; if(empty($cart->$adType)){ $data = $cart->$type; if(empty($data)) $data = array(); if($JUser){ if(empty($data['name'])){ $data['name'] = $JUser->name; } if(empty($data['email'])){ $data['email'] = $JUser->email; } if(empty($data['username'])){ $data['username'] = $JUser->username; } if(empty($data['virtuemart_user_id'])){ $data['virtuemart_user_id'] = $JUser->id; } } $data = (object)$data; } } else { if($JUser){ if(empty($data['name'])){ $data['name'] = $JUser->name; } if(empty($data['email'])){ $data['email'] = $JUser->email; } if(empty($data['username'])){ $data['username'] = $JUser->username; } if(empty($data['virtuemart_user_id'])){ $data['virtuemart_user_id'] = $JUser->id; } $data = (object)$data; } } } if(empty($data) ) { vmdebug('getUserInfoInUserFields $data empty',$uid,$data); $cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart(); $data = $cart->BT; } $userFields[$uid] = $userFieldsModel->getUserFieldsFilled( $prepareUserFields ,$data ,$preFix ); return $userFields; } /** * This stores the userdata given in userfields * * @author Max Milbers */ function storeUserDataByFields($data,$type, $toggles, $skips){ if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelUserfields')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN.DS.'models'.DS.'userfields.php' ); $userFieldsModel = VmModel::getModel('userfields'); $prepareUserFields = $userFieldsModel->getUserFields( $type, $toggles, $skips ); // Format the data foreach ($prepareUserFields as $_fld) { if(empty($data[$_fld->name])) $data[$_fld->name] = ''; $data[$_fld->name] = $userFieldsModel->prepareFieldDataSave($_fld,$data); } $this->store($data); return true; } /** * This uses the shopFunctionsF::renderAndSendVmMail function, which uses a controller and task to render the content * and sents it then. * * * @author Oscar van Eijk * @author Max Milbers * @author Christopher Roussel * @author ValĂ©rie Isaksen */ private function sendRegistrationEmail($user, $password, $doUserActivation){ if(!class_exists('shopFunctionsF')) require(VMPATH_SITE.DS.'helpers'.DS.'shopfunctionsf.php'); $vars = array('user' => $user); // Send registration confirmation mail $password = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F\x7F]/', '', $password); //Disallow control chars in the email $vars['password'] = $password; if ($doUserActivation) { $activationLink = 'index.php?option=com_users&task=registration.activate&token='.$user->get('activation'); $vars['activationLink'] = $activationLink; } $usersConfig = JComponentHelper::getParams( 'com_users' ); $vars['doVendor']= (boolean)$usersConfig->get('mail_to_admin'); // public function renderMail ($viewName, $recipient, $vars=array(),$controllerName = null) shopFunctionsF::renderMail('user', $user->get('email'), $vars); } /** * Delete all record ids selected * * @return boolean True is the remove was successful, false otherwise. */ function remove($userIds) { if(vmAccess::manager('user')){ $userInfo = $this->getTable('userinfos'); $vm_shoppergroup_xref = $this->getTable('vmuser_shoppergroups'); $vmusers = $this->getTable('vmusers'); $_status = true; foreach($userIds as $userId) { $_JUser = JUser::getInstance($userId); if ($this->getSuperAdminCount() <= 1) { // Prevent deletion of the only Super Admin //$_u = JUser::getInstance($userId); if ($_JUser->get('gid') == __SUPER_ADMIN_GID) { vmError(vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_ERR_LASTSUPERADMIN')); $_status = false; continue; } } if (!$userInfo->delete($userId)) { return false; } if (!$vm_shoppergroup_xref->delete($userId)) { $_status = false; continue; } if (!$vmusers->delete($userId)) { $_status = false; continue; } if (!$_JUser->delete()) { vmError($_JUser->getError()); $_status = false; continue; } } } return $_status; } function removeAddress($virtuemart_userinfo_id){ $db = vFactory::getDbo(); if ( isset($virtuemart_userinfo_id) and $this->_id != 0 ) { //$userModel -> deleteAddressST(); $q = 'DELETE FROM #__virtuemart_userinfos WHERE virtuemart_user_id="'. $this->_id .'" AND virtuemart_userinfo_id="'. (int)$virtuemart_userinfo_id .'"'; $db->setQuery($q); if($db->execute()){ vmInfo('COM_VIRTUEMART_ADDRESS_DELETED'); return true; } } return false; } /** * Retrieve a list of users from the database. * * @author Max Milbers * @return object List of user objects */ function getUserList() { //$select = ' * '; //$joinedTables = ' FROM #__users AS ju LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_vmusers AS vmu ON = vmu.virtuemart_user_id'; $search = vRequest::getString('search', false); $tableToUse = vRequest::getString('searchTable','juser'); $where = array(); if ($search) { $where = ' WHERE '; $db = vFactory::getDbo(); $searchArray = array('','ju.username','','shopper_group_name'); // removed ,'usertype' should be handled by extra dropdown $userFieldsValid = array(); if($tableToUse!='juser'){ if(!class_exists('TableUserinfos'))require(VMPATH_ADMIN.DS.'tables'.DS.'userinfos.php'); $userfieldTable = new TableUserinfos($db); $userfieldFields = get_object_vars($userfieldTable); $userFieldSearchArray = array('company','first_name','last_name','address_1','zip','city','phone_1'); //We must validate if the userfields actually exists, they could be removed foreach($userFieldSearchArray as $ufield){ if(array_key_exists($ufield,$userfieldFields)){ $userFieldsValid[] = $ufield; } } $searchArray = array_merge($userFieldsValid,$searchArray); } $search = str_replace(' ','%',$db->escape( $search, true )); foreach($searchArray as $field){ $whereOr[] = ' '.$field.' LIKE "%'.$search.'%" '; } //$where = substr($where,0,-3); } $select = ' AS id , AS name , ju.username AS username , AS email , IFNULL(vmu.user_is_vendor,"0") AS is_vendor , IFNULL(sg.shopper_group_name, "") AS shopper_group_name '; if ($search) { if($tableToUse!='juser'){ $select .= ' , as uiname '; } foreach($userFieldsValid as $ufield){ $select .= ' , '.$ufield; } } $joinedTables = ' FROM #__users AS ju LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_vmusers AS vmu ON = vmu.virtuemart_user_id LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_vmuser_shoppergroups AS vx ON = vx.virtuemart_user_id LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_shoppergroups AS sg ON vx.virtuemart_shoppergroup_id = sg.virtuemart_shoppergroup_id '; if ($search and $tableToUse!='juser') { $joinedTables .= ' LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_userinfos AS ui ON ui.virtuemart_user_id = vmu.virtuemart_user_id'; } $whereAnd = array(); if(VmConfig::get('multixcart',0)=='byvendor'){ $superVendor = vmAccess::isSuperVendor(); if($superVendor>1){ $joinedTables .= ' LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_vendor_users AS vu ON = vmu.virtuemart_user_id'; $whereAnd[] = ' vu.virtuemart_vendor_id = '.$superVendor.' '; } } $where = ''; $whereStr = ' WHERE '; if(!empty($whereOr)){ $where = $whereStr.implode(' OR ',$whereOr); $whereStr = 'AND'; } if(!empty($whereAnd)){ $where .= $whereStr.' ('.implode(' OR ',$whereAnd).')'; } return $this->_data = $this->exeSortSearchListQuery(0,$select,$joinedTables,$where,' GROUP BY',$this->_getOrdering()); } public function getSwitchUserList($superVendor=null,$adminID=false) { if(!isset($superVendor)) $superVendor = vmAccess::isSuperVendor(); $result = false; if($superVendor){ $db = vFactory::getDbo(); $search = vRequest::getUword('usersearch',''); if(!empty($search)){ $search = ' WHERE (`name` LIKE "%'.$search.'%" OR `username` LIKE "%'.$search.'%" OR `customer_number` LIKE "%'.$search.'%")'; } else if($superVendor!=1) { $search = ' WHERE vu.virtuemart_vendor_id = '.$superVendor.' '; } $q = 'SELECT ju.`id`,`name`,`username` FROM `#__users` as ju'; if($superVendor!=1 or !empty($search)) { $q .= ' LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_vmusers AS vmu ON vmu.virtuemart_user_id ='; if($superVendor!=1){ $q .= ' LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_vendor_users AS vu ON vu.virtuemart_user_id ='; $search .= ' AND ( vmu.user_is_vendor = 0 OR (vmu.virtuemart_vendor_id) IS NULL)'; } } $current = vFactory::getUser(); $hiddenUserID = $adminID ? $adminID : $current->id; if(!empty($search)){ $search .= ' AND!= "'.$hiddenUserID.'" '; } else { $q .= ' WHERE!= "'.$hiddenUserID.'" '; } $q .= $search.' ORDER BY `name` LIMIT 0,10000'; $db->setQuery($q); $result = $db->loadObjectList(); if($result){ foreach($result as $k => $user) { $result[$k]->displayedName = $user->name .'  ( '. $user->username .' )'; } } else { $result = array(); } if($adminID){ $user = vFactory::getUser($adminID); if($current->id!=$user->id){ $toAdd = new stdClass(); $toAdd->id = $user->id; $toAdd->name = $user->name; $toAdd->username = $user->username; $toAdd->displayedName = vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_RETURN_TO',$user->name,$user->username); array_unshift($result,$toAdd); } } $toAdd = new stdClass(); $toAdd->id = 0; $toAdd->name = ''; $toAdd->username = ''; $toAdd->displayedName = '-'.vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_REGISTER').'-'; array_unshift($result,$toAdd); } return $result; } /** * If a filter was set, get the SQL WHERE clase * * @return string text to add to the SQL statement */ function _getFilter() { if ($search = vRequest::getString('search', false)) { $db = vFactory::getDbo(); $search = '"%' . $db->escape( $search, true ) . '%"' ; //$search = $db->Quote($search, false); $searchArray = array('name','username','email','usertype','shopper_group_name'); $where = ' WHERE '; foreach($searchArray as $field){ $where.= ' `'.$field.'` LIKE '.$search.' OR '; } $where = substr($where,0,-3); return ($where); } return (''); } /** * Retrieve a single address for a user * * @param $_uid int User ID * @param $_virtuemart_userinfo_id string Optional User Info ID * @param $_type string, addess- type, ST (ShipTo, default) or BT (BillTo). Empty string to ignore */ function getUserAddressList($_uid = 0, $_type = 'ST',$_virtuemart_userinfo_id = -1){ //Todo, add perms, allow admin to see 0 entries. if($_uid==0 and $this->_id==0){ return array(); } $_q = 'SELECT * FROM #__virtuemart_userinfos WHERE virtuemart_user_id="' . (($_uid==0)?$this->_id:(int)$_uid) .'"'; if ($_virtuemart_userinfo_id !== -1) { $_q .= ' AND virtuemart_userinfo_id="'.(int)$_virtuemart_userinfo_id.'"'; } else { if ($_type !== '') { $_q .= ' AND address_type="'.$_type.'"'; } } //vmdebug('getUserAddressList execute '.$_q); return ($this->_getList($_q)); } /** * Retrieves the Customer Number of the user specified by ID * * @param int $_id User ID * @return string Customer Number */ private $customer_number = 0; public function getCustomerNumberById() { if($this->customer_number===0){ $_q = "SELECT `customer_number` FROM `#__virtuemart_vmusers` " ."WHERE `virtuemart_user_id`='" . $this->_id . "' "; $_r = $this->_getList($_q); if(!empty($_r[0])){ $this->customer_number = $_r[0]->customer_number; }else { $this->customer_number = false; } } return $this->customer_number; } /** * Get the number of active Super Admins * * @return integer */ function getSuperAdminCount(){ $db = vFactory::getDbo(); if(JVM_VERSION>1){ $q = ' SELECT COUNT( FROM #__users as us '. ' INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map as um ON = um.user_id ' . ' INNER JOIN #__usergroups as ug ON um.group_id = ' . ' WHERE = "8" AND block = "0" '; } else { $q = 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM #__users' . ' WHERE gid = ' . __SUPER_ADMIN_GID . ' AND block = 0'; } $db->setQuery($q); return ($db->loadResult()); } /** * Return a list of Joomla ACL groups. * * The returned object list includes a group anme and a group name with spaces * prepended to the name for displaying an indented tree. * * @author RickG * @return ObjectList List of acl group objects. */ function getAclGroupIndentedTree(){ //TODO check this out $name = 'title'; $as = '`'; $table = '#__usergroups'; $and = ''; //Ugly thing, produces Select_full_join $query = 'SELECT `node`.`' . $name . $as . ', CONCAT(REPEAT("   ", (COUNT(`parent`.`' . $name . '`) - 1)), `node`.`' . $name . '`) AS `text` '; $query .= 'FROM `' . $table . '` AS node, `' . $table . '` AS parent '; $query .= 'WHERE `node`.`lft` BETWEEN `parent`.`lft` AND `parent`.`rgt` '; $query .= $and; $query .= 'GROUP BY `node`.`' . $name . '` '; $query .= ' ORDER BY `node`.`lft`'; $db = vFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery($query); //$app = vFactory::getApplication(); //$app -> enqueueMessage($db->getQuery()); $objlist = $db->loadObjectList(); // vmdebug('getAclGroupIndentedTree',$objlist); return $objlist; } } //No Closing tag