setQuery( $q );
if( $jdatabase->getNumRows() ) {
$component_installed = true;
$q = "SELECT id FROM #__modules as m WHERE m.module='mod_virtuemart'";
$jdatabase->setQuery( $q );
if( $jdatabase->getNumRows() ) {
$module_installed = true;
echo "
echo "VirtueMart Getter / Downloader Script
echo '
echo '
This script will help you to transfer the Installation Files for VirtueMart to this Server. It downloads the latest Component or Module Install Package directly ';
echo 'from the VirtueMart Developer Portal to your server. This is especially helpful when your Joomla! site is located on a remote Server with a fast Internet Connection,';
echo ' but it will also work for a local Server. Note that a direct Internet Connection is needed anyway! Just click on "Begin Download" and the Script will do the Rest.
echo "";
echo "1. Component Download | 2. Module Download |
if( $component_installed ) {
echo '
The VirtueMart Component is already installed on this Server. | ';
else {
echo " | ";
if( $module_installed ) {
echo '
The VirtueMart Main Module is already installed on this Server. | ';
else {
echo " | ";
echo "
if( $module_installed && $component_installed ) {
$q = "SELECT `id` FROM `#__components` as c WHERE c.option='com_virtuemartremoteinstaller'";
$jdatabase->setQuery( $q );
$Item = Array();
$eid = $jdatabase->loadResult();
echo "
echo "
Uninstall the VirtueMart Remote Installer Component
echo "";
function installVirtueMart( $remote_file ) {
global $mainframe, $extract_dir;
// Step 1: Download the file com_virtuemart_x.x.tar.gz
// from
if( empty($_POST['downloaddir']))
$downloaddir = JPATH_SITE.DS."media";
$downloaddir = $_POST['downloaddir'];
if( !is_writable( $downloaddir ) ) {
return false;
$element = jrequest::getVar('element') == 'component' ? 'component' : 'module';
$local_file = $downloaddir.DS.'virtuemart_'.$element .'.zip';
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . DS."downloader.php");
$downloadMethods = array(
new CurlDownloader(),
new WgetDownloader(),
new FopenDownloader(),
new FsockopenDownloader()
foreach( $downloadMethods as $method ) {
if( $method->isSupported() ) {
$downloader = $method;
if( !$downloader->download( $remote_file, $local_file ) ) {
$mainframe->redirect( 'index.php?option=com_virtuemartremoteinstaller', 'Failed to download the Package File!' );
// Step 2: Extract the file com_virtuemart_x.x.tar.gz
// to downloaddir/XXXXXXXX/
$uniqueid = uniqid( "vm_" );
if( @mkdir( $downloaddir.DS.$uniqueid ) )
$extract_dir = $downloaddir.DS.$uniqueid;
$extract_dir = $downloaddir;
if( JArchive::extract($local_file, $extract_dir ) !== false ) {
echo "
Extraction successful!
unlink( $local_file );
return true;
else {
$mainframe->redirect( 'index.php?option=com_virtuemartremoteinstaller');
function installFromDir( $element ) {
global $extract_dir;
The script has successfully downloaded and extracted the VirtueMart on your Server.
Just click on 'Install' to Install the VirtueMart now.