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Max Milbers, 12/21/2011 02:38 AM

General JS-Problems with templates and jQuery

jQuery is often used by templaters and other extensions. jQuery must not loaded more than one time. To prevent incompatibilities, you can easily switch off the loading of the virtuemart jQuery library.

Look for this at /administrator/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=config tab templates.

The options for you important are:
Using the Virtuemart jQuery
Using the product Scripts
Using the Script ajax Countries / Regions

Most jquery conflicts are fixed, when you disable the "Virtuemart jQuery" library.

Slightly different, but simular is the problem, when the backend jQuery is broken. You can recognise it when the menu on the right side is completly expanded and when the store/apply has no effect. This happens, when you do not have access to the jQuery of google. So you need to prevent using the jQuery of google. But you can't store the configuration. So you must

edit the virtuemart.cfg file in /administrator/components/com_virtuemart
and change google_jquery=1 to google_jquery=0

Then go in your database and empty the table _virtuemart_adminmenuentries. Just use refresh your backend and the problem should be solved.

Updated by Max Milbers about 13 years ago · 2 revisions