Set up > URL transaction accepted * * * Account set up >Set up > URL refused/cancelled transaction * * * * Account set up > Dynamic Set up > Dynamic return URL * */ if (!class_exists('vmPSPlugin')) { require(JPATH_VM_PLUGINS . DS . 'vmpsplugin.php'); } if (!class_exists('KlikandpayHelperKlikandpay')) { require(JPATH_SITE . '/plugins/vmpayment/klikandpay/klikandpay/helpers/klikandpay.php'); } class plgVmpaymentKlikandpay extends vmPSPlugin { var $encrypt_po=false; function __construct (& $subject, $config) { //if (self::$_this) // return self::$_this; parent::__construct($subject, $config); $this->_loggable = TRUE; $this->tableFields = array_keys($this->getTableSQLFields()); $this->_tablepkey = 'id'; //virtuemart_kap_id'; $this->_tableId = 'id'; //'virtuemart_kap_id'; $varsToPush = $this->getVarsToPush(); //$this->setEncryptedFields(array('params')); $this->setConfigParameterable($this->_configTableFieldName, $varsToPush); if (method_exists($this, 'setCryptedFields')) { $this->setCryptedFields(array('account')); } } protected function getVmPluginCreateTableSQL () { return $this->createTableSQL('Payment klikandpay Table'); } function getTableSQLFields () { $SQLfields = array( 'id' => 'int(1) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT', 'virtuemart_order_id' => 'int(11) UNSIGNED', 'order_number' => 'char(64)', 'virtuemart_paymentmethod_id' => 'mediumint(1) UNSIGNED', 'payment_name' => 'varchar(5000)', 'payment_order_total' => 'decimal(15,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0.00000\'', 'payment_currency' => 'smallint(1)', 'email_currency' => 'smallint(1)', 'recurring' => 'text', 'subscribe' => 'text', 'cost_per_transaction' => 'decimal(10,2)', 'cost_percent_total' => 'decimal(10,2)', 'tax_id' => 'smallint(1)', 'klikandpay_custom' => 'varchar(255)', 'klikandpay_response_RESPONSE' => 'varchar(2)', 'klikandpay_response_NUMXKP' => 'varchar(255)', 'klikandpay_response_SCOREXKP' => 'smallint(1) UNSIGNED', 'klikandpay_response_TRANSACTIONID' => 'smallint(1) UNSIGNED', 'klikandpay_response_AUTHID' => 'varchar(32)', 'klikandpay_response_CERT' => 'varchar(32)', 'klikandpay_response_MONTANTXKP' => 'decimal(15,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0.00000\'', 'klikandpay_response_DEVISEXKP' => 'varchar(3)', 'klikandpay_response_IPXKP' => 'varchar(32)', 'klikandpay_response_PAYSRXKP' => 'varchar(2)', 'klikandpay_response_PAYSBXKP' => 'varchar(2)', 'klikandpay_response_PAIEMENT' => 'varchar(16)', 'klikandpay_response_ABONNEMENTTYPE' => 'varchar(32)', 'klikandpay_fullresponse' => 'text' ); return $SQLfields; } function plgVmConfirmedOrder ($cart, $order) { if (!($this->_currentMethod = $this->getVmPluginMethod($order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id))) { return NULL; // Another method was selected, do nothing } if (!$this->selectedThisElement($this->_currentMethod->payment_element)) { return FALSE; } $interface = $this->_loadKlikandpayInterface($this); $interface->setOrder($order); $interface->setCart($cart); $this->getPaymentCurrency($this->_currentMethod); $interface->setTotal($order['details']['BT']->order_total); $this->logInfo('plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: ' . $order['details']['BT']->order_number, 'message'); $subscribe_id = NULL; if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelOrders')) { require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'orders.php'); } if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelCurrency')) { require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'currency.php'); } $email_currency = $this->getEmailCurrency($this->_currentMethod); $name = $order['details']['BT']->first_name; if (isset($order['details']['BT']->middle_name) and $order['details']['BT']->middle_name) { $name .= $order['details']['BT']->middle_name; } $address = $order['details']['BT']->address_1; if (isset($order['details']['BT']->address_2) and $order['details']['BT']->address_2) { $name .= $order['details']['BT']->address_2; } $retourParams = $this->setRetourParams($order, $this->getContext()); $post_variables = Array( "SOCIETE" => $order['details']['BT']->company, "NOM" => $order['details']['BT']->last_name, "PRENOM" => $name, "ADRESSE" => $address, "CODEPOSTAL" => $order['details']['BT']->zip, "VILLE" => $order['details']['BT']->city, "PAYS" => ShopFunctions::getCountryByID($order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_country_id, 'country_2_code'), "TEL" => !empty($order['details']['BT']->phone_1) ? $order['details']['BT']->phone_1 : $order['details']['BT']->phone_2, "EMAIL" => $order['details']['BT']->email, "L" => $interface->getLanguage(), "ID" => trim($this->_currentMethod->account), "MONTANT" => $interface->getTotal(), "DETAILS" => $interface->getOrderDetails($order), "RETOUR" => $retourParams, "RETOURVOK" => $retourParams, "RETOURVHS" => $retourParams, "MODULE" => 'VirtueMart', "MODULE_VERSION" => '${PHING.VM.RELEASE}', ); $subscribe = array(); $recurring = array(); if ($this->_currentMethod->integration == "recurring") { $recurring = $interface->getRecurringPayments(); unset($recurring['info']); $post_variables = array_merge($post_variables, $recurring); $dbValues['recurring'] = json_encode($recurring); } else { if ($this->_currentMethod->integration == "subscribe" /*AND ($orderTotalVendorCurrency > $this->_currentMethod->subscribe_min_amount)*/) { $subscribe_id = $interface->getSubscribeId($cart); if ($subscribe_id) { $post_variables["ABONNEMENT"] = $subscribe_id; unset($post_variables["MONTANT"] ); } } } // Prepare data that should be stored in the database $dbValues['order_number'] = $order['details']['BT']->order_number; $dbValues['virtuemart_order_id'] = $order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_order_id; $dbValues['payment_name'] = $this->renderPluginName($this->_currentMethod); $dbValues['virtuemart_paymentmethod_id'] = $cart->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id; $dbValues['klikandpay_custom'] = $this->getContext(); $dbValues['cost_per_transaction'] = $this->_currentMethod->cost_per_transaction; $dbValues['cost_percent_total'] = $this->_currentMethod->cost_percent_total; $dbValues['payment_currency'] = $this->_currentMethod->payment_currency; $dbValues['email_currency'] = $email_currency; $dbValues['payment_order_total'] = $post_variables["MONTANT"]; if (!empty($subscribe)) { $dbValues['subscribe'] = json_encode($subscribe); } else { $dbValues['subscribe'] = NULL; } $dbValues['tax_id'] = $this->_currentMethod->tax_id; $this->storePSPluginInternalData($dbValues); $html = $this->getConfirmedHtml($post_variables, $interface, $subscribe_id); // 2 = don't delete the cart, don't send email and don't redirect $cart->_confirmDone = FALSE; $cart->_dataValidated = FALSE; $cart->setCartIntoSession(); vRequest::setVar('display_title', false); vRequest::setVar('html', $html); return; } function plgVmgetPaymentCurrency ($virtuemart_paymentmethod_id, &$paymentCurrencyId) { if (!($method = $this->getVmPluginMethod($virtuemart_paymentmethod_id))) { return NULL; // Another method was selected, do nothing } if (!$this->selectedThisElement($method->payment_element)) { return FALSE; } $this->getPaymentCurrency($method); $paymentCurrencyId = $method->payment_currency; return TRUE; } function plgVmOnPaymentResponseReceived (&$html) { if (!class_exists('VirtueMartCart')) { require(JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php'); } if (!class_exists('shopFunctionsF')) { require(JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'shopfunctionsf.php'); } if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelOrders')) { require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'orders.php'); } VmConfig::loadJLang('com_virtuemart_orders', TRUE); $po = vRequest::getString('po', ''); if (!$po) { return NULL; } $klikandpayData = $this->getRetourParams($po); $virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = $klikandpayData['virtuemart_paymentmethod_id']; $order_number = $klikandpayData['order_number']; $context = $klikandpayData['context']; if (!$this->isValidContext($context)) { return NULL; } if (!($this->_currentMethod = $this->getVmPluginMethod($virtuemart_paymentmethod_id))) { return NULL; // Another method was selected, do nothing } if (!$this->selectedThisElement($this->_currentMethod->payment_element)) { return NULL; } if (!($virtuemart_order_id = VirtueMartModelOrders::getOrderIdByOrderNumber($order_number))) { return FALSE; } if (!($payments = $this->getDatasByOrderId($virtuemart_order_id))) { $this->debugLog('no payments found', 'getDatasByOrderId', 'debug', false); return FALSE; } $orderModel = VmModel::getModel('orders'); $order = $orderModel->getOrder($virtuemart_order_id); $html = $this->getResponseHTML($order, $payments); //$cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart(); //$cart->emptyCart(); vRequest::setVar('display_title', false); vRequest::setVar('html', $html); return TRUE; } private function redirectToCart () { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart&lg=&Itemid=' . vRequest::getInt('Itemid'), false), vmText::_('VMPAYMENT_KLIKANDPAY_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN')); } function plgVmOnUserPaymentCancel () { if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelOrders')) { require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'orders.php'); } $order_number = vRequest::getUword('on'); if (!$order_number) { return FALSE; } if (!$virtuemart_order_id = VirtueMartModelOrders::getOrderIdByOrderNumber($order_number)) { return NULL; } if (!($paymentTable = $this->getDataByOrderId($virtuemart_order_id))) { return NULL; } $session = JFactory::getSession(); $return_context = $session->getId(); $field = $this->_name . '_custom'; if (strcmp($paymentTable->$field, $return_context) === 0) { $this->handlePaymentUserCancel($virtuemart_order_id); } return TRUE; } /** * plgVmOnPaymentNotification() -It can be used to validate the payment data as entered by the user. * Return: * Parameters: * None * @author Valerie Isaksen */ function plgVmOnPaymentNotification () { if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelOrders')) { require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'orders.php'); } $po = vRequest::getString('po', ''); if (!$po) { return; } $retourParams = $this->getRetourParams($po); $virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = $retourParams['virtuemart_paymentmethod_id']; $order_number = $retourParams['order_number']; $context = $retourParams['context']; $this->_currentMethod = $this->getVmPluginMethod($virtuemart_paymentmethod_id); if (!$this->selectedThisElement($this->_currentMethod->payment_element)) { //$this->debugLog('Not this one', 'selectedThisElement', 'debug', false); return; } $this->debugLog(var_export($retourParams, true), 'plgVmOnPaymentNotification getRetourParams', 'debug', false); $interface = $this->_loadKlikandpayInterface($this); if (!($virtuemart_order_id = VirtueMartModelOrders::getOrderIdByOrderNumber($order_number))) { return FALSE; } if (!($payments = $this->getDatasByOrderId($virtuemart_order_id))) { $this->debugLog('no payments found', 'getDatasByOrderId', 'debug', false); return FALSE; } if ($payments[0]->klikandpay_custom != $context) { $this->debugLog('Wrong context', 'plgVmOnPaymentNotification', 'debug', false); return NULL; } $orderModel = VmModel::getModel('orders'); $order = $orderModel->getOrder($virtuemart_order_id); $klikandpay_data = vRequest::getGet(); $this->debugLog(var_export($klikandpay_data, true), 'plgVmOnPaymentNotification getGet', 'debug', false); $order_history = $this->updateOrderStatus($interface, $klikandpay_data, $order, $payments); $this->emptyCart($payments[0]->klikandpay_custom, $order['details']['BT']->order_number); $this->setEmptyCartDone($payments[0]); return TRUE; } /** * @param $firstPayment */ function setEmptyCartDone ($firstPayment) { $firstPayment = (array)$firstPayment; $firstPayment['klikandpay_custom'] = NULL; $this->storePSPluginInternalData($firstPayment, $this->_tablepkey, true); } /** * @param $interface * @param $klikandpay_data * @param $order * @return bool */ function updateOrderStatus ($interface, $klikandpay_data, $order, $payments) { if ($interface->isResponseValid($klikandpay_data, $order, $payments)) { $order_history = $interface->getOrderHistory($klikandpay_data, $order, $payments); } else { $order_history['comments'] = vmText::sprintf('VMPAYMENT_KLIKANDPAY_PAYMENT_STATUS_CANCELLED', $order['details']['BT']->order_number); $order_history['order_status'] = $this->_currentMethod->status_canceled; $order_history['customer_notified'] = true; } $db_values['virtuemart_order_id'] = $order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_order_id; $db_values['order_number'] = $order['details']['BT']->order_number; $db_values['virtuemart_paymentmethod_id'] = $this->_currentMethod->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id; // get all know columns of the table $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `' . $this->_tablename . '` '; $db->setQuery($query); $columns = $db->loadColumn(0); foreach ($klikandpay_data as $key => $value) { $table_key = 'klikandpay_response_' . $key; if (in_array($table_key, $columns)) { $db_values[$table_key] = $value; } } $db_values['klikandpay_fullresponse'] = json_encode($klikandpay_data); $this->debugLog('updateOrderStatus storePSPluginInternalData:' . var_export($db_values, true), 'debug'); $this->storePSPluginInternalData($db_values); $modelOrder = VmModel::getModel('orders'); $modelOrder->updateStatusForOneOrder($order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_order_id, $order_history, TRUE); return $order_history; } /** * Display stored payment data for an order * * @see components/com_virtuemart/helpers/vmPSPlugin::plgVmOnShowOrderBEPayment() */ function plgVmOnShowOrderBEPayment ($virtuemart_order_id, $payment_method_id) { if (!$this->selectedThisByMethodId($payment_method_id)) { return NULL; // Another method was selected, do nothing } $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $q = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $this->_tablename . '` WHERE '; $q .= ' `virtuemart_order_id` = ' . $virtuemart_order_id; $db->setQuery($q); $payments = $db->loadObjectList(); $html = '' . "\n"; $html .= $this->getHtmlHeaderBE(); $first = TRUE; $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); foreach ($payments as $payment) { $html .= ''; // Now only the first entry has this data when creating the order if ($first) { $html .= $this->getHtmlRowBE('KLIKANDPAY_PAYMENT_NAME', $payment->payment_name); // keep that test to have it backwards compatible. Old version was deleting that column when receiving an IPN notification if ($payment->payment_order_total and $payment->payment_order_total != 0.00) { $html .= $this->getHtmlRowBE('KLIKANDPAY_PAYMENT_ORDER_TOTAL', ($payment->payment_order_total) . " " . shopFunctions::getCurrencyByID($payment->payment_currency, 'currency_code_3')); } if ($payment->email_currency and $payment->email_currency != 0) { //$html .= $this->getHtmlRowBE('KLIKANDPAY_PAYMENT_EMAIL_CURRENCY', shopFunctions::getCurrencyByID($payment->email_currency, 'currency_code_3')); } if ($payment->recurring) { $recurring_html = '
' . vmText::_('VMPAYMENT_KLIKANDPAY_DATE') . '' . $payment->created_on . '
' . "\n"; $recurring = json_decode($payment->recurring); $recurring_html .= $this->getHtmlRowBE('VMPAYMENT_KLIKANDPAY_RECURRING_MONTANT', $recurring->MONTANT); if (isset($recurring->MONTANT2)) { $recurring_html .= $this->getHtmlRowBE('VMPAYMENT_KLIKANDPAY_RECURRING_MONTANT2', $recurring->MONTANT2); } if (isset($recurring->EXTRA)) { $recurring_html .= $this->getHtmlRowBE('VMPAYMENT_KLIKANDPAY_RECURRING_EXTRA', $recurring->EXTRA); } if (isset($recurring->DATE2)) { $recurring_html .= $this->getHtmlRowBE('VMPAYMENT_KLIKANDPAY_RECURRING_DATE2', $recurring->DATE2); } $recurring_html .= '
' . "\n"; $html .= $this->getHtmlRowBE('KLIKANDPAY_RECURRING', $recurring_html); } $first = FALSE; } else { $showOrderBEFields = $this->getOrderBEFields(); $keyPrefix = 'KLIKANDPAY_RESPONSE_'; $dbPrefix = 'klikandpay_response_'; foreach ($showOrderBEFields as $showOrderBEField) { $orderField = $dbPrefix . $showOrderBEField; if (isset($payment->$orderField) and !empty($payment->$orderField)) { $key = $keyPrefix . $showOrderBEField; if (method_exists($this, 'getValueBE_' . $orderField)) { $function = 'getValueBE_' . $orderField; $payment->$orderField = $this->$function($payment->$orderField); } $html .= $this->getHtmlRowBE($key, $payment->$orderField); } } $html .= '  '; $html .= vmText::_('VMPAYMENT_KLIKANDPAY_VIEW_TRANSACTION_LOG'); $html .= ' '; $html .= ' '; } } $html .= '' . "\n"; $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); $js = " jQuery().ready(function($) { $('.KlikandpayLogOpener').click(function() { var logId = $(this).attr('rel'); $('#KlikandpayLog_'+logId).toggle(); return false; }); });"; $doc->addScriptDeclaration($js); return $html; } private function getExtraPluginNameInfo ($activeMethod) { $this->_currentMethod = $activeMethod; $interface = $this->_loadKlikandpayInterface(); if (!class_exists('VirtueMartCart')) { require(JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php'); } $cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart(); $interface->setCart($cart); $interface->setTotal($cart->pricesUnformatted['billTotal']); $extraInfo = $interface->getExtraPluginNameInfo(); return $extraInfo; } /** * @param plugin $method * @return mixed|string */ protected function renderPluginName ($method) { $logos = $method->payment_logos; $display_logos = ''; if (!empty($logos)) { $display_logos = $this->displayLogos($logos) . ' '; } $payment_name = $method->payment_name; if (!class_exists('VirtueMartCart')) { require(JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php'); } $this->_currentMethod = $method; $extraInfo = $this->getExtraPluginNameInfo($method); $html = $this->renderByLayout('render_pluginname', array( 'shop_mode' => $method->shop_mode, 'virtuemart_paymentmethod_id' => $method->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id, 'logo' => $display_logos, 'payment_name' => $payment_name, 'payment_description' => $method->payment_desc, 'extraInfo' => $extraInfo, )); $html = $this->rmspace($html); return $html; } private function rmspace ($buffer) { return preg_replace('~>\s*\n\s*<~', '><', $buffer); } function getCosts (VirtueMartCart $cart, $method, $cart_prices) { if (preg_match('/%$/', $method->cost_percent_total)) { $cost_percent_total = substr($method->cost_percent_total, 0, -1); } else { $cost_percent_total = $method->cost_percent_total; } return ($method->cost_per_transaction + ($cart_prices['salesPrice'] * $cost_percent_total * 0.01)); } /** * Check if the payment conditions are fulfilled for this payment method * * @author: Valerie Isaksen * * @param $cart_prices: cart prices * @param $payment * @return true: if the conditions are fulfilled, false otherwise * */ protected function checkConditions ($cart, $method, $cart_prices) { //vmTrace('checkConditions', true); //$this->debugLog( $cart_prices['salesPrice'], 'checkConditions','debug'); $this->_currentMethod = $method; $interface = $this->_loadKlikandpayInterface(); if (!$return = $interface->checkConditions($cart)) { //return false; } $this->convert_condition_amount($method); $address = (($cart->ST == 0) ? $cart->BT : $cart->ST); $amount = $this->getCartAmount($cart_prices); $amount_cond = ($amount >= $this->_currentMethod->min_amount AND $amount <= $this->_currentMethod->max_amount OR ($this->_currentMethod->min_amount <= $amount AND ($this->_currentMethod->max_amount == 0))); $countries = array(); if (!empty($method->countries)) { if (!is_array($method->countries)) { $countries[0] = $method->countries; } else { $countries = $method->countries; } } // probably did not gave his BT:ST address if (!is_array($address)) { $address = array(); $address['virtuemart_country_id'] = 0; } if (!isset($address['virtuemart_country_id'])) { $address['virtuemart_country_id'] = 0; } if (in_array($address['virtuemart_country_id'], $countries) || count($countries) == 0) { if ($amount_cond) { return TRUE; } } $this->debugLog(' FALSE', 'checkConditions', 'debug'); return FALSE; } function convert_condition_amount (&$method) { $method->min_amount = (float)str_replace(',', '.', $method->min_amount); $method->max_amount = (float)str_replace(',', '.', $method->max_amount); } /** * We must reimplement this triggers for joomla 1.7 */ /** * Create the table for this plugin if it does not yet exist. * This functions checks if the called plugin is active one. * When yes it is calling the standard method to create the tables * * @author Valérie Isaksen * */ function plgVmOnStoreInstallPaymentPluginTable ($jplugin_id) { return $this->onStoreInstallPluginTable($jplugin_id); } /** * This event is fired after the payment method has been selected. It can be used to store * additional payment info in the cart. * * @author Max Milbers * @author Valérie isaksen * * @param VirtueMartCart $cart: the actual cart * @return null if the payment was not selected, true if the data is valid, error message if the data is not vlaid * */ public function plgVmOnSelectCheckPayment (VirtueMartCart $cart, &$msg) { if (!($this->_currentMethod = $this->getVmPluginMethod($cart->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id))) { return NULL; // Another method was selected, do nothing } if (!$this->selectedThisElement($this->_currentMethod->payment_element)) { return NULL; } $interface = $this->_loadKlikandpayInterface($this); return $interface->onSelectCheck($cart); } /** * plgVmDisplayListFEPayment * This event is fired to display the pluginmethods in the cart (edit shipment/payment) for exampel * * @param object $cart Cart object * @param integer $selected ID of the method selected * @return boolean True on succes, false on failures, null when this plugin was not selected. * On errors, JError::raiseWarning (or JError::raiseError) must be used to set a message. * * @author Valerie Isaksen */ public function plgVmDisplayListFEPayment (VirtueMartCart $cart, $selected = 0, &$htmlIn) { return $this->displayListFE($cart, $selected, $htmlIn); } public function plgVmonSelectedCalculatePricePayment (VirtueMartCart $cart, array &$cart_prices, &$cart_prices_name) { return $this->onSelectedCalculatePrice($cart, $cart_prices, $cart_prices_name); } /** * plgVmOnCheckAutomaticSelectedPayment * Checks how many plugins are available. If only one, the user will not have the choice. Enter edit_xxx page * The plugin must check first if it is the correct type * * @author Valerie Isaksen * @param VirtueMartCart cart: the cart object * @return null if no plugin was found, 0 if more then one plugin was found, virtuemart_xxx_id if only one plugin is found * */ function plgVmOnCheckAutomaticSelectedPayment (VirtueMartCart $cart, array $cart_prices = array()) { return $this->onCheckAutomaticSelected($cart, $cart_prices); } /** * This method is fired when showing the order details in the frontend. * It displays the method-specific data. * * @param integer $order_id The order ID * @return mixed Null for methods that aren't active, text (HTML) otherwise * @author Max Milbers * @author Valerie Isaksen */ public function plgVmOnShowOrderFEPayment ($virtuemart_order_id, $virtuemart_paymentmethod_id, &$payment_name) { $this->onShowOrderFE($virtuemart_order_id, $virtuemart_paymentmethod_id, $payment_name); } /** * This event is fired during the checkout process. It can be used to validate the * method data as entered by the user. * * @return boolean True when the data was valid, false otherwise. If the plugin is not activated, it should return null. * @author Max Milbers */ public function plgVmOnCheckoutCheckDataPayment (VirtueMartCart $cart) { if (!($this->_currentMethod = $this->getVmPluginMethod($cart->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id))) { return NULL; // Another method was selected, do nothing } if (!$this->selectedThisElement($this->_currentMethod->payment_element)) { return NULL; } $interface = $this->_loadKlikandpayInterface($this); $interface->setCart($cart); $interface->setTotal($cart->pricesUnformatted['billTotal']); return $interface->onCheckoutCheckDataPayment($cart); } /** * This method is fired when showing when priting an Order * It displays the the payment method-specific data. * * @param integer $_virtuemart_order_id The order ID * @param integer $method_id method used for this order * @return mixed Null when for payment methods that were not selected, text (HTML) otherwise * @author Valerie Isaksen */ function plgVmonShowOrderPrintPayment ($order_number, $method_id) { return $this->onShowOrderPrint($order_number, $method_id); } /** * Save updated order data to the method specific table * * @param array $_formData Form data * @return mixed, True on success, false on failures (the rest of the save-process will be * skipped!), or null when this method is not actived. public function plgVmOnUpdateOrderPayment( $_formData) { return null; } */ /** * Save updated orderline data to the method specific table * * @param array $_formData Form data * @return mixed, True on success, false on failures (the rest of the save-process will be * skipped!), or null when this method is not actived. public function plgVmOnUpdateOrderLine( $_formData) { return null; } */ /** * plgVmOnEditOrderLineBE * This method is fired when editing the order line details in the backend. * It can be used to add line specific package codes * * @param integer $_orderId The order ID * @param integer $_lineId * @return mixed Null for method that aren't active, text (HTML) otherwise public function plgVmOnEditOrderLineBE( $_orderId, $_lineId) { return null; } */ /** * This method is fired when showing the order details in the frontend, for every orderline. * It can be used to display line specific package codes, e.g. with a link to external tracking and * tracing systems * * @param integer $_orderId The order ID * @param integer $_lineId * @return mixed Null for method that aren't active, text (HTML) otherwise public function plgVmOnShowOrderLineFE( $_orderId, $_lineId) { return null; } */ function plgVmDeclarePluginParamsPayment ($name, $id, &$data) { return $this->declarePluginParams('payment', $name, $id, $data); } function plgVmSetOnTablePluginParamsPayment ($name, $id, &$table) { return $this->setOnTablePluginParams($name, $id, $table); } /** * @param $post_variables * @return string */ function getConfirmedHtml ($post_variables, $interface, $subscribe_id = NULL) { $server = $interface->getKlikandpayServerUrl($subscribe_id); $this->debugLog(var_export($post_variables, true), 'getConfirmedHtml', 'debug', false); $html=''; if ($this->_currentMethod->debug) { $html .= '
'; } else { JFactory::getDocument()->addScriptDeclaration (' // '); $html .= ''; } foreach ($post_variables as $name => $value) { $html .= ''; } if ($this->_currentMethod->debug) { $this->debugLog($this->_currentMethod->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id, 'sendPostRequest: payment method', 'debug'); $html .= '
'; $this->debugLog($post_variables, 'sendPostRequest:', 'debug'); } $html .= '
'; return $html; } /** * @param $response * @param $order * @return null|string */ function getResponseHTML ($order, $payments) { $transactionId = ''; $success = false; $prochaine = ''; $numxkp = ''; $interface = $this->_loadKlikandpayInterface($this); if (count($payments) > 1) { $last_payment = end($payments); $numxkp = $last_payment->klikandpay_response_NUMXKP; $success = $interface->isResponseSuccess($last_payment->klikandpay_response_RESPONSE); $fullresponse = json_decode($last_payment->klikandpay_fullresponse); if (isset($fullresponse->PROCHAINE)) { $prochaine = $fullresponse->PROCHAINE; } } $payment_name = $this->renderPluginName($this->_currentMethod); VmConfig::loadJLang('com_virtuemart_orders', TRUE); if (!class_exists('VirtueMartCart')) { require(JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php'); } $cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart(); $amountInCurrency = vmPSPlugin::getAmountInCurrency($order['details']['BT']->order_total, $order['details']['BT']->order_currency); $currencyDisplay = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance($cart->pricesCurrency); $html = $this->renderByLayout('response', array( "success" => $success, "payment_name" => $payment_name, "numxkp" => $numxkp, "amountInCurrency" => $amountInCurrency['display'], "prochaine" => $prochaine, "order_number" => $order['details']['BT']->order_number, "order_pass" => $order['details']['BT']->order_pass, )); return $html; } /*********************/ /* Private functions */ /*********************/ private function _loadKlikandpayInterface () { if ($this->_currentMethod->integration == 'recurring') { if (!class_exists('KlikandpayHelperKlikandpayRecurring')) { require(JPATH_SITE . '/plugins/vmpayment/klikandpay/klikandpay/helpers/recurring.php'); } $klikandpayInterface = new KlikandpayHelperKlikandpayRecurring($this->_currentMethod, $this); } elseif ($this->_currentMethod->integration == 'subscribe') { if (!class_exists('KlikandpayHelperKlikandpaySubscribe')) { require(JPATH_SITE . '/plugins/vmpayment/klikandpay/klikandpay/helpers/subscribe.php'); } $klikandpayInterface = new KlikandpayHelperKlikandpaySubscribe($this->_currentMethod, $this); } else { $klikandpayInterface = new KlikandpayHelperKlikandpay($this->_currentMethod, $this); } return $klikandpayInterface; } function getEmailCurrency (&$method) { if (!isset($method->email_currency) or $method->email_currency == 'vendor') { // if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelVendor')) require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'vendor.php'); $vendorId = 1; //VirtueMartModelVendor::getLoggedVendor(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $q = 'SELECT `vendor_currency` FROM `#__virtuemart_vendors` WHERE `virtuemart_vendor_id`=' . $vendorId; $db->setQuery($q); return $db->loadResult(); } else { return $method->payment_currency; // either the vendor currency, either same currency as payment } } private function setRetourParams ($order, $context) { $params = $order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id . ':' . $order['details']['BT']->order_number . ':' . $context; if ($this->encrypt_po) { if (!class_exists('vmCrypt')) { require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'vmcrypt.php'); } $cryptedParams = vmCrypt::encrypt($params); $retourParams = base64_encode($cryptedParams); } else { $retourParams = $params; } return $retourParams; } private function getRetourParams ($params) { if ($this->encrypt_po) { if (!class_exists('vmCrypt')) { require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'vmcrypt.php'); } $params = base64_decode($params); $params = vmCrypt::decrypt($params); } else { } $paramsArray = explode(":", $params); $retourParams['virtuemart_paymentmethod_id'] = $paramsArray[0]; $retourParams['order_number'] = $paramsArray[1]; $retourParams['context'] = $paramsArray[2]; return $retourParams; } private function getContext () { $session = JFactory::getSession(); return $session->getId(); } private function isValidContext ($context) { if ($this->getContext() == $context) { return true; } return false; } function getOrderBEFields () { $fields = array('RESPONSE', 'NUMXKP', 'SCOREXKP', 'TRANSACTIONID', 'AUTHID'); return $fields; } /** * @param string $message * @param string $title * @param string $type * @param bool $echo * @param bool $doVmDebug */ public function debugLog ($message, $title = '', $type = 'message', $echo = false, $doVmDebug = false) { if ($this->_currentMethod->debug) { $this->debug($message, $title, true); } if ($echo) { echo $message . '
'; } parent::debugLog($message, $title, $type, $doVmDebug); } public function debug ($subject, $title = '', $echo = true) { $debug = '
'; $debug .= ($title) ? '
' . $title . ':
' : ''; //$debug .= '
		if (is_array($subject)) {
			$debug .= str_replace("=>", "⇒", str_replace("Array", "Array", nl2br(str_replace(" ", "   ", print_r($subject, true)))));
		} else {
			//$debug .= str_replace("=>", "⇒", str_replace("Array", "Array", (str_replace(" ", "   ", print_r($subject, true)))));
			$debug .= str_replace("=>", "⇒", str_replace("Array", "Array", print_r($subject, true)));


		//$debug .= '
'; $debug .= '
'; if ($echo) { echo $debug; } else { return $debug; } } } // No closing tag