############################################################################## vm.version = 1.1.4 vm.minorversion = 1.1 # svn.dir: an absolute path pointing to the subdirectory "documentation" of your local copy of virtuemart SVN svn.dir = /Projekte/VirtueMart/virtuemart-1.1/documentation # dist.dir: this is where the built files will be placed; # leaving it as 'dist' creates a 'dist' folder in the directory where this build.xml files resides dist.dir = /Projekte/VirtueMart/docbook/output # location of the /resources directory with the virtuemart.xsl file stylesheet.dir = /Projekte/VirtueMart/virtuemart-1.1/documentation/resources # location of the DocBook XSL Stylesheets (version 1.71.1 recommended! - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=21935&package_id=16608&release_id=456867) xsl.dir = /Projekte/VirtueMart/docbook/xsl # For PDF Creation you'll need Apache FOP >= 0.94 (download: http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/download.html) # This property points to the location of the FOP directory (not /bin !) fop.dir = /Projekte/VirtueMart/docbook/fop-0.95 # For CHM Creation: Location of the Microsoft HTMLHelp Compiler Executable htmlhelp.exe = /Projekte/VirtueMart/docbook/bin/hhc.exe # Location of the Catalog File of the DocBook DTDs # If you don't have the DTDs on your computer, point this property to the catalog.xml file in the DocBook XSL root directory docbook.catalog = /Projekte/VirtueMart/docbook/dtd/catalog.xml ##############################################################################