*/ defined('_JEXEC') or die(); jimport('joomla.application.component.model'); /** * The Live Update MVC model */ class LiveUpdateModel extends JModel { public function download() { // Get the path to Joomla!'s temporary directory $jreg =JFactory::getConfig(); $tmpdir = $jreg->getValue('config.tmp_path'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); // Make sure the user doesn't use the system-wide tmp directory. You know, the one that's // being erased periodically and will cause a real mess while installing extensions (Grrr!) if(realpath($tmpdir) == '/tmp') { // Someone inform the user that what he's doing is insecure and stupid, please. In the // meantime, I will fix what is broken. $tmpdir = JPATH_SITE.DS.'tmp'; } // Make sure that folder exists (users do stupid things too often; you'd be surprised) elseif(!JFolder::exists($tmpdir)) { // Darn it, user! WTF where you thinking? OK, let's use a directory I know it's there... $tmpdir = JPATH_SITE.DS.'tmp'; } // Oki. Let's get the URL of the package $updateInfo = LiveUpdate::getUpdateInformation(); $config = LiveUpdateConfig::getInstance(); $auth = $config->getAuthorization(); $url = $updateInfo->downloadURL; // Sniff the package type. If sniffing is impossible, I'll assume a ZIP package $basename = basename($url); if(strstr($basename,'?')) { $basename = substr($basename, strstr($basename,'?')+1); } if(substr($basename,-4) == '.zip') { $type = 'zip'; } elseif(substr($basename,-4) == '.tar') { $type = 'tar'; } elseif(substr($basename,-4) == '.tgz') { $type = 'tar.gz'; } elseif(substr($basename,-7) == '.tar.gz') { $type = 'tar.gz'; } else { $type = 'zip'; } // Cache the path to the package file and the temp installation directory in the session $target = $tmpdir.DS.$updateInfo->extInfo->name.'.update.'.$type; $tempdir = $tmpdir.DS.$updateInfo->extInfo->name.'_update'; $session = JFactory::getSession(); $session->set('target', $target, 'liveupdate'); $session->set('tempdir', $tempdir, 'liveupdate'); // Let's download! require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/download.php'; return LiveUpdateDownloadHelper::download($url, $target); } public function extract() { $session = JFactory::getSession(); $target = $session->get('target', '', 'liveupdate'); $tempdir = $session->get('tempdir', '', 'liveupdate'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.archive'); return JArchive::extract( $target, $tempdir); } public function install() { $session = JFactory::getSession(); $tempdir = $session->get('tempdir', '', 'liveupdate'); jimport('joomla.installer.installer'); jimport('joomla.installer.helper'); $installer =& JInstaller::getInstance(); $packageType = JInstallerHelper::detectType($tempdir); if(!$packageType) { $msg = JText::_('LIVEUPDATE_INVALID_PACKAGE_TYPE'); $result = false; } elseif (!$installer->install($tempdir)) { // There was an error installing the package $msg = JText::sprintf('LIVEUPDATE_INSTALLEXT', JText::_($packageType), JText::_('LIVEUPDATE_Error')); $result = false; } else { // Package installed sucessfully $msg = JText::sprintf('LIVEUPDATE_INSTALLEXT', JText::_($packageType), JText::_('LIVEUPDATE_Success')); $result = true; } $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage($msg); $this->setState('result', $result); $this->setState('packageType', $packageType); if($packageType) { $this->setState('name', $installer->get('name')); $this->setState('message', $installer->message); if(version_compare(JVERSION,'1.6.0','ge')) { $this->setState('extmessage', $installer->get('extension_message')); } else { $this->setState('extmessage', $installer->get('extension.message')); } } return $result; } public function cleanup() { $session = JFactory::getSession(); $target = $session->get('target', '', 'liveupdate'); $tempdir = $session->get('tempdir', '', 'liveupdate'); jimport('joomla.installer.helper'); JInstallerHelper::cleanupInstall($target, $tempdir); $session->clear('target','liveupdate'); $session->clear('tempdir','liveupdate'); } public function getSRPURL($return = '') { $session = JFactory::getSession(); $tempdir = $session->get('tempdir', '', 'liveupdate'); jimport('joomla.installer.installer'); jimport('joomla.installer.helper'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $instModelFile = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_akeeba/models/installer.php'; if(!JFile::exists($instModelFile)) return false; require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_akeeba/models/installer.php'; $model = JModel::getInstance('Installer', 'AkeebaModel'); $packageType = JInstallerHelper::detectType($tempdir); $name = $model->getExtensionName($tempdir); $url = 'index.php?option=com_akeeba&view=backup&tag=restorepoint&type='.$packageType.'&name='.urlencode($name['name']); switch($type) { case 'module': case 'template': $url .= '&group='.$name['client']; break; case 'plugin': $url .= '&group='.$name['group']; break; } if(!empty($return)) $url .= '&returnurl='.urlencode($return); return $url; } }