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Max Milbers, 10/21/2011 03:06 PM

Installation of VirtueMart 2 with provided packages

The installation of virtuemart is seperated in two parts. This page assumes that you downloaded 1 package like virtuemart*** This file contains two files one name has the prefix com_virtuemart_ and the other has the prefix com_virtuemart_ext_aio_.

The file with the prefix com_virtuemart_ is the core and should be installed first. This page should help you

After that install the file with prefix com_virtuemart_ext_aio to install all free plugins and modules in one row.

For updating just do a normal install. The installation files work also for updates. You can also use the built in Akeeba Release System.

One file installs the core, the other file installs the extensions like modules for the frontend and different plugins (payment, shipment, customfieds). When you are a beginner you should always install both packages, some pros maybe want to install their plugins manually. Remember when upating the core that you should always use the AIO installer (prefix com_virtuemart_ext_aio) to upate your extensions.

Updated by Max Milbers over 13 years ago · 2 revisions