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Rick Glunt, 02/09/2010 09:21 AM
Changes in Virtuemart 1.0.5¶
VirtueMart 1.0.x
07-05-2006 soeren
- Itemid issue: the shop was also fetching restricted menu items and used their Itemid, which resulted in "You're not allowed to view this resource..." (ps_session.php)
- added missing Itemid parameter in the product file list (ps_product_files.php) and the PDF-button link (virtuemart.php)
- Task #724 - Coupon discount becomes 0.00 when adding a new item (basket.php)
^ Updated the UPS and USPS shipping modules with the versions contributed by koltz & deneb
- Task #738 — shop.pdf_output.php creates a loop when /usr/bin/htmldoc is available (shop.pdf_output.php)
^ The length of some DECIMAL fields is not enough
# Allow Shopper group discounts up to 100.00%
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_shopper_group` CHANGE `shopper_group_discount` `shopper_group_discount` DECIMAL NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00';
# Allow bigger discounts than 999.99
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_product_discount` CHANGE `amount` `amount` DECIMAL NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00';
# Allow prices up to 9 999 999 999.99
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_product_price` CHANGE `product_price` `product_price` DECIMAL NULL DEFAULT NULL ;
# Adjust order item price
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_order_item` CHANGE `product_item_price` `product_item_price` DECIMAL NULL DEFAULT NULL ;
# Adjust order item final price
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_order_item` CHANGE `product_final_price` `product_final_price` DECIMAL NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00';
# Adjust order total, allowing totals up to 9 999 999 999 999.99
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_orders` CHANGE `order_total` `order_total` DECIMAL NULL DEFAULT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_orders` CHANGE `order_subtotal` `order_subtotal` DECIMAL NULL DEFAULT NULL ;
- Allow larger coupon amounts
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_orders` CHANGE `coupon_discount` `coupon_discount` DECIMAL NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00';
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_coupons` CHANGE `coupon_value` `coupon_value` DECIMAL NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00';
- Allow larger payment discounts
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_orders` CHANGE `order_discount` `order_discount` DECIMAL NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00';
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_payment_method` CHANGE `payment_method_discount` `payment_method_discount` DECIMAL NULL DEFAULT NULL ;
02-05-2006 soeren
- could not update or delete in/from cart for products with single quotes in their attribute name/value (ps_cart.php)
- Task #729 - additional address links in admin (admin.user_form.php)
- Task #733 - Discount causes error message in Order Details page (account.order_details.php
- Task #73 - Order Confirm E-Mail - Plain text & html text of Message differ (ps_checkout.php)
- fixed mis-aligned icons on administraton start page (ps_html.php)
- product type list & form missing an object (product.product_type_list/_form.php)
23-04-2006 soeren
+ Now it is possible to easily inform your customers about their order cancellation rightand your returns policy (as required by law in most european countries!)
=> added 3 new configuration parameters (affected files: ps_config.php, admin.show_cfg.php, checkout.index.php, language files)
! Update your configuration when updating from an earlier version
- hiding attribute price modifiers when the user has no permission to view prices (ps_product_attribute.php)
- Task #722 - Undefined index: coupon_discount in ps_checkout.php
- Task #721 - Trying to get property of non-object in shop.debug.php
- Task #720 - Undefined $VM_LANG in ps_config.php
- Task #719 - User list and user registration not compatible with UserExtended Component (ps_perm.php, admin.user_list.php)
- Task #715 - List Prices not showing since upgrade to 1.0.4 (ps_product.php, function show_prices)
- Task #560 - Clone Product with Child Products (added "SHOW" as result-returning-case ps_database.php)
- Task #675 - No permissions to view products after search (virtuemart.searchbot.php)
- Task #698 - Lost password link uses relative link instead of absolute (mod_virtuemart.php)
- Task #707 - Payment method at the end of the checkout is not shown (ps_checkout.php)
- Task #703 - Continue Shopping appears after modifying order details in shopping cart
^ registered users (logged in) who are NOT registered as a customer (no billing address and
no shopper group) now get the "default" shopper group id when browsing the shop. (ps_perm.php)
- Task #705 - Product Type Pagelinks are not working due to wrong $num_rows
- Task #706 - Session Problems in Mambo 4.5.3h (closing opened sessions when session.auto_start=1, ps_session.php)
- search for the correct flypage lead to endless loop (ps_product.php)
- Task #686 - VirtueMart and Mambo 4.6.0 (admin.user_form.php. virtuemart_parser.php)
- Task #646 - Search according to Parameters incorrect query
- Task #642 - Set Locale Error (virtuemart_parser.php)
02-04-2006 soeren
- Task #632 - get_flypage doesn't take into consideration parent products (ps_product.php)
- Task #631 - Customer Unable to Remove Data from Bill To / Ship To Fields (ps_shopper.php)
- Task #629 - PayFlow Pro does not handle 4 digit expiration dates gracefully
- Task #511 - Discount % percentage is ignored by cart (ps_product.php)
- Page redirection on error from Ship-To address from fixed, thanks TJ! (account.shipto.php)
30-03-2006 soeren
^ integrated the changes to the class by Daniel Wagner ( wrong object names in PayPal notify.php script lead to a fatal error
- Task #656 - "Remember Me" must be enabled to checkout, checkout_registration_form.php
- tooltip function: added charset parameter to encode UTF-8 strings too, htmlTools.class.php
+ introduced a new function called "vmGetCharset" to return the current charset from the _ISO setting (UTF-8 by default), ps_main.php
- query error in ps_affiliate.php
- fixed reviews listing ("More..." - link when more than 5 reviews exist for a product) in the frontend (ps_reviews.php)
- fixed page navigation on product review list in adminsitration (product.review_list.php)
+ customer name on order list (thanks to deneb!), (order.order_list.php) - Fixed PayPal notify.php script:
- wrong field name (` order_currency` instead of `order_currency`)
- checking received currency and amount against database - parameter search query missing a `
27-03-2006 soeren
- version.php causing fatal error regarding "class vmVersion previously declared..."
- Prices visible to all users, although restricted
- Admin Menu not visible with chinese language file (htmlentities missing third (=Charset) parameter)
- CSV Export doesn't export parent product SKU (parent-child relationship gets lost)
- fixed a small typo in the product scroller module
---- VirtueMart 1.0.3 released ----
23-03-2006 soeren
- Order "Print View" link lead to a 404 error
+ ProductScroller module: added the category_id parameter to the XML file, so you can now specify a category_id (or a comma-separated list of more than one category_id)
to filter the products by (multiple) category/ies - Product Reviews are not added to the database, although the vote is added
^ Payment method preselecection: the first displayed payment method is always pre-selected now
- "delete from cart" fails when the custom attribute value contains quotes
- can't assign more than one product type to a product
- Task #622 - Order Update Time is Wrong
- Task #601 - Show the Number of Products in a Category
+ for debugging: added '@ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );' to virtuemart_parser.php
for making PHP errors visible
^ changed behaviour for HTTPS links when in HTTPS mode.
When the user is NOT on "checkout" or "account" pages, all links are generated using the http://... URL
This will allow leaving the HTTPS mode 2 after the order has been placed. - Task #490 - adding attributes error on sub-items
- Task #518 - Reports miss same-day orders
- Task #558 - Bug in report basic module
^ showing "no image" image when a product thumbnail image is not available - Task #470 - Close tablerow after Categorylisting
+ products can be viewed using the SKU now. Works for the product details page:
Instead of "&product_id=XX" just use "&sku=YY" where YY stands for the SKU of the product - credit card number not checked on form submit, another bug, same reason: payment method can be left unchecked
+ added: autocomplete="off" to the credit card form to prevent sensible information being prefilled
+ Order item status update by manelzaera - Task #617 - Wrong image path in account.billing.php
- Task #615 - Cannot add multiple Product Types to a Product
16-03-2006 soeren
- Sort ASC / DESC icon not working on Internet Explorer
- wrong query in payment module for Linkpoint (ps_linkpoint.php)
^ restricting prices by user access level can be completely
disabled in the shop administration now (useful for people using ACL extensions like JACL) - manufacturer search code contained wrong SQL (shop_browse_queries.php) + various SQL fixes
14-03-2006 soeren
- Fixed the session problems (removed the call to session_id() and various lines of unnecessary code)
12-03-2006 soeren
- users, who are logged in, but not yet registered as customer/shopper
can't directly continue their "checkout" after registration as shopper - users who are logged in, but have an empty "usertype" field don't see prices
- added $manufacturer_id support for caching pages
---- VirtueMart 1.0.3 released ----
11-03-2006 soeren- syntax error in shipping.rate_form.php
- Task #325 Log out does not work
- missing $mosConfig_absolute_path in currency_convert.php
- many short tag fixes (< ? => < ?php )
- Task #566 - DescOrderBy doesn't work with SEF
- more ps_session class fixes to work on Joomla 1.0.8 & Mambo 4.6
seems to me as if some Joomla 1.0.8 users are suffering serious Session problems now
^ setting memory_limit to 16M when it is lower
+ multiple tax rate details in order email
- short php tags in shop.manufacturer_page.php
- Task #551 - Cart showing extra products after adding first item
- Task #562 - Discount deletion problem
- Task #432 - missing ST address in order_user_info when using default address
- Task #482 - error with multiple mod_virtuemart
- Task #541 - IE gets error in admin orders
- View by Manufacturer: Products without prices not shown
+ new global variable $VM_BROWSE_ORDERBY_FIELDS, contains all sort-by fields for the browse page
^ moved $orderby code to shop.browse.php and shop_browse_queries.php
+ new configuration constant: VM_BROWSE_ORDERBY_FIELD can be [product_name|product_price|product_cdate|product_sku]
+ added "ob_start" to the session class to prevent HTML output BEFORE the template is loaded ( Task #553 - Product Display)
^ tax rates in drop-down list in product form are ordered by rate, descending now
28-02-2006 soeren
- tax total calculated based on product tax rate when TAX_MODE = 1 (store-address based tax mode)
- Task #536 - vendor info page error
- page navigation on browse pages contained the live site URL.
22-02-2006 soeren
- standard shipping module doing wrong number_format when amount is greater than 999.99
- fixed: multiple tax rates / subtotal re-calculation when discounts are applied
- ps_product_category::get_cid => category ID query not executed
- attribute prices being displayed without tax, although "show prices including tax" is active
- totals getting stored without decimals: changed "setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, 'en' )" to "setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, 'en_US' )"
+ page title on order details page in account maintenance - checkout login form using sefRelToAbs for $return
^ using the same "Add-to-cart" image as in product_details in browse page now - tax rates were stored with 0.0000 value
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_product_mf_xref` CHANGE `product_id` `product_id` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL
- Store multiple-tax-rates details for each order when applicable
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_orders` ADD `order_tax_details` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `order_tax` ;
21-02-2006 soeren
- Task #525 - USPS shipping module: User details SQL query
- order email: text part had ugly HTML entities in it (e.g. € )
^ file downloads (paid downloads): reading and sending the file is now handled by a new function
(previously: readfile, now: vmReadFileChunked ) - fixes for compatibility with Joomla 1.1.x, still maintaining backwards compatibility with Mambo
- added $vmInputFilter to global declaration list in virtuemart.php
- virtuemart module dealing with wrong module paths
- ps_perm needed its own ACL manipulation methods
- ps_session doesn't need to append "&Itemid=" in the backend
17-02-2006 soeren
- When price field left empty and product had no price, a price record (0) was added.
- Task #456 - Foreign adress give error on checkout
If you leave the ZIP start or end fields empty, automatically "00000" or "99999"
is inserted. This was a trap for many users. - Task #515 - Problem with after upgrade
- Task #519 - Fatal error when adding a manufacturer
- linkpoint class using wrong user information query (ps_linkpoint.php)
- order list query error
+ order and user list can be filtered by full name now
(before it was possible to search for the first name OR the last name, not both at the same time)
14-02-2006 soeren
- Task #514 - add to cart URL does not always work
- Task #509 - Deleting manufacturer bug
- Task #495 - Related products list doesn't update with new products:
now displaying 2000 related products instead of 1000. - Task #483 - fatal error in admin.user_form.php in line 101
- Task #480 - Various Errors (one fatal) in vm_dtree.php
- Task #474 - Changing default flypage is broken
- Task #473 - Free Shipping broken: SQL statement in global.php
- Task #471 - The script sleight.js isn't loaded when SEF URLs is on
- Task #468 - wrong variable in standard_shipping.php
- Task #455 - Silent registration not working
- "empty cart bug" using Mambo 4.5.3h
- Task #502 - Deleting User From VirtueMart
- Task #486 - HTTPS Error In Virtuemart.cfg.php (not every server uses port 443 for secure connections)
---- VirtueMart 1.0.2 released ----
19-01-2006 soeren- Deleting a product didn't delete the product <-> product type relationship,
so you couldn't delete the product type
- Task #443 - Registration not possible with .info domain
- Task #418 - Can't assign multiple product types to a product
- Task #417 - Changing status to 'C' for auth net settle del. trans ID!
- product list not showing all search options
- Using recent Itemid instead of 1, when the Shop has no own Itemid
- Task 412 - no tax on attributes
- Task 413 - wrong price on details page when using quantity-based prices
+ added Australia Post shipping module by Ben Wilson ( - mosproductsnapshot Mambot wouldn't correctly display linked images
+ Download ID "hack" by Eugene, wooly, scott, joomlasolutions!
Customers can get their download IDs for downloading files
directly from the order details page (products are linked)
+ showing filesize for files which are listed on the product details page (by djlongy)
- Task #433 Blocked message (popup) on registration
- mod_productscroller not using category ID for filtering products
^ silently registered users don't have to remember their old usernames now (Task #385 returning hidden/silent users can't use the same email address)
- order list: searching by user names won't work
- product prices can be zero or empty now. When the product price is left empty in the product form, an existing price will be deleted and no price will be added.
^ PayPal payment extra info now subtracts order and coupon discounts from the order subtotal
^ Now it's possible to checkout with $0 in the cart. Allows free purchases using gift coupons. - Tax total is zero although user's country/state combinination has a matching tax rate record (when CHECKOUT_STYLE = 3 or 4)
- Task #364 "thank you for your patience...": wrong Waiting list link
- Task #386 "New user couldn't be added"
- currency_convert including wrong DOMIT files.
- user list has no valid user id in the delete link (deleting didn't work)
- Task #63: Prices are stored in the session and do not change on update
- wrong xhtml syntax in mod_virtuemart_search
- Task #374: Incorrect "Title" wording on [Featured & Discounted Products] Screen
- Task #372: Product Search doesn't work when Joomla Caching is ON
(product search pages were cached, so the search function could only be used once)
- "product_list" search not working, when a category is selected
^ Extra Fields are now visually integrated in the registration form, not appended at the end
^ more debug output in standard_shipping module (only when DEBUG is turned on)
^ attributes are formatted now in the order print screen - just as in the frontend
+ attributes of child products (which were selected by the customer) are stored now which each order
- fixed a bug in the frontend order listing (account maintenance section), which showed no search box and page navigation
- fixed a bug in global.php, where an administrator, which has no record in the table
jos_vm_auth_user_vendor wouldn't get the vendor information (and see prices in the backend with no decimals)
- added a routine to unpublish mambo-phpShop mambots on upgrade
- added checks for the existance of files which are to be loaded
- added a check if $ps_shopper_group is an instantiated ps_shopper_group object to admin.user_form.php
- renamed all occurences of $PHP_SELF to $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
- fixed a bug in the page navigation on the browse page (document.adminForm is null or not an object)
---- VirtueMart 1.0.1 released ----
28-11-2005 soeren^ renamed the vmLog function 'flush' to 'printLog' to prevent early flushing (was it caused by the function name?? would be another curious php bug)
! wrong error handling when a user is not allowed to view the requested page (Security Issue).
- wrong featured products links on storeadmin homepage
- PDF output not working
- calling html_entity_decode with an empty string crashed Apache and VM (class.phpinputfilter.php)
- setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, 'en' ) is used globally for ensuring that numbers are handled with decimal points
- fixed a parser error in the random products module
---- VirtueMart 1.0.0 final released ----
23-11-2005 soeren- vmPopUpLink generating window with same value for width and height
- removed whitepace at the end of ps_main.php
- even when no discount was selected in the product form, a discounted end price was filled in
- when user is assigned to a Shoppergroup which doesn't exist, the default one is used now (thanks to esteve!)
- CSV-Export: removed export of "product_special" field, because it's not included in the default CSV configuration
- CSV-Export running incorrect query (empty file received)
- filenames didn't include the full path
- problem with filemanager: "The request file wasn't found"
^ small DB structure change to allow negative quantities for "jos_vm_product.product_in_stock" (just removed the UNSIGNED attribute)
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_product` CHANGE `product_in_stock` `product_in_stock` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL; - wrong height of full-image-popUp-window in product details
^ (or bug fix?): added ob_start according to this bug report:
^ fixed the laoyut for IE in "Your store::control panel"
+ added login form to account maintenance pages to allow quick login
17-11-2005 soeren
^ removed the "VirtueMart already installed?" check to allow manual installation.
^ extended ps_html::writableIndicator to process arrays with more than one directory
+ integrated Verisign Payflow Pro payment module into VirtueMart
16-11-2005 soeren
^ splitted up and renamed "/sql/virtuemart.installation.mysql.sql"
into "/sql/virtuemart.installation.joomla.sql"
and "/sql/virtuemart.installation.mambo.sql"
where it is added to as "README.txt"
- not getting the correct billto address
^ improved the debug and error message reporting in payment module
- switched to vmLogger in payment and shipping modules
- switched to new user_info table in payment and shipping modules
- fixed a small bug in the ps_shopper.php
+ new: bulgarian language file - "Credit Card type not found" error would prevent checkout.
- users couldn't rename their username in account maintenance (ps_shopper.php)
- small notices in ps_checkout.php
- renamed 'Log' to 'vmLog' in virtuemart_parser.php
- fatal error: prices can't be deleted (ps_product_price.php, product.product_price_list.php)
- renamed class 'Log' to 'vmLog'
- standard shipping module not accepting valid rates onValidate
---- 1.0.0 RC3 released ----
08-11-2005 soeren- installation displays a log now
- installation would copy files with wrong permissions on upgrade
- product list empty when browsing child products of a product from pages no. >= 2
- ps_checkout typos
- "Empty Cart" - fixed a bug where the session id would have been changed on each page load
what made keeping items in the cart impossible
07-11-2005 soeren
- task #252 (Japanese Yen Currency symbol affects attribute list line break)
- unpublished products were counted in "products in category".
- task #249 (a bug with html_entity_decode ("Warning.....MBCS not implemented"))
- fixed a small notice in vm_dtree.php
---- 1.0.0 RC2 released ----
06-11-2005 soeren- changed all occurences to 'com_phpshop' to 'com_virtuemart' in payment methods
- bug #164 (Admin doesn't accept any input and doesn't change pages)
- fixed a fatal error in the install.php
- when updating the order status from the order list, always a customer notification would be sent
- the Altbody (alternative text part of an email) is utf8_encoded now,
when the language charset is 'utf-8' (standard in all new language files in joomla!)
+ Manufacturer ID is shown in manufacturer_list now
+ added search by product_sku to searchbot
^ payment method and shipping method are validated again on orderAdd - fixed the shipping_rate_id validation in the standard_shipping module
- moved the coupon field back into the cart
- wrong names for new customers in overview
- removed the table prefix replacing function from ps_database
^ changed the url formatting function ps_session::url to use $mm_action_url instead of URL - more fixes to the Shared SSL support (it now logs the user in on the https domain, even when Joomla is used)
- fatal error in payment method form in frontend
- passkey change code didn't work (e.g.
- admin top menu didn't show up when quotes in a module name
- usps module referenced wrong DOMIT! path
- coupon add didn't work
- wrong rounding of the subtotal field
! table structure changed! #####
ALTER TABLE `jos_vm_orders`
CHANGE `order_subtotal` `order_subtotal` DECIMAL NULL DEFAULT NULL; #####
^ refreshed paypal code (removed tax field, charging amount=subtotal+tax and shipping now).
- category_flypage was 'flypage' regardless of the category setting (changed ps_DB::sf() )
^ changed coupon field to be displayed only on the payment method selection screen - percentage coupon was miscalculated on quantity update in cart (thanks gwen)
^ currency symbol in store form is now stored as HTML entity (? => € )
^ payment methods are surrounded by fieldsets now
- changed shopmakeHtmlSafe to use hmtlspecialchars instead of htmlentities
- fixed a lot of queries using a database object instead of ps_DB
- replaced all occurences of mosToolTip by mm_ToolTip
- tax rate is automatically divided by 100 when larger than 1.0
- "view more images" wasn't shown on product details, view_images page had SQL errors
- fixed a bug in ps_order.php, where the mail would have been sent to '' (nobody)
- some fixes for the wz_tooltip (using htmlentities now)
^ page navigation links only show up when more results are there to display than $limit
+ added page navigation to order list in account maintenance section
+ added tax amount to paypal payment form code - fixed a big bug in the SQL update of the user data to VirtueMart
+ added quick (un)publish feature to category and payment method list
- files admin.user.hmtl.php, store.user.html.php
^ restricted access to the user list & form to conform with joomla's user component access
+ added new class vmAbstractObject
+ added new handlePublishState function (class vmAbstractObject)
^ changed productPublish function to handlePublishState
! Database table entry changed: ##############
UPDATE `jos_vm_function` SET `function_name` = 'changePublishState',
`function_class` = 'vmAbstractObject.class',
`function_method` = 'handlePublishState',
`function_description` = 'Changes the publish field of an item, so that it can be published or unpublished easily.' WHERE `function_id` =139 LIMIT 1 ; ##############
+ added debugging to image upload function
- Bug #181 ? Can't add new prices to product
- Bug #174 ? Checkout using USPS Module, fixed path to xml domit! library
^ renamed /html/VERSION.php to /html/footer.php
^ changed the colors of the order list to joomla css classes (account maintance section) - FR #127 font size in tab headings too big in safari browser
+ added new language tokens for the Log integration - Bug #166 ? virtuemart-beta4-shared SSL
- Bug #173 - Registration with e-mails over 25 characters
- bug #176 - beta4: message tax included displayed even if OFF
^ FR #125 vendor name in shopper group drop-down
- fixed a bug where "" couldn't be used for username (converting - to _ now)
^ file uploading errors are handled better now
+ introduced new global Log object for better Error Message Handling
See for docs.
The class and its child classes can be found in /classes/Log. VM uses a modified version
of the display class. Support for buffering and formatting depending on priority was added.
+ added ability to change username + password through shop's billing form
- waiting list extension printing errors...
- fixed various bugs in modules (vm_dtree, vm_transmenu, vm_JSCook, vm_product_categories, vm_productscroller)
- category_id is lost when (un)publishing a product directly from the product list
- fixed session debug messages, a session isn't started in the backend now
- fixed various installation / update bugs
^ changed Mail functions * renamed mShop_Mailer to vmMailer * added the functions vmMail (similar to mosMail) and vmCreateMail( similar to mosCreateMail) * line-ending fix for Mac & Win problems sending mail (Could not instatiate mail function)
- made labels for payment methods clickable
- fixed bug #137 'unpublished products can become related products'
19-10-2005 schirmer
- fixed Top10 module showing products multiple times if it has more than one category
18-10-2005 soeren
^ Changed the field jos_vm_order_item.product_item_price from DECIMAL to DECIMAL to prevent rounding errors
ALTER TABLE `mos_vm_order_item` CHANGE `product_item_price` `product_item_price` DECIMAL NULL DEFAULT NULL;
- changed cart initialitation function from "ps_cart" to "initCart"
- fixed bug #135 Cannot use a scalar value as an array
- bug in product folder view
^ introduced new blue icons - bug in product file form + filemanager
- user registration required email, although no email field was there
- credit card payment wasn't recognized correctly on order details screens
^ added Credit Card details to order confirmation email
^ last 4 digits of a Credit Card number are masked by asterisks now (security!) in administration - fixed the PDF function (a file was missing php code), updated HTML2FPDF to version 3.02beta
- prices from advanced attribute field didn't include shopper group discount,
when the price was set to a fixed price ( Color,blue,green[=45.00]; ) - dtree module crashed - missing global $db declaration
- On registration an error from the Joomla registration function would empty all fields
+ added new Version check link to admin section - keyword length is restricted to 50 from now on (security), prevents 10000 characters long keyword via URL
- wz_tooltip.js is included now whenever mm_ToolTip was called
^ The registration & billto form have been completely rewritten
The are built out of a loop now, that runs through an array with all fields and
marks required fields. This prepares the integration of a form & field management
component! You can already now easily re-arrange the fields by changing their order.
+ Added complete JS validation to the registration / billto forms
Uses vmCommonHTML::printJS_formvalidation() to print a JS form validation function
- fixed a bug in the shopper-registration of a registered user
+ added SwitchCard support to CC numbers validation
^ moved to class vmInputFiler to prevent SQL injection
(we always had our own basic protection against that, but vmInputFilter was especially made for that)
To secure a variable just use $variable = $vmInputFilter->safeSQL( $variable );
- fixed a dumb bug in the function ps_product_attributes::cartGetAttributes
(allowed to add products without choosing attributes)
^ moved ACL code for 'show_prices' authentication into ps_perm::prepareACL()
^ moved cart initialization code into a new constructor for ps_cart
^ moved Session initialization code into ps_session::initSession(); a new constructor calls this on class instantiation
09-10-2005 soeren
+ new Configuration parameter VM_SILENT_REGISTRATION
allows users to "silently" register into Mambo/Joomla
means they don't have to fill in a username and password at the registration.
! you can use the configuration panel to set this value; default: 1 (=enabled)
08-10-2005 soeren
+ added new configuration parameter VM_PRICE_ACCESS_LEVEL
The value is the name of a Joomla user group, default: "Public Frontend"
It can be used to restrict the price display to certian membergroups (including their childs)
+ added new configuration parameter VM_PRICE_SHOW_INCLUDINGTAX
A flag to turn on or off the message (including 8.5% tax) behind a price display
+ added new configuration parameter VM_PRICE_SHOW_PACKAGING_PRICELABEL
A flag to switch between usual price labels or packaging price labels (which are used, when Packaging Units are set)
^ re-arranged fields in the configuration panel
+ new function vmPopupLink to quickly generate a JS + XHTML compliant link
- TopTen module optimized (ran 11 queries before on 10 products, now ONE)
06-10-2005 soeren
^ updated the PayPal Form Code according to this post (
- tax list optional with onChange field. product_form automatically edits the price fields if tax is changed.
- public frontend fixed. New menu buttons didn't send admin state pshop_mode variable.
- typos in install script
- missing / in dummy phpshop file
+ added new product discount "overrides" to the product form which can be used to
fill in a discounted end user price, from which a discount will be calculated and added to the product discount list
- fixed a bug in install.php
+ added a new CVS module 'build_scripts', so you can build your installers
04-10-2005 soeren
^ moved the Shipping Rates and Carriers of the standard shipping module into sample data file
^ the class ps_user registers users into VirtueMart (function for admins!)
^ the class ps_shopper registers Shoppers into VirtueMart (function add for Shoppers)
^ Changed the registration process to use the registration component of Mambo/Joomla
- file shop.registration.php
! User Management no longer uses modified Mambo files, but includes needed functions.
- file admin.users.html.php
^ Updated Montrada payment class for VirtueMart
- Minor fix in url generation in ps_session. If option is specified com_virtuemart will not be appended.
- Category count now displays correct count for vendors
- Error messages from ps_product now are space seperated for better readability
01-10-2005 soeren
- Removed many fields from the table jos_vm_modules which are not longer necessary (and were actually never needed)
! Updated all SQL files and the Installation script
! Beginning to change the code to not to use mos_users table for customer information
! ### Database Structure Changes ### !
Details: /sql/UPDATE-SCRIPT_mambo-phpshop_1.2_stable-pl3_to_VirtueMart_1.0.sql
^ Changed all tooltips to use wz_tooltip, this gives always working tooltips - even on tabbed forms
+ added JS ToolTip by Walter Zorn to VirtueMart
- frontend administration can't load page
- missing pshop_mode=admin in inventory for links
- ps_affiliate undefined index afid on checkout in register_sale function
^ list_year in ps_html changed to dynamic year list - store.index only shows apropriate options and information. no links to unusable modules or non-vendor specific stats
- fixed duplicate files listed on flypage
- updated all files to use com_virtuemart as path
- updated all queries to use {vm} as shop table prefix
- fixed product file listing
- renamed phpshop.php to virtuemart.php
- added "update to virtuemart" routines to install.php
- Domit! libraries are not longer included in VirtueMart, Mambo provides them
- WYSIWYG Editor not loading in frontend admin
^ Frontend Administration uses the backend toolbar now (shared administration)
^ changed the file headers of all files to carry the new name (VirtueMart) and a copyright notice
- fixed the "product inventory" and "special products" list
25-09-2005 soeren
! configuration constant SEARCH_ROWS (deprecated) is to be replaced by $mosConfig_list_limit
- removed Mail configuration from configuration form (dropping support for Mambo < 4.5.1 )
- removed configuration constant MAX_ROWS.
^ changed the configuration file (virtuemart.cfg.php) to build URLs and Paths from Mambo configuration variables
This means that you don't have to adjust your configuration file when moving a site.
^ updated all forms to use the new formFactory class and it's methods
+ new class formFactory for managing common form tasks in all administration forms in virtuemart
18-09-2005 soeren
^ Language files are updated. Language Strings can be returned as HTML Entity-encoded Strings.
* class vmAbstractLanguage is the base class for all language files.
* function _() returns an html entity-encoded string
! language classes extend class vmAbstractLanguage from now on. mosAbstractClass is deprecated.
- file mos_4.6_code.php will be removed.
* vmAbstractLanguage & mosAbstractLanguage class moved into language.class.php
* mosMailer / mosCommonHTML compat code moved into ps_main.php
+ changed the product files list to show images in a tooltip
- added code to prevent that manufacturers are deleted which still have products assigned to it
- changed virtuemart_parser.php not to be greedy on variables when $option is NOT "com_virtuemart"
this should fix conflicts with variables of the same name used by other components
^ Updated the toolbar to allow batch delete / (un)publishing of items in lists
^ Changed complete page navigation to Mambo style (also remembers list positions!) - Product Quantity wasn't updated in cart when adding the same product again
! functions search_header and search_footer will be removed. Don't use them. Use the class listFactory and its methods instead.
^ changed all shop administration lists to use the new class listFactory. No more HTML Code in those lists!
+ added new file "htmlTools.class.php" containing a listFactory for admin lists
+ added new file "pageNavigation.class.php" (copy of the administrator/includes/pageNavigation.php)
+ added new file "/js/functions.js" for JS functions in the administration area
^ mod_virtuemart: changed the default value for "Pre-Text" to "" (empty!)
- product search not handling keywords as separate search words, but as one (normal search)
01-09-2005 soeren
+ added a CSS file called shop.css to /css: will control all shop specific layout in the future
^ moved some program logic from virtuemart_parser.php to their appropriate classes
- products with a single quote (') didn't have a visible product image
^ upated the CSV documentation
^ product form: moved the discount drop-down list to product information tab
added a check to test if the IMAGEPATH is writable (see Tab "product images") - Custom Attribute Values would allow the customer to alter the product price (thanks to "Ary Group" <> for reporting that)
26-08-2005 Zdenek Dvorak
+ Now is possible use EXTRA FIELDS in user_info. Just set variable PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_EXTRA_FIELD_X (where X is from 1 to 5)
in language file and new input field will be shown in user's billing and shipping address form and in order details. Size of
extra field 1, 2 and 3 is 255 chars. Size of extra field 4 and 5 is one char and they are shown as input select field.
For reasonable using extra field 4 and 5 is needed change items of input select in functions list_extra_field_4
and list_extra_field_5 in file classes/ps_html.php.
You can change position of this fields in form in files: account.shipto.php account.billing.php account.order_details.php
admin.users.html.php admin.user_address_form.php
+ User info in order includes EXTRA FIELDS. ## REQUIRES a DATABASE UPDATE! ##
^ ## Database structure changed ##
ALTER TABLE mos{vm}_order_user_info ADD `extra_field_1` varchar(255) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE mos_{vm}_order_user_info ADD `extra_field_2` varchar(255) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE mos_{vm}_order_user_info ADD `extra_field_3` varchar(255) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE mos_{vm}_order_user_info ADD `extra_field_4` char(1) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE mos_{vm}_order_user_info ADD `extra_field_5` char(1) default NULL;
+ New input field in user's shipping and billing address: phone_2
- wrong address_type in file account.shipto.php
- wrong $missing comparision for address_type_name in files account.shipto.php and admin.user_address_form.php
- showing $missing_style in file admin.user_address_form.php
- URL for editing shipping address in file admin.users.html.php
+ New variables in language file
12-08-2005 Zdenek Dvorak
+ New feature in backend: You can search products by:
- modified date of product (You can search products which are very old and need update or which are new and need be checked)
- modified date of product's price (Very usefull if you use price synchronizing with other system - e.g. company accountancy)
- products with no price
+ New features: unit & packaging ## REQUIRES a DATABASE UPDATE! ##
You can set unit of product, number units in packaging and number units in box. For showing packaging in product_details is
needed use in flypage {product_packaging} - see html/templates/product_details/flypage.php
^ ## Database structure changed ##
ALTER TABLE `mos_{vm}_product` ADD `product_unit` varchar(32);
ALTER TABLE `mos_{vm}_product` ADD `product_packaging` int(11);
^ Now is possible set default product weight unit (pounds) and default product length unit (inches) in language file:
+ New language file for Czech translation (czechiso.php with ISO-8859-2 and czech1250.php with CP1250 codepage)
+ New parameter for modul virtuemart: moduleclass_sfx
- bad showing last_page in cart and show error message if no product_id (no redirecting) (ps_cart.php)
- error message befor login to show account.order_details (ps_main.php)
- error message in no tax_rate (before show Shipping Address) (ps_product_attribute.php)
- bad redirecting if URL == SECUREURL (ps_session.php)
- vertical aligning button "Add to Cart" (shop.product_details.php)
- categories from the category list were not shown in the list under some circumstances
- Slashes were stripped out of text when saving a payment method (extrainfo)
^ moved the SQL Queries out of the file shop.browse.php into shop_browse_queries.php
- Product Type: File mod_virtuemart.php, variable _PHPSHOP_PARAMETER_SEARCH was changed to _PHPSHOP_ADVANCED_PARAMETER_SEARCH
- Tax Total wasn't calculated correctly when MULTIPLE_TAXRATES_ENABLE was set to 1 and a disount was applied
- Product Discounts weren't calculated correctly when PAYMENT_DISCOUNT_BEFORE was enabled (ps_product::get_advanced_attribute_price())
- basket.php didn't calculate the correct Tax Amount when a Coupont has been redeemed
- Coupon Discount wasn't calculated correctly (when Percentage) - ps_coupon::process_coupon_code()
- Quantity Discounts didn't show the correct price in the basket (ps_product::get_price())
- Related Products couldn't be changed in Product Form
^ more changes for Mambelfish compatiblity (added product_id / category_id to various SQL queries)
- Tax Rate for other states didn't return 0 when no tax rate was specified
- Report Basic Module doing an endless loop when showing single products
- Product Form always displaying the name of the first Shopper Group, not saving the price to the correct shopper group
+ CSV: Added the "Skip the first line" feature by Christian Lehmann (thanks!)
so you can just keep the column names in the first line of the CSV file
01-07-2005 Zdenek Dvorak
! changed ToolTip in files ps_product_type.php, shop.parameter_search_form.php, product.product_form.php and
Now is used function mm_ToolTip.
^ changed the PNG Fix to this solution:
(this doesn't let images disappear)
- Checkout not working (Minimum Purchase Order Value not reached)
---- derived from mambo-phpShop 1.2 stable - patch level 3 ----
---- mambo-phpShop 1.2 stable patch level 3 released ----
Updated by Rick Glunt about 15 years ago · 1 revisions