checkout_task === 'confirm') { echo '
'; } ?>
continue_link_html)) { echo $this->continue_link_html; } ?>
cart, FALSE,$uri); // This displays the form to change the current shopper if ($this->allowChangeShopper){ echo $this->renderLayout ('shopperform'); } $taskRoute = ''; ?>
cart->vendorId); ?>renderLayout ('address'); // This displays the pricelist MUST be done with tables, because it is also used for the emails echo $this->renderLayout ('pricelist'); if (!empty($this->checkoutAdvertise)) { ?>
checkoutAdvertise as $checkoutAdvertise) { ?>
renderLayout ('cartfields'); ?>
checkout_link_html; ?>
'; jQuery('#checkoutForm').append(div); jQuery('#checkoutForm').submit(); } jQuery(document).ready(function($) { jQuery(this).vm2front('stopVmLoading'); var el = jQuery('#checkoutFormSubmit'); el.unbind('click dblclick'); el.on('click dblclick',Virtuemart.bCheckoutButton); }); "); if( !VmConfig::get('oncheckout_ajax',false)) { vmJsApi::addJScript('vm.STisBT'," jQuery(document).ready(function($) { if ( $('#STsameAsBTjs').is(':checked') ) { $('#output-shipto-display').hide(); } else { $('#output-shipto-display').show(); } $('#STsameAsBTjs').click(function(event) { if($(this).is(':checked')){ $('#STsameAsBT').val('1') ; $('#output-shipto-display').hide(); } else { $('#STsameAsBT').val('0') ; $('#output-shipto-display').show(); } var form = jQuery('#checkoutFormSubmit'); form.submit(); }); }); "); } $this->addCheckRequiredJs(); echo vmJsApi::writeJS(); ?>