-------------------------------------------- Language File Manager for VirtueMart (formerly known as mambo-phpShop) Abbrevation: VMLFM -------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.1c - ONLY FOR VIRTUEMART 1.1! -------------------------------------------- ABOUT # # # # # # # # # # # # This component is a tool for everyone who is using VirtueMart and wants to safely maintain or modify a language file or all language files at once. INSTALLATION # # # # # # # # # # # # As wrote before, this is a component and thus should be installed as every Joomla! component: just use the component installer and upload the ZIP package file. WHAT IS THIS GOOD FOR? # # # # # # # # # # # # 1. This component is a tool for developers, working on VirtueMart! Did you ever add a language variable and had to add it to every language file manually or using diff scripts? Forget that now, this VMLFM cares for that. You just have to add a language "token" and a default english value for it and the VMLFM adds it to each available language file. Ever wanted to modify a language token like _PHPSHOP_SOME_VERY_LONG_UNREADABLE_VARIABLE_NAME to look like _PHPSHOP_A_SHORT_NAME ? Just rename that token in the "edit token" form and all language files are updated. If you leave a token name empty, it is removed from all language files. 2. This component is a tool for store owners... Somehow it of course eases the way to modify language strings. And it supports you while writing: you don't need to care for XHTML compliance! All special characters (e.g. in germany we have those umlauts: ö, ü, ä) are converted to their HTML entities when updating the language file. ANYTHING ELSE? # # # # # # # # # # # # Yes. Do you have a good idea how to improve the work of a Joomla/VirtueMart developer like yourself? Let us know! If you can code a tool like this one: just do it! ------------------ soeren@virtuemart.net --- version 1.1c by Pisu (thepisu@gmail.com)