


VM2 Orders and Shoppers Menu » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Kerry Watson, 04/11/2012 06:56 PM) → Revision 4/10 (Kerry Watson, 04/11/2012 06:57 PM)

h1. VM2 Orders and Shoppers Menu 

 h2. Orders Menu 

 h3. Orders 

 A list of all the orders placed by your customers.    Sort by clicking any of the headers. 

 h2. Revenue Report Menu 

 A handy report of income generated during a particular period.    This report can be generated based on the order status. 

 h2. Shoppers Menu 

 A list of all shoppers with their Username and Displayed Name shown along with Group and Shopper Groups. Sort by clicking any of the headers. 

 h2. Shopper Groups Menu 

 If you sell to groups of customers such as wholesalers, employees, family etc. you can display special pricing, shipping or payment methods for these groups.  

 h3. Shopper Group Details 	

 If you sell to groups of customers such as wholesalers, employees, family etc. you can display special pricing, shipping or payment methods for these groups.  


 Give a unique name to your shopper group.   


 Select NO to hide or YES to be visible to customers.   


 A short description about the shopper group. 	

 h3. Show Following Prices  

 Enable shoppergroup specific price display. Check the box to publish, or uncheck the box to hide a specific price display for this group.  	

 h3. Show Following Prices - Show Prices  	

 Check to show prices.    If using catalogue functionality, some don't want prices to appear on pages. 	

 h3. Show Following Prices 	

 How do you want prices to display to members of this group? You must check both ENABLE SHOPPERGROUP SPECIFIC PRICE DISPLAY and SHOW PRICES. 

 h2. Revenue Report Menu 

 A handy report of income generated during a particular period.    This report can be generated based on the order status. 

 h2. Shoppers Menu 

 A list of all shoppers with their Username and Displayed Name shown along with Group and Shopper Groups. Sort by clicking any of the headers. 

 h2. Shopper Groups Menu 

 If you sell to groups of customers such as wholesalers, employees, family etc. you can display special pricing, shipping or payment methods for these groups.  

 h2. Coupons Menu 

 Allows your customers to redeem coupons or gift vouchers by entering a code into a box that appears during checkout.