

Max Milbers

  • Login: Milbo
  • Email:
  • Registered on: 01/11/2010
  • Last connection: 02/03/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 0 0


Project Roles Registered on
VirtueMart Project Leader 01/13/2010
TcPdf Project Leader 02/09/2015



02:54 PM VirtueMart Revision 11108 (virtuemart): fixed editing order shipment tax
fixed that a new calculation can be stored with empty publish_up date
last fix for registration in OPC
Max Milbers


11:27 AM VirtueMart Revision 11107 (virtuemart): Fixed cartoptions for the BS5 OPC , just guest, register optional, only register
Added function getRegisterGuestOptions to decide if we need registration, and extra registration text Max Milbers


04:59 PM VirtueMart Revision 11106 (virtuemart): - router fix for full tree cat and mixed menu item and category name mode
- bs5-stockandle layout replaced JFunctions against the vm ones
- fix in model customfields preventing trim for null
Max Milbers


07:33 PM VirtueMart Revision 11105 (virtuemart): Fixed pagination issues. Pagination should now keep the keyword, or set tags
Product model, storing a product should not change the set filter of the list anylonger
fixed that sometimes a non pu...
Max Milbers
07:07 PM VirtueMart Revision 11104 (virtuemart): Blocked writing of js if format is pdf
vmjsapi function setPath, the second param is special now and listens on the word "admin" (which cannot be a normal p... Max Milbers
06:57 PM VirtueMart Revision 11103 (virtuemart): Fixed problem that people misused the notifyList due following
- captcha "repaired" by just replacing the checked option notify_captcha against ask_captcha. This means that the opt... Max Milbers
06:37 PM VirtueMart Revision 11102 (virtuemart): Fixed problem with "is image" checkbox, which is now prechecked. Got also google drive images working (just enter with https...)
fixed captcha by removing second param of redirect
JRoute, second param should be yes (use Xhtml)
fixed storing of us...
Max Milbers


08:24 AM VirtueMart
ReUPP Package, Core + AIO + TcPDF + vmadmin (can be installed as package or extracted) Max Milbers


11:25 AM VirtueMart Revision 11101 (virtuemart): Adjustments for Tableupdater to prevent unecessary updating of keys in mysql8
vmUri extended whitelist, function works now also with given query
vRequest extended function getVar to work with giv...
Max Milbers


08:14 PM VirtueMart
compatible for any vm4 (even maybe vm3) Max Milbers

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